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Zak and Jack Train Again, Open, No Killing  Empty Zak and Jack Train Again, Open, No Killing

Fri Jan 08, 2016 2:06 am
This morning, Zakary jogged around the field at which he'd usually begin training a few times before actually initiating his practice. Today he would learn Body Flicker, so he decided to stretch out first. That's why he was jogging. After his four laps, he kept up his pace and went into the middle of the training ground. He knew that this jutsu was going to be a more difficult one, but he was still going to learn it in less than twenty four hours because Zakary said so. Body Flicker was the usage of one's own chakra to temporarily empower their movement speed and gain a large boost in how fast they could travel. It was only over a small distance, that distance being dependent on the user. He also knew that any user of the technique had some manner of disappearing, be it in a cloud of smoke, simply moving quickly, or anything in between. He brought his hands level with his chest, and formed the Ram seal. Zakary felt his chakra grant him speed, but not near as much as he'd have liked. As soon as the jutsu was activated, he took off towards a nearby dummy and stopped just short of it. Turning around, he noted that he had only traveled a total of twenty meters. He should've been able to go both further and faster than his minor accomplishment. "Yeah, this will take some work... I really need to quit talking to myself, people will think I'm going insane."
Word Count : 253
Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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Zak and Jack Train Again, Open, No Killing  Empty Re: Zak and Jack Train Again, Open, No Killing

Fri Jan 08, 2016 1:07 pm
Clang! The door to Kisuke's apartment closed behind him as he stepped out into the stairwell with a fresh cigarette in his mouth and a new leather jacket draped over his shoulders. Pulling on the jacket, fitting it to his shoulders, the young Uchiha made his way down the metal stairs. Turning out of the Uchiha district Kisuke began towards the training grounds. It would be the first time he was going out to train since his session with Sensei Yensung, having only fully recuperated from the beating he received a couple of days ago. He had not originally planned on training today for there were other pressing matters that required his attention however his younger brother's Genin exam was coming up. The realization that his younger brother was about to achieve the same rank as him pushed Kisuke to go train instead as he needed to get stronger so he could go on a Chunnin rank up mission with Kotsuzui and Sensei Ayumi. But that brought up another issue. They were a man down. Kisuke needed another Genin team mate to join his Genin team.

Slipping a match box from his jacket pocket, Kisuke shrugged and mumbled with the cigarette dangling out of his mouth "I guess its up to Ayumi Sensei to find our next team mate." Cupping his hand over the end of the cigarette Kisuke would light it before throwing away the match. Inhaling a large puff, the end of the cigarette would burn orange as it slightly diminished in size. Slipping his hands into his jacket pockets, Kisuke exhaled pale white fumes as he though to himself "Yen wanted me to quite smoking. Thats going to be hard to do." Stepping into the training grounds, Kisuke methodically made his way to his usual spot and came across a kid he had never seen before. Watching as he made his way Kisuke noted that he had a Konoha head guard. With his own loosely tied around his waist, Kisuke though to himself "I've never seen him. Maybe from the new batch of graduates."

Kisuke would halt not to far from the kid doing sprints and said "Talking to yourself is fine kid." Pulling the cigarette out of his mouth so Zakary would hear him better Kisuke continued "Theres no real difference from talking to yourself in your head or out loud. Helps you keep things in perspective, analyse the situation around you and your choices." Kisuke paused for a few seconds as he realized he initiated a conversation with a stranger, something he never did as he was someone who preffered his solitude. Maybe Yensung's training was helping him, maybe he could quite smoking too. "Whats your name kid?"

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Zak and Jack Train Again, Open, No Killing  Empty Re: Zak and Jack Train Again, Open, No Killing

Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:41 pm
"My name's Zak, and I like that way of thinking. I might stick to it then, if it'll help somehow. What's your name?" Zakary usually despised being referred to as a kid, a child, or anything of the like, but this guy was a ninja so he dealt with it. Shinobi were generally not to be trifles with unless they were, say, eleven and freshly graduated from the Academy as Zakary himself was. Zakary took a moment to examine the man. Keeping perspective, analyzing his situation and evaluating his options. A conversation was just like a battle, ranging from friendly banter and a spar to warish conflicts. He also glanced at the cigarette. They were far from his favorite thing in the world, but people would do what they wanted. Zakary rested his hands behind his head and clasped them together. This guy seemed alright, just judging by his appearance and words. They thought similarly about some things, as the reasoning behind talking to oneself Kisuke used resembled the same battlefield logic he'd used earlier in thinking about a conversation. Or he was over analyzing the situation.
Word Count: 187

Last edited by Zakary Nara on Tue Jan 12, 2016 12:17 am; edited 2 times in total
Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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Zak and Jack Train Again, Open, No Killing  Empty Re: Zak and Jack Train Again, Open, No Killing

Sat Jan 09, 2016 3:13 pm
Twirling the cigarette in between his pointer finger and thumb, Kisuke would think to himself "Kid doesnt have a last name?" Figuring the kid was shy or maybe he figured it last name wasnt important, Kisuke would go on to answer "Name's Uchiha Kisuke. Nice to meet you Zakary." Slipping the tip of the cigarette back into his mouth letting the length of it dangle from his lips, Kisuke would rhetorically ask "Your a new Genin graduate arent you? They place you into a team?" Kisuke knew that not all Genin graduates were placed into teams as sometimes the number of graduates were not sufficient to make enough teams and some Genins were left out to be placed into a team later when there were enough Genins found. Kisuke had been placed into a team with a Kaguya and Yamanaka however the Yamanaka dropped out and now they were lacking. Maybe this kid Zakary could be their third team mate if he proved worthy. "Watcha working on there?" Kisuke came with the intentions of training alone but maybe if he trained with Zakary he could get a feel for the kids skills and see if he could potentially be a useful ally. 

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Zak and Jack Train Again, Open, No Killing  Empty Re: Zak and Jack Train Again, Open, No Killing

Sat Jan 09, 2016 3:37 pm
Jack ran all the way to the training ground today, mentally shaming himself for being late.  This kind of behavior could not be allowed if he was to rank as fast as he planned to!  When he got closer, he noticed two people were there already, one was Zakary, who he was already acquainted with, and the other was a boy he had yet to meet.  He slowed down as he got closer to the training field, sizing up the situation.  Zakary seemed somewhat stronger than the last time they had trained together.  He was also speaking to the other boy, who wore the headband of a leaf genin around his waist.  They were talking, so he simply walked nearby and inserted himself into the middle of it.  " Hey Zakary, been awhile.  And who might you be? " He said as he turned his head toward the unknown genin, slightly tilting his head in a questioning manner.  Hopefully this one would have an agreeable personality, like most non-Hyuuga shinobi he had met so far.  Maybe they could all train together.

WC 180
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Zak and Jack Train Again, Open, No Killing  Empty Re: Zak and Jack Train Again, Open, No Killing

Sat Jan 09, 2016 3:59 pm
"Body Flicker, recently. I'm still fresh out of the Academy, and as of yet they haven't put me in a team. After this, I'm going to work on something like Moving Earth Core or a shadow technique. I'm a Nara," he added as almost an oversight. Zakary would start stretching his legs a bit, touching his toes and rolling his ankles. It wasn't the most important thing about training, and he probably didn't need to, but he was better safe than sorry. Again, he would throw up his handseal, still Ram, and take off once more towards his previous spot. Before his hands had gotten all the way up, he noticed Jack out a ways off, running towards them. Zakary decided to wait for his friend before dashing again, as he'd intended. As Jack approached and began speaking, Zakary just nodded. Then, considering Jack's word choice almost blatantly rude, Zakary decided to do introductions. "Jack, this is Kisuke. We were just talking. Kisuke, my friend Jack." As he finished the small introductions, he wanted to get back to the jutsu training if only for a moment. He would once more move his hands up on a Ram seal and dart towatds his original spot on the field. This time, he made it slightly past, demonstrating that he had moved faster as well. Still, this was only a minor upgrade in speed from his original attempt, and wanted to improve still. Zakary came to the conclusion that literally running away from the conversation could be seen as rude, and started to hustle back towards the two. Hopefully, they would see it more as a demonstration of what he was learning to do. Thinking about it, he had certainly improved during the short time since he had last seen Jack, who was then standing on a tree with a blank stare at nothing. It was funny to think of. As he got closer, he started listening to see what the two had to say of each other. 
Word Count: 335
Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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Zak and Jack Train Again, Open, No Killing  Empty Re: Zak and Jack Train Again, Open, No Killing

Tue Jan 12, 2016 12:00 am
"Body Flicker." Kisuke though to himself. "Thats a pretty useful jutsu, I should probably get on that." Realizing that he probably spent to much of his time on his Genjutsu training and not on any of his other training, Kisuke threw the remainder of his cigarette onto the floor. Stepping onto it with the sole of his right foot, Kisuke twisted his foot a couple of time to crush the cigarette into the ground and put it out. He never smoked during his training and it looked like his training was about to begin, whether alone or with Zakary. Pulling a box of mints out of his left pocket, Kisuke popped a couple into his mouth before responding "A Nara hun. I've never trained with one before." Sticking his hands back into the pockets of his leather jacket, Kisuke continued "I actually know a few earth jutsus myself, moving earth core being one of them. If you want I can help you out with that." Kisuke had come to hate training alone after having started training with him team and Genjutsu sensei. So despite that fact that these kids probably wouldnt be able to teach him anything, he preferred training in groups now.

Kisuke caught something in the corner of his eyes and slightly turned his head towards a kid running towards their location. Raising his right eyebrow in slight confusion, Kisuke though to himself "Who the hell is this?" When the kid got closer he noted his pale white eyes and commented "A Hyuuga hun." Connecting the dots that the two of them were friends once they greeted each other, Kisuke frowned and turned to look at the new comer with a slightly frustrated expression on his face. "Who the fuck is this kid?" He though to himself. "The balls on this kid"

"Jack hun, you must be green as summer grass as well." Kisuke said, figuring that if they were friends they were probably both new graduates out of the academy. Turning to see Zakary just bolt away while the three of them were talking, Kisuke slightly chuckled as he ran his right hand threw his head of red dyed hair. "These kids are worse than I was. Where the hell are their manners?" Kisuke though to himself before Zakary was able to run back upon realizing how rude him and his friend were being. "Maybe I'll have to beat some sense into them."

"So, you two are friends. Probably came here to train together right? I guess if you take up my offer Zakary I could train with both of you. I dont know what your into," directing that last part towards Jack "but I could help out you Zakary with some earth jutsus and maybe help that two of you learn to fight as a team." Although Kisuke didnt have much team fighting experience himself, these two would probably be on a team together in the future and it is never to early to start that training. 

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Zak and Jack Train Again, Open, No Killing  Empty Re: Zak and Jack Train Again, Open, No Killing

Tue Jan 12, 2016 1:17 am
" I'm actually not actually that new to this whole thing.  In fact, I was teaching Zakary not to long ago. " Jack said in reply to the green statement, remembering himself teaching Zakary.  Those were good times, and now he was teaching another student, using different methods he'd picked up from other people. Anyway, on to the next question,  " I do air jutsu, but I didn't come here to train that.  I came to train a new element, although I haven't decided what yet. ". Jack said as he scanned his eyes around the training ground.  He was deciding what would be the target of his training, if there would be one.  Since he hadn't decided on an element, he decided to ask the other genin, " What element do you think I should train? ". He hoped to get acquainted with this person, as he seemed stronger than Jack himself was.
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Zak and Jack Train Again, Open, No Killing  Empty Re: Zak and Jack Train Again, Open, No Killing

Tue Jan 12, 2016 1:56 am
As Zakary returned to the two other ninja, he inclined his head slightly, in an apologetic nod. He was acutely aware of how rude he had been, and he hated impoliteness from anyone including himself. "Sorry, got carried away in training. Speed is neat, considering how slow i am normally." He would only speak after they had finished, and otherwise he would remain with his head bowed. After that, assuming he weren't to be interrupted, he would continue speaking. "I would appreciate whatever assistance you offer, Kisuke." Zakary was once more carefully monitoring his manners, trying to leave at least a remotely good impression. Actually, now his anxiety was acting up. It once more made him acutely aware of miniscule details and would also cause, more times than not, excessive self criticism. Zakary breathed a small sigh out. Using Body Flicker was a bit more taxing when used in quick succession. 
Word Count: 151
Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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Zak and Jack Train Again, Open, No Killing  Empty Re: Zak and Jack Train Again, Open, No Killing

Sun Jan 17, 2016 8:48 pm
Kisuke looked at Jack as he spoke with disbelief. "Not new hun." Kisuke though to himself. "Maybe I'll have to put that to the test." Fumbling with the contest of his pockets, Kisuke pondered for a while as he though about Jack's question. "Personally I would have to say earth element is your next best bet. I may be a little bias since I too have the earth element but it is a powerful one. The jutsus you can learn are useful in many situations and can be quite powerful. If I had to guess I would think water to be a powerful element as well. However I do not know how to manipulate water chakra however I can manipulate earth chakra so if you choose that element I can help you out there."

Kisuke slowly nodded a few time as he though to himself after Zakary accepting the aid of the young Uchiha. "I've never been a teacher before. Never even thought I'd personally be in a spot like this." As he thought it over he realized he had no idea what he was doing or how to go about it. Running his right hand through his red hair and scratching his head, struggling to think of what to do, Kisuke finally spoke "Alright, well I'm not entirely sure ho to go about this since I've never done this before. But I guess we can start off by you telling me what you already know. What training have you done, what skills do you know?" Kisuke wanted to know how far into their shinobi training they actually were before he began to teach them anything.

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