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A day in the streets - Page 2 Empty Re: A day in the streets

Sun Mar 29, 2015 10:00 pm
Malvoes sighs after hearing his elder talk about self defense, getting up and following him. "You know, this isn't going to go well for me. Just to inform you my puppet, Mantis, isn't made for sparring." As Altar motions for Malvoes to begin, he first pulls his bandanna up over his mouth, revealing the emerald grin. Then he reaches behind him, grabbing the green striped scroll strapped to his lower back, Malvoes unrolls it revealing the black seal on the white parchment. Placing his hand against the seal he releases it, a cloud of smoke appearing and in it's wake revealing a five foot, wooden puppet, with short red hair, a hoodless cloak, empty black eyes, two sharp thick mandible on either side of it's mouth both tipped in emerald green color, it's hand completely replaced with curved blades at the wrists.
Malvoes attaches the scroll to his lower back and leaps backward a few feet, taking a low stance, he extends his left hand out, with his thumb, index, and middle finger extended, chakra threads unravel from those fingers, attaching to Mantis, raising him up in an animated way, his torso picking up and then his arms coming to life, his legs finally taking their place, giving him a fighters stance, arms open and body low.
"Ready when you are." Malvoes says with a determined look in his eyes.
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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A day in the streets - Page 2 Empty Re: A day in the streets

Thu Apr 02, 2015 10:36 pm
Altar's eyes would shine when he mentioned puppets. Ah, he had yet to fight against a mechanical body, let alone a puppet and it's master. Perhaps this would be a fair learning experience for them both, then. "Don't worry, I won't break your toy. I promise..." Altar would say, grinning as the boy pulled up the bandana. Altar really needed a mask...he'd have to do something about that one of these days.

When the boy revealed his puppet, Altar was somewhere in a state of shock and awe. It looked half human and half...insect? The mandibles and blades on the wrists reminded Altar of a praying mantis. This would prove to be interesting. When the master indicated he was ready, Altar would nod and start.

First things first, he'd need to gauge the puppet's strength. If it posed no true threat, he could leave it be and allow the boy some time to fight as the one pulling strings. However, if the puppet proved to be a danger, he'd need to immobilize it somehow. But this was a thing of wood and glue...and probably paper why would it need to be feared? Stay out of the way of it's arms and you're fine. Right?

Altar would dash forward, deciding to start this fight off slow. Moving in a semi circle around Malvoes, Altar would form a tiger handseal, and from the oasis a corckscrew pillar of water would rise, then move towards the intended target, Mal's pupper Mantis. If it hit, the force of the water would knock down the puppet, but it would suffer minimal damage. While the pillar was heading for the puppet, Altar would form another tiger seal and breath in, before breathing out a high pressure stream of water, intended for Mal's feet. The power would be pulled, so if it hit it wouldn't do much but sting. These first few attacks were really just to gauge the boy's awareness, movement style, and see how he fights and reacts.

After using Suidanha, Altar would dash forward again, right arm extended, aiming for Malvoes. If succesful, Altar would go through with the Lariat, but instead of blowing Mal away, he would aim him towards the ground, and he would bounce from the impact, rising back into the air. If this was succesful, Altar would extend both arms and spin, a barrier of raw chakra forming around him. The force of said barrier would knock Mal away from Altar. If all these events were to transpire, by the finish of it all they would have switched sides.

Alright, so list of stuff used in order -

Welcome to the jungle, boy-o. Call this your, Kiri initiation. Be glad it's not Xyxer doing it or you'd be losing limbs XD
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A day in the streets - Page 2 Empty Re: A day in the streets

Sat Apr 04, 2015 1:32 pm
Readying himself at Altar's nod, he prepare's for his first movements. Flicking his left wrist, he would have Mantis dash forward to meet Altar, his blade hands arched behind his torso. Noticing the tiger hand seal, Malvoes keeps an eye out, noticing the pillar of water rising out of the oasis, he would would pull Mantis back towards him. He would start running counter clockwise to Altar with Mantis in front of him, using the distance between Altar and him to avoid the stream of water emerging from Altar's mouth. After avoiding it, he would have Mantis dash forward arms crossed to catch Altar's right arm with the back of the blades and try to divert his course to the right, his blades glowing blue from the chakra starting to flow through them. If successful he would have mantis bring his head down, to dash towards Altar's left leg, trying to catch it in between his mandibles and trip Alt up.

Here's all of Mantis's stuff
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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A day in the streets - Page 2 Empty Re: A day in the streets

Mon Apr 06, 2015 11:46 pm
Altar would note Mal's movements. Conservative with himself, yet he was very forthright and forward with his puppet. That was a good way to be, but it would've been better if his puppet was stonger as well. He could easily snap the damn thing like a twig. But ah well, the boy wasn't a fighter at heart and was only a starter. At least he was good for that.

Noting the puppet's newfound charge at Altar, he would need to... er, adjust... for that. Lightning would begin forming in Altar's hand, a leash extending outwards from it, and after that a dog forming and coming into view. Altar would dash left, swinging the dog around to slam into Mantis' side. Both movements would divert the puppet's course greatly and would most likely knock it around a bit. After hitting the puppet with the hound, Altar would form a Ram handseal and touch the ground, and water would magically fall from the sky behind him because ninja. The water would flow to the direct right and left of Malvoes, encasing him between the rapid flows. Given the small distance between them, the water would mostly likely be there before Malvoes could move to avoid it.

After touching the ground to release the water, Altar would quickly rise and start forming more handseals. Tiger → Ox → Dragon → Hare → Dog → Bird → Rat → Clone seal → Dragon → Ram. After forming the seals, Altar would move a giant fuckin' shark out of the pool of water and use it to slam into Malvoes' puppet, knocking it further away and getting it even more wet. Next, Altar would form a Ram handseal once again and dash towards Malvoes. Of course, to Malvoes it would look as though Altar dissapeared in a blur, only to reappear behind him. Once behind Malvoes, Altar would form a Ox handseal, then Boar, then Horse and finally he would clap, which would send the poor boy into neverneverland to fight the Cheshire Cat... er, cats. Tanuki maybe? Whatever.

Jutsu used:
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A day in the streets - Page 2 Empty Re: A day in the streets

Sat Apr 11, 2015 1:35 am
Eyes widening slightly as Mantis is thrashed by a freaking lightning dog, but no time to admire the strength of his sparring partner, as a ram seal is forming in his friend's hands he would start forming seals of his own Ram → Snake → Tiger creating two clones of himself, one in front of him and the other in front of the first.
He would use the cloness to cover his face, using a technique passed down by puppets users, throwing his voice fifteen meters out in front of himself, and behind Altar, and disguising it as a deep echoey burly voice he would shout "FUS RO DAH!" Hoping the abrupt sound would confuse him and distract him long enough for Malvoes to leap out of the torrent of water and near his puppet, connecting his chakra threads to it once again and pulling it close to his body.

[me BSing this.]
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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A day in the streets - Page 2 Empty Re: A day in the streets

Sat Apr 11, 2015 2:30 pm
Altar would watch the boy's handseals form. Ah, so he was a ninjutsu user as well? knew those handseals all too well from his first fight, and never after that. A simple clone technique, but it served it's purpose at the boy's level. So this boy wasn't completely deft, or so it seemed. However, what Altar hadn't seen coming was when the clones made a simple move to cover Malvoes' face, and Altar heard a voice behind him. He half expected to go ragdolling into the air, but remained cool and collected.

Spinning around, Altar would draw the katana from his back, igniting the steel blade with lightning before noticing there was no one there. Ah, how strange...he could've swore he heard a voice. Oh well. Spinning back around, Altar would see that Mal had managed to escape the torrent of water and now had drawn Mantis back close to him. Well, that was a slight inconvenience. Something that didn't particularly bother him, but it was a slight nuisance nonetheless. Much akin to a mosquito bite.

Preparing himself for a fight, Altar would plant his feet firmly before hearing a familiar voice echo in his mind. "Altar, you've become fairly adept at controlling your Yuumei now. Here's a neat little parlor trick for you, why don't you try letting your yuumei through your body, down to the ground? If you keep yourself planted, you may be surprised at what it'll do for you..." Nekoda would say, before her voice would fade from Altar's mind. A...parlor trick? Well, this was certainly the time to try new things. Doing as the girl in his mind said, Altar would begin letting his yuumei down through the ground, while motioning for Malvoes to send Mantis in for a fight.

Jutsu Used:

I may not be able to use Chidori against you...but I can still use it on myself damn it o-o
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A day in the streets - Page 2 Empty Re: A day in the streets

Fri Apr 17, 2015 11:52 am
Malvoes smiles at the serious pose his friend is taking, I must be giving him a run for his money  he thinks to himself. He sighs lightly though, from the lightning blade technique he just saw he could tell he was out matched his lack of experience would be why he loses this, but he wasn't going to make it an easy win for his partner. 

He would sweep his left hand to the left bringing Mantis over to his left flank, keeping him close. He falls back a few more meters and stretches his right hand out, his skin moving in unnatural ways down his arm, till  the pores on his wrist open up, as 33 insects start spilling out, swirling around his right arm as a spiral cloud. He smiles at his arm and would start walking slowly around the right of Altar, keeping his safe distance
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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A day in the streets - Page 2 Empty Re: A day in the streets

Fri Apr 17, 2015 4:31 pm
Altar would smirk as the boy let loose a swarm of insects over his right arm. Was that some technique to keep him safe? Well, he couldn't allow that to happen now could he? Though even Altar was unaware of what was happening and the move he had been performing, it would soon become apparant and very, very effective to the current situation.

All the while that the events had been happening, Altar had continued to channel his yuumei through the ground, the invisible trail would work it's way too Malvoes and spring itself up, quickly forming a cage around the poor boy. Altar's mouth would open in surprise and he would scan over the cage. Looking at it, he could see it was formed of his own chakra and yuumei. He had done that just by letting his yuumei seek into the ground? Holy shit, that was awesome! Unfortunately for Malvoes, seeing as the yuumei was invisible and formed so fast, combined with the boy's slow walking speed, the boy truly had no escape from this. The insects had been nice, but it was a tad too late. The cage would restrict movement, so he had limited control over his puppet as well.

Altar would walk over to the boy cautiously. He was apprehended but not yet disarmed or defeated. When Altar reached the boy, he would cut the threads of chakra that tied him to the puppet, and at the same time push out a pulse of yuumei, which would most likely serve it's purpose of flash-starving the insects the boy had weaponized, as well as most in his body. A few well-fed would likely remain, however. Still, Altar felt this spar was well over. Putting his thumb to the boy's forehead, Altar would speak. "Well, you've been defeated, though I liked what I saw. You show promise, just never stop moving. And one more thing, never put yourself into the air."

With that hanging in the air, Altar would dissipate the cage, allowing the boy his freedom. From there, Altar would sit down in the shade and laugh. Damn, that had been nice but fairly tiring. He threw everything towards the boy.
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A day in the streets - Page 2 Empty Re: A day in the streets

Fri Apr 17, 2015 4:47 pm
Malvoes sits down, watching the cage disappear. Feeling slightly uncomfortable from the Lack of insects. Hopefully the new generation will be more resilient. He sits down looking at the crumpled body of Mantis, "I'll keep that in mind, hopefully I'll have more puppets and a few more techniques to show." 

He stretches his arms out, groaning loudly. "Man that was quite a bit of exertion for me though, I'm sure a skilled ninja like you is used to that kind of thing though." He grins smugly, seeing the exhaustion in Altar's face.
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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A day in the streets - Page 2 Empty Re: A day in the streets

Wed Apr 29, 2015 9:07 pm
Altar would smirk at the boy. "You'd be surprised. I wouldn't say i'm used to it but I certainly don't throw everything I have in my possession at just anyone. But you know I did it on purpose, don't get cocky kid. I needed to see your reaction, how you'd move and evade. You know, the key to being a ninja isn't just being able to hit hard, it's also being able to avoid being hit hard. So let's call that a nice little training session..." Altar would say before looking to the sky.

"Although now it's late and I gotta scram. So i'll be seeing you later, i'm sure. The island's a small place after all." Altar would say before standing up and walking back to the streets. He figured it'd be a good time to check up on his sister.

~Using free 3,000 from Christmas that I never used +1,250 from topic for Eight Cages of Hell~
~Aaaaand put the rest towards Meigan : Awakening~, approx. 1,801~
~+15 stats~
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