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Kitiara Kaguya
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Kage, 12th of his Name! Meets Old Kumo Shinobi! Empty Kage, 12th of his Name! Meets Old Kumo Shinobi!

Tue Oct 11, 2022 1:33 pm
Fenn had long since left the empty office , and had done things around the village. He waited to obtain an Audience but little to his knowledge was that the hat was in the process of exchanging hands once more. Fenn would once more walk into the office, expecting to meet a man by the name of Nobo to discuss his application as it were to become a Kumogakure Shinobi once more. Little did Fenn know the surprise that awaited him. The White haired man wondered if the records of Kumogakure shinobi from back in the day were kept, or if anyone else had returned and given a list of Shinobi that was not officially proclaimed dead, allowing them to previously know about Fenn.

He only hoped that his return would not provoke attack or reprimand to much, he was young when the attack of Youka Tau happened, He could not help his instincts back than to persevere his life and fight on another day. Where as if the demon appeared now, he would hold nothing back from the man. The White haired man was slowly getting back into fighting form an he had discovered something about himself he needed to update in the records of his if this new Kumo did keep the old Kumo records.

He began to wonder the type of man the Raikage would be in this hour, awaiting his turn to enter into the office and speak with him.
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Kage, 12th of his Name! Meets Old Kumo Shinobi! Empty Re: Kage, 12th of his Name! Meets Old Kumo Shinobi!

Wed Oct 12, 2022 12:11 pm
One meeting would end, only to be replaced by another. Things had to move fast the last couple of days, that's for certain. Hardly a moment to rest, lots of people to see. "I guess now I know why you didn't enjoy being holed up inside the office" Ichigo thought to himself, referring to his good friend and previous Raikage, Noboru Kaito. More often than once did he have to listen how paperwork was one of the downsides of the position, something he now experienced first hand. As head of the Medical Institute he already had his fair share of these meticulous tasks, but compared to what he was doing now it was merely child's play.

Finding himself sitting at his desk in the chambers he could now call his own, the 12th and first of his name was still getting used to the new office that came with the title. "Lord Raikage huh, who would have thought" he spoke softly, having never imagined the day would come so soon, or ever, for that matter. But then again, he neither expected to return to duty all those years ago. "I guess hell must have frozen over after all". That being said, Ichigo checked his schedule and noticed it was almost time for the next appointment.

He would fix his posture and sit up straight, reaching for the intercom on his right. "Yes Ichika, send him through whenever he arrives" the Kage voiced to his assistant who supported him ever since he rose through the ranks. Assuming the visitor entered the office he would be greeted by Ichigo who by then placed the Kage hat on the left side of his desk, the Darkened Skies armor around his body. "I believe you were expecting to meet my predecessor, but I'm afraid you'll have to do with me" he spoke friendly while offering the white haired man a seat. "So, what can I do for you?". Awaiting a reply the Raikage would take the time to place two glasses on the table.

(WC: 340)
Kitiara Kaguya
Kitiara Kaguya
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Kage, 12th of his Name! Meets Old Kumo Shinobi! Empty Re: Kage, 12th of his Name! Meets Old Kumo Shinobi!

Wed Oct 12, 2022 2:14 pm
Fenn was let into the office, definitely a bit more formal than the last time he walked into the office. Fenn would look upon the man wearing the hat and the words struck. This man had just became the raikage, the man he was originally sent to see no longer sat in the seat of power. Was it kept quiet or did the guard who let him in not know. The man broke Fenn from his train of thought with his words. what could the raikage do for him. Fenn would reach into his pocket and pulled out his old headband and placed it on the desk before taking a seat. It was an Old Kumo headband. After taking a seat, Fenn would take out his old Kumo ANBU Mask as well and place it on the desk " I am Fenikkusu Fusuchiro, Codenamed Phoenix. I was a member of the ANBU during the reign of Yaju Hayate, during the attack of Youka Tau, I was abandoned on the front line, and being young as I was, I fled in the face of the demon and his friends. I do regret it, but we cannot change the past. These past years I have stayed Hidden away Ashamed of my failure to defend the village and those I love. I have returned now, in hopes to serve the village once more and to rectify my wrong doing." Fenn felt himself a failure for having abandoned Kumo.

He only hoped that the Kage in front of him was Merciful enough to grant him citizenship once again within the village.
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Kage, 12th of his Name! Meets Old Kumo Shinobi! Empty Re: Kage, 12th of his Name! Meets Old Kumo Shinobi!

Mon Oct 17, 2022 6:47 pm
The visitor wasted no time, immediately cutting to the chase. The man introduced himself as Fenikkusu Fusuchiro, a former member of the ANBU during the reign of Yaju Hayate, one of the previous Raikage. Ichigo looked at the headband which had been placed upon his desk, paying close attention and listening attentively as the white haired individual continued his story. Doing so, he was able to feel honesty, pain and regret coming from the person sitting in front of him. Fenn would give his side of what happened, sharing everything that took place the day he was forced to make a choice and eventually ended up picking the wrong one.

Ichigo poured himself a drink, taking a sip as he listened to the man's wish of righting his wrongs. "I'm sure all of us have something we wish we would have done differently in the past, but abandoning one's village can't get easily overlooked by a slap on the wrist" the Kage spoke after putting down his glass. He was young and afraid, but that didn't justify his actions. Everyone gets scared at some point in life, it's how they dealt with their fear that was important. "Had you met my predecessor he would have taken your hand". Kaito's way of punishing someone for disappointing him was no secret within Kumogakure, as a handful of people had the pleasure of experiencing it firsthand.

The Raikage would sit up straight, thinking about the facts and what he was told. "I would hate having to spill blood on my first day, my friend Fenn". Ichigo took a deep breath, scratched his chin as he allowed himself to collect his thoughts. Did he want to continue Kaito's way of carrying out punishments, or would he show mercy? "If you were to put yourself in my place, what would you do? If I were to allow you to choose your own retribution of your actions, what would you pick?". His question would appear strange at first sight, but it was also a great way of figuring out one's mind.

(WC: 345, TWC: 685)
Kitiara Kaguya
Kitiara Kaguya
Academy Student
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Kage, 12th of his Name! Meets Old Kumo Shinobi! Empty Re: Kage, 12th of his Name! Meets Old Kumo Shinobi!

Fri Oct 28, 2022 10:44 am
Fenn would listen to the newly appointed kage's words. It would seem that Kumogakure in his absence has taken more traits of the demon than they seem to realize. Fenn would sigh softly and shake his head " I have no idea how to punish sir, I would not know what it appropriate, I do know I do not expect ANBU , for I know I must gain trust, and even Jounin would be at your own personal Grace and mercy if you allowed that. My talents and experience however do outclass that of Genin, so a Demotion to Chuunin Rank seems fair in that aspect, but again it is your call. I can offer no more than that" Fenn would say to the kage.

He wondered in the back of his mind what the kage would have him do in this situation. what would be the choice made. Fenn patiently waited for the decision.
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Kage, 12th of his Name! Meets Old Kumo Shinobi! Empty Re: Kage, 12th of his Name! Meets Old Kumo Shinobi!

Fri Dec 16, 2022 1:35 pm
Slightly leaning back in his chair Ichigo listened and wondered what kind of response Fenn would come up with. The Raikage scratched his chin upon hearing the man's reply, his words leaving him with a couple of things to think about. "At least you have the sense not to expect too much". He placed both his hands on the desk in front of him, placing them over one another before speaking up once again. "I'm a compassionate man, and although I understand your circumstances, I really do, I'm afraid it's not a request I can easily agree to". The white haired visitor was aware he couldn't expect to be reinstated just like that, but even the position of Chuunin was one Kumogakure shinobi had to work hard for to attain.

He would sit up straight before continuing to speak. "What kind of message would that send to our shinobi if I allowed someone who once abandoned our village to immediately gain the rank of Chuunin?". In case he agreed to something like that Ichigo knew it was only going to be a matter of time before others would try and do the same. "Perhaps your talent and experience do outclass a Genin, I certainly hope so considering your former position, but how can I be certain of your loyalty to Kumogakure?". The attributes Fenn spoke of were both things you could gain and improve over time, but what Ichigo wanted to know was whether or not the man would be willing to risk his life for their village. 

Keeping an open mind, the Raikage then suggested something else as he came up with another way for both of them to get what they wanted. "One of my predecessors introduced an interesting concept to Kumogakure, a method of putting our prisoners to good use" Ichigo referred to the Warmonger Gauntlet. If they so wished, the shinobi of the village could challenge some of the more dangerous criminals who would otherwise be locked up for good with no hope of ever being set free. "What say you, are you willing to take the risk and put your life on the line?". For someone who was able to make it to ANBU in the past something as defeating a criminal should hardly make him break a sweat. 

(WC: 384, TWC: 1069)
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Kage, 12th of his Name! Meets Old Kumo Shinobi! Empty Re: Kage, 12th of his Name! Meets Old Kumo Shinobi!

Mon Apr 03, 2023 4:24 pm
Interesting, or should he say infuriating? The man remained silent and without any response despite the Raikage offering him a second chance. "Should I make an example out of him?" were his inner thoughts but Ichigo held back, knowing better than to kill someone who was lost and looking for a way out. Nevertheless, the man sitting in front of him refused to accept, perhaps it all came too sudden but then again, Fenn came to see him for a reason. "I'm a compassionate man, but I'm afraid there are things I simply cannot overlook". Even if he became the Kage only recently, he wouldn't allow anyone or anything to undermine his authority. 

He would sit up straight, back firm against his chair. "Guard" his voice boomed and filled the room. Once they had set foot inside the office Ichigo would carry out his orders. "Take this man to prison where he can await his trial". Perhaps some time locked up behind bars was all he needed to clear his head and come to the realization that it was in his best interest to accept the Raikage's offer.

(WC: 188, TWC: 1257)
Stat Page : Gorilla Zo
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Kage, 12th of his Name! Meets Old Kumo Shinobi! Empty Re: Kage, 12th of his Name! Meets Old Kumo Shinobi!

Mon Apr 03, 2023 6:36 pm
Today was a good day.

It was his first real assignment. Instead of being assigned to clean the streets of Kumogakure or investigate massage parlors, Lucian had been scheduled to handle an important task. Probably the most significant thing he would ever do. And that was perform guard duty for none other than the 12th Raikage himself. Out of sheer excitement, the young genin had made his way to the illustrious blue building much early in the day. It was erected at one of the highest points of Kumogakure, allowing Lucian to have a wonderous view of the Cloud Village in all of its glory. And because he came so early, he was able to witness the sun rise over the mountain range off towards the East. Once it grew closer to his scheduled assignment time for guard duty, Lucian would make his way into the Raikage building.

Once inside he'd proceed to the receptionist desk and kindly ask the woman manning the desk for directions to the Raikage's office. She'd quickly instruct Lucian on where to go, and with that he was off. Within a few minutes Lucian would make his way to the room's exterior. The doors had been closed shut, and upon closer observation the young genin could hear the muffled sounds of the Raikage working. Although Lucian had been tempted to barge in and introduce himself, he knew better than to disturb Lord 12th. Instead he patiently and attentively stood outside of the room. Some hours later, a tall framed older figure approached and awaited outside the office. Lucian could hear faintly between the intercom and Lord 12th that the Raikage had been expecting the visitor. Then he heard that matured and deep voice of the Raikage demand to allow the stranger to enter. When Lucian heard this, he'd nod briefly to the man and push the large doors open to the office. For a moment as he held the door open, he caught a glimpse of Lord 12th working at his desk. And for that same moment, the young genin was star struck. He had just hoped that he would be called to enter the room. But instead, the older man went inside and the doors slammed shut in Lucian's face.

He shrugged off the encounter, but mentally entertained the thought of the Raikage asking Lucian to enter the room and join the two in conversation. The genin thought about this scenario for some time, wondering how he would conduct himself before his majesty, and how he would act if given a command. But just as he thought more on this, Lucian's thought process had instantly been broken by the booming voice of the Raikage calling for the guard. 

Lucian's eyes widened. "Oh shit, that's me!" he thought to himself as he straightened his posture then burst through the door. His eyes were beady, shifting between the Raikage and the newcomer who was 5 meters away. "Yes my lord!" Lucian would instinctively say, expression pure determination through his body language and facial expression. What came next was a surprise to Lucian, as the 12th would demand the genin to take this older man to prison. He didn't dare spend a second to question the Raikage or to hesitate, and instead found himself acting right as the order was issued.

Right as he heard what the 12th said, Lucian sprung into action. Whether by instinct or intentionally, self contained flames would burst from his arms and head. His hands rifled through two sets of hand seals; the first was a set of five and the second was another set of five. Suddenly six, 30 centimeter amplified scorch orbs would spawn a meter in front of Lucian and would propel themselves directly into the rather exposed skin of the newcomer. Upon making contact, they'd desiccate the man in a contained fiery flash. With the water from his body quickly evaporated, the newcomer would find himself dehydrated, immobilized, and unconscious. If this happened without interruption, Lucian would cancel his techniques so that none of the residual flaming chakra damaged the Raikage's office. His enhancer would subside and all that would be left would be the unconscious body of the newcomer. As this concluded Lucian would immediately run over to the man, pick him up, sling him over his shoulders, and head towards the room's exit. He'd turn to look at the Raikage before leaving, offered a bow of gratitude and respect, and would be off to the Kumogakure Prison. He had no clue what the man did, nor did he know if he had overreacted, but he made sure he followed orders and simultaneously attempted to impress the Raikage.

WC = 781

Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Kage, 12th of his Name! Meets Old Kumo Shinobi! Empty Re: Kage, 12th of his Name! Meets Old Kumo Shinobi!

Tue Apr 04, 2023 2:38 pm
Mere seconds after his voice called out Ichigo witnessed one of the guards setting foot inside before the young shinobi quickly got to work. "Feel free to roughen him up a bit" the Raikage spoke before pouring himself another drink. Soon a spectacle started to play off right in front of his eyes, the Drunken Storm taking the opportunity to check how his shinobi would deal with a potential threat. "Interesting fighting style" he would think to himself as he continued to watch, ready to intervene should the need arise. However, it appeared things wouldn't get that far and his help was no longer necessary. 

Once the curious case of Fenn was taken care of Ichigo would stand straight and compliment the young guard for his swift actions. "Good job, keep me posted on our prisoner's well-being should he come to his senses". After all, it would be in the visitor's best interest to consider the Raikage's offer. 


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Kage, 12th of his Name! Meets Old Kumo Shinobi! Empty Re: Kage, 12th of his Name! Meets Old Kumo Shinobi!

Tue Apr 04, 2023 2:39 pm
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