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Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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The Battle Chuunin Exams Part 3 Empty The Battle Chuunin Exams Part 3

Sat Jul 25, 2015 4:32 pm

Rikaro was up bright and early this morning ready for the final test of the first part of the Chuunin exams. He knew this exam would be hard because it was the last test for the first test. He came fully prepared five kunai and shuriken in either weapon pouch on his left and right thigh, as well as two smokebimbs in the right weapon pouch and two explosive tags in the left weapon pouch. He had on his black fingerless gloves that seemed to absorb the light around his hand. His shirt was black with a skull on the front with blood running out of the eyes and mout . His leather pants hughed his legs with the metal chains coming out of his pockets. His combat boots were newly shined with metal topping. Some would say he looked like a personification of darkness itself but he was merely the host of one. Rikaro smirked as he exited his bedroom which he had just got done doing and went down stairs picking up a piece of toast and cheese and said " Dad today is the third day for the exams I am leaving ". His father looked at him and nodded and went back to read the news paper he held in his hand as he had his feet propped up on the desk. Rikaro ran out of the door and into the village for the building that would host the next exam. It was the same dome building. This time only 30 Genin stood and they as well were looking flashy. Hrm what was this next test thought Rikaro. As if on cue the same Jounin from the previous two tests said " Today you each will be facing a opponent on the same caliber as you. We hope you do well as this will be purely hand to hand combat ". Everyone nodded there head.

" Rikaro Shinkou you are up " said a Jounin from the entrance of the dome. Rikaro nodded and walked towards the door and into the doorway. He walked to the blue X on the floor which had a red X 5 meters across from it. Each X were at the very end of the dome like structure which gave the building a 5 x 5 meter square. There was only dirt and no water. A plain battle field it was " Rikaro your opponent will be arriving shortly " said one of the judges. Rikaro nodded and continued to hold his ground staring at the red X. The dirt around the square began to rise and form a box like structure that turned into a solid glass with the judges on the other side.

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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 134237

The Battle Chuunin Exams Part 3 Empty Re: The Battle Chuunin Exams Part 3

Wed Jul 29, 2015 2:33 pm
Enjin was already in the room when the box formed around them. His rather stocky frame had taken the kneeling position while he waited. The boy was about sixteen years old and at a full heiht of five foot four inches, he was rather short but he made up for it with his stocky nature as he was properly proportioned all around. Standing up from his kneeling position he would flash a smile towards his combatant partner. Previous to this day he had only seen Rikaro walking around a few times but had never attempted talking to the male. Today he was sporting tattered shorts from intense training and no shirt just to allow his pecs to be seen.

"Hey, well I guess your my next stepping stone to move on to the next round? Well my name is Enjin and if you made it this far i'm sure you know the rules and what they are looking for in this match. Simple hand to hand combat, no jutsu or anything first to submit or pass out I guess loses. No hard feelings when I beat ya ok?"

Finishing his comment he would take a ready stance putting his fists in front of him and placing his right leg ahead of his left. He didn't know what the boy was capable of but he was sure he could beat it all.

Health 20
Speed 20
Strength 20
same as yours.
Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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The Battle Chuunin Exams Part 3 Empty Re: The Battle Chuunin Exams Part 3

Wed Jul 29, 2015 3:01 pm
Rikaro stared at the boy who looked to be around the age of a mid adult kneeling on the ground staring at him. The boy's shorts was tattered with holes it seemed that this boy had already battled. Rikaro himself was in fine cloths not caring what he wore. For all he cared of he wanted to he would have walked in the battle naked. Obviously the boy in front of him was cocky as he was trying to show off his abs." Hey well I guess you are my next stepping stone to move on to the next round " said the boy. Rikaro smirked and through off his leather shirt that would restrict his movements." There will only be one stepping stone and it will not be me " said Rikaro as he bent his left knee putting his right leg in front of him as he held his hands in front of his face making sure not to block his eyes." Well my name is Enji and if you made it this far I am sure you know the rules and what they are looking for in this match. Simple hand to hand combat no jutsu or anything first to submit or I guess pass out I guess loses. No hard feeling when I beat ya OK " said the boy who had revealed himself as Enji.

Rikaro studied the Genin who got into a fighting stance placing his right leg in head of his left. So this kid knew how to fight it seemed. Maybe he had the mind to back all of that barked. Rikaro noddded and said " May the battle be forever in my favor ". Rikaro stared down his opponent the same thing he did with the Raikage as he studied his opponent. Him and Enji were matched evenly against each other so this would be a either way battle or so what the judges had said. The kid Enji was 5 meters in front of him so Rikaro could get to him quickly. 

They were in a box with no wind so the battle could go into Rikaro's favor. He was a free runner one of those adrenaline junkies who jumped off things and he could manipulate this battle field to his advantage. Rikaro began running in a straight line towards Enji. As Rikaro got within 2 meters of Enji he would jump in the air for a experiment shot to see what the kid was made of. From the advice the Raikage gave him he knew that jumping with no control was bad but in hand to hand combat it was not. As he was in the air 1 meter in front of Enji he had his right leg extended with the bottom of his feet aiming towards the boy's forhead. At the same his left leg would be swinging to Rikaro's right attempting to hit Enji in the side of his right cheek.
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

The Battle Chuunin Exams Part 3 Empty Re: The Battle Chuunin Exams Part 3

Thu Jul 30, 2015 7:21 pm
(From here on out I won't be doing anything but typing responses to your movements no story or anything)

Enjin notes that you will jump based n your forward movement and the bend of your knees needed to achieve lift. He reacts accordingly stepping forward as you leave the round and extend your leg. He side steps inwards pivoting his body sideways to your now airborne body allowing the right leg to pass in front of him harmlessly. Reacting before your left leg becomes a problem he forcibly extends his left arm pushing his fist directly into your abdomen mid air also pushing his weight forward torquing his shoulder leveraging most of the weight on his shoulders to push your body back to the earth forcibly potentially knocking the wind from your lungs as you hit the ground on your back.
Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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The Battle Chuunin Exams Part 3 Empty Re: The Battle Chuunin Exams Part 3

Fri Jul 31, 2015 5:35 pm
As he was flying airborne through the air Rikaro saw the kid Enji step forward gaining momentum as Rikaro was coming down. Enji pivoted his body sideways making my left leg unable to hit him. Rikaro as he was bringing his leg up for the fall saw Enji fist coming foward as well as his shoulder turn and attempt to rush him. But Rikaro reacted to the shoulder and fist putting his right leg which got avoided as well as his left leg in front of his stomach and chest in a tucked formation his arms spread backwards eagle position as Enji body hit his leg throwing Rikaro's body back. As he was going backwards from the rush of Enji Rikaro leaned his head back the weight from his head making his shoulder on down go into the sky allowing him to fall on his hands. As his hands bent when they touched the ground he used his momentum and straightened his hands doing a flying back flip 5 meters away from Enji landing roughly on his feet. Rikaro straightened his legs again 5 meters away from Enji. He stared Enji into his eyes as his shin's hurted. So the boy had muscle to back up his bark Rikaro thought." You should have taken the Raikage serious when he told you jumping airborne in battle without aerial control us stupid " said Mei from within Rikaro's mind. Rikaro ignored her keeping his stare on Enji as he thought about the Raikage's words.

Damn he should have listened but to late now thought Rikaro. He needed to figure out how this boy battled he needed to get the hang of battling this new foe. Rikaro eyes never left Enji as he raised his left hand and did a bring it on motion with his fingers. Rikaro bent his knees raising his arms towards his face and balling up his hands to form fists. He would win this battle he had to show the Raikage's what he was made of since the embarrassment he had given before.

(Note I would not fall to the ground as I was flying diagonally from the ground)
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

The Battle Chuunin Exams Part 3 Empty Re: The Battle Chuunin Exams Part 3

Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:42 pm
Enjin would note that though he had managed to land a hit on this boy, it hadn't gone as planned. He'd have hoped that Rikaro would be out for the count but the boy had manages to stabilize himself in time. Never mind, by the way his opponent was standing, Enjin could gauge that Rikaro had hurt himself in the defense. If this was just going to be a game of tiring the other chunin hopeful out then Enjin had the patience.

He watched the other boy carefully, waiting for Rikaro's next move.

(allowing your action because I'm just catching up and debating never leads to anything good. <3)
Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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The Battle Chuunin Exams Part 3 Empty Re: The Battle Chuunin Exams Part 3

Thu Aug 20, 2015 6:41 pm
Being 16 feet away from Enji.(5 Meters) Rikaro already had his knees bent and arms and hands raised with his hands in a fist. It was time to start fighting for real seeing as the Genin in his front had landed a hit. Rikaro moving at 15 speed straight ahead towards Enji straightened his pegs and kept his hands up. 1 meter away from Enjin Rikaro would take one more step covering the 1 meters leaving 2 ft of space. He would bend his left leg and attempt to sweep his feet towards his right aiming at Enji's right foot to knock him off his legs.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

The Battle Chuunin Exams Part 3 Empty Re: The Battle Chuunin Exams Part 3

Sun Aug 23, 2015 10:04 pm
Enjin had to admit, if this boy was attempting a feint, he was halfway succeeding. With his hands raised up as he approached, Enjin thought he might attempt a punch or - in a display of unorthodox fighting - even a shove. It was Rikaru's temporary halt as he reached within one meter of the boy that gave his next move away. With more fluidity, his opponent might have managed to pull it off.

As it was, Enjin the the attempt at a sweep coming and simply sidestepped, pivoting his body in the opposite direction and leaving Rikaro to either catch himself after the failed attempt or crumple to the ground from lack of balance. Should any of the two events come to pass, Enjin would not wait for his opponent to get his bearings, instead moving out his arms to hook his elbow around Rikaro's neck, the boy's height being at an advantage to Enjin as he was still getting his bearings.

Should Enjin succeed, he would quickly move closer to Rikaro, bringing the hand with his opponent captive closer to him. Smashing his own right shoulder into Rikaro's, Enjin would attempt to compromise the other boy's position further before slipping his other arm under the first one around Rikaro's neck, effectively imprisoning the boy in a headlock with 20 strength. Their strength may be equal but Enjin had a hold of a much more tender part of Rikaro's body, making his claim superior in that instant.
Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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The Battle Chuunin Exams Part 3 Empty Re: The Battle Chuunin Exams Part 3

Sun Aug 23, 2015 10:20 pm
As the Genin Enjin had sidestepped Rikaro's attack Rikaro himself caught his balance quickly knowing like before this guy would not wait for Rikaro to get ready again. On his feet Rikaro quickly raised his arms up raising them in front of Enjin who he was now facing. The elbow of Enjin that would attempt to hook around Rikaro's neck would fail quickly.

Rikaro took that part of the battle as a advantage as he moved in a blurring speed pulling his hands from in front of him downward as he pushed his left fist out at 20 speed towards the middle of Enjin's gut. While simultaneously pushing his fist towards Enjin's gut Rikaro's right hand would reach towards the neck of Enjin and attempt to clamp his whole hand around the front of the boy's neck. If the clamp of the hand was a success Rikaro would pull his left fist back from the gut of Enjin's stomach and raise the kid out of the ground with his right hand as he gripped his neck. 

Rikaro's left arm would move quickly at 20 strength and speed to attempt to knock out Enjin by putting a full force blast punch to the kid's left temple
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

The Battle Chuunin Exams Part 3 Empty Re: The Battle Chuunin Exams Part 3

Sun Aug 23, 2015 10:34 pm
The Arm his opponent sent up to block Enjin seemed like a cowardly and instinctive move at first, and Enjin was still unconvinced that it hadn't been but it did the job nonetheless, blocking Enjin's attempts at a headlock and instead aiming a punch at the boy's gut which, due to proximity, Enjin took in full force.

Winded, Enjin's body curled downwards automatically, a gesture that saved him from Rikaro's next move to clamp his hands around the candidate's neck, his neck now being considerably lower due to his body conceiving on itself for a moment to minimize the area of affect of the punch. Using his lowered position to his advantage, Enjin would attempt to use Rikaro's move back at him, attempting to trip him by shoving his right knee forcibly in Rikaro's, his hands reaching up to defend himself in case the boy tried anymore punches.

Any moves Rikaro made with his hands at this point would be blocked by Enjin's own hands with equal power and speed and as he had already managed to get his legs to knock Rikaro's kneecaps with full speed and force, Rikaro would likely not be standing for much longer.
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