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Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Monkeying Around Empty Monkeying Around

Fri Aug 07, 2015 3:05 pm
Waking up the next day to the alarm on his nightstand, Mako peered at the time.  Well it was about 3 hours after the time he had set,  he mustve been sleeping pretty soundly as the buzzing had already begun to annoy him after only about 30 seconds of him waking up.  He slapped the alarm and sat up, he grabbed the cigarettes off his night stand and struck one, he then stretched and laid back with his feet dangling off the bed.  He had to train he had put some work into flying swallow weapon style but he needed to find something else.  He had planned on getting up early and eating breakfast with his family and asking if there were any Sarutobi family secrets that he could learn to advance himself.  

He got up and went into the bathroom to take a shower,  when he had finished he got out his nice outfit to wear and packed a bag of training clothes so that he wouldn't seem like a bum to his parents.  He walked over to another part of town where the Sarutobi family dwelling was located.  He had the bag over his shoulder and didn't walk too fast, he thought he would make a steady pace.  Typically he would be infusing chakra into his tanto to try and master Flying Swallow but he knew there could be a more intense training ahead so he decided to wait on that just in case he needed to save his chakra.  He jumped to a nearby roof and took a shortcut that he remembered from academy life.  He saw his parents house nearby and hopped off the roof.  Mako laid his bag down at the door and slipped off his sandals stepping in.

His father welcomed him in and they exchanged greetings and concerns, and then when his father finally touched on the subject that Mako was quite ashamed of he was prepared, "So when will you be chuunin?" his father asked.  "Well father i have been informed by the hokage that i will be on a mission for it, but it will be dangerous and i was hoping that there were any Sarutobi family secrets that would help me along?"  His father laughed happy to see his son finally putting effort into his training, his father said, "The Sarutobi family burial grounds are nearby and it is said that those worthy can find training there.  Very rarely has one from our family found anything there, mysef included but it wouldnt be a bad idea to go and look."  Mako smiled thinkig that it owuld be nice to find something worthwhile out there but he doubted that there would be.  Mako stood up fromthe table quickly and started to leave, his father asked if he was going and Mako replied yes.  He grabbed his bag from the porch and set off toward the burial grounds.  He had no idea what might be there, maybe an enchanted family katana from long ago that was sharp enough to cut steel, maybe it was a suit of armor.  Either way he needed to get better and if he found anything out there it would most assuredly be of help.

He ran through the trees attempting his monkey style running swinging from the trees and jumping off of branches to reach the destination quicker.  When he got there, the area seemed very dark despite being very bright and early in the day it seemed overcast like it might rain.  He hopped out of the tree and walked over to the area, there was a large mausoleum where many of the Clan heads were buried and many minor graves surrounding it.  The newer graves were on the outside but as he approached the mausoleum the graves were very old and decrepit and he couldn't make out any names.  He walked up to the mausoleum he knew the doors were locked but he had brought the key from his parents to pay homage to the dead.  He stepped in and looked around, he noticed nothing out of the ordinary statues of old clan heads and other such things.  He knelt and did his usual paying of homage to his family showing that the will of fire still burns within him.  The as he stood up something new caught his attention, something he didn't notice before,  A massive scroll leaned against an ancient statue toward the back, the bottom had a coiled up monkey tail and the top had the head of a monkey on it.  It looked old and covered in dust like it had been there for a while, but he had never noticed it.there before.  He walked over and grabbed the scroll, and hoisted it up and tied the string over his back.  He brought it outside and looked at it.  The seal keeping the scroll close said "He shall be chosen"  Mako slipped his finger under it and slipped the scroll open. It was at that moment that the scroll began flying open all on its own.  The paper flew off the roll until it finally stopped on a blank spot, he looked all over the pages the scroll had shot out they were names signed in blood.  He thought back and knew that this was a summoning scroll but typically summoning scrolls were all located in the library, why wasn't this one there?  

The last name to sign the scroll was not one he recognized, someone he never heard of.  So why did the scroll show itself to him and not the other members in his family?  He had to find out he pulled out the tanto and sliced his finger open and wrote his name on there.  The scroll then proceeded to shut itself on its own and reseal itself.  Mako picked it up and tied it around his waist and remembered back to the time when he had learned the jutsu for summoning, quickly forming the signs and taking his currently bloody hand and placed it on the ground.  The transportation symbol formed and a cloud of smoke erupted from the ground and there before him stood a small monkey,  its fur was red and had a white headband around its forehead with a red sun that had a Tao symbol drawn in it,  the monkey couldn't have stood more than a foot and a half and it had a scar over its right eye.  The monkey looked up at him, Mako just stood there wide eyed and in amazement,  "What are you staring at punk" the monkey said as it reached its tail out and pulled Mako's feet out from under him.  The monkey leaped and sat on his chest looking him in the eyes.  "So you signed the scroll hmmmm, well it looks like we got us a yungin.  Good cuz you godda lodda training before you can fight da boss, he only works with strong Ninja and you aint reddy yet but we will getcha there,"  The monkey had a strange way of talking and was quite unpleasant, its breath smelled of rotten fruit.  The small monkey climbed off of him and proceeded up a tree.  "  Mah name is Sushma and i am da sage that embodies speed and we got alotta work to do,"  the monkey said as he threw a stone directly at him hitting him square in the forehead drawing blood. "We are gonna teach your ass how to dodge right now"  

Mako stumbled he got hit with the rock as he was getting up from being knocked over it hurt bad and pissed him off, but he bit his tongue and stopped himself from cutting the monkeys other eye.  Sushma then said "Ever heard of da Body flicker Jutsu, it exists for ninja to dodge quickly in the line of fire and you're gonna learn it today."  Sushma jumped down and Mako lost sight of him then he felt him land on his shoulder and started speaking like he had something in his mouth.  "You gotta light."  Mako looked up to see Sushma on his shoulder with a stolen cigarette, Mako laughed and ulled one out for himself and pulled out a match and lit one for Sushma.  Sushma said "Ah thats the stuff, me and you are gonna get along just fine kid.  Now watch these hand signs that way you can learn how to do it."  Then Susma demonstrated the technique showing Mako how its done showing him how to channel his chakra into movement. Then moving at an extremely quick pace throughout area.  Mako was amazed at the speed in which the small monkey moved.  The channeling of chakra into his feet and doubling his speed.  Sushma ended his movement up in a tree laid back and smoking the amount of smoke exiting his mouth was absurd compared to his body size.  "Now you try it, itll be hard at first cuz you gotta use your chakra to enhance your speed and if ya aint used to it, itll wear you down quick but once you get the hang of it you can outrun anything."  He looked at naruto and got a wicked look in his eye with a nasty grin, "Even me." then started laughing maniacally.

Mako formed the hand seals then tried running and didn't feel the boost that he should've felt but seemed to be moving much quicker.  He took a few moments to feel the chakra through him, he noticed how it should work but couldn't quite find the right movements and flow. The action was quite taxing and after running he got the hang of how it should feel.  Then he sat down to catch his breath for a second.  Sushma dropped out of the tree he was leaning on his tail hanging on to the branch and said "While you wait im gonna show you my special ability,"  The monkey formed a hand sign and transformed into a massive shuriken, It was black with red stripes and there were ties of cloth through it.  It sat there spiked in the ground and Mako heard  "Alright now pick me up and throw me."  Mako was confused was the shuriken talking?  "Just throw me kid, ill show you what I can do."

Mako stood and picked up the shuriken and spun it over his head and launched it, it flew out of his hands spinning and was flying directly toward a tree and just as it looked like it was going to nail the tree it turned and spun through the forest dodging trees left and right and it changed its location on its way back to him.  MAko niticed the Monkey shuriken changing its course and going directly for him, and knew that with its speed moving toward him he was going to get hit if he didnt move faster than he could currently.  He did the body flicker and started moving running full out he started swinging through the trees the shuriken directly behind him.  He knew he wasn't channeling chakra properly and wished he could because he was fairly certain this crazy monkey would kill him if he didn't.  He tried to figure out why it wasnt working when all of a sudden he felt where it was.  He reached back and untied the scroll, it was tied wrong blocking normal chakra flow, he knew one day he could run with it but when learning he needed it off.  As soon as the scroll hit the ground he felt the burst, he run up a nearby tree and reached down through the centoer of the shuriken that had been trailing him.  And pun it around yelling "Gotcha!"  and directed it at the ground while spinning in midair.  He had figured out the body flicker.  He thought to himself this monkey isnt a bad teacher.  

The shuriken hit the ground in a puff of smoke with the monkey sitting there rubbing his head.  Mako dropped down beside him lighting his tanto in bright blue and pointing it at him, smiling saying "Is that the best you got monkey,"   The monkey replied " You little brat i never would've imagined you would learn that so quickly, but it was impressive, you might be one of the good humans, more like the superior monkeys."   Mako kept the tanto lit with infused chakra and bent down grabbing the monkey by its tail and lifting him up and putting him on his shoulder,  he reached in his pack and pulling out 2 smokes lighting them both and handing one to the ape on his shoulder.  "Lets go get you a banana and maybe you can give me a pointer on keeping my chakra infused in the weapons, that way when i throw you at an enemy it'll hurt even more."  He said laughing, he began walking back toward town, and picked up the scroll.  Well it seemed he had a new training partner and a new friend.  When they got back to town and he offered the ape some bananas and a fresh cigarette and released the summon as he walked back to his place to reflect on his training.

2203 TWC
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Monkeying Around Empty Re: Monkeying Around

Fri Aug 07, 2015 3:07 pm
Claiming 11 stats
1000/1000 D rank summon
1000/1000 body flicker
1160/3000 flying swallow
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Remove Iryōjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Monkeying Around Empty Re: Monkeying Around

Fri Aug 07, 2015 7:42 pm
summons and jutsu can't be claimed using the same wc to my knowledge so you'll have to choose one. <3
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Monkeying Around Empty Re: Monkeying Around

Fri Aug 07, 2015 7:44 pm
Only 200 applies to the flying swallow 1000 to the summon and 1000 to the jutsu.  The 1100 is just what I've accumulated
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
Remove Iryōjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Monkeying Around Empty Re: Monkeying Around

Fri Aug 07, 2015 7:51 pm
Alright, please list so in future (because I'm old and confused). XD

Approved <3
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