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Water Style: Liquid Bullets (C-Rank) (Canon) Empty Water Style: Liquid Bullets (C-Rank) (Canon)

Tue Apr 07, 2015 7:48 pm
Salzem awoke this morning from a deep sleep. His mask was twisted so he awoke to the canvass instead of his room. Salzem took off his mask and yawned. He was still a bit tired and was almost tempted to return to the soft, warm embrace of sleep, but once he was up, he was up. Salzem dug himself out of bed and limped on over to the bathroom where he splashed some water on his face. Cold and sharp. The remaining sleep flew from his body as he pulled his mask  on and walked downstairs. His father was at the dinner table, helping himself to a bowl of fruit. Salzem followed his example, cutting up strawberries, melon, and bananas with a kitchen knife. He scooped them all into a little plastic bowl and dug out a spoon from one of the drawers and brought it all to the table where he started to eat. His father glanced up from his breakfast, addressing Salzem only after his bowl had been emptied. 
"Morning Salzem." Salzem's dad said, leaning back his chair. Salzem nodded at his father, swallowing his mouthful of fruit.
"Morning Father." Salzem responded. Salzem looked up from his breakfast, noticing his father had a bit of an excited glint in his eye. Did something happen? Is something going to happen? Had my father planned something? Salzem thought as he observed his father. Once his bowl had been emptied, Salzem gave a sigh of contentment. His father got up from the table and retrieved his white coat from the coat rack by the door.
"Come Salzem. We are going out." His father said. Salzem got up from the table, putting the two bowls on the counter before joining his father's side as they went out. His father walked through town, ultimately leading Salzem to the Training Grounds. Salzem's Father faced the wooden training dummies putting his hands together in the Tiger seal. Salzem took a step back. Was this a demonstration of some kind? His father reared back, cheeks swelling. Suddenly, he lead forward, opening he mouth and a small ball of water blasted from in between his lips. The water moved at incredible speed, almost too fast for him to see. He heard a thunk! as the water struck the wooden dummy. It dug it's way through the wood before shooting out through the other side and imbedding itself into the ground where it became a small puddle. Salzem was stunned! He had never seen such power before!
"Now," His father said, turning to Salzem. "Can you tell me what that Jutsu was?"

(WC: 434)

Water Style: Liquid Bullets (C-Rank) (Canon) Empty Re: Water Style: Liquid Bullets (C-Rank) (Canon)

Tue Apr 07, 2015 11:07 pm
Salzem broke from his stunned state at his father's question. He searched his mind for information regarding the jutsu preformed before him. The water, the speed, the hand sign. All of these pointed to Water Style: Liquid Bullets. Salzem was sure in fact that this was Liquid Bullets.
"Water Style: Liquid Bullets." Salzem replied confidently. Salzem's father nodded.
"Impressive Salzem. I see you haven't slacked in your studies." His father said. Salzem smiled a little at his father's compliment. He loved it when he did that.
"Do you know how the jutsu works?" His father asked. Salzem shook his head. While it was true he doesn't slack on his studies, there may be certain points where he let himself have a little... reprieve.
"Well," His father began. "It is actually a simple jutsu by chuunin standards, So it is perfect for you. This jutsu has three simple steps." His father held up his pointer finger. "Step one, focus the chakra into your mouth." His father unfolded his middle finger along side his pointer.
"Step two, mold and transform the chakra to a small ball of condensed water." Salzem's father unfolded his ring finger. 
"Step three, use the remaining chakra to push the ball of water out, effectively transforming it into a bullet." Salzem was eager. He wanted to try this jutsu out right now! He pushed his hands together in the tiger sign and began focusing before he felt his father's hand on his shoulder.
"Whoa!" He said. "Just because I said it was simple, doesn't mean it will be easy!" Salzem broke the seal, disappointed. He had hoped it was easy. It looked to amazing, punching through a half-foot log of wood. Salzem's father took notice of Salzem's body language and shook him gently, reassuringly. 
"Don't worry son. I will teach you." He made the tiger seal with his hands, facing the dummy.
"Now, mimic my stance and tiger seal." Salzem's Father commanded. He did so, doing his best to keep everything symmetrical with his father.
"Now stay like that." He said, moving so that he was squatting next to Salzem.
"Try focusing your chakra to one specific place: your mouth." He said. Salzem focused, drawing on his chakra. He felt it flow and surge throughout his body, seemingly asking for a direction to flow. Salzem manipulated his chakra to his mouth. His cheeks began to swell with chakra.
"Good. Now, imagine water. Make only a small bit transform to water." His father instructed. Salzem imagined water flowing, coming and going. He imagined the water stop, rise and flow in a sphere. He felt the chakra race in between his jaws. It circulated but then stopped and began to feel wet. He had done it! He transformed chakra to water! His father nodded approvingly. "Now comes the hardest part." He whispered to Salzem. 
(WC: 474)

Water Style: Liquid Bullets (C-Rank) (Canon) Empty Re: Water Style: Liquid Bullets (C-Rank) (Canon)

Wed Apr 08, 2015 7:28 am
His father slipped his mask off. Salzem nodded in appreciation, trying not to break his concentration.
"Now, use the remaining chakra to force it out of your mouth. Imagine it like a spring." His father said.
Salzem flowed chakra into the back of his mouth where it would act as the spring. Unfortunately, he had channeled too much chakra to act as the spring which caused the condensed water to flow. It forced itself forward before Salzem could stop it. He froze and then his mouth shot open causing a large mouthful of water to surge from it and it poured to the ground. Salzem coughed and gagged. That wasn't supposed to happen. What happened?? He heard his father stifle a small laugh. Salzem made a face. He knew that it probably looked hilarious but he was the butt of the joke so the humor eluded him. When his father gained control of himself, he examined Salzem. No damage. That was a bit of good news at least. He stepped back and observed his son.
"Do you know what went wrong?" His father asked. Salzem nodded, still trying to keep himself from heaving. When his breathing got under control, he spoke.
"I think that I used to much chakra to push out the condensed water." Salzem said. His father nodded.
"Yes. Using too much chakra will cause the bullet to fall apart, causing that surge of water right there." He pointed to the puddle of water on the ground. Salzem was tired. Channeling that much chakra at once was enough to make anyone sleepy.
"Father, can we take a break?" Salzem asked.
"Of course!" His father exclaimed. "You go ahead. I'll wait for you." Salzem nodded in thanks before taking his mask, slipping it on, and falling asleep on a near by tree.

(WC: 304)

Water Style: Liquid Bullets (C-Rank) (Canon) Empty Re: Water Style: Liquid Bullets (C-Rank) (Canon)

Sun Apr 12, 2015 8:23 am
Salzem awoke from his nap, feeling perfectly re-energized. His father apparently had just gotten lunches for them while he slept.
"Thank you father." Salzem said when his father offered him a lunch. Salzem took it and unwrapped the bandana that held it closed. Inside there was a couple of sweet rice balls and a ramen cup. His favorite. He worked through his meal quickly, feeling better than he had when he had started. He jumped to his feet where he got in position again. He stood in front of the dummy, focusing his chakra as he had done before. He put his hands together in the tiger sign and focused. His chakra came to him readily. It was almost like it wanted to be used. He channeled the chakra into the his mouth where it was condensed and shifted into small balls. Salzem then focused and purified his chakra into water which sat on above his tongue. His father slipped his mask off again. Salzem, at his father's instruction, used the remaining chakra to push the bullet out of his mouth. It rocketed out from in between Salzem's lips, striking the wooden dummy, but not piercing it. He heard a crack and looked over to where the bullet had struck. It had made a small crater in the wooden dummy about chest level. right where Salzem was aiming. He smiled at his father who nodded in approval. "You have done the jutsu but it lacks power." His father said, observing the crater. "You put too much chakra into the bullet, making it much bigger than it needed to be." He walked up to the dummy and ran a finger along the inside of the crater. "The goal of the jutsu is to pierce and do fatal damage to a single target." He taps the hole he made in his dummy. "Not to do minor damage to multiple areas." He tapped the crater. Salzem nodded. This made sense. In a way, he did more of a light-weight cannon ball than an actual bullet. Salzem put his hands together again, ready to try his hand again at the jutsu. This time, he focused somewhat less chakra into the bullet and diverted the rest to the access chakra. He converted the ball to water as he had done before and spat it out with the force of the chakra. It whizzed through the air, striking the dead-center of the crater. It blasted through the wood, coming out the other side and splashing onto the ground as his father's had. He turned to his parent who smiled down at him. Salzem smiled back. He was happy to see his father's expression he rarely got to enjoy.
"Now this time," His father said. Focus on your accuracy. Aim for the head of the dummy."
(TWK: 1247)

Water Style: Liquid Bullets (C-Rank) (Canon) Empty Re: Water Style: Liquid Bullets (C-Rank) (Canon)

Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:30 am
"But Father, I had hit My first shot dead center. Is that accurate enough?" Salzem's father nodded slowly.
"Sure it is indeed accurate but as you can see, you left a pretty big target to aim at. It would be pretty hard to miss. If you can do that again, aiming at the head of the dummy, then you will have mastered this technique." Salzem understood now that his father had said it. Yeah it made sense. He looked at the crater his first attempt at Liquid Bullets have left. It was like painting a giant red target with an arrow in the center saying "Shoot here." Salzem readied himself for another round of bullets. Apparently, Salzem's over all accuracy led much to be desired. By the time he had run out of chakra, Salzem had riddled the first dummy full of holes but no where near the middle of its face. Salzem fell over on his back, tired beyond reason. His father put the mask back over his face. Once the worst of the exhaustion had faded for the most part, Salzem wondered why he couldn't hit the dang face! His father had observed his frustration, sitting down beside his son and staring at the Swiss-cheese that was the training dummy.
"Yeah..." Salzem's father had said after a long silence. "We have a bit to work on that don't we?" Salzem didn't respond as he was still caught up in the fact that he had missed all those shots. Finally, when his father's words had been processed, he got up and forced himself to do another round of liquid bullets despite his agonizingly low chakra. His father did not stop him, as he riddled another wooden dummy full of holes again, hitting everything but the intended target. Salzem fell back again, this time into the arms of his father who laid him up against the trunk of a tree. Salzem was unconscious this time, apparently the draining exercise had taken all he had with less-than optimal results. His father sat down next to his son, waiting for for when he would wake up.
(TWK: 1603)

Water Style: Liquid Bullets (C-Rank) (Canon) Empty Re: Water Style: Liquid Bullets (C-Rank) (Canon)

Tue Apr 14, 2015 6:48 am
When Salzem awoke, the first feeling he felt was intense frustration He slammed his fist against the earth. Hard. "Baka!" He swore under his breath. His father said nothing, just looking at him from the corner of his eye. Salzem forced himself to stand, using the tree trunk for support. His energy had not completely returned yet so he was breathing hard from the simple act of standing. He growled in frustration when his legs refused to move forward. He tried again, forcing his legs to move him to his shooting spot. They responded slowly, making Salzem fall over once or twice. By the time he had reached the spot in front of the dummy, He was breathing hard, muscles aching. His father walked silently up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder. Salzem froze for a second, not noticing his father's approach. When Salzem saw it was his dad he relaxed a little. Salzem was going to get it now even if it killed him! He raised his hands in the tiger sign. At first, he was afraid he chakra wouldn't respond at all. Then it came, agonizingly slow and resistant. It felt like hours, waiting for the appropriate amount of chakra to preform the jutsu. He father seemed to have had enough of Salzem torturing himself.
"Son, take another break." He called to Salzem. Salzem shook his head mutely, determined to make this shot. When that didn't work, he slammed his hands together in a sine, blue light glowing over his hands. He simply touched his hand to Salzem's back and his remaining energy began to drain. Salzem did not know how or why his chakra was dissipating. His father led Salzem over to the tree and had him rest.
"There was no point in training if you end up dying over it."  Salzem's father said, crouching down on his heals so that he was face to face with his son. "We will get it, don't you worry. Just rest." Salzem barely registered these words before passing out again. This time, when Salzem awoke, he felt re energized. His father was just practicing his taijutsu on one of the smaller dummies. Salzem stood much easier, and walked over to his father. Seeing his son healthy and ready for more made him grin a bit. Salzem noticed the grin and he grinned back, feeling great. They both walked over to the last remaining dummy. If he could not make this shot, they were done for the day. Salzem focused his chakra into his mouth and formed it into a bullet. When he felt he was lined up just so, forced he access chakra forward, shooting the bullet at a break-neck speed. It hit dead center of the intended target, shooting through the head of the dummy and blasting out the other side. Salzem felt a great weight lifted off his shoulders and turned to face his father. He was openly smiling now.
"I'm proud of you son." He said before pulling a serious expression. "Don't let that go to your head." Salzem almost believed his serious demeanor was real before he cracked another smile. Salzem welled up with pride. He had learned his first elemental jutsu! He snatched up his mask from his father and slipped it on.
"Come on," His father said, jokingly shoving Salzem back towards the village. "I'll buy you some ice-cream."

(TWK: 2171)
(Claiming 10 stat points and Liquid Bullets Jutsu)
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Water Style: Liquid Bullets (C-Rank) (Canon) Empty Re: Water Style: Liquid Bullets (C-Rank) (Canon)

Tue Apr 14, 2015 9:13 am
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