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Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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rise of a new ninja (p) (nk) Empty rise of a new ninja (p) (nk)

Mon Nov 24, 2014 7:39 pm
Jason was walking from the city, or rather, the village of tengakure out towards the woods in the plains to practice a new thing. A thing called ninjutsu. Jason actually now started to hate puppetry and had planned for month's to dispose of it. Jason entered the woods, and headed inside until he found a lake. The lake was stretched out for what looked like miles. Jason didn't know, or rather didn't care. Jason sat down and meditated, thinking of what to do for a start. Jason then stretched out his hands and focused his chakra out from his hands, and before he knew it, an electrical charge came out. a bit, but it came out. Jason smiled as it seemed easy at first, but it was gonna get much harder than he'll think. Jason got up and started to jog around the lake. As he was jogging, he began to think of all the different ways he could use lightning element. he could it with weapons, his hands, his body... there was so much he could do. Jason passed the lake once and then turned around and did the jogging backwards. it was kind of awkward to jog backwards, but at least there was nobody here to laugh at him. after a couple of hours, Jason had finished jogging around for 3 laps, both normally, sideways and backwards. Jason sat down right in front of the lake with his back facing the lake and focused having a leaf attached to his forehead. After a while, Jason "woke up" from his meditation process and got down to the ground and did 50 pushups in 3 reps. Afterwards he lied on his back and did 30 situps. Jason then got up and ran laps around the lake and when he run 10 laps, he dived down and swam around to the best of his abilities.Jason felt it in his entire body how cold it was, and it showed. Jason quickly got up and jogged around the forest area to dry off. as he ran, he heard all the different animal sounds surrounding him as he was jogging. birds sang, crickets sang, and Jason quickly stopped for he was about to crash into a moose. The moose and Jason had a stare-down and before Jason knew it, it charged at him. Jason quickly grabbed the antlers of the moose and used what strength he could to hold it off, he knew that he couldn't knock it down due to how weak in strength he was, so he used his lightning chakra to scare it off. of course, it didn't work. great. Jason had a brilliant idea and took out a kunai from his pouch and stabbed the moose in the left eye. the pain of the eye stabbing made the moose go into a frenzy and run off. Jason sighed in relief and walked to the lake and cleaned the blood off the kunai. he then put it back to the pouch. Jason saw a heavy stone and lifted it above his head and jogged with it to get used to the heavy rock. Jason picked up the pace as he then started to lightly run with the heavy rock under his arms and then all of a sudden, something kicked in inside Jason's body and he started to run like a bull was after him and the only way out was forward. Jason ran until he stopped and threw the rock to the ground and clasped his knees in a bent position and breathed heavily. Jason sat down and concentrated on his chakra to sense any person around him. Jason didn't sense any humans but he did feel the animals around him. Jason then went to meditation and thought about which jutsu to get as a start. though there were a ton of ninjutsu to pick from, which was quite a bit of a challenge for Jason to do.Jason then quit his meditation and focused on channeling his chakra and this was quite difficult for Jason to do. Jason focused and kept it at a minimum so that it wouldn't be too difficult or dangerous for him. Jason then stopped and got up and started to jog around the forest, but instead of going clock-wise he went counter clockwise of the forest, though he jogged outside of the forest area. as he jogged, he saw a couple of animals occupying a few areas. Jason saw a bear looking for food while he saw a few deer running off from somewhere to somewhere else. Jason then took a break and sat down on a rock that was perched on the ground that was just a bit inside the entrance of the forest. while he was resting, Jason was enjoying the sounds of the forest. the singing of the birds, the buzzing of the insects flying to and fro, it was so relaxing. Jason felt that he had rested enough so he got up and started his jog again. Jason was beginning to think of what other ways he could do to train and he suddenly stopped and decided to walk on his hands. at first he fell down on all sides. eventually, he managed to do it. Jason managed to get about 10 yards before he collapsed to his back. as Jason was lying on the ground, Jason thought of how to get stronger. Jason liked to think. he was a bit of a philosophical person. he liked to think deep thoughts about life itself. that was just how he has been ever since he can remember. Jason suddenly got an idea and got up and headed for the lake. he wanted to test out a theory of his and see if it'll work. as he got there, he charged a bit of electricity in his fingertip and dipped the fingertip on the surface of the water and half of the lake got a static shock. Jason's theory was right. the lake got shocked, you might say. Jason then sat down and reflected (no pun intended) on what kind of training he had done. he had a lot more to do to get through this ordeal. and it was gonna take a while. Jason felt it.
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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rise of a new ninja (p) (nk) Empty Re: rise of a new ninja (p) (nk)

Tue Nov 25, 2014 2:03 pm
Altar was sitting on the edge of a lake, quietly thinking on what to do. He was honestly bored out of his mind. He had been watching a kid go around doing laps and pulling rocks like weights, and Altar had tried to figure out just what he was doing. It looked as if he was doing some form of strength and speed excercises, almost as if he was training to become a Taijutsu user. However, Altar was a bit surprised when the kid sat across from him and dipped his hand in the lake, and a shock erupted from the water. A Nin user? Then what was he doing, doing stupid physical only excercises? If he was a Nin user, there should've been more chakra training than physical training...

But, whatever. Altar would rise and walk across the lake to the boy, wanting to see just what he was doing.

" don't mind me asking, what are you doing?"
Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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Tue Nov 25, 2014 2:14 pm
Jason turned around as he heard the voice asking him what he was doing. "i'm training to exchange skills. i'm actually a puppeteer but i've grown tired of it and i now want to be using ninjutsu instead." Jason said to the man. "by the way, i didn't catch your name." Jason said to him. Jason then turned around and grabbed his right wrist with his left hand and charged an electric current through his hand. it stayed on for a few seconds before dissipating into thin air. Jason sighed as he mumbled to himself that he needs to train more. he then turned to the man and asked him a question. "excuse me, but are you adapt or a master at ninjutsu? i'd really like it if you did, since i am training for it." Jason said to the man. if the man was adapt or a master of it, then Jason was in luck. he was gonna learn ninjutsu and get a lot of techniques. while Jason was waiting for an answer, he continued to focus chakra into his right hand and the same thing kept happening: an electric current appearing in his hands for a few seconds before it dissipated. Jason had to train. and train alot to get this done. and afterwards, he was gonna train like he has never trained before to become really strong. so strong in fact, that he can take on a squad of shinobi and win.
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Tue Nov 25, 2014 2:59 pm
Altar was surprised when the boy turned his head to look at him. He immediatly recognized him as the boy he had de-handed. Well, this would be an interesting meeting, then... As it turned out, however, the boy was trying to learn ninjutsu, and needed a teacher.

"Yes, i'm quite adept at Ninjutsu, but i'm only familiar with lightning and water jutsu. I have yet to learn another element. Though, it would seem you're trying to contact lightning. That I can help with. Oh, and the name's Altar." Altar would say, sitting down next to the boy.

"Now, lightning is a very rough, powerful, volatile element. You can't just let it course, you need to force it. It's like taking your chakra and forcing it from your body. And once it's there, you can't let it get away from you. You have to focus on it, keep it locked there, keep forcing it until you get it so focused that it turns into a jutsu, or something of the like."
Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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rise of a new ninja (p) (nk) Empty Re: rise of a new ninja (p) (nk)

Tue Nov 25, 2014 3:25 pm
Jason finally turned his head in shock and remembered this man. this man who put him in the hospital.Jason had to stop himself from lashing out at the man. as he was there to teach him and have him be better at ninjutsu. "so.." Jason calmed down and cleared his throat. " could you give me a few pointers?" said Jason as he did what the man said. lo and behold, the electricity stayed on in Jason's hand. this time, it was on much longer. "so, what now?" Jason asked Altar. " what do i need to do now?" Jason had it in his hand as it felt like an infinity had gone by.
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Tue Nov 25, 2014 3:51 pm
Altar was surprised that the boy didn't lash out at him. It was honestly what he was expecting. But ah, he'd take what he could get. The boy seemed to be better with his lesson intact, and Altar was proud. Perhaps he would make a good teacher after all. The boy asked him what he should do next with the lightning, as he had been able to hold it for longer this go around

"Well, now you go about weaponizing it. You have to keep it stiff, focused and such, and make it into something that could be used to strike,cut, anything of the sort. It's something that just kinda comes with practice." Altar would say, hoping the boy would catch on
Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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Tue Nov 25, 2014 4:05 pm
Jason nodded and thought to make the electricity into a weapon. Jason focused and focused. Jason's eyes widened as he saw that it fit him like a glove. it felt like a weapon. Jason had done it, it seemed. Jason still had to ask. " is this it? it feels like it fits my fist. it feels like a weapon." Jason stated to Altar.
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Thu Nov 27, 2014 11:08 am
Altar stood, proud of the boy. It looked as if he had figured out how to weaponize it. It truly was simple when you got used to it, a simple rinse and repeat kind of thing. But his goal had been achieved and he was proud he had been able to help the boy with this task. So, Altar would smile, and pat Jason on the back.

"Yes, that's it. Well done. You've learned here to weaponize your own chakra and energy, which is essential Ninjutsu. You'll do well with this, if you try hard enough. Now, since you've got it down, i'll take my leave. Good luck!" Altar would say, turning to leave, whistling a small tune as he did so, hands in his pockets. It was a bad habit he had, but he could never quite remember where he picked it up...

Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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Thu Nov 27, 2014 12:18 pm
Jason focused his lightning chakra back to nothingness and felt himself strong. Jason was now ready to move on with a new chapter in life, and he hoped that it would bring great challenges. though, he hoped that it wouldn't be too difficult for him to handle. but Jason didn't care. he liked challenges.with that, Jason turned around and headed for home. Jason had a lot to do, and there was so much to learn as well. he just hoped that he could master them all and be a deadly shinobi. he was gonna show them all the strength of Jason Fredriksson. he would be so strong that nobody could defeat him. he didn't care how long it'll take. he would get the strength to fight an entire army and come out as the victor.

(exit, WC 1661, claiming ninjutsu, topic closed.)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
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Thu Nov 27, 2014 12:32 pm
Approved of ninjutsu due to being taught the spec by Alt.

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