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Thu Aug 22, 2019 4:34 pm
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Rokudaime Hogokage
The Sixth

78 SUMMER, 419AV

 Part 1 : 

Route to getting stronger. 行雲ンが

It was finally decided he was the next kage to be next in line. Those before him did a great job, but it was his time to step up the game and show his predecessor that he will make the change. He respected Heiji the previous kage, but he understood that he had to step down due to issues. It was no problem for the old man, but with a smile across his face a lot more was waiting for him. He sat down at his comfy chair whilst rocking back and forth. It filled the mood of his with excitement and pure happiness. Yasaki stood up from his chair scanning with his dark brown eyes around the room. He left and headed to a nearby store. It would not be something special, but he was looking for an outfit that could fit him. He didn't care what it was as-long he wore something new, became something new this was the new beginning of him. With that being said, as he looked around the store looking for something flashy that would most likely suit him without a doubt. He nodded at the clerk with a smile waiting upon her. She approached him with a smile back at him as he would point to a purple robe. This was his style for an early morning ritual. A good cup of coffee with biscuits would do for his day. As the order was successful, he headed back to his office and demanded two cups of coffee. He was a madman, but for his village it was his for his life.

 He was sitting at his office drinking his coffee. Yasaki was determined to meet some of his shinobi's. But before that he wanted to try something new out. He stood up from his chair with his coffee in his left hand, he would turn around and see a nearby window. As he would face the window he re-called many of his childhood memories.Yasaki felt a little emotional especially missing his mama who was there for him. The five fingers of his right hand would crawl into a ball, as soft tears would drop from his uchiha's eyes. It felt like no other.. as he took another sip of his coffee. He took a slight deep breath, nodding at the situation. Yasaki scanned throughout the window, smiling softly as his lips would be around the coffee.The coffee would only have about a bit of more sips before it ran out. But Yasaki didn't care pretty much. He was a tall lanky six feet nine and weighing about two hundred and fifty-five lbs. He was a giant for his era and sometimes him entering a door would be so difficult. Maybe it was time to get a special door for him, only. He scanned at the glass window whilst looking at the beautiful tree's. It was a beautiful view like no other, as Yasaki smiled. This was his time and the only time he was Yasaki Uchiha. It was a good day where the uchiha was going to be the man to do what must be done.  Born in a family where he was the oldest child he had to show his siblings what must be done. It wasn’t the same as his life was about all the drama. He was built upon becoming who he was. It was most liekly him being all around with his family. BUt that was who he was. Becoming the man to change his village and getting shit done at most of the times. 

He was dedicated all over but thats how he was. He seen himself growing as a man but it became like that. He met a man who talked alot of about him who he was. That was crucial on who they became because he was a old man who didn’t know nothing. He left his house looking at the sky wondering about his life mostly about what was going to happen. It wasn’t the same as many times he would fall and get back up. He was a shinobi of his village to protect and serve. That wasn’t the purpose but him becoming who he wanted that was the answer. A lot more was to come as he was dedicated and being who he was. A young man approached yasaki wondering what he was doing. Yasaki nodded looking at the man on who he became.He wasn’t to sure what was going to happen but yasaki grabbed him by his shoulder squeezing him with pure intense making him feel the intense pain. He looked at him with a hard pure look, scary look pushing him and kicking him in the guts. He gesture him to run and get out. It was time to change and make a change with a lot to with alot more to come. With more to come with things to change and alot was to make things happen at always and be yourself. Yasaki was about that being himself that allowed him to become what he prefers to become. Yasaki nodded with every moment passing by he was only knowing by being age 43 his life was soon going to be dusted. As a old man he wanted to make sure his village was upto scratch and himself being upto date.  Yasaki wanted to clean his village and made sure whatever was going to be gone. To be sure that was the thing about him, mostly. Becoming a new man that was going to make the change and whatever that was going to happen. He’ll most likely be the man for it. That was most likely the problem of who yasaki was going to be. 
A man who will bring peace in the shinobi world. 

His village had history where he will make sure he’s the one to be the man to be the one to change his village. WIth alot to come more to was to change. The errors was made when his father killed himself it was a tragedy when it happened. But Yasaki understood it was someone who did it. His father was a man of his world and with that Yasaki was keen to find the man who did it. It was annoying for him to live through out his life with a father figure. That was his most painful thing in his life. He wanted to change and make something happen. The man who did it was the man who trained Yasaki throughout his childhood career. This frustated him and it somehow led him to make a change. That man was going to become a dead meat someone who will face punishment and will be destroyed.Alot more was to come and many things were to change. Not a lot was going to happen and yasaki was going to be the man to do it.  It was going to be a thing whilst a young man was going to be doing it. The uchiha was more about a man to change his life and a man to make things happen without a doubt. He was destined for it. Yasaki knew his throne would be somehow be taken but wouldn’t allow any other man take his throne. This was his time and with that he was destined to sit at his throne and not allow any being take his throne. He was the man to make the change and the one to make sure what was going to happen to be deployed. Yasaki was the man to make the change and be the change and make things happen. He wants his students to understand that he was going to be the one to do it. And Yasaki understood the process of the shinobi world that a man can be defeated without a doubt. He was a hungry old man who was going to make the change. He was destined to provide for the village, and any other man that was going to try and stop would face consequences and will be destroyed without any answers. Yasaki understood one thing that power comes with respect and it made a part of him to get stronger whilst being respected.  

He was delighted and honoured to be a man to do something. Yasaki had alot in his life when he was younger he tried to do many things to improve on himself. But Yasaki was always moving from side to side. Growing up in a small town near outside of hoshi he needed a new life. But coming in around twenties he lived his life all around hoshi. He was delighted but his mother was part of him when she left. But it was understandable because it was part of his life. But that wasn’t it. It wasn’t who he was but that’s how it was. He lived all through his life looking for something he finally got it that was the title of the kage. It eventually got it with serious happiness but that’s who he was. A man who is looking to be the man to claim his throne and become the best.
That was even more a something flying by and himself doing what must be finished. A shinobi of hoshigakure implied a ton for him to do what must be finished. He was additionally an individual from it for a long importance he moved toward becoming who he needed to. A great deal would have been rolling and Yasaki wouldn't permit no one else guaranteeing his honored position. It was his for the snatch. Whatever it was it was on the moving zone on improving himself every day. That progresses toward becoming who he needs to turn into. So as to serve for his town he needs to ensure whatever what was done would have been finished. 
He continued to converse with this man, he was alluring and beguiling. In any case, Yasaki needed to know what his identity was and for what reason was he on his tail. For the most part why request his name when you don't know him, potential needs to make companions? Perhaps in the event that he was going to, at that point at any rate pleasant. " So what's okay with you?" Yasaki asked on what was the elderly person upto? He answered. " You see I am likewise an Uchia and think about it and truly I was there when everything occurred and previous. I cherish conversing with children like you who are the cutting edge, and yes you do right by me. Your dad before was an incredible individual and I had regard for such person but then I am to state he was an extraordinary shinobi." he answered to Kudo with dear regard. " I see however you being Uchiha makes no difference to me and more probable you will have my regard detracted from you." Yasaki strolled and turned back."I live at this location dropped by and we'll talk." Yasaki gave him a bit of paper of a house number and Yasaki vanished away from the man. 

He chose to make a beeline for the field where it was quiet and some place he could deal with himself and on his jutsus. It would have been multi day of energy what was Yasaki going to do. He grinned and kept on doing what would occur. He began to kick tree gently and concentrating on himself ensuring each hit implied with an importance. He gestured and grinned, but kept on delivering what must be finished. He was nearly there and was near do it. " I won't come up short and I will succeed." Yasaki implied his words doubtlessly was seeming to be a victor and have that champion mentality no matter what. It makes him one of a kind and stands out past the muck and Yasaki adores acting naturally and Yasaki couldn't hold up until he finished his undertaking. Alot more was to come and Yasaki was prepared to stand out no matter what, while prepared generally getting ready to send a huge wave at the tree, as the breeze blew it began to get heavier and heavier this was a minute for Yasaki to recall and yes he was going to impact the world forever again no ifs, ands or buts.

It was a wonderful day. A day where the uchiha would express himself like no other fantastic day. It was all about being that one man who will make a change. He was delighted and honoured to be the villages king. But he understood that being the villages king there was roles to play with. With him being all prepared, everything was playing to be pretty decent and cool. As the uchiha looked up at the sky, his fond memories of his family hustling through the streets. It was a like day that was passing by in a flash. As the uchiha rained upon the dedicated storm of the village, with the it makes alot of the person. He was adorable one who intrepid his life by many adventrous things. he was a joyful uchiha who was bought upon by lanky so claimed fathers who were brave. Yasaki was a acclaimed and kooky guy who wouldn't concrete on alot of things. He was destined for a an eye of an tooth which he claimed just before his mothers birth. He was a composed guy who loved eating ketchup at the same time mayonise on the top of it cause it was cheesy.

He was afraid of being agitated and dreading whilst being insecure he was overwhlemed by the tense of jelous and was restless. the uhciha was anxious and fearful whilst being a scarred guy who was uncomfortable. he was apprehnsive and frigthened he would jump around and be shaky whilst being un easy and bashful. he was nervous and shy like most of the times. he was uneasy and on edge because of his latest father, he was worried of something happening at the same desperate and horrified of the incidents that took place in recent of his life. as an uchiha who was afficted and displeased whilst being hindered by the choices he made. he was puzzled and tormented by the actions. he was anguished whilst being dissatiffied and impaired whilst being ridiculous and touchy at time. he is awkard and distrust and impatient because he couldn't wait and was sickned by the villages actions and troubled and being surronded by losers who were really awkard and sily.  They were baffled and ungainly for their actions as Yasaki didn't care what the situation was he had to make a change with his silly actions that led to his death. being a depressed lonely guy was who he was and abonded by many people who he looked upto. it was sad actually becuase those were his families and friends that left him in the deseret like if it was nothing. he was ruined and low on selfesteem because they put him down everyday. he was forsaken by their actions and couldn't hold back their actions which he was abonded by for he was. he couldn't allow such being to control his life and mostly who he was. because end of the day that was yasaki uchiha afterall.

he was desolate and gloomy by their actions and was rundown by how they treeated him.  being misterbale made him think of his life everyday. it was sad actually that he had to go through this type of pain by being alienated and espairing and glum whilst being mistrreated by his village. he was alone and despised and had none around him. he was mistreated for he was and his family whilst being sad because he didn't anyone for himself to be there at the tough times. he was moody because he lost his girl and those around him who was with him before he left.
he was awful whilst being hated for he was and moody for what has happened throughout his childhood. he was sore and battered because of he was was, he became homeless for many years living in a shed being covered by dogs and puppies. he was alone like  a lonely tiger, who was all over his wallet. he wanted to know what made him to a perfect uchiha. Because it became who he was and was destined for who he. He turned around and seen his life just mashed up to pieces for what he has become.
he was hopeless his whole life because he didn't have anyone else there for him. he was depressed because he didn't know what was going to happen. being bored whilst his life was about to go downhill alot of explaining was needed to do.  by being stranded and battered alot of explaining was needed to be done. he was hopeless and obsolete whilst being tearful, bored and tearful.  the uchiha was living all his life with hate and no love was surronding him. yasaki understood the situation and that he was a mourful and terrible guy who was downfall.

he was an immense large guy who weighed about two fifty pounds. he was a giant for the shinobi era and had alot of food to eat. he was  a mammoth and being big represented who he was. he was tall, fat and big headed fat bold hogokage. he was long and elfin whilst being averge for his village. and tall and tiny plus being a long big and bulky guy who had massive hands and body. he would eat his favorite foods which were enormous. he was portly a man on his way to fix his life eitherway.
he was amused and enhanted by many of the choices in fron tof him which were glorious and joyful. he was smiling, blisful and enthusiastic whilst being good and jubilant and splendid. as a shinobi who wanted well his village. he was superb and brilliant and enthusiatic and calm whilst being majestic and a shinobi who out there looking for ways to improve on his self and that marvellous. he was happy and delighted because he was great and tremendous being overjoyed was him just being himself and trying to find a way to be pelasent and funny. but that was him. 

Yasaki day started with a marvelous smile. Everything felt fitting for him. He looked letter which he got from his kage when he associated for this mission. " Well." was the primary concern he murmured. " Find, Catch, and no underhandedness." he smiled. " Got it." He pulled out his kunai giving it a fast snappy huge turn. As such, he understood that moment no harm was to be made to the gloves. By then, he set it back in his pockets. Before he started to proceed to find the poor gloves, Yasaki picked to eat one of his heap of new. The pieces were seen all over eating with a gigantic speed just as he never ate sustenance for like one hundred years. All he knew was this mission wasn't a perilous one and he could complete it. Along these lines, Yasaki rushed toward the Market town to start on his undertaking. He asked the man who was offering cabbages and sustenances. " Have you seen any cats around here?" the man replied. " Nope, nothing here."Yasaki left searching for business segments and markets until he comprehended that gloves worship angles. He opened his note, intentionally getting it and after that identified that he was correct. By then retreated to find the fish store as he went past by the market he saw a couple of gloves running. Is it precise to state that it was the gloves? He sought after the gloves anyway slipped heedlessly on the sustenance store. He made a monstrous destruction, verified with totally the gloves' sustenance. After he stood up, he fumed with devastation. He got out and chatted with a furious tone. " I may be fat, yet I will get you… " He returned home to change himself due to having a noteworthy tumult. Yasaki regarded his Mother and kinfolk, anyway they were concerned with what unfolded. 

His Mother at that point said " You favor Yasaki? You kind of look destroyed." Yasaki laughed and said. " Mother, it's my first mission I figure these gloves were aggravating." He got out and scoured. After that was done, Yasaki picked the time got a little rest, however the rest it turned out he was dozing. In his dream, all he considered was the methods by which to complete this mission. Contemplations and satisfaction started to appear, moving side to side considering a system he finally got it. He woke up with a model. Emptying his comfortable bed sheets and wearing his ninja attire which he never wore. Yaaasaki left the house once he was in a fair state. All that he required was on him. He was prepared. The energetic shinobi headed out to find the gloves, anyway it didn't seem, by all accounts, to be fundamental, yet he finally got its hang. Yasaki went to the market. He saw them little villains were there, anyway they were dozing sufficiently. He went step by step crawling up to them as one of them eye's glimmered up. Energetic Yasaki understood that moment he the plausibility was no more. They all ran, anyway one made sense of how to remain he was in a significant rest. He lifted it up and inside seconds the gloves eyes opened. His paws were set up to gleam the eyes of Yasaki, anyway Yasaki rushed to keep away from it. "Horrible Kitty," he said in a peaceful tone. He headed the kages office. Regardless, no, something happened they all were behind him arranged to jump on him. They were covetous. Yasaki went to the market and acquired a few fishes for these gloves.

 They all ate and ate. Did Yasaki complete his primary objective? He went to the work environment giving back the kages gloves.Yasaki awakens He lovesand has intrest in pets, bugs He excursions and genin attempts to thump him since h didnt give what they need yet he denies to battle back The exquisite day came when the youthful shinobi chose the time had come to locate some new companions. He adores creatures. The bond was mind blowing so he embarked to discover a few. He ate his every day plate of ramen and extra includes couple of plates. Yasaki was in state where he was full, Yet neither one of the hes minded "Fare thee well, mother." was his words before he left. He surged outside to begin searching for these creatures. Night-time of getting a nearby bond between this creatures he found another companion. He was grasping it, it appears he required nourishment. Along these lines, Yasaki stood up and went to discover some sustenance for this creature. Before he made several strides some mean young men moved toward him requesting that he hand over the creature. " Hand over the messy animal,boy" one of the genins said in an irate tone. Yasaki won't. " No, he's mine." And they took it from him by power discarding the poor creature a long way from him to unfit to reach. Yasaki blew up as he was going to seethe one of them kicked him by the leg while the other snatched him from the back. " It's more than." one of them said. They kept on hitting him.

 They hit him hard so he could shout in torment leniency was their objective they continued going. The dazzling day came when the energetic shinobi picked the opportunity had arrived to find some new buddies. He reveres animals. The bond was incredible so he decided to find a couple. He ate his step by step plate of ramen and extra incorporates couple of plates. Yasaki was in state where he was full, Anyway he couldn't have cared less. "Passage thee well, mother." was his words before he gotten out. He rushed outside to start scanning for these animals. Sunset of getting a close-by bond between this animals he found another partner. He was getting a handle on it, it shows up he required sustenance. Thusly, Yasaki stood up and went to find some sustenance for this animal. Before he made a couple of steps some mean youngsters advanced toward him mentioning that he hand over the animal. " Hand over the smudged animal,boy" one of the genins said in an incensed tone. Yasaki won't. " No, he's mine." And they took it from him by constrain disposing of the poor animal far from him to not ready to reach. Yasaki got angry as he was going to furiousness one of them kicked him by the leg while the other grabbed him from the back. " It's more than." one of them said. They continued hitting him. They hit him hard so he could yell in misery kindness was their target they kept going.Yasaki reliably feels pretentiousness as he tends to put everything in order on his vow. He venerates to fight and battles with his partners. He couldn't care less for people who will disturb him that will put him in a condition to put you down and butcher you. His gaudiness is what makes him a more grounded shinobi. He values to examine books and get gaining from it.

 He is known as a speed machine since he is extremely a snappy ninja as dashing and moreover at running. The haughtiness of this man makes him feel like a certified beast just as he was set up to open himself. He tends to sit down and look at the fogs for several minutes straying in dream land about various things that he could be organizing. Yasaki reviews a direction his uncle once offered that to get ready hard and be a strong ninja for your nation. He let these words stew for some time, be that as it may, the day when he's family kicked the basin things were transforming into a substitute path for him. Yasaki day started with an impressive smile. Everything felt suitable for him. He looked letter which he got from his kage when he associated for this mission. "Well." was the primary concern he murmured. " Find, Catch, and no naughtiness." he smiled. "Got it." He pulled out his kunai giving it a fast brisk colossal turn. As such, he understood that moment no harm was to be made to the gloves. By then, he set it back in his pockets. Before he started to proceed to find the poor mittens,Yasaki picked to eat one of his heap of new. The pieces were seen all over eating with a colossal speed as if he never ate sustenance for like one hundred years. All he knew was this mission wasn't a hazardous one and he could complete it. Along these lines, Yasaki scrambled toward the Market town to start on his undertaking. He asked the man who was offering cabbages and sustenances. "Have you seen any cats around here?" the man replied. "Nope, not much." Yasaki left searching for business areas and markets until he comprehended that gloves revere angles. He opened his note, intentionally getting it and after that identified that he was correct. By then retreated to find the fish store as he went past by the market he saw a couple of gloves running.

Is it exact to state that it was the gloves? He sought after the gloves, be that as it may, slipped heedlessly on the sustenance store. He made a monstrous destruction, verified with totally the gloves sustenance. After he stood up, he fumed with devastation. He got out and chatted with an angry tone. " I may be fat, yet I will get you… " He returned home to change himself due to having a noteworthy chaos.Yasaki regarded his Mother and kinfolk, in any case, they were stressed over what happened. His Mother at that point said "You alright Yasaki? You kind of look destroyed." Yasaki laughed and said. "Mother, it's my first mission I figure these gloves were bothering." He got out and cleaned. After that was done, Yasaki picked the opportunity had arrived to get a little rest, yet rather the rest it turned out he was dozing. In his dream, all he considered was the methods by which to complete this mission. Considerations and satisfaction started to appear, moving side to side contemplating a procedure he finally got it. He woke up with a model. Emptying his comfortable bed sheets and wearing his ninja dress which he never wore. He woke up with a model. Clearing his comfortable bed sheets and wearing his ninja garments which he never wore. Yasaki left the house once he was in a good state. All that he required was on him.

 He was prepared. The young shinobi headed out to find the gloves, anyway it didn't appear to be fundamental, yet he finally got its hang. Yasaki went to the market. He saw them little rogues were there, anyway they were resting sufficiently. He went steadily crawling up to them as one of them eye's gleamed up. Energetic Yasaki understood that moment the plausibility was no more. They all ran, anyway one made sense ofIn the wake of pulling by and by from the working environment he started to do his standard objective pursuing down odds and ends. It was a fundamental mission. He set off heading into the ways getting junk and placing into the reject storage facility. Yasaki continues snatching litter for One hour and half keeping the avenues clear. He by then guided his left and started to do that side getting decay and diverse indisputable things. He saw palatably exhausted being and about for around 30 minutes. He ran home to rest his day and returned later when he has restored his centrality. He left the stunning piece of his things at home and went out to the ways to start his cleaning. Something came in judgment. He yearned for being the huge shinobi for his town as he was persuading in it some individual came over his shoulders and holds tight him. "My dear Yasaki." his uncle beforeYasaki left. " I'll be leaving hoshi for quite a while heading for the spot that is known for flame I will before long be back, it would be ideal if you act, stay perseveringly or even more all else the plan beneficially!" 

These were the final words to his uncle. The two of them went unquestionable ways to deal with oversee start their undertaking as Yasaki went to arrive his cleaning position, he started to pick litters after litters it was a hard occupation, especially a decent 'ol designed like Some were new packages as some were a pine box nail. Tshe street was dull full with seniors sitting on their seats, smoking it sickens Yasaki, regardless he foreseen that would Continue his occupation. One man took after "Marvelous young associates keep cleaning child get your hands riotous!" Yasaki in his mind foreseen that would detonate and fight with the senior subjects, regardless he explored what his uncle said he moved cleaning whatever is left of the boulevards as far as possible. When he inclined toward to the end he was done, he thought, but at this point he sawed two or three Jounins talking at one another, he went to both and inquisitive concerning whether they're willing to set him up the Genjutsu Blinding. They responded. "It's increasingly secure to ask the Water Kage, he's truly outstanding to ever encounter these days, notwithstanding we can show to you a C-Rank jutsu known as the Demonic Illusion: Double False Surrounding Technique yet require a huge amount of energy in case you are dazzled fly in later and well start." Yasaki offered thanks toward the Jounin and left scrambling toward the working environment running his socks off. The opportunity had arrived to plan for another mission."Hear me out child, You will convey these sustenances to 5 familes. Try not to destroy it or ruin the sustenances or disaster will be imminent.. Their will be discipline." He lifted his hand and talked. " What I need is you to do what I need you to do. I will say this once more. Convey it without no mischief. comprehended? " he talked with a tone that would irratate the youngster. " Your breath stinks as a matter of first importance, second don't yell at me or else there will be issues. Furthermore, finally I could murder you on the off chance that I truly needed to." The man froze and began to sob . " Please convey it wellbeing and easily .. I implore you." He would go down on his knees holding his the two arms securing. " Ill do it easily." So of he went to convey the bundles of nourishment. 

It was note that two of them live respectively. He would make a beeline for their home and thump on their entryway. " conveyance bundle from Hueyni." the woman turned out with her girl. "Much thanks for your child." Yasaki would close his eyes and afterward hold his hands tight. " Don't call me child or else sick go distraught.' the woman got scared and shut the entryway right away. He at that point went to third house and conveyed the bundle. "Yasaki bundle please open." A tall man would show up "sup." Yasaki would answer. "convey bundle from Yasaki. " goodness alright thank." he would hand over the bundle and leave. Yasaki went to the fourth costumer as he ran he saw something it was figure of his dad somebody that seemed as though him. He strolled past him and everything he could was it a fantasy. He shed in tears and decied to proceed with his main goal. Subsequent to arriving at the costumer he would thump the house delicately. " Delivery bundle from yasaki." he would hold up until somebody opened the entryway. An attractive lady showed up couldnt take the warmth so he passed the bundle and left. He believed he truly had love in him however not loathe. The last costumer was left and all he needed to do wa convey and off he did. After going to his home he saw another person it was a figure of his mom another person strolling in the road that resembled her . he needed to approach her yet relised it was a fantasy as he paused. He thumped on the fifth costumers house and paused. Abruptly, turned out a man wearing a dark suit on his suit their was an identification.

 The manner in which he took a gander at and the manner in which he smiled . realized something wasn't right. So he passed on the bundle and left as snappy as possible. Mission finished he grinned and was prepared to return home. he woke up having an awful dream. He surged in a blast to wear his standard dress. The sword his uncle gave he would put it in spite of his extraordinary certainty. he would eat his unique sustenance dependably. He would get ready to go out and begin on one more day unmistakable day. Before leaving his final words would be "Uncle, I am radiant in the midst of the present day to be alive and be a more grounded shinobi all around requested I can feel it." He verified his both hand while his uncle would answer. " I have trust in you." He's hands would associate with him holding him tight and murmuring to the ears of his " Stay Strong and Avoid adversaries!" That was the final words before yasaki would go out.So he hurried toward water house to get his first mission. In the wake of enduring his guideline objective, there was numerous to examine. So he picked the base complex one. A wild pig would break the passages of the town. "Well," he said softly. The mission was definitely not hard to catch and stop this crowd breaking the doors. So he thought this was the mission. yasaki by then left to begin his central goal. A mission that would not place him in danger just thing he expected to do was is to serve his country. He felt amazed doing his first C-Rank mission in any case he expected to design things out or else it would wind up fishy. yasaki would then embark to check for the crowd. He hauled out his kunai swinging it in the interim grinning. He was self important and masterminded this. 


2 E rank ravens and 1 D rank = 2KW

Last edited by Yasaki on Sat Aug 31, 2019 7:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
Stat Page : Duncan Crawford's Stats
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

It feels good (p,nk) Empty Re: It feels good (p,nk)

Sat Aug 31, 2019 7:04 pm
Sorry, you gotta have the summons trained in order to get Nature Chakra skill. Can you link me to where they were trained? Stat page shows them untrained.
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
Stat Page : Duncan Crawford's Stats
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

It feels good (p,nk) Empty Re: It feels good (p,nk)

Sat Aug 31, 2019 7:41 pm
Okay, this looks fine.

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