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Sun Aug 10, 2014 12:07 pm
On the way out of the office he was able to grab many of the villages documents from the library that would help him with training more advanced techniques.  He also located some material published by his father.  It explained the research that he was working on.  Taking it home he read through the book that was almost a message left from his father.  Practicing the use of chakra control Seig read the book while standing on the ceiling.  It seemed that the experiment that had wiped out his clan may have been related to this work.  The book read thusly.
“Chakra is the basic principle behind what the people here call jutsu.  Jutsu is the mystical arts used by the ninja.  Chakra seems to be a flow of energy mixing the physical energy with the mental energy of the body into an energy that can produce various effects.  However to understand these one must go much more in depth into the building of chakra.
What they call Chakra here is divided into 5 basic elements derived from natural energies in the world.  The five energies are Wind, Fire, Water, Earth, and Lightning.  These chakras somehow are able to be internally created and manipulated.  Depending on the chakra alignments that a person is born with that person is able to grow up and learn to utilize those chakras.  When the person is able to produce and control that chakra they then are able to use jutsu that are also aligned with those chakras.  We have found that the chakra is wielded much like our magical power.  On other worlds we similarly we were able to harness elemental energies to perform feats of magic.  In that world the elements were greater in number possessing their own qualities.  Chakra has an odd quality to be able to combine to create other elements such as wood or metal.  Unfortunately we found soon after discovering these things about chakra that our bodies were devoid of this world’s chakra.  However after a lot of work on the subject we found that there was a stone on this world that absorbed our magical energy and converted it into chakra.
The stone was collected and processed by the Edolas family to allow us to exist in this world of ninja.  It turned out that the Hexinite, though useful to us is actually just a normal stone with normal properties to the rest of this world.  The stones after processing and refinement are able to be planted into items such as broaches, amulets, and staves among other mundane items.  Doing this and having the stones in our possession seemed to effect the magical fields around us.  It suppressed the fields into our body and created the flow of chakra through our chakra network like everyone else here. 
For a while there had been a debate on whether or not to embed our newborns with these crystalized stone so that they might grow up with the other children normally without the need for a phylactery.  These debates were soon silenced when the newest member of our clan was born to this world and we found that somehow the boy was born with both the magic aura and the chakra network already functioning.  The boy was the first of us who was a product of our world and this one.  Seig Edolas is the greatest mystery that the Edolas family has still yet to solve.”
Seig was surprised to read his name but continued reading.
“Yes my son was born unique to the Edolas clan and he has the potential to surpass us all.  Some have postulated that the world’s water affected him in his mother’s womb.  This would cause his development to produce the similar characteristics to that of the inhabitants of this world.  However, upon testing the water and other possible catalysts such as the air or solar effects, we have determined that the environment supports no such mutagenic catalysts that would effect us differently from our old world.  It is possible that by simply being here that the concepts of physics and laws of reality are skewed to create this phenomenon in the birth of newborns on this world.
Back to the nature of chakra.  Chakra is a fundamentally internal energy.  It is personal as expressed previously and unique to the individual.  However, similar to muscles the chakra network within the body of a person can be exerted to stretch and expand the extent of the chakra emmited.  Also with age the chakra system tends to grow and develop.  This suggests that the energy flow through our bodies is less intangible than we might think.  If it grows and develops with use it maybe that chakra is an organ like our heart, lungs, and skin.  If this is true it would make sense that those born without chakra would be completely immune to the need for chakra, as seems to be our case.”
Seig read further on into the book.
“After much research and hypothesizing, it is our belief that our magic energy can be transferred from our home across the stars, to us here through amplification of the Hexinite lacrima.  This gem was found deep underground and was excavated with the aid of top secret Amegakure ninja.  The Hexinite all seem to have been derived from this large crystal.  Though we first thought it was an ancient meteorite that had fallen from the sky hundreads of thousands or possibly millions of years ago, after dating the Lacrima we found that surprisingly the stone was buried approximately the same time as we arrived here as well.  This was a miraculous discovery that meant that there was a possibility that there was a connection between us arriving and the stone appearing.  If that was the case it could also be that the Lacrima is some kind of dimensional anchor that allows the transverse of energy and even possibly the way in which we arrived here in the first place.  If that is the case we will be able to use the Lacrima to pull magic energy from our world to this one and use the Lacrima to convert it to Chakra.”
Later on the book read
“Today we shall conduct the first experiment in a series on the Hexinite Lacrima.  We shall entitle the project “The Anima Project”.  This shall be our first step to creating a better world.”
The next entry read.
“We made an unfortunate discovery today.  Upon charging the Lacrima with base electrical positive charge the Lacrima, instead of transferring energy to our side of the Gap as we have begun to call it.  It seems to have transferred ours to the other side.  The Lacrima was charged for only a short second and the effects were felt through our entire clan.  As our son played, his mother and I seemed almost completely drained of our life force.  We have postulated that the lacrima created something similar to a vacuum that transferred our energy back across the gap.  It seemed to only draw on Magical energy and not chakra as only our clan seemed affected by the experiment.  Also Seig seemed untouched as well.  Obviously the suction need to go the other way for us to obtain the energy from our home, so tomorrow we shall test the Lacrima by charging it with base electrical negative charge.  This should reverse the flow and provide us with unending magical power.  Using that we will be able to power the village and defenses forever.”
The book ends there with several pages blank.  It seems that Seig had found his father’s scientific journal.  This seemed very ominous but the book still hadn’t properly explained what had happened.  Perhaps Seig should go visit his father’s secret lab.  It might prove useful in discovering the history of his clan.
However after reading all this he figured he should Speak with The sentinel again.  As much as Seig knew, he knew, he knew he didn’t know more.  Maybe the fox can fill the gaps in his information.  As Seig had little else to do being the village was no longer his responsibility, he thought another conversation with someone would make him feel better.  Perhaps the Fox would be in a better mood.  Heading back to the offices of the Village leader where he had left the fox the last time, Seig practiced several jutsu that he knew on his way there including his clone jutsu.  He had neglected his training recently and that would get him nowhere in this world. 

Once he arrived at the building Seig Headed for the top floor though many things seemed to catch his eye.things he had missed when he was cleaning…But he hadn’t missed anything.  The whole matter frustrated Seig.  He ignored the mess and continued on his way.  It was no longer his concern.  He promised himself to devote his life to the pursuit of knowledge.  These other trivial things shouldn’t bother him anymore.  Walking into the office Seig would stand in the center and say “I’m back.  I need to speak with you.”
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

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Mon Aug 11, 2014 1:14 pm
Kouen had continued to sit inside of the leader's office making it his official room for a bit until he had recieved orders to leave or unless his master had showed up to clarify some of the issues of the village. Inside of the office however it had changed a bit, where the bar was it had became an area for his hammock whereas a couple of bottles had still been around...the fox couldn't get drunk off of human alcohol so it didn't matter how much of it he drunk. Everything else was still the same down to the peice of technology in the back room a place where not even he felt like going.

At the current moment Kouen had been resting his body on the desk of the leader, his feet propped upwards as his tails lingered amongst the floor slowly before moving in a circle like fashion. He was expecting the boy to come back, of course not knowing what would happen this time he welcomed the fact that the boy would try to persuade him again which would be interesting to see. Within the moment the door was knocked upon and the boy came into the room, a single yellow eye would open up and look towards him with a blank grin," So what do you want now pup?," the chair slowly turned as Kouen started at the boy for a moment wondering just what he wanted.
Angel Aburame
Angel Aburame
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Mon Aug 11, 2014 10:48 pm
The Fox had addressed him as soon as he had come in the door .  Seig wasn’t sure what he was going to say as he had approached the room.  He never had been great at explaining all the thoughts in his head but what he needed was clear.  The fox was definitely the better of the two of them in every way.  Seig had figured out that the fox disrespected him with good reason.  Seig was a nobody in its eyes.  He had no talent to speak of he had no way of protecting this village that he had carelessly tried to claim.  His father’s words had struck a chord.  It took more than devotion to be a leader.  It took more than power as well.  Seig knew what it was that he needed.  “I read a book my father wrote.  It seemed that he was leaving me his life’s work.  It got me to thinking.  I’ve spent all this time alone I naturally thought that my life would require me to do everything for myself.  But I can’t do everything for myself.  I have no right to claim the role of protector over something I cannot protect.  I don’t know why I didn’t see it earlier.  But that is where I come to my dilemma.  Just because I am not able to protect this village it does not mean that I will give up.  I need to get stronger but I am unable to do it on my own.  Will you help me get stronger?  You are greatly my superior and I recognize this.  Please teach me.”

Everything was just there when he wanted to speak.  He found the words easily that he was so unsure of before.  Seig hoped the fox would be able to make him stronger since it was the only thing he had seen in so long he wasn’t even sure he would have another chance.  He didn’t want life to slip by and become something that was something he did because why not.  Seig wanted to know everything he wanted to see everything.  The stars and the planets and the way some bugs walked on top of water.  The interacting between electricity and various metals and the effect magnets have on things.  The way the mind works and the way light reflects and the eyes capture it.  Everything about everything was simply fascinating to Seig.  But the world is a dangerous place.  If it doesn’t kill you likely the inhabitants and fauna will.  It was a long hard road to enlightenment but it was the road less traveled and it was the path Seig sought.
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

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Tue Aug 12, 2014 8:42 am
Slowly as the boy spoke he listened for once and actually listened instead of drowning him out for some other task. SO the boy had finally somehow grasped a sense of humility through reading some book left by his father, not that he really understood the whole human family ritual...especially looking at who his master was, but that was a different story. A broad grim came across Kouen's face as he stood up, sliding his feet from the desk and walking over to the small boy whom he towered over and chuckled for a minute," Let's see if you survive first before i even help you get stronger...there are things you can't you, which you seem to be slowly understanding, and things you can do. You don't want to be weak so you come to the strongest human of you, but then again i can't help but give you something since you belittled yourself in front of me," walking back to the desk he would grab two bottles with his tail and shurg.

Looking back to the boy, he determined that he would need to do a little bit...more to train this boy or more specifically a little bit of pain. Looking to the boy he would chuckle and motion him to follow with a wave of his tail," Come on then... and don't say i didn't warn you about this," disappearing into the shadows of the corridor he would walk outside and wait for the boy to come out.
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Tue Aug 12, 2014 3:58 pm
The Fox was still creepy and mean.  ‘Of course he is dummy, you think a day is going to change his opinion of you?’  he thought to himself.  At least the Fox seemed to recognize him a bit more.  He had obviously done something right.  But it seemed now the fox was going to train him harshly.  Seig wanted to be stronger and he would take this training seriously but he knew that the training may be too much for him.  There was a chance that the fox kills him.  To Seig it made sense.  Dippy little kid comes into your house and says he wants to own it, the Fox’s quickest and easiest solution was to get rid of the pest much like Seig did for rats and bugs in the buildings.  ‘Did’ it’s what he did in the buildings.  It wasn’t his job anymore.  Things were going to be much different now that he knew more about the world and how it worked.  It made sense that things would change but he wasn’t sure really what to do.  He would have to get stronger he supposed then he could worry about the world outside.

Seig followed the Fox outside wondering how much pain he was about to be in.  But if this worked he wouldn’t give up.  He didn’t have the luxury of quiting.
Koumatsu the Chain Warden
Koumatsu the Chain Warden
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Wed Sep 03, 2014 8:00 am
Two bottles, no weapons and a little kid to train? Maybe he was a bit drunk, but then again he was going to do this in a similar manner that most would teach a little kid...with improv. Setting up the bottles with his tails, he would step from them and light a single fire at the neck of the bottle and two in the middle of each bottle. It would look like a small range of sorts, but the flames in the middle were of course for a different reason. Taking a stand to the right of the wall in which he had set the bottles on he would point to them," Its simple, knock the bottles down without touching the the top or the middle. Seems easy? Nope, if you thought it was brainy then your wrong," igniting the tips of his fingers he would make a small 5 meter circle around the boy," Do it in the circle, for every thirty seconds i will up the flames...they won't burn you but you will definitely feel the heat of them. After two minutes, you won't be able to see clearly. After four your body is going to have thirty percent of its water drained...and after six you might as well die. In short knock em' down in less than six minutes and we'll move on," before he had forgot he threw five shuriken into the circle making them land in a perfect circle," Oh you have five chances to hit the four bottles...good luck," sitting a small timer down he would press a button and the timer would begin to to tick away.
Angel Aburame
Angel Aburame
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Thu Sep 04, 2014 2:07 pm
Six minutes.  That seemed like a lot of time to throw shuriken at a bottle.  Then again the Fox was tricky.  Seig didn't hesitate he did what he was told.  Crouching down he ran his hands in a circle snatching up the 5 shuriken in one motion.  The second motion was throwing all 5 shuriken.  Shuriken jutsu had been easy to pick up.  When throwing shuriken it was all about air resistance and accuracy and precision.  This is why it was such a popular tool for ninja to use.  Four of the shuriken that he threw were sent directly at the four bottles that were 20 meters away.  the last shuriken would fly at a weird angle sailing up to the left at a 45 degree angle.  He didn't need the extra shuriken though if he could hit them with a simple shuriken toss.
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

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Mon Sep 15, 2014 10:44 am
The fox watched with small amusement as the boy picked up the five shurikent and tossed them towards the bottles, his eyes watching with expert precision, watching as the bottles went down one by one except for one. The last bottle that was supposed to be hit would suddenly phase in and out of existance before the fox chuckled and shook his head. A fox needed to be cunning and tricky especially when doing what it does normally. What he did was simply a small effect of trickery, by using one of his own abilities he would make it seem that the bottle was right in the trajectory of the shuriken but at the last moment it would be seen to be a few angles off. Laughing he would drop the flames and watch as the flames in the middle of the bottles dances and flickered out of existance before striking the boy in the legs, not really burning him but simply giving him a small jolt," Should have looked before throwing, but i guess you can pass with three out of four," shaking his head he would think of what next to train the boy before shrugging," Kay...come at me," not giving no other instructions he would see what the boy would do.
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