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Takeshi Hyuuga
Takeshi Hyuuga
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Ryuu feels like sparring. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ryuu feels like sparring.

Wed Jul 02, 2014 12:22 am
Ryuu began howling in laughter in his head when he saw Takato run right passed his tree and began thinking of what he should do for his next move. "Should I continue to play with him or should I actually go for a light attack? Nahh, he is to young to actually attack, so I should for sure subdue him, make sure that he actually gives up the match, I think I might just see if he wants me to actually teach him some things. But for now, let's play a little longer." Ryuu then smiled and threw one of his kunai knives, the knife landed directly in front of Takato, Ryuu then began jumping through a few of the trees so Takato would frantically look around. Ryuu then dove into the ground, performing the hand signs for the Subterranean Voyage, just before Ryuu hit the ground he finished the seals and went into the ground. Ryuu then activated his Byakugan so he could monitor Takato's moves.
Takato Hyuuga
Takato Hyuuga
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Ryuu feels like sparring. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ryuu feels like sparring.

Wed Jul 02, 2014 12:27 am
Takato began to look around for Ryuu, unable to see him. "I honestly don't have any of the skills necessary to actually catch him... What should I do?" Takato then crouched and put his fingers together, making an oval with his fingers, which is what he would always do when he needed to think of a strategy to get at Ryuu. He finally realized the best idea was to just allow him to do whatever he was to do until he reveals himself. So Takato decided to just stop running an go back to where he had thrown the shurikens to go back and retrieve them for future use in the spar. Once he obtained the shuriken and just waited.
Takeshi Hyuuga
Takeshi Hyuuga
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Ryuu feels like sparring. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ryuu feels like sparring.

Wed Jul 02, 2014 12:39 am
Ryuu was surprised at Takato's choice in moves. "Why is he just sitting there? He must be waiting for me to attack so he doesn't waste his breath or time. Actually pretty smart!" Ryuu said to himself as he watched Takato just sit in one spot. Ryuu then began moving underground until he was directly beneath Takato's body. "Should I end it here? Or should I let this continue this little spar?" Ryuu thought to himself. "Eh, I guess I could just end it right here. Yeah, I really don't know what else I could do right now anyway. Alright let's end it right here." Ryuu then began rising toward the surface. Just as he was directly under the surface, he began reaching toward Takato's foot. Ryuu then grabbed Takato's foot and began pulling his body down into the ground so there was just a head. Ryuu then jumped out of the ground and laughed. "You are actually kind of bright, except for the whole running right passed the tree." Ryuu said smiling and laughing.
Takato Hyuuga
Takato Hyuuga
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Ryuu feels like sparring. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ryuu feels like sparring.

Wed Jul 02, 2014 1:11 am
Takato felt Ryuu's hand grab his foot, was to surprised to even react. He then felt himself being pulled down into the ground, Takato was so surprised. When he finally stopped moving he realized that only his head was above the ground, "What in the world!?" Takato began yelling as he couldn't move anything but his head. He then saw Ryuu standing right in front of him, standing there and laughing. "Not cool man!" Takato yelled as he began smiling. "Can you get me out of here please?" Takato asked. He then continued to attempt to move.
Takeshi Hyuuga
Takeshi Hyuuga
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Ryuu feels like sparring. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ryuu feels like sparring.

Wed Jul 02, 2014 1:14 am
Ryuu then laughed and walked over to Takato's body-less head and began digging him out of the ground. When Ryuu got him out of the ground completely he laughed and said, "That wasn't too bad of an idea. Just waiting for me to run out of chakra, when you don't have the skills to come out and find your opponent, just let the fight come to you. I am impressed. So, did you honestly just run right by my position when I was in the tree?" Ryuu asked, awaiting Takato's response.
Takeshi Hyuuga
Takeshi Hyuuga
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Ryuu feels like sparring. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ryuu feels like sparring.

Wed Jul 02, 2014 1:21 am
Ryuu then looked at him, thinking that he had plenty of potential, and he was surprised that he could think so quickly on his toes. Ryuu then said, "Maybe one day, but first you need to focus on graduating from the academy so you can start learning the really cool jutsu. First you need to start with the substitution jutsu, the transformation jutsu, and the clone jutsu. Once you are able to complete those jutsus, we would be able to start and train the higher level jutsu. I think I might just do that. How about you and I become partners in learning all the jutsu we can huh?" Ryuu then saw Takato's eyes light up.
Takato Hyuuga
Takato Hyuuga
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Ryuu feels like sparring. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ryuu feels like sparring.

Wed Jul 02, 2014 1:27 am
Takato then excitedly said "Okay! When can we start learning the basics?!?! I can't wait to get started! Which one should we do first?" Takato continued to babble on about starting, being extremely excited that he would actually have someone to help him on his path to becoming a shinobe. Takato then stopped babbling and awaited for Ryuu to say something.
Takeshi Hyuuga
Takeshi Hyuuga
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Ryuu feels like sparring. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ryuu feels like sparring.

Wed Jul 02, 2014 1:29 am
Ryuu laughed at Takato's excitement. "We will start soon enough, not right now though, it's time for us to go to the ramen shop and get some rest, don't want to overexert yourself too much. What do you say, want some ramen? It's on me." Ryuu then smiled at Takato and waited for his answer.
Takato Hyuuga
Takato Hyuuga
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Ryuu feels like sparring. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ryuu feels like sparring.

Wed Jul 02, 2014 1:34 am
Takato's eyes began to widen, "Ramen is my absolute favorite! I would love to go get some with you! First one there wins!" Takato then began sprinting toward the Ramen shop, laughing the whole way.


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Last edited by Takato Hyuuga on Wed Jul 02, 2014 1:57 am; edited 1 time in total
Takeshi Hyuuga
Takeshi Hyuuga
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Ryuu feels like sparring. - Page 2 Empty Re: Ryuu feels like sparring.

Wed Jul 02, 2014 1:45 am
Ryuu then began smiling and chased after him. "I hope that I can help this boy reach his potential, he certainly can be an asset to this village." Ryuu thought to himself as he chased after Takato.

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