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Takeshi Hyuuga
Takeshi Hyuuga
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Ryuu feels like sparring. Empty Ryuu feels like sparring.

Tue Jul 01, 2014 10:49 pm
Ryuu was sitting in the training grounds, just relaxing and taking in the view of the vast desserts and enjoying a little quiet time, preparing himself to do a little bit of training. Just before he was to jump down from his tree, he saw a small figure coming into the training grounds, looking amazed at the sights of the training grounds. Ryuu instantly knew that he was brand new at this whole shinobe thing. Ryuu then jumped down from the tree and began walking over to the boy. "Hello, how are you? My name is Ryuu Hyuuga. What's yours?" Ryuu said as he held his hand out to shake the boy's.
Takato Hyuuga
Takato Hyuuga
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Ryuu feels like sparring. Empty Re: Ryuu feels like sparring.

Tue Jul 01, 2014 11:05 pm
Takato was walking around the village when he found a sign saying "Training Grounds". Takato thought, "Eh why not? Maybe there are some ninjas over there that can actually show me some things. So he decided to walk into the training grounds. When he walked through the fence he didn't see anyone there. Just a couple empty spaces and one big tree toward the back fence of the grounds. He then saw a larger male jump down from the tree, he then began walking toward Takato. The male then extended his hand and greeted him when the male got to Takato's position. Takato had learned that the male's name was Ryuu Hyuuga. Takato was instantly excited when he learned that he was a Hyuuga, just like he was. Takato then shook Ryuu's hand and excitedly said, "Hi! My name is Takato! I'm a Hyuuga too!" The boy then asked, "So what are you doing here?". Takato then awaited his response.
Takeshi Hyuuga
Takeshi Hyuuga
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Ryuu feels like sparring. Empty Re: Ryuu feels like sparring.

Tue Jul 01, 2014 11:14 pm
Ryuu laughed and began explaining, "I am actually here to do a little bit of training, the question is, what are you doing here? Are you in the academy?" Ryuu then looked at him, beginning to crouch.
Takato Hyuuga
Takato Hyuuga
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Ryuu feels like sparring. Empty Re: Ryuu feels like sparring.

Tue Jul 01, 2014 11:20 pm
Takato responded to Ryuu's question, "I came across a sign that said training grounds and figured that there could have been a few ninjas here who could have shown me a few things, maybe you could be the kind of person that I am looking for. Could you show me a few things?" Takato then began smiling from ear to ear as he awaited Ryuu's either acceptance or denial.
Takeshi Hyuuga
Takeshi Hyuuga
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Ryuu feels like sparring. Empty Re: Ryuu feels like sparring.

Tue Jul 01, 2014 11:26 pm
Ryuu then smiled and figured why not so he responded with, "Eh, alright. I don't see why not. How about we get some distance and we can have a little spar huh?" Ryuu then stood up and began getting some distance between him and Takato. When Ryuu felt that he was far enough and turned around, he then got into a battle stance, awaited Takato's reaction to his proposal.
Takato Hyuuga
Takato Hyuuga
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Ryuu feels like sparring. Empty Re: Ryuu feels like sparring.

Tue Jul 01, 2014 11:31 pm
Takato then got really scared and nervously said, "I don't actually have any weapons or anything...". He then becae nervous and embarrassed. "How could I have been so stupid to actually come here with no weapons at all? So stupid!" Takato thought to himself.
Takeshi Hyuuga
Takeshi Hyuuga
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Ryuu feels like sparring. Empty Re: Ryuu feels like sparring.

Tue Jul 01, 2014 11:35 pm
Ryuu smiled, chuckled a little bit and then walked over to Takato, handed him a Kunai and two of his shuriken. "The only way that you will be able to do anything against an opponent is if you get the instinct to kill that person. Always remember that, if you show any bit of mercy, that is when your opponent will take advantage and defeat you. Never show any amount of mercy, understand?" Ryuu said to Takato as he looked at Takato in the eyes. Ryuu could see that Takato's eyes had widened during his speech, Ryuu then stood up and began walking back to his original position. He then turned back around and gets back into his stance and awaited Takato's first move.
Takato Hyuuga
Takato Hyuuga
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Ryuu feels like sparring. Empty Re: Ryuu feels like sparring.

Tue Jul 01, 2014 11:41 pm
Takato had really thought about what Ryuu had said, Takato then looked at him and readied himself. Putting his body into somewhat of a battle stance. Takato then began running at Ryuu at his top speed. But just before he reached Ryuu, he jumped high into the air and threw one of the two shuriken that Ryuu had given him. Takato was sure Ryuu would dodge the shuriken, so once Takato had landed on the ground, he also threw the second one directly at the back of Ryuu. "One of these have to hit him!"
Takeshi Hyuuga
Takeshi Hyuuga
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 4350

Ryuu feels like sparring. Empty Re: Ryuu feels like sparring.

Tue Jul 01, 2014 11:51 pm
Ryuu smiled at Takato's attempt to hit Ryuu with both of the shuriken that he had just gave him. Ryuu slide to the side before the shuriken had reached his body. Just then, Ryuu had sprinted toward Takato, but just as he was reaching Takato's position, he used the body flicker technique to "vanish" and then reappear directly behind Takato and tapped his shoulder with one of his kunai and then jumped into the branch of his favorite tree just before Takato could see him. Ryuu then laughed and awaited Takato's reaction to Ryuu's move.
Takato Hyuuga
Takato Hyuuga
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Ryuu feels like sparring. Empty Re: Ryuu feels like sparring.

Wed Jul 02, 2014 12:16 am
Takato knew that Ryuu would sort of show off, so Takato quickly realized that he was going to have a hard time figuring out what to do against someone with higher skill than mine. Takato then sprinted toward the tree, Takato had realized from the moment that he began talking to him that there was something about the tree that Ryuu was extremely fond of, which lead Takato to believe that that was where Ryuu would have stayed after his first move. When he began sprinting toward the tree, he saw Ryuu, feeling good about himself knowing that he was actually right. Takato then quickly realized that there was no way he could get to such a high branch. So he began thinking of what to do. Takato then ran right by the tree, hoping that Ryuu would come after him, thinking that Takato had completely missed Ryuu's hiding spot. So he sprinted right by the tree and hoped that his plan would work.
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