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The Clone Technique Empty The Clone Technique

Wed Nov 26, 2014 10:45 am

I need to learn that clone technique I made be 16 years old but that technique will come in handy when im trying to go into villiages. I need to go meditate I thought. )" BOOOM " the sound he just heard was really loud. I activated my golden eye and the world became clearer. I ran towards the sound where the boom was. I sawa man playing with explosive tags" boss we should just keep these for our self ". I did saw two man sitting down by horses." No we shouldnt we need the ryo ". "Swishhh" I heard it. An arrow coming right by my head I leaned my head andcaught the arrow." Tsk tsk tsk " I laughed. I turned and saw where the arrow came from and saw a man. I was over to him quicker then light and stabbed him in his heart. I decicided to get his bow and play we the other 3 men. I shot an arrow at the mans foot he looked around I hopped to annother tree. Then I shot one and it hit the other man hearth. He died instantly. They tried to get on the horses and run but I jumped off and appeared in font of them.I rushed full speed at one man and put ny hand threw his neck then I turned around and punched the other one off the horse." Remeber the name Kage Shinigama "then I leaft.

I walked to my little spot where I was meditating and started back doing it. I started meditaing the clone technique I just need to summon a clone from myself. I looked at the scroll I had good thing I stole them from that caravan. The scroll said "Name: Clone Technique Element: -Rank: E Spec Type: Ninjutsu Backstory: Appearance: Handseals: Ram → Snake → Tiger Duration: 1 post Cooldown: -Range: 1 meter Power: -Speed: -Health: -Stat Boosts: -What it does: A ninjutsu that creates an intangible copy of one's own body, without any substance. Since the clone itself doesn't have the ability to attack, and thus can only be used to confuse the enemy, it is mainly used in combination with other ninjutsu. It's a basic technique, but depending on one's ingenuity, it can be used effectively. The clones may not dissipate when they come into contact with something.The user creates at max two replicas of them self that mirror their actions, these clones are not solid and are just projections of the original. It sounded easy I begin to meditate.
I got up and started sumoning chakra. I did the hand seals ram snake and tiger then I yelled " Clone Technique ". I felt the chakra coming from me then my body came onside of me I looked at it it looked like it was tired. I knew it had failed.

Then started to go and train in chakra control. I grabbed a leaf and went and sat down on the ground. I put the leaf between the palm of my hand then I started releasing small amounts of chakra. Which made the leaf start floating between them. I kept the leaf between my hands for about 5 mins then I released it. I then go up and performed the jutsu. And onside of me a perfectly healy clone was I smiled.

Wordcount: 551
Yasahiro Yagami
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The Clone Technique Empty Re: The Clone Technique

Wed Nov 26, 2014 1:14 pm
Approved for training and +2 stats.
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