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Ryugia Uchiha
Ryugia Uchiha
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A new way to train! (open) Empty A new way to train! (open)

Sun May 10, 2015 1:05 am
((Someone start, because it is like 1 am))
Ryugia Uchiha
Ryugia Uchiha
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A new way to train! (open) Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Sun May 10, 2015 8:51 pm
Ryugia Stood in the center of a training area, with a large log loosely set in the ground. It was about 7am, and Ryugia had decided to make the day all about training . He planned to work on Taijutsu, and Ninnjutsu. He wasn't really all to keen on Genjutsu, but He would probably learn some eventually given he did finally have the sharingan. He activated his Ocular jutsu, and putting a hand on the ground kicked upawrd into the log, as if he was aiming for a persons chin. The log rose upward, and he flipped onto all floors, and jumped into the air. He hovered under the log as it flew, and with a turn of his body, and flick of his wrist he pushed the log into  a kick on the left side, he faked a kick to the right, and instead brought his back fist down where the neck would be. he followed with a punch to the center, and finally a heel kick to the log, right as it hit the ground. He slid off onto the dirt, using his fingers to slow himself. "So that's the lions barrage. That's pretty cool. Invented by a fellow Uchiha. Sasuke Uchiha. It's definitely hard, but I think I can get it down soon enough.  
((Word count: 216- claims 1 stat point, and 200 words towards towards Lions barrage))
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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A new way to train! (open) Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Mon May 18, 2015 1:36 pm
(sorry about the terribly long wait, I'll post now. Just finished up school for the year.)
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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A new way to train! (open) Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Mon May 18, 2015 1:57 pm
Kasai looked at the sun while he walked, the light bending around his long robes that matched the beautiful rays in their splendor of reds, yellows, and whites. The large scroll on his back swaying with each step, and the bright mask that hung on his chest from a cord around his neck bouncing with each step, Kasai entered the training grounds, looking around for who knows what.

It was there that he saw a young man, an Uchiha by the looks, also in the training field. He recognized him to be one of those who had attended the rather informal meeting to elect, or hopefully elect, a new Hokage.

"Hello," Kasai said, approaching the young man, nodding his head and extending his hand. "Ryugia, isn't it?"

A new way to train! (open) Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Mon May 18, 2015 3:13 pm
Salzem Was wandering through town, looking for someone to train with. Lately, he was feeling starved of companionship. As antisocial as he was at heart, even he knew he needed to interact with others every once in a while. Once again, his wandering brought him to the training grounds, the place where he always tended to end up when out on a stroll. Upon entering, he recognized two of the two people standing there. Kasai's flashy outfit made him nearly impossible to miss and Ryugia had been a recent acquaintance so the memories of him were still fresh in his mind. He approached them, Relaxed, but slightly guarded.

"Hello, Kasai, Ryugia. Coincidence meeting you both here so soon."
Ryugia Uchiha
Ryugia Uchiha
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A new way to train! (open) Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Tue May 19, 2015 9:21 pm
Ryugia's breathing was heavy from trying to perform the lions barrage, but he smiled, and greeted both of them. "Hey guys. What are you guys doing way out here? I'm just trying to learn this new taijutsu maneuver, the lions barrage. It's pretty hard, but I'm starting to get the hang of it thanks to my sharingan. It's a series of complicated air maneuvers, after you get your opponent in the air. Apparently it was invented by Sasuke Uchiha a long time ago." Ryugia was really tired, but he needed to keep going. Building endurance was really important. 

((sorry for the short post. It's mostly conversational.))
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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A new way to train! (open) Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Tue May 19, 2015 10:22 pm
Kasai nodded at Salzem as he approached, and then listened to Ryugia as he spoke.

"Sasuke?" Kasai said, repeating the name. "I have not heard of him."

He looked at the two, and wondered if there were some way for all three to train at the same time. Two against one would certainly not be fair, but also two sparring and the third doing solo training would be boring.

(sorry for the really short post again)

A new way to train! (open) Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Tue May 19, 2015 10:29 pm
"Sasuke.......?" Salzem muttered as he searched his thoughts for something connected to that name. Nothing. Salzem shrugged, accepting his ignorance.
"Who is this Sasuke guy?" Salzem asked, glancing from Ryugia to Kasai.
"Also, Ryugia, you still owe me that spar." Salzem grinned slightly looking between his new friends. He wondered how a three way free-for-all would work, especially sense Kasai outranked and outmatched the both of them.
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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A new way to train! (open) Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Wed May 20, 2015 2:25 am
[Hope you don't mind if I intrude, gentlemen. I'm only joining for some practice at writing up fights, and if you want me to, I'll back out. Also Kasai, I'm writing up dat backstory. I'm still moving and all that, but my stuff is packed.]

Having already been up for a few hours, Risako had shed the groginess of the early morning. At first, she was content with sketching quick gesture drawings, but that lost its appeal after a few hours. Flopping on her bed, she stared at the newly bought equipment that lay unused. Quickly strapping every thing on, she flew out of the door and into the street, kunai as I clanking and the katana jiggling with every quick step.

It didn't take her long to reach the training grounds, where her eyes caught the sight of Kasai, Salzem, and some dude she saw talk at the lamp post the other day... As she neared them, she was tucking her black sleeves into her bracers. "Hey! You two!" Risako pointed to Salzem and Kasai, "And... you." Her voice was flat, but not unfriendly as she nodded to Ryugia, beginning to tuck in her other sleeve. Having over heard Salzem question who Sasuke Uchiha was, Risako, whom considered herself a history buff, said "You need to read sometime. He was an important Konoha figure, and in a way leader. Actually, for a while he was the sole surviving heir to the Uchiha clan, which technically makes him," she pointed to Ryugia, "one of Sasuke's descendants." Had it not been for the sharingan, she wouldn't have known who Ryugia was. "Well, at least I think he's a descendant, he could've stolen those eyes for all I know." She shot Ryugia a smile after tightening the belt that held the sheath to her katana, "I'm kidding. So what's up?" After that she rubbed the spot where her nose had been broken by Yensung... Or was that one Salzem? She couldn't remember (nor did she care) who broke it. The small crook made her look cooler than half the genin who were relatively unscathed.

Ryugia Uchiha
Ryugia Uchiha
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A new way to train! (open) Empty Re: A new way to train! (open)

Wed May 20, 2015 10:58 pm
Ryugia looks to Risako coolly, and says "No mam, you are looking at a genuine Uchiha. I was born with these eyes" Ryugia lets his sharingan fade from his eyes. " I'm up for some training. I need to increase my chakra just a bit more, so I can learn the Chidori. I also really want to try to learn some fire style jutsu. I am a Uchiha, and we are known for our fire style, I just happen to awaken lightning style first. I really want to learn the fire ball jutsu, which is almost a symbol for our clan. " Ryugia just sort of shifts a little, slightly embarrassed at his like of fire style knowledge. He needed to get stronger. Because even if he wouldn't be hokage now, he sitll wanted to protect this village, and then maybe one day, he would be powerful enough to become the hokage. Ryugia looked up towards the sky. taking in the bright blue sky and the rustling of the trees in the wind. He closed his eyes. bringing his head back down, he opened his eyes once more and the sharingan was back. "One more thing. I need to unlock the third tomoe of my sharingan, no matter what."
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