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Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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Thu Jan 01, 2015 11:06 am

" really are into that thing aren't you Kyo? Maybe we will, check out some of those small towns around here before heading back to Kumo. We are at war after all, it isn't safe to go away for extended periods of time." Said Aiko. While they were walking Kyojin saw a small animal with blacka and white stripes and instantly knew it was a skunk. Kyojiwn was going to tell Aiko to watch out but he chose not to so he can laugh at her. Kyojin smiled when he saw the skunk raise it tail and spray the green luiquid into Aiko's eyes. "Kyojin! I've been blinded by a trap likely set by the Genin! What can you see?"." Hahahaha....It is only a stupid little peenie weenie skunk. It is know threat but you should probably get to a water source to get that stuff out your eyes it will probably do some damage " said Kyojin seriously. Kyojin picked Aiko up and put her on his back while he walked off towards a water source." You are going the correct way just stay on this path and you will see a small pond " said Yuki. Jeez she must know this place like the back of her hand. Kyojin walked along the path with Aiko on his back for what felt like hours. Kyojin then saw the small pond. Kyojin sat Aiko on the ground." You should probably wash that smell off you also Ill leave so you can have some privacy " said Kyojin as he walked away from Aiko and the pond making sure to stay in hearing reach just in case the stupid Genin did a sneak attack. While he was walking he thought on what Aiko said "" eally are into that thing aren't you Kyo? Maybe we will, check out some of those small towns around here before heading back to Kumo. We are at war after all, it isn't safe to go away for extended periods of time." She was true they was at war. The stupid Akatsuki was terrorizing villiages one by one. Kyojin heard about the attack on Yukigakure no sato and Amegakure. She was probably lieing just to get him b off her back. Kyojin then sat on the ground and waited for Aiko to say she was ready. Hopefully nothing happen while she was doing what ever she was doing." Wait Yuki you always say weapon but never a specific kind " said Kyojin." Oh yes well let me tell you. South is a Scythe which is the one you are going for. North is a Fan. East is a Sword and West are a pair of powerful Kunai " said Yuki. Kyojin nodded his head " wait what about center "." To this day no one has ever seen that weapom " she replied. Ok here we go Kypjin thought today he will start his journey for the weapons and gathher them all. Today he would become God Tamer he laughed hopefully.

WC: 500

1 stat point

3 AP

450 Ryo

All words towards Shadow Clone.

Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

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Thu Jan 01, 2015 11:11 am
Stats can only be claimed for missions B rank and above. But the rest is approved.
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