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Kouse <3
Kouse <3
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Despair, death, destruction, dream?  Empty Despair, death, destruction, dream?

Sat Jul 11, 2015 6:35 pm
Kouse uchiha walked slowly away from his home.. What home?.. That wasn't a home anymore but a cursed place that everyone he ever loved lived, grew and died...untimely... 
He laughed hysterically as he remembered how that building was just a month earlier..bustling with life, his father, mother and 3 sisters all full with life and jostling about performing their specific tasks.
Now where we're they... Dead.. All gone,and doing him the worst thing ever by letting only him live.. He should have slit his own throat the instance he saw his last sister and last family member die a week ago.
But that feeling that this was all simply too brutal and vile to be true lingered in his mind, he had not fully believed what was happening and what had happened..until this morning when he awoke to a silence that could turn anyone insane. 
He knew he was slowly losing his sanity with everyday that goes by.. He was dead inside and rotting, but physically he still looked appealing.. His black hair long as ever, his face and body although losing some weight were still attractive but those were not on kouse uchiha's mind.. He had lost everything. 
He remembered the first death a month ago that triggered it all..his father's death who he couldn't even hear say his last words because he was busy training.. What was his dream again?.. To become a top ninja... That felt like eons ago. 
Kouse smiled.. He had long passed the stage of tears and even violence.. Those were reactions to still Sane people not him.
His eldest sister was next.. She got bitten by a snake and died before anyone knew what was happening. 
His mother followed just 2 weeks earlier.. She had fallen down the stairs carrying the pictures of our Father and sister. 
His 2nd sister fell critically I'll the next day due to the pain and loss.. She died in the next couple of hours.
That was when he had started feeling his sanity slipping away.. All thoughts became hazy. 
He checked in on his last and youngest sister but didn't know who he was looking at.. She was dead outside and inside.. A moving carcass.. Said nothing, did nothing, ate nothing.. Just sat there staring into space as well wishers and crappy do-gooders came to console us.
What did they know about anything!.. I would give anything to hv someone I could call a sibling. 
His sister had violently attacked someone who had made the mistake of saying "my brothers son died a few years ago, I know how you feel" took half a dozen men to tear her away. 
Kouse had seen it all and didn't react, not even flinch.. What was the need of reflexes, reactions, emotions, life?.. When everything and everyone you loved were dead?. 
Saori had disappeared.. He hadn't seen her since his father died.. Maybe her too died.. He loved her after all.. And the universe was adamant to kill everyone he holds dear. 
Just this morning he had woken up to violent trashing about.. He knew it was his youngest sister finally meeting her end.. He entered her room and saw her struggling for life... Well not struggling..letting go.
He met her eyes.. She didn't have the look of someone dying but the look of someone being set free from hell..when she stopped moving and took her last breath a smile was plastered on her face. 
Kouse stood there finally and without question all alone.. He saw she held something and went to investigate.
It was a picture of the entire family.. All with numbers according to when they died.. His father had a number one, his eldest sister a number two, his mother a number three, 2nd sister number 4,the last sister the one that just died had a number 5 on her.. She had written it that morning she had prepared to die.
On the back of the picture kouse saw a note by her.. "I've gone to join them kouse, and we'll all be waiting for you, don't take too long. 
Kouse dropped the picture and walked out of the house slowly....... 

That was how he got to where he was... It was over for him.. He had just one thing left to do before he died.
And that was to choose the way he would kill himself.

Choose?.he laughed hysterically...what was there to choose ? ..he took a Kunai and stabbed himself.. And as he slowly bled out his last thoughts were of his father, mother, and sisters. 
"im coming, I'm coming...we can be together again" death had finally met him and he gratefully grasped it. 
Kouse's blood flowed freely and was reflected in the setting sun of konoha.

Kouse awoke with a scream!.. He looked about.. He was on his bed in his room.. And realised that it was all just a dream...just a dream.. Just a dream he chanted feverishly as he reluctantly lay back...he smiled.
It was just a dream after all............... Or was it?.
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