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Ishida Kobayashi
Ishida Kobayashi
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Wind Release: Gale Palm training Empty Wind Release: Gale Palm training

Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:32 pm
Ishida despite recent traumatic events was back to his regular training. Today his goal was to learn the wind style jutsu gale palm. It was C-rank like the wind bullet technique he had learned before. However, this technique was very different and would be a challenge to learn. Unlike wind bullets the technique gale palm wasn’t a piercing technique. It wasn’t as lethal of a jutsu but it had superior practicality as it could be used for offense and defense. Ishida arrived in a nice wooded clearing. It was a highly isolated area but Ishida preferred it that way. There was a chance someone would stumble upon it, but it wasn’t likely. Ishida began to stretch to get his body warmed up. Recently he had begun to spend more time training his physique and as a result was fairly sore.

                A few minutes of stretching did the trick and Ishida was ready to go. From what he understood gale palm was done by channeling his wind chakra into the air around him. He would then clap and release it in a strong gust. It seemed basic but Ishida wasn’t sure how well he would be able to control the chakra outside of his body. Ishida closed his eyes and began to focus his chakra. Once he had a good amount he began to mold it into wind style, after a few seconds he was done and Ishida clapped his hands together loudly. The jutsu blew out in a gust of wind; it buffeted the trees and bushes in front of Ishida. However, to his disappointment it didn’t tear any from the ground. He clicked his tongue in disappointment. He wasn’t very surprised but was still hoping for a better result. Ishida wasn’t sure just how powerful this jutsu could get but he knew there was more to it than what his last attempt displayed. He would keep at it until he derooted at least one tree.

                Ishida took three deep breaths before he began again. His chakra formed quicker this time, something that gave him hope this attempt would be better. Sadly, once he activated his jutsu the results were very similar. Right now Ishida was only creating a strong gust of wind. It wasn’t something that could be called a shinobi technique. At least not yet anyway. Ishida figured he could do two more attempts before he would have to rest. He would need to maximize his level of concentration. Ishida began molding his chakra into wind style, this time he gathered more chakra than before. So much so that he could hardly control it. As he clapped and released the gust was different than before. It wasn’t as controlled, but it was stronger. The wind this time blew every which way something that would make it useless in a fight. However, it did blow an entire bush bare of its leaves. Ishida would need to strengthen it even more while also maintaining control over the gale. It was going to be harder than expected.

                At this point Ishida needed to sit down and take a break. His estimation of two more attempts proved to be wrong. He was mentally drained from trying to control all that wind chakra. Ishida pondered how he could improve his control and his power at the same time. He knew this jutsu wasn’t meant to deal a large amount of physical damage but he still wanted to improve on what he had done so far. Ishida reflected on all of his training with wind release up till this point. It was then he came to the conclusion it wasn’t the amount of the wind chakra he conjured up but how good the chakra was. He thought if he focused on making it sharp he could complete his objectives of improving his power and control. In theory it made perfect sense. But Ishida wasn’t sure if he could properly apply his theory to the jutsu. He had to purify his wind chakra and make it pure wind. If he was lucky it would take him all day. If he wasn’t this jutsu could take a week or more. It all depended on his ability to mold his chakra correctly. Ishida began thinking out how he would go about this change while he was resting. He thought of the different ways wind appeared in nature. There were gentle gusts of wind, Ishida didn’t need that. But there were also times the wind blew fiercely, so fiercely it would hurt your skin. Ishida needed to reproduce that kind of sharpness with his chakra.

                Ishida stood up and brushed the dirt from his pants. He was ready to once again begin his training. Ishida jumped up and down in place a few times to get his body warmed up once again. Once he felt he was ready he approached his bush and tree targets. Ishida began to release his chakra little by little, he didn’t want to release too much like he did during his last attempt. Once he felt he had enough Ishida began to make his chakra as thin and sharp as he could. Through this effort alone Ishida broke out in a sweat. In his previous wind release training he had made his chakra thin and sharp but not nearly to this degree. It was much more strenuous than before. Ishida was hoping that the difficulty would translate to the power of the jutsu. Ishida didn’t even attempt his jutsu this time, right now he just wanted to focus on thinning his chakra. Ishida could feel it getting thinner but it still wasn’t good enough. He wanted it to be razor thin. As Ishida was thinning out his chakra he suddenly lost control of it.

                Ishida sighed deeply, this was even more challenging than he had anticipated. Ishida felt as if he was still a beginner at his nature transformation that he had practiced so much. However Ishida wasn’t ready to give up, at least not this soon into his training. He began gathering and molding his chakra around him. Thinning it and sharpening it as best he could. This time he wanted to test the results. “Wind release: Gale Palm!” Ishida clapped his hands together and activated his jutsu. He immediately could see the difference in this attempt compared to the other ones. The wind was sharp, so much so that Ishida could feel his face burn despite being behind the gale. The torrent of wind proved to be his strongest attempt yet. It cleared all the bushes and trees in front of Ishida of their leaves, and it even snapped off a few twigs and minor branches here and there. “Not bad,” Ishida muttered to himself. It was by far his best attempt so far. Ishida arched his back doing his best to crack it. He was definitely improving but the question was would his stamina hold out till he mastered this jutsu? He wasn’t sure so he would just need to do his best.

                In the meantime Ishida decided it would be best to take a quick breather. His lips were cracked and dried from the high velocity winds he had been creating. Ishida decided to find a stream to get water and heal his lips up. It would also serve to rejuvenate him. His training had thoroughly drained him, in both mind and body. As Ishida walked through the woods he was scanning his surroundings. As a missing-nin he was often watching his back, he was paranoid one day someone would try to kill him. That was the way most missing-nin die. Tracked down by their former villages and killed. Whether it be for desertion or any crimes they may have committed it didn’t matter. It was a dangerous life, one that Ishida was still not fully accustomed to. However, he did enjoy times like this. Walking through the woods, no one pestering him. “It could be worse,” Ishida said as he got down on his knees and drank from the flowing river he had found. The water was cool, a contrast to the warm spring day it was. The birds were out and there were even a few fish in the stream. That was when Ishida got a good idea for the next step of his training. He took off his sandals and waded into the water. He wasn’t using his jutsu to walk on the water and as a result everything below his waste was drenched. Ishida was doing his best to not be pushed back by the water. The current was strong, it forced Ishida to bend his knees slightly and lower his center of gravity.

                “Now let’s see what I can do,” Ishida said as he began forming his wind chakra. He made sure to make it extra thin and sharp. He clapped his hands and released his jutsu. It was just as good as last time, if not better. The force of the wind was enough to momentarily stop the current of the stream. However, the few fish that were in the river were not affected. Ishida decided he wouldn’t stop until he could force the fish back for at least a second. Ishida stripped off his shirt that was wet from the waves and threw it onto the dry riverbanks. Now he could focus his chakra without his damp shirt hindering him. Ishida felt at this point the molding of his chakra was correct and all that was left was repetition. What a drag Ishida thought to himself as he began to repeat the process he had already done a multitude of times. He figured he could last maybe an hour more of this training before his body completely gave out. As his chakra was thinning out and sharpening Ishida thought above how much he had grown today alone. However, he still wasn’t satisfied. Ishida clapped his hands together, “Wind Release: Gale palm,” Ishida shouted out as he activated his jutsu. The gusts of wind caused large ripples throughout the water. The flow of the water gradually slowed until it completely stopped for a moment. Despite the momentary stop in the current the fish continued swimming on their own. It still wasn’t good enough.

                Ishida’s teeth began to chatter as he stood in the flowing river. The air outside was warm but the water felt frigid. Ishida was struggling to form his chakra due to the intense cold the lower half of his body was facing. He would need to master this jutsu quickly before he got hypothermia. He wasn’t sure how he would explain to a doctor about how he got hypothermia on such a beautiful day. Every time Ishida was close to molding his chakra completely he would lose focus and mess up. After two such failures Ishida had had enough and bit down sharply on his bottom lip. Wincing in pain he began to reform his chakra. His lip hurt but it distracted him from the cold water he had been standing in for close to an hour. Ishida focused on making his chakra thin and sharp, as he was hoping this would be his final attempt at the jutsu. Ishida thinned out his chakra as best as he could and before he lost control he clapped his hands and activated his jutsu. Gale palm was in full force blwoing everything in Ishida’s path back. Even the blood from his lip. Unlike the previous attempts Ishida actually reversed the current of the water. The fish despite trying to swim were completely stuck in place. Seeing this Ishida broke out in laughter and climbed out of the cold water. Despite shaking with cold Ishida couldn’t stop smiling. It had been a long days training and he was glad to be finally done. Ishida got dressed even though he was dripping wet. In his soggy clothes he began the long trek to the dump he was staying at. Despite all of this Ishida was happy because he felt he had become exponentially stronger today alone. 

(word count 2050/2000)
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Wind Release: Gale Palm training Empty Re: Wind Release: Gale Palm training

Mon Apr 27, 2015 9:20 pm
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