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Zim Nara
Zim Nara
Stat Page : Zims Stats
Mission Record : Zim's Missions
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Clan Focus : Shadow Manipulation
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 2000

We Are Chaos (Zaled {Tori if she feels up to it}) Empty We Are Chaos (Zaled {Tori if she feels up to it})

Tue Sep 22, 2020 5:17 pm
Prim had told him she was leaving. Not like he could have stopped her anyways. When she made up her mind, well that was that. Zim had moved from their bedroom to the couch downstairs just in case Zaled happened to go out the door or through the room. Even though he was no longer the Kage he worked closely with the Kage. He stretched out across the couch, and as skinny as he was he probably could have very easily not been seen! He had to stay awake so he could let people know Prim had left….
Tori Uzumaki
Tori Uzumaki
Stat Page : Tori's Stats
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Clan Focus : Longevity
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 8000

We Are Chaos (Zaled {Tori if she feels up to it}) Empty Re: We Are Chaos (Zaled {Tori if she feels up to it})

Sat Sep 26, 2020 7:11 pm
Tori Uzumaki-Uchiha was beyond exhausted between her new baby girl and her son she hardly got any rest. ah, the responsibility of parenthood! She had finally gotten both kids to sleep as she left the bedroom, she cracked the door slightly to allow light into the dim room. She tiptoed to the living room which was completely dark! She knew where the couch was and decided to sit on it to relax. Now keep in mind the couch is a very large comfy couch, the kids show "The Big Comfy Couch" has nothing on this couch! She decided to plop down in the center obit only to sit on someone or something! Slightly settled she jumped up and let out a yelp for help!!!!
Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
Stat Page : The Breaker
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 222000

We Are Chaos (Zaled {Tori if she feels up to it}) Empty Re: We Are Chaos (Zaled {Tori if she feels up to it})

Sat Sep 26, 2020 9:39 pm
zaled was quiet. sad a bit. He had already tucked the body of the deceased intruder on set medical roll in the basement directing several individuals in question to transfer the remains to stien. With that and a heavy heart he counted the tools and ryo amount his clones gave him as he processed through their thoughts and experiences. He did not enjoy taking a life. that was a diffrent him long sinced silenced.

while tucking away the tools in his puches and pocketing the ryo zaled went to cleaning the bloody mess in his basement, as through the window he confirmed the body was cooled and at the ready to be presented to stien. Although he had no use for it. He figured it would give stien something to do besides paperwork.

after a bit and cleaning his clothing, as well as himself zaled quietly made his way upsrairs to find that tori in her exhaustion and perhaps in part to zim not noticing either. She sat down on the poor fellow which made him chuckle. He took a life, but to cherish thoes in front of him. But in the depths of his consciousness zaled still wondered why the child was so blindly insistent of not being safe and giving in.

"you two just gotta do something to make me laugh. Eh if prim saw it she would scold you zim."

he stated mockingly as he held out his hand to help up tori. A small smile on his face now. He was sure prim would be fine after her lesson with stien.
Zim Nara
Zim Nara
Stat Page : Zims Stats
Mission Record : Zim's Missions
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Clan Focus : Shadow Manipulation
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 2000

We Are Chaos (Zaled {Tori if she feels up to it}) Empty Re: We Are Chaos (Zaled {Tori if she feels up to it})

Sun Sep 27, 2020 2:23 pm
Zim Nara had fallen into a deep Peaceful sleep as the rain pelted the side of their home which is on the side of the inactive Volcano. He heard the low road of thunder and a distant volcano erupting as he stretched out his long legs and skinny shape nearly burying himself into the back of the large comfy couch. Suddenly he felt someone sit on him and his eyes shot open as he sat up to see none other than the red headed Uzumaki-Uchiha female!
"Have you thought about checking before you sit down?" He asked with a slight half laugh.
Then Zaled entered the room as Tori and him both hollered! Zaled was right Prim would be doubled over in laughter at this moment.
"Yeah about Prim, she took off to the fire country borders to pickup Akki Senju? I told her to wait and tell you but she seemed to think it was okay to run off on her own." Zim was a man of few words my much like his team mates Miz and Jayden but he had to explain himself to Zaled the best he could.
Tori Uzumaki
Tori Uzumaki
Stat Page : Tori's Stats
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Clan Focus : Longevity
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 8000

We Are Chaos (Zaled {Tori if she feels up to it}) Empty Re: We Are Chaos (Zaled {Tori if she feels up to it})

Sun Sep 27, 2020 7:51 pm
Tori felt a slight but unnerved by his comment. Of course she checks, but then again she was so tired she just wanted to sit down! She kinda laughed it off though, cause in a way it was funny!
Ugh! Prim! Yeah she was their team leader and yeah she was her best friend, but now she has taken on the role of Prims stepmother! It felt weird, maybe a little off, but she accepted it because she loved Zaled and their children, and welll Prim was a child of theirs to!
"It is dangerous with Prim being an enemy of the fire country, and I don't think she has realized with Yen being dead, he was the only one who could have cleared her name. But at the same time we have to realize Prim is an adult! A Jounin ranked ninja who ran a team. What do you think Zaled?" Tori said stating how she felt and trying to make everyone feel that Prim was okay.
Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
Stat Page : The Breaker
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 222000

We Are Chaos (Zaled {Tori if she feels up to it}) Empty Re: We Are Chaos (Zaled {Tori if she feels up to it})

Sun Sep 27, 2020 8:16 pm
the two were funny, and that brought a smile to his face and then their words on prim were heard. Although it would've been better to have someone accompany her. zaled understood he could not hover over prim, and like the  boy that did not surrender. She had to make a choice. Still it made him uneasy. perhaps a parents intuition speaking to him.

like the boy it was random in encounters, and explosiveness. combat was grizxly, and no knowledge of an ememy, and where they strike spoke volumes to being prepared. Sure what the two said was exceptional, but furthermore it led to the point. the safety net that their fallen comrade had over them was gone, and likewise zaled was unsure which elements will hurt more.

"you two speak truth. but likewise even facing me she faltered. like the boy at the gate hesitation cannot be afforded,and prim hesitates too much for my comfort. lead a team yes she did, but leading many is different when mortal danger faces yourself.  an example is the boy from  a few nights ago."

zaled looked glum as he spoke up in a serious tone and gazed at tpri and zim.

"do you know why he died? it is simple. He hesitated, and i do not hold back on that. if you are not 5 steps aheas of people in front of you. you are dead. and if they are merciful, it is not in your favor.  look at stien. some may beg to die before he gets his way, and others? may trust his method offers a glint to a future."

zaleds voice was solem as he spoke up.

"but not everyone is like that. not every situation will run to sunlight... there are some out there that only desire to see the world bleed. whether they hide it, or otherwise have not realized it. they do come. Still all we can do is trust that you and everyone is ready."

it was a hard thing to say because by extention his concerns grew many times over. improvement required trial by fire, and some fires burned too brightly for most to fully realize.
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