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Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Shinobi alliance?(letter to the kage) Empty Shinobi alliance?(letter to the kage)

Sat Dec 13, 2014 7:01 pm
A small drake flew effortlessly above the village known as konoha, it's great eyes shifting left and right Until it spotted the large building it could only assume to be the kage building. It beat it's wings heavilly as it floated above the outside window, tapping a clawed finger against the glass softly. In it's clawed hand it held a small letter addressed simply to the "kage of konoha". If the talking was answered it would hand him the letter, allowing the leader of the village to take a moment to read and write a response before flying off once more. The letter read

"To the leaders of the major villages,

It is imperative that we act quickly. The demon Youka tau has began a path that could lead to the destruction of each of the villages whether large or small. By the time you read this I fear the minor villages will have all fallen. Yuki is already in ruin. I feel it is time to band together once more and create the no ha alliance to face this ninja and his subordinates. If you wish for assistance return a letter to the drake who visited you and I will aid you however possible.


The Hell's Angel"
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Shinobi alliance?(letter to the kage) Empty Re: Shinobi alliance?(letter to the kage)

Sun Dec 14, 2014 3:22 am
It is the unoriginal visage of Navi that frowns upon opening and reading the letter, and with a nearby pen handy a quick reply is scrawled that would be handed back to the deliverer. 

"1. I've been Kage for awhile now, you can use my actual name
2. Give me an address of the man! Or his fandom.  
3. The minor villages were never much of a threat to criminal ninja, I actually blew up one when I was 14. 
4. Who made the name for this alliance? Who are his subordinates? Why is this letter so vague? 
5. You're "Hell's Angel"? So someone who refers to themselves as a demon is asking me for help without providing much in the way of relevant detail. Seems shady. 
6. Did a Nara write this? It smells like a Nara wrote this. 
7. Please enclose more relevant details, and also come up with a better name for yourself and the group....also please enclose some snacks because I'm less receptive to support when hungry. 
8. Where'd you get a drake? Can I have it? Did you name it? I bet you named it something stupid huh? 

Alright well I'm running out of room on this piece if paper, but you should write bac-"
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Shinobi alliance?(letter to the kage) Empty Re: Shinobi alliance?(letter to the kage)

Sun Dec 14, 2014 10:41 am
The dragon took the letter, zipping off at incredible speed to disappear into the distance at incredible speed. Around two hours would pass before another appeared, also tapping on the window, it's wings beating quickly to keep itself up in the air. In it's great clawed hand was another note which it would hand to the hokage the moment it answered.


My appologies for the formality and vagueness. My name is Kiranomo hyuuga, the missing ninja girl who visited your village about a year ago to seek information about her past. First enclosed is refreshment. Secondly I know little of their plan other then that yuki had fallen and by the time you get this I can only assume ame, iwa, and taki will be in rubble also. Youka has gathered forces from God knows where, they seem to be fire style users one of which holds the sharingan doujutsu. I seek the aid of the major villages to reconstruct the United shinobi alliance. Names can be discussed at a later date I suppose but to ease your inquisitive nature I've come up with a beta title, the United shinobi alliance for the Betterment of the shinobi world, Inclusion of each willing to fight for the good of shinobi kind, due to Trepidation at Callous intent and for instilation of Hope, or less longwindedly "U's a bitch". Our opponent's power is great and there's no garantee he will stop until the village system has fallen. I'm fearful that he's gained some sort of strange new doujutsu. His eyes are on odd purple with circular rings and.... " from here she goes on to vaguely describled the renegan, though only in look and in a singular destructive power that looks like a black orb. "I've sent word to the major villages and if you'd like to meet and discuss this once I'm back to my full strength I will gladly make the trip. Once again thank you for your support. "

As navi began to read, perfectly timed with the suggestion of refreshments two chains similar to the uzimaki chakra chains would slip down the side of the building, one holding a bag of Cheetos and one holding a sun kissed Orange soda. Once more the dragon would wait for a response.
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Shinobi alliance?(letter to the kage) Empty Re: Shinobi alliance?(letter to the kage)

Fri Dec 19, 2014 3:43 pm
The same form of Navi with the same motions and similar piece of paper, grasps the same pen with the same expression to write. It was a lot of sameness. 

He writes:

"The purpose of the organization is to Kill Youka then? And he has purple eyes or something? Maybe he should go to the doctor or something... oh wait he killed them in the minor villages huh? Yeah okay sure I'm down with murder I guess, it's been awhile. Please enclose FANTA next time. I mean seriously how the hell do you expect me to run a nation with sunkist? It's impossible. Am I supposed to meet you somewhere or is this just a proposal? I feel like I'm forgetting something...
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Shinobi alliance?(letter to the kage) Empty Re: Shinobi alliance?(letter to the kage)

Fri Dec 19, 2014 3:55 pm
The final letter would come just as the sun set, by a different dragon. It kept its distance, using the chakra chains to wrap lightly against the windows with a third note and a case of fantasy Orange.

"Thank you. I fear all of the villages to be in danger. I will come to meet with you once I'm done with kumo however for now be on the alert. He could begin to strike major villages at any time.


Ps. I'm not sure and no you may not keep the dragon. It is a messenger from the dragon lands quickest flight. "
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Shinobi alliance?(letter to the kage) Empty Re: Shinobi alliance?(letter to the kage)

Tue Dec 23, 2014 1:34 am
Disheartened that this strange pen pal who sends many dragons was unable to spell the word "Fanta" and instead got the off brand of "fantasy orange" after committing the unforgivable sin of getting sunkist, Navi went back to sleep. 

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