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Training for two (Amaya, James)

Takashi Chishiki
Cosplay Queen Saya
Akane Tokiyama
Shikami Shinkou
Dastri Hotaru
Talia Rose
James Moonstalker
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Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

Training for two (Amaya, James) - Page 7 Empty Re: Training for two (Amaya, James)

Tue Jul 07, 2015 7:12 am
Stein heard Mitsui's heart rate pick up, or rather Hearts rates, Stein could hear a second heart inside of this kid, but anyways as the adrenaline rushed around in Mitsui's blood stream, Stein knew he was about to attack, so he would roll the body off his shoulders, and pointed his palms up and in such a way that when Mitsui would get close he could hopefully get the drop on him, and then Mitsui spoke the words that it was enough and Stein could feel a pull that was not strong enough to hold him, but he decided to play along for the meantime, and he pretended to be caught in it.

Just when Mitsui was getting close enough and Stein was about to spring his trap, a ball on a chain shot inbetween them, and Stein would let out a sigh as he turned his head to look to see who it was, his stiches were still glowing up the entire time, he did not know how Mitsui did not see that, but at any rate, there was a new player, and Stein would take his chance, picking the body up from a crouching position, and then shouting a thanks would take off running into the woods, suppressing his chakra to help prevent followers.

(Attempted Exit, TWC-2302, Claiming 11 stats, Haki 1000 to stage 1, and 1,302 towards stage 2, as well as the previous claims that was already approved)
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Training for two (Amaya, James) - Page 7 Empty Re: Training for two (Amaya, James)

Tue Jul 07, 2015 10:48 am
Mitsui was about to go and reach down to grab some stuff, when Mitsui's Byakugan saw a ball and chain flying very quickly, where Mitsui would get hit, if he would bend down, thus, Mitsui would lean back, and watch the ball pass in front of him. This girl behind a mask, would then say, "I'll need you to simply walk away, lest you pass the black cat who's life holds the weight of the world. Pain has been felt today... There will NOT be more." Mitsui would definitely get up and wave, "See you then" Mitsui thought it was strange what was happening, but again, intervention happened again. Mitsui would turn around and walk away at 50 speed, to get to 100 soon. Mitsui would watch through his Byakugan, what would happen behind him and in front of him.

(Exit hopefully)
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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Training for two (Amaya, James) - Page 7 Empty Re: Training for two (Amaya, James)

Tue Jul 07, 2015 10:30 pm
(Sorry Stein, you're a great guy OOC, but IC, you just killed someone I'm meant to protect. 

Interrupting Stein's exit.) 

Kasai wouldn't suppress his chakra as he moved; it wouldn't make a difference. He wasn't here to kill, only to arrest, interrogate, and then banish and keep record of the incident. The village was falling apart: Chuunin seemed the highest rank left, and out of them, Kasai was, sadly to say, the strongest. He had no orders, because there was none to give him orders. However, following the old code which the village was meant to live by, he was doing right. In fact, he was probably letting the missing ninja off easy, but it wasn't every day that someone was killed, and there was likely a reason. Yet, reform had to start somewhere. 

Using body flicker to move at a speed of 138 (not moving at full speed), to travel one hundred some meters, intersecting Stein from leaving. He would stop 10 meters away from the rogue ninja carrying the body of the younger leaf shinobi. (According to the jutsu description, this is legal, and it is not being used to blitz, as no jutsu can be used in conjunction with this) 

The robes of the sun blowing about him, making him appear a priest of fire, Kasai would have his hands pressed together, but hidden under the folds of the sleeves, ready to make any jutsu necessary if Stein attacked him. If everything went cleanly, however, Stein would not be harmed at all, and would be released in a day or two. 

Kasai would raise his burn covered face and look blankly at Stein, allowing the other missing ninja to pass, knowing him to have not killed, or attempting to steal the body of young James. 

"Please stop," Kasai would say, loud enough for him to hear at the distance. 

For now, he would not address the third person, seeing as he needed to get this done. However, if this went well, there might be time for formalities.

Konoha needed to be fixed.

(630 ap - 10 body flicker)
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Training for two (Amaya, James) - Page 7 Empty Re: Training for two (Amaya, James)

Wed Jul 08, 2015 2:52 am
The second murder in Konoha. Risako was not about to let this one also go unnoticed, and so when she get the request from Kasai to make an arrest, she jumped at the chance. This was beyond unacceptable, but unless met with a lethal force, or without an order from the village leaders, Risako would do no more than try to help Kasai apprehend anyone necessary. Using body flicker, Risako would attempt to keep up with Kasai, but ultimately wound up not being able to keep up completely. 

Arriving fifteen seconds behind Kasai, Risako would skid to a stop five meters behind him. Risako's heart was pacing a bit faster than normal, and she was starting to get antsy. She didn't quite feel like Kasai's simple "Please stop" was sufficient, yet she could find no words to add that would have a positive effect...

For the moment, she drew a kunai from the pouch on her thigh in case anything were to happen, and prepared for the worst. Hopefully, things went smoothly tho. 

[300-10 AP for bodyflicker]
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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Training for two (Amaya, James) - Page 7 Empty Re: Training for two (Amaya, James)

Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:54 am
The weapon shifted as it's job was done, the chain between mitsui and Stein glowing with a soft blue light the moment the two decided it was efficient reason to part ways. Within her hands the dual daggers would form now, Her own summoning ability used to bring the physical representation of her soul back into her grip. As the two appeared her head would turn lightly to the side. Fire. It was this which Her master's student needed.

~Kira. I have located one who bares the affinity we seek. ~

Elsewhere the Hell's angel looked up from her dealings within the Fae, a smile piercing her calm lips. ~Really... Bring them to me. ~

~That is not my place however I will inform them of your pressence and the need of theirs. ~

"Child. It seems company has come to dissuade your actions, though inevitably too late..... However I believe it would be important of you to explain. These two will cause no sorrow upon my heart nor blood against the soil of Konoha by my hand..... But the Hell's angel will be quite distraught to hear you've taken the life of one under the protection of her Koukan."
Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

Training for two (Amaya, James) - Page 7 Empty Re: Training for two (Amaya, James)

Wed Jul 08, 2015 2:09 pm
Stein would sigh as he would turn around, the sensing of two more senseless people being there, and he would listen to the words of the one who saved him and nod and he turned to the other two "Look, I got a sword put against my Throat, and I defended myself, the kid ended up dead cause I felt he would not stop trying to kill me unless he was dead, it was all in Self Defense, Not Cold Blood, If anything the one your allowing to walk away was going to steal from me and my spoils of surviving a tussle with this one, if that one was not here to stop it, So any way we can get this over with now without bloodshed and delay?" Stein would ask with his eyebrow cocked, his glasses avoiding their normal gleam, he wanted them to see how serious he was about this, he calmly waited for a response.

Meanwhile he would turn to the one who saved him "Thank you for your assistance" He would then ask her "What is this about Koukan? I was told of a group that was out to get revenge against someone, and that my abilities and such could be needed, and joined with them, a Boy with Bluish hair, he spoke of them" he would go on to detail Kiru out and everything Kiru told Adam but Stein could hear, and everything Kiru told Stein
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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Training for two (Amaya, James) - Page 7 Empty Re: Training for two (Amaya, James)

Wed Jul 08, 2015 4:14 pm
A fight in the training grounds? This place was rarely abandoned, and though practice fights were abundant here, a true fight is easy to spot, especially when the intentions are not good. The other shinobi training had quickly left as a real fight broke out, and yes, there almost always were other shinobi training in the grounds, as Konoha was highly populated. 

They did their job simply, and reported to the highest chain of command, which, again, sadly, was the chuunin barracks. Kasai, being one of the stronger Chuunin in the ranks, took up the call for help, and came as quickly as he could, stopping by his team to get as many of them as he could. He truly hated real fighting alone. Yet, it seemed that as fast as he was, he was not fast enough to diffuse the situation, and a death had occurred. The second missing ninja, and this third person, had not been mentioned when the little academy students came bursting in, all screaming at once, and so Kasai had not bothered to stop either of them, however, flicking his eyes of the second missing ninja when the first spoke, he was too far away to stop at that moment.

"I understand," Kasai said, nodding at the one whom spoke to him. "However, you are not of this village, and you have taken the life of one who was, and because of this, procedures must be followed. If you oblige, nothing that belongs to you will be taken, and you will be released within a day or the morn beyond that; though... strongly... requested to not return."

Kasai hoped he would understand. Killing was not a matter to be taken lightly, and had to be followed in an orderly procedure.

"So if you would please, I request that you let the body down, along with any items of any kind that have belonged to James. They will be returned to the family, and the body needs a burial. 
"Then, you will have to come with me. Before you are free to go, your information is needed to be recorded, and a few questions will be asked."

Kasai would then glance at the other one. "I thank you for stopping any further deaths or violence."

Kasai would then wait for Stein to comply. If he did, Kasai would nod at Risako to recover the items and the body, while Kasai remained ready, still cautious.
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Training for two (Amaya, James) - Page 7 Empty Re: Training for two (Amaya, James)

Wed Jul 08, 2015 5:36 pm
Risako was a eager for a bit more than what Kasai had done, but since he was the one in charge here, she wouldn't do anything to Stein unless asked. Risako had no intention to get close to the killer, however, and so she waited for Stein to out down the body and items, and step away from them. "Clear away from the body, and set down any of his belongings, if you took any." She stuck the kunai back in the pouch. 

She felt disgusted dealing with this calmly, but what could she do? Not much really. If (and only if, like for real, if you don't back away from the body this doesn't happen,) Stein backed away from the body, Risako would motion for Kasai to follow her, because she wasn't approaching him alone, and would begin to make her way toward the body. Presuming that Stein backed away, she would stick James' items (if Stein put them down) the corpses pockets, and then hoist the body up on her shoulders. 

Again, presuming Stein backed away from James and Kasai followed her, she would look around and notice the two other girls that were around... and laying on the ground. Struggling to stay calm, she would ask, (again, big if here,) "Are they alive?" And with her right hand she would point to the other two. 


Now if Stein didn't back away from the body, Risako would just wait for Kasai to do something. 

[Pretty sure that's allowed, I've seen other people do it before. If not I'll edit it.]
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Training for two (Amaya, James) - Page 7 Empty Re: Training for two (Amaya, James)

Wed Jul 08, 2015 7:39 pm
Selene walked forward, each step seeming to carry her across the distance between herself and the earth grudge fear user in a manner similar to flying. Eat step relesed just as the first touched down, her head held high making the woman's movement seem more regal though her eyes ressonated the calm purpose of a servant.

"You. Fire.... I have great need of you to speak to someone. And we're in luck. These two are both property of the child who bears my mistresses fate. Come. Let us allow her...Oh." She looked down, finally noticing the two girls as she stopped beside Stein, and as Risako pointed out their existence. She waved a hand open above the two, breathing in deeply before continuing.

"These two bear to weight on my soul... They will live. You should probably get them home soon. I will see this one to his mistress until you two may speak with her."
Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

Training for two (Amaya, James) - Page 7 Empty Re: Training for two (Amaya, James)

Wed Jul 08, 2015 8:32 pm
Stein would stop what he was doing and look around, not knowing what to do or say, just kinda stayed quite ready to follow his savior around, and he would nod as she said they would live, and then As Stein felt the more power residing from the stance and chakra of this woman, as well as she seemed to have seen more death and battles then the other two, he would stick to her, she held herself much better then the other two, and he would hold onto the body and shook his head to the other two and spoke finally "I am sorry, I said all I had to say at this time, I told you what happened, at this moment im putting my Fate in her hands though, cause she saved me once already, although that missing ninja was not about to get away so easily, he had not held me well as he might have thought, but anyways, if you want to stop anyone, he is one to stop, cause he was going to steal the bodies even the girls who I was leaving, until this one came, So you might want to stop him its not to late" Stein would mention towards Mitsui, who had only gotten about twenty meters away, a small feat for him, should be nothing for either of the others
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