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Hasumi Hayato
Hasumi Hayato
Stat Page : Hasumi's
Bodyguard: Hana Ushitora
Mission Record : Link
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Genin Teaching Students Empty Genin Teaching Students

Wed Jul 17, 2024 8:07 am
Mission Info:

Hasumi was excited to go to the academy and meet some of the people training to join the shinobi force of the village. The young kunoichi had worked mostly with Vagabonds when the village was first put together but it seemed that more and more people were deciding to put their faith into the budding village and pledge loyalty to it. She wondered what her new comrades would be like, if they'd all be adults or if other teenagers would be enlisting as well. Hasu had met a few people who were only slightly older than her thus far, but had yet to work with anyone her own age or younger. The kunoichi pondered if perhaps this wasn't the type of job a child normally took, and it made her wonder if The Masked Man had forced Lady Tsukiko to break some sort of rule to allow Hasumi to enlist into the village's military so young.

Figuring that she'd have to show the academy students some of her jutsu Hasumi opted not to wear her new kimono, instead putting on a pair of grey baggy sweatpants and a loose fitting blue t-shirt. Despite her casual attire she still opted to wear her hair up in a pony tail and tie her headband into its proper position. The symbol of the village was proudly displayed on the young girls forehead as she grabbed some of her ninja gear she'd been neglecting to use as of late. The kunoichi wasn't sure where she'd put her 5 Senbon for now but she did grab her tanto and a belt to tie it's sheathe to. Once she felt ready Hasu left Junko's Old Home and made her way to the academy.

Upon arriving at the academy the raven haired girl looked around, trying to spot a member of the staff that could direct her to the class that she'd be assigned to. It didn't take her long to find a receptionist who informed her to wait in a specific classroom, who also informed Hasumi that there'd be a few other recently promoted Genin assigned to the class as well.

Hasu got a bit nervous as she made her way to the classroom, now knowing that there'd be a couple of other Genin around as well. Hasumi had been starting to get the hang of the theoretical side of chakra usage but her combat experience was nonexistent, unless one counted the time she got captured and then escaped from Tenga's Ruins. She knew the basic jutsu needed to graduate from the academy, but there wasn't much else she could teach Academy Students. The young kunoichi feared she wouldn't compare to her peers, and was worried they'd be disappointed upon seeing her put on a display of her abilities.

Entering the classroom with a dejected look upon her face, Hasu's bright blue eyes scanned the room and took in her new surroundings. It seems that the room was rather large, there were roughly 20 desks on one end of the room but the other seemed open to allow for demonstrations of techniques. There was also a closet, the door already open and revealing within a number of props that could be used to assist in demonstrations.

If none of the other Genin had beaten her to the classroom, Hasumi walked through the door and toward a window on the other side of the room. She sat upon the sill and looked out into the village, wondering what jutsu she should try and use as a demonstration.

Seikatsu Aranha
Seikatsu Aranha
Stat Page : Seikatsu's Stats
Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

Genin Teaching Students Empty Re: Genin Teaching Students

Wed Jul 17, 2024 11:35 am
A tiny scroll appeared outside his door after a slight knocking sound. Seikatsu, who never expected any visitors, wore a puzzled look on his face. It wasn't that he thought anyone was trying to do something fishy; he just didn’t really know anyone who knew where he lived. He stood up from his table, where he was having breakfast—a bowl of cereal, his favorite. Shuffling his feet gingerly toward the door and opening it, looking left and right before spotting the interesting scroll lying on the ground. The scroll had the word "Mission" written on top of it. The young boy picked it up and headed back inside to his table, where there was only one chair. Seikatsu had already been laying the foundations to become a minimalist. As he sat down, he unrolled the scroll with a mix of curiosity and anticipation. The scroll detailed a new mission, and Seikatsu's eyes scanned the instructions carefully.

The tasks outlined seemed challenging for Seikatsu, who had only recently become a genin and learned how to perform techniques. Just because he was able to grasp the concept quickly for himself, doesn’t mean he was going to be able to teach it to other students, who likely could have been his classmates recently.

Train the academy students in the ways of your specialties. Teach them both how to channel and mold their chakra to their will. So they can grow up to be fine Shinobi and serve the village well. Teach them how to do some basic techniques and how they could be beneficial when they battle foes in the future.

Once the young genin finished reading the scroll - he rolled it back up and placed it down in front of him. He finished the last bites of his cereal and then went to gather the rest of his things, mainly his overcoat that he loved so much, regardless of how he got it… which was dumpster diving years ago. His pacing was easy and smooth as he walked out of his house and locked the door. He’d use the same steady pace to get to the academy - which meant he likely wouldn’t be the first genin there. His presumption is that there would be others teaching the class as well, surely they wouldn’t leave it all to Seikatsu.

As Seikatsu rounded the final turn, he found himself in front of the New Moon Academy. Looking upwards at the slightly tall building, he marched on and pushed the front of the doors open with his right hand, leaving his left hand in the pocket of his coat. As he entered the building he looked around, attempting to see if anyone could point him towards the classroom that he was supposed to be educating. Finally the lady at the desk told him where to head, and of course he was familiar with which classroom it was. He made his way down the hall and paused just in front of the classroom door.

”Go figure I have to come back to this classroom… I just finally left it.” Seikatsu let out a deep sigh, once again not realizing that he had spoken aloud. He slid the door open with his right hand and stepped inside, looking out towards the class and then shaking his head awkwardly as he moved more towards the front center of the room.

As he paced forward, his head lifted back up and he noticed one of the other genin already there. She had placed herself atop a window sill across the classroom, and seemed to be gazing out into the village. Seikatsu had to admit to himself that she was pretty and seemed to be about his age, though she was certainly on the smaller side. He wasn’t sure if she had noticed him come in or not and if she had, he would simply nod in her direction. His conversation ability wasn’t all that great today. As he parked himself in the center, almost where he felt like he had done the transformation technique and clone jutsu, he pierced his eyes towards each of the students. Once again - he nodded his head as if he was saying hello.

”Today - I will be showing you a few of the basic techniques and then also some simple space-time jutsu as that is my current specialty.”

Seikatsu didn’t go much further into details - he was hoping that one of the other genin could teach them how to mold their chakra. His plan was really to show off the techniques that they would be required to utilize and know before graduating the academy. The first technique that was up, was the transformation jutsu. Seikatsu gave a brief explanation on what helped him learn this technique and then transformed into the girl that had been sitting on the window sill. He’d look over at her and smile briefly and then turn back to the classroom and release the transformation. Providing a quick explanation on his thought process and how he himself learned the technique. The next few minutes he would spend going through some basic things - Clone jutsu, surface walking, etc…

For his final act, Seikatsu decided to show the group a little trick. He didn't consider it a jutsu in its own right, but it was an impressive feat nonetheless. Taking a pencil from a student's desk, he formed the rat hand seal and placed the pencil upright on its sharpened end. Slowly backing away, he allowed the class to watch as the pencil wobbled slightly before settling back into an upright position. This technique, known as Weeble Wobble, was a good exercise for space-time users to learn and practice. It required precise control and concentration, skills that were essential for mastering more advanced techniques. As Seikatsu finished his demonstration, he stepped back, allowing the spotlight to shift away from him.

He was curious to see what the other genin would do and show. Watching their demonstrations would give him insight into their abilities and perhaps even teach him something new. The room buzzed with excitement and anticipation as the next student prepared to step forward. Seikatsu felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing that he had contributed to the learning experience and set a high bar for the others to follow.

WC: 1062
Hasumi Hayato
Hasumi Hayato
Stat Page : Hasumi's
Bodyguard: Hana Ushitora
Mission Record : Link
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Genin Teaching Students Empty Re: Genin Teaching Students

Fri Oct 04, 2024 11:25 pm
Hasumi remained at her perch as the students began to file in, looking out into the village and pretending to pay the other children no mind. She occasionally looked over whenever the door opened, but beyond returning a nod or wave she didn’t speak up. Shortly after all of the students were seated another Genin entered the room, a boy not much older than her. She noted that he bore a slight resemblance to her and her brother Isamu, possessing blue eyes and black hair like them.

The raven haired kunoichi returned the nod the boy gave her, an awkward and nervous smile playing across her face as she contemplated whether she should talk first or him. Hasumi was relieved when the other genin walked to the center of the classroom and began the lesson, she much preferred to sit at the sidelines while someone else got all of the attention.

Hasumi turned away from the outside world and gave the boy her attention as he demonstrated a few techniques for the class. Sitting atop her perch, her blue eyes did their best to keep up with his hand seals and other movements. While the young kunoichi had utilized the basic techniques herself, she admittedly only knew them through her memory link with her creator and had never trained the techniques herself.

When the boy transformed into a replica of Hasumi she wasn’t sure how to feel, blushing with embarrassment as she suddenly found herself looking upon her own visage. Not sure if she should be flattered or make some kind of retort against the boy, the kunoichi quickly looked away after her doppleganger smiled her way. When the boy finally finished his demonstration and made room for another to demonstrate, Hasumi nervously made her way to the center. Taking a deep breath, the girl looked up at the class and tried to give them a big welcoming smile.

“Hi everyone, I’m Hasumi and I’ll also be demonstrating a couple of techniques. I mostly specialize in using medical techniques and ninjutsu, so I’ll try and show you some basic techniques associated with those area of expertise.”

From there Hasumi began to demonstrate a couple of the techniques she knew, doing her best to explain how chakra flow worked and why each hand seal was needed to cast each technique.

Hasumi ended up teaching the kids a couple of low  rank techniques, demonstrating Earth Kunai and the Basic Medical Technique. While the techniques were a bit complicated for Academy Students, Hasu had found herself struggling to figure out what jutsu she could show the other kids after the boy’s demonstration.

Hasumi explained chakra natures to the class as she took a pot of dirt and pulled an earthen kunai from it. She thought about letting the kids pass the makeshift weapon around, but wasn’t sure if ninja students were allowed to play with sharp objects.

Instead she decided to use it for another demonstration. The young kunoichi used the construct to prick her finger, causing a drop of blood to form over her right index finger as she showed it to the class. Some of the kids seemed to dislike the sight of blood but others seemed intrigued and curious about what she was going to do next.

Not wanting to take the kids' focus off of her bleeding finger, Hasumi did the hand seals for the basic medical technique with one hand before applying the jutsu to herself. She explained to the class that she was focusing medica chakra through her hand and into her finger, and that while it might take them a while to learn even a non medical nin could acquire the technique.  

Satisfied with her demonstration, Hasumi thanked the class for letting her come in and show them some of her skills. She then turned to the boy and thanked him for working alongside her, though she didn’t look at him for too long. She was still a bit embarrassed that he had turned into her earlier.

Feeling like her task was complete, she bid everyone farewell and went to the lady at the front desk to get paid.




Mission Rewards
Doubled due to Beloved Presence
8,000 Ryo
40 AP

WC Claims
Using max stat discount
1,283/1,875 toward Wood Dragon

Modified Totals
Total Ryo: 25,250+8,000=33,250
Total Bonus AP: 492+40=532
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Genin Teaching Students Empty Re: Genin Teaching Students

Sun Oct 06, 2024 4:16 pm
Hasumi Hayato wrote:




Mission Rewards
Doubled due to Beloved Presence
8,000 Ryo
40 AP

WC Claims
Using max stat discount
1,283/1,875 toward Wood Dragon

Modified Totals
Total Ryo: 25,250+8,000=33,250
Total Bonus AP: 492+40=532

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