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Desent into Chaos{Io}{NK} - Page 2 Empty Re: Desent into Chaos{Io}{NK}

Wed Jul 01, 2015 1:49 pm
Sync blinked at the mans request, is ability slowly sucking at his stamina making it hard to stand due to the massive problem that he'd used the jutsus' a little more than he would like and with a sigh he'd look at his Kage "If that's what it takes to prove myself then..." sync said as his hands began to make their respected signs Ram → Snake → Tiger and with a poof his clone popped up pristine and perfect without a flaw Sync didn't take a second before punching it having it poof into air in front of both the Kage and himself.{Ap used 10}

Sync took a breath his next jutsu was the transformation, he wasn't hesitant but more of building suspense for his chance at getting his very own rank up with a smile "Kay round two jutsu" Sync muttered to himself as he began doing his hand signs Dog → Boar → Ram. and with a poof Sync turned into a perfect cat then turning back after a minute or two."Is that good Li?" Sync ask with a smile.
Li Dian
Li Dian
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Desent into Chaos{Io}{NK} - Page 2 Empty Re: Desent into Chaos{Io}{NK}

Wed Jul 01, 2015 1:59 pm
Li smiled Proudly. "Aye, that'll do." He stood from his desk, and grabbed an ame headband which he always kept laying around for moments just like this. "I shall grant you the rank of Genin... so long as you go to the academy and learn substitution tomorrow. That move will literally save your life so many times."

He jumped over his desk dukes of Hazard Style, and stood in front of Sync. "Do you swear by the nurtuing Rain of Ame to bring peace to this land, and it's people?"

He'd wait for Sync's answer.

"Do you swear by the might storms of Ame to sweep away all those that would do Evil in our land?"

He'd wait for that answer too.

"And do you swear to give your all in the protection of the next generation, and become a ninja of Ame no naka de hatsuga-mura: The Village Sprouting in the Rain?"
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Desent into Chaos{Io}{NK} - Page 2 Empty Re: Desent into Chaos{Io}{NK}

Wed Jul 01, 2015 2:37 pm
Sync was happy he'd made Genin however it was quiet odd of a kage, Li slide over his table like a 'bad ass" and stood in front of Sync and presented Sync with a question, 'Do you swear by the nurtuing Rain of Ame to bring peace to this land, and it's people?' was what the man asked as Anaki and Yoku screamed in his head Yoku first "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, THAT'D SOUNDS LIKE TOO MUCH MONEY BEING SPENT!" Yoku said in a way that made it seem like he was dying second was Anaki "DON'T YOU FRICKEN DARE YOU LITTLE TWERP I'LL FUCKING SKIN YOU!" Anaki said with a frantic tone basically begging with a threat.

That caused Sync to Think then smiled "I swear to bring Happiness and Joy to this land any way possible." Sync said with a happy smile

Then Li's second question came like a shot to his head 'Do you swear by the might storms of Ame to sweep away all those that would do Evil in our land?' was Li's words instantly his persona Surota, and like a check for one million ryo Sync didn't even have time to react as Surota assumed control and begin his own rule "I swear to uphold the darkest deaths to our enemies in the most brutal bloody way possible" Surota said with a grin as Sync took back over control.

As Li's last sentence came as a shock 'And do you swear to give your all in the protection of the next generation, and become a ninja of Ame no naka de hatsuga-mura: The Village Sprouting in the Rain?' Sync smiled "I pledge my loyalty to this land and it shall forever be my new homeland and i will protect it with ever part of my life" sync said as he began to leave "Okay, I'm ready to learn substitution now however, so i must depart unless you have something else for me to do" Sync said with a smile and if nothing was to be asked he would leave.

{Possible Exit}
Fa Zheng
Fa Zheng
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Desent into Chaos{Io}{NK} - Page 2 Empty Re: Desent into Chaos{Io}{NK}

Wed Jul 01, 2015 7:56 pm
"Then with those vows in place, I now declare you a Genin of Ame! Welcome to the team." The took the ame headband and wrapped it around sync's forehead. As well as giving the boy a pat on the head. "May you serve us well."

(Also exiting, and giving Sync the Rank of Genin, and asking that he gets his colors changed to ame blue.)
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Desent into Chaos{Io}{NK} - Page 2 Empty Re: Desent into Chaos{Io}{NK}

Wed Jul 01, 2015 8:10 pm
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