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Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
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Enter Maku..........not my best entrance Empty Enter Maku..........not my best entrance

Wed Oct 08, 2014 10:37 am
Maku leader of Yukigakure, left hand of the wind god, one of the most powerful genjutsu users in the known world, the man who defeated the demon priest, holder of the powers the Uchiha coveted...... was currently leaning over a ship and retching like a school boy who over dosed on ipecak.  Every tiny wave that one could barely feel was rendering him powerless.  His eyes were cross eyed as he stared at the water that he was currently defiling with the contents of his stomach.  He barely had the peace of mind to admire the raging storm that parted for the mercantile boat he was on to pass, and enter into the village.  

Once it had docked, with the assistance of two sailors, who held him at a distance to avoid the splatter zone, Maku was dropped off on the dock.  Now, one would think that they would drop him somewhere nice, but apparently these two faceless men were kinda dicks.  So here was Maku, covered in his own sick, laying on the dock taking deep breathes to attempt to steady himself.  After a while....2.5hrs......Maku felt well enough to stand.  He wondered into a local shop and purchased some new clothes.  His combat robes, that granted him a great gift were safely in his pack thank god and had avoided the massacre.  Still a little green in the face, Maku looked at himself in the mirror.  He now wore white and gray camo shorts, and a button up shirt with a pattern of pineapples across it.  He had left most of the buttons undone to give the shirt a light and open feeling.

Wandering out of the shop, he dropped his dripping clothes in a waste bin along the way.  The letter from this Naoki had given him some instructions.  However, he wasn't exactly sure where to go next.  Finding a local bar, Maku walked inside of it.  Sitting on a stool, he would order a pineapple beer and place his head on the bar, with the frothy mug positioned to rest against his forehead.  "I think I will just wait here for awhile"  he thought to himself.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Enter Maku..........not my best entrance Empty Re: Enter Maku..........not my best entrance

Wed Oct 08, 2014 2:10 pm
Naoki received a report of a high chakra signature passing the Storm Circle. It appeared to be only one individual so he figured it would be Maku the leader of Yukigakure, who he recently invited. For now he was busy with something else, so he called a couple Jounin to keep an eye on the guest and escort them where they want if need be.

After a while one of the Jounins reported that the man spent a good two hours laying on the ground, then bought new clothes in a shop and was now in the isle where the docks were. The Uchiha decided this was majorly weird and that it was probably a good idea to take this into his own hands. He would find himself at the isle in question and quickly sense the newcomer's strong chakra. The man would track that chakra to a nearby bar, where he would see a 16 year old, wearing a backpack and ordering a beer. No citizen of Shimagakure would be that brazen and since the chakra appeared to originate from him, Naoki guess that was the guy. The leader would walk up, nod at the barman, who was clearly unsure what to do when an under aged guy just ordered a beer from him. Two bottles would appear on the bar and Naoki would take a seat next to the guest. No doubt a person leading a village would sense Naoki's chakra at this range. "Welcome, I suppose." He would say before taking a sip from one of the bottles, the other being Maku's.
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
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Enter Maku..........not my best entrance Empty Re: Enter Maku..........not my best entrance

Wed Oct 08, 2014 2:37 pm
Den had been in Shima for about a week, enjoying the beach. Shimagakure was much more hospitable than his home village of Kirigakure, despite both being out on the sea Den didn't think they were anything alike. He wished that Eva would come to the village, but she was busy doing other things apparently. What those things were, he didn't know, but if she did finish up soon she wouldn't get to see how nice Shima was.

Den was actually hanging out near the docks when he sensed some chakra nearby. Well not some chakra, a lot of chakra. Naoki and some guy Den had never meant before. Curious, Den would enter the bar, spotting Naoki and the man fairly quickly. Den was dressed rather simply, he had spent mos tof his day at the beach actually. Den's lean, now tan, torso was clearly visible as Den was only wearing a pair of blue swim trunks, as well as a necklace with a golden chain. The necklace had a yellow gem in its center.

"Do you make it a habit to invite interesting people to Shima, Naoki?" Den would chuckle for a moment as his blue eyes looked over the newcomer, curious as to what his purpose was.
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Takeshiyama
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Enter Maku..........not my best entrance Empty Re: Enter Maku..........not my best entrance

Wed Oct 08, 2014 4:24 pm
Head resting on the bar, he was wondering what was taking so long, when a larger chakra signature came into focus.  Thinking to himself, I probably should formulate some kind of defense just in case, Maku closed his eyes and prayed for a quick death if that was what was coming.  However instead, he heard a voice greet him in welcome, and felt the two bottles being sat down.  No sooner was he about to speak than another voice spoke up addressing the man next to him as Naoki, the leader of Shimagakure no less.  Mmmm he probably should have seen him first, this was a bit embarrassing, but no help for it now as it was.

In fact, both men seemed to match his own chakra level.  This was something that did happen, but also wasn't always the norm.  So one leader, and another, Maku wasn't sure who he was, perhaps another Shima nin?  If that was the case this was indeed a strong place.  After all Yuki had no one even close to his chakra level, and his time in Taki had been to brief to really meet anyone.  

Sitting up straight, he would introduce himself to both men, "Thanks for the welcome, Name's Maku, sorry about the delay in introductions, the sea does not agree with me it would seem."  He would say in his happy go lucky voice with a wide smile, and even a wink at the end.  Taking a drink from the bottle, he appreciated the flavor, and the fact that the ground was no longer moving beneath his feet.  Looking at the new comer, he would ask him his name as well, assuming he wasn't introduced by Naoki himself.

Maku's entire demeanor was very informal, he was not a very formal individual as it was, and because of this he was a bit off putting as a leader. He didn't really match up with what most people probably thought of when they thought of individuals leading villages. Indeed, he might just seem like a kid sitting there, not really belonging with such strong individuals around him. Not that Maku minded much, he was happy with how he was.

He would wait before saying anything else. He would let the two men talk, or begin the conversion as it where. Maku was not one to make the first move, even if it was the business venture that he had started. He would wait and see what this Naoki would ask him, what he would do, and how he would act. Maku was a kid in many ways, but despite all outward appearances, he was no fool. He had finally recovered from the sea voyage, and was ready to do what he had come here for. Find other individuals who could aid Youka and his own cause. What was that cause....well I guess everyone would find out soon enough, wouldn't they.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Enter Maku..........not my best entrance Empty Re: Enter Maku..........not my best entrance

Thu Oct 09, 2014 2:13 pm
Naoki would put the beer bottle down, as he sensed Den enter the bar and approach them. He would smirk at the legendary med-nin's comment. No doubt he too was able to sense the power of the boy. Suddenly the guy that just laid on the bar straightened out and quickly introduced himself, while in a very cheerful demeanor, then hitting the beer. He was a bit weird to say the least. Naoki guessed he should introduce Den. "As you probably already figured, I am Naoki Gekou. This is Denkiteki, he is my associate from Tengakure." The Uchiha would gesture at the man, then at the guest, explaining to Den. "Maku is the leader of Yukigakure. So, yeah. Kind of important." He would smile, letting himself join the younger leader in an informal environment and attitude.

Naoki would offer Denkiteki a seat next to him, then after taking another sip of his beer address the blonde with a strange headband. "So, Maku. I hope my village treats you well after your journey."
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
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Ryo : 271700

Enter Maku..........not my best entrance Empty Re: Enter Maku..........not my best entrance

Thu Oct 09, 2014 5:36 pm
Despite the 3 men being of great power, so far they were all taking the situation quite informally. Den was fine with this, however his cautious nature prohibited him form fully letting down his guard. when Naoki mentioned that Den was his associate from Tenga the man began to wonder if he should inform Naoki of his change of status within Tengakure, but decided that for now at least he should delay it, he especially didn't want to reveal he was a Missing nin when there was another powerful shinobi among them.

Finding out that Maku was from Yuki was interesting, especially seeing as his name was different form the one he had received a letter form while he was Tenkage. As he decided to sit down next to Naoki at the bar, he debated asking how the change in leadership had come about, but normally such tales were either boring or unpleasant, so instead he decided to go with a simple greeting to Maku.

"Welcome to the village Maku, I hope you have as pleasant of a stay as I have had thus far." He'd request his own beer, though to be entirely honest he had never really had a taste for it. Still it was drinkable, and he would take a swig when it was presented to him.

I'v never understood your kinds fascination with such beverages. The Gobi's voice entered Den's mind a moment to express its distaste of Den's activities, which was the subject of their conversations for the most part. Den would simply smile, to the other two men it might seem like he had just remembered some old joke if they looked at him, Neither do I to be entirely honest.
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Takeshiyama
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
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Enter Maku..........not my best entrance Empty Re: Enter Maku..........not my best entrance

Thu Oct 09, 2014 7:00 pm
Naoki introduced himself and this Denkiteki, who Maku mentally decided to call Den from now on and forever because it was just easier to say.  Both men mentioned the village and hoping it treated him well, what hospitality.  Now that he thought about it, he only ever really saw one visitor to Yuki, some ninja named Wuwu......who now that he thought about it was from Tengakure. However, he had kind of ignored the poor fellow, so maybe it best to just not mention the man at this time.

"Not so important."  He said with a smile at Naoki's kind words.  "Just a simple man going about a simple life really."  He continued still with a smile.  Taking another drink something caught his that wasn't right.  It wasn't a physical stimulus that had grabbed his attention, it was a feeling of familiarity.  This man, this Den, his chakra felt.......familiar in a way.  It felt almost like his own, except it wasn't at the same time.  He caught himself staring, and quickly looked away.  He would need to explore this more later, it was an odd feeling, one he had never experienced before.  Perhaps it was a mere fleeting moment in time that wouldn't last, but at the same time Maku had a hard time believing in coincidences.

Attempting to cover up this odd behavior, he took another long drink, actually draining the bottle and setting the glass back on the table with a tinkle.  Raising a hand he ordered another, and then he looked at Naoki.  "This seems like a nice village, this storm that circles the village is especially interesting.  I have been to Takigakure, Konohagakure, Iwagakure, and of course Yukigakure, and have never seen anything like it.  Is it a natural occurring event like the rock rain of Iwagakure?  or is it your doing?"  He asked in a respectful tone.  He wasn't sure about the answer he would receive, Maku was displaying a knack for asking what was on his mind, not always caring to much that people might want to keep certain things secret.  He would wait to hear his hosts answer, while keeping an eye on this Tenga nin out of the corner of his eye.

He was holding himself back.  What he wanted more than anything was to simply blurt out his intentions.  his desire for strong allies, and other villages to call sanctuary when his and Youka's plans began to form on the surface of this world.  However diplomacy and politics often didn't allow such actions, and often saw them punished rather than rewarded.  No, he would need to make the niceties first and build a base of friendship, or at least respect.  These two men, would they even bother listening when he finally had the ability to speak of such an alliance.  Did they to dislike the way this world was, the injustice that ran rampant.  Would they even have the faintest interest.  It was frustrating to have these ideas swirling in ones mind, while on the outside a smile was hung, and a simple question about the weather, of sorts, was asked.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Enter Maku..........not my best entrance Empty Re: Enter Maku..........not my best entrance

Fri Oct 10, 2014 3:46 am
Naoki would nod and smile at comments from both. Then Maku asked him about the storm around the village. Taking a sip Noaki would think of his answer. He wondered if Den even knew about the storm, seeing as it was Toma who passed it and Den himself just teleported into the village. "It's partly both, I suppose. We call it a storm barrier or Oceanic Storm Circle. Storms like that actually do happen around here, but that one is trapped around the village and never dies. That is accomplished by a seal system, which was ordered by my predecessor, to whom you wrote the letter." He tried no explain the basic idea of it without giving away too much information or important details.

He did not mention it, but of course all three of them understood the defensive value of such a barrier. It would be extremely difficult to launch a proper invasion if your ships could not approach the village. Naoki was curious however. "So, are you saying other villages are not as concealed? There is nothing shielding them from a random bypasser?"
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
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Living Clones : Isamu
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Ryo : 271700

Enter Maku..........not my best entrance Empty Re: Enter Maku..........not my best entrance

Fri Oct 10, 2014 10:39 am
Maku was not the only one to sense the familiarity. Den choose not to stare like Maku had, but he did indeed notice that Maku was paying an odd amount of attention to him. But Den didn't know what could cause the familiarity, he had never been to Yuki, and if he had met Maku before he felt he'd remember someone who seemed so easy going. Do you recognize him? Den didn't often talk to the Gobi first, but he was curious enough that he decided why not.

No, though his chakra reminds me of you almost. Hopefully he isn't as pathetic as you. Den felt the animosity emanating from the beast within him as it responded. It was strange that, the supposedly most humble and kind of the tailed beast, could be hateful towards a person. It hadn't been that way towards Minorin.

Minorin was chosen to be my jincuuriki, she was just doing as she was told. You, on the other hand, knew what you were doing, and sealed me away form the world because you wanted power.

Den would have responded, but instead listened to Naoki and Maku talk about the storm that encircled the village. Toma had mentioned it to him, but Den knew little about the village's defenses.

Naoki seemed to not have traveled much, as he did know that most villages did not have such remarkable defenses, "Tengakure once had a barrier seal defending it, but it was destroyed by some powerful Missing ninja in what I assume must have been some sort of sabotage mission." Den remembered that the shinobi hadn't stayed long after breaking the barrier, and had left before Den had even entered the fray.
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Takeshiyama
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
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Enter Maku..........not my best entrance Empty Re: Enter Maku..........not my best entrance

Fri Oct 10, 2014 12:24 pm
Maku first listened to Naoki, and then Den's description of a barrier around Tengakure before he answered.  "Well to be honest, most aren't as hard to get into as you would imagine.  Konoha, which has some powerful Shinobi in it, essentially is the easiest.  No defenses I saw, but i was met at the gates by what I believe to be two of their most powerful nin.  Perhaps many villages see themselves as secure by the strength of their shinobi, however I think it a folly, I prefer what you have done here."  He nodded in a gesture of a craftsmen acknowledging anothers superior creation.  "Before I became the leader of Yukigakure, I was more of a traveler, so I got to visit many places, I am glad I still am afforded that luxury, even if it is a bit rarer now."  He finished with a chuckle before looking at Den.

"So, not to be rude, but Den was it?  What position do you hold in Tengakure?  I think we have all, as cautious people, used our chakra senses to attempt to gain at least some glimpse of the power each of us holds.  I don't think I am being to bold to say, it is clear you hold a great deal of strength, at least equal to myself, which leads me to ask are you the Tenkage, or at least one of the higher positioned individuals?"  He said everything respectfully, never losing the smile, and the casual tone as if they were all old comrades sharing a drink.  Maku had a way of making himself feel at ease no matter where or who he was with at the time.

Maku was on a mission, form powerful allies.  Not necessarily village allies, but at the least individual allies.  However if he could make this alliance with Shima and Tenga in one go, well he would be able to brag to Youka and prove he was better, which was always felt good.
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