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Kukla Nazar
Kukla Nazar
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monkeying around o.o (io, lingqi so far) Empty monkeying around o.o (io, lingqi so far)

Fri Jan 30, 2015 9:21 am
Draconis was wandering the training grounds of Konoha as he was wont to do. He had earlier had to fight someone else of the Hyuga clan when they tried to bar him from entering a convenience store. He had a few bruises, a painful tenketsu in one hand, and some new cuts, but otherwise he was fine. Ironically, the fellow Hyuga clan member had done the most damage after The Hyena had broken several bones of his opponent, fortunately none above the neck. Still, that damn Hyuga should not be bothering him for some time.

If anything, he felt relatively good now, he had been slowly getting angry again at the slurs and slights he kept receiving, so being assaulted first was a convenient excuse to vent some frustration. By now he was used to minor amounts of pain like from those minor wounds he had today, and was capable of training as normal. Finding a tree in a secluded area of a park in the village, he swung his legs up over his head, dangling from a thick branch by his lower legs. Snapping off a different branch that was within reach, he began to do situps, holding the branch out with straight arms for the most difficult leverage possible. Each time he started with his torso perpendicular to the ground, clenching his whole body to avoid swinging and making the exercise easier. Then, he would slowly lift himself up, until the two branches were able to sandwich his knees, if they did not he had not gone far enough up.

He would continue this for quite some time

(total word count: 270)
Lingqi Rentei
Lingqi Rentei
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monkeying around o.o (io, lingqi so far) Empty Re: monkeying around o.o (io, lingqi so far)

Fri Jan 30, 2015 10:22 am
Lingqi was further up in the same tree, by some cosmic coincidence. She was gently napping high up in the branches, clutched around a branch like a sloth, and snoring very very gently. Almost inaudible. Hiru her spider monkey was sleeping in the same position. Only he was resting on Lingqi's belly.  She'd had a long day of training behind her, and was taking a bit of a siesta.

So while drac wad doing his thing. Exercising and what not, he would suddenly hear a clutter up above him.

Then he'd see Lingqi come crashing out of her canopy bedroom. "Waaaaaaah!" She'd shout breaking through the smaller branches with ease. She'd come right down on the branch that Drac was working out on. She'd bounce off of it before falling the rest of the way to the floor. Then the branch would begin to crack. It's weakened structure would cause it to snap bring Drac down to the ground with Ling.

Kukla Nazar
Kukla Nazar
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monkeying around o.o (io, lingqi so far) Empty Re: monkeying around o.o (io, lingqi so far)

Fri Jan 30, 2015 11:49 am
(wanna call this to take place after Then we do not roleplay meeting for the first time, twice lol)

The sounds of the sit ups and the exertion could be felt just glancing at Draconis, after the 50th repetition. Sweat dripped down and into his eyes on occasion, he was getting irritated again. He was contemplating stopping and punching trees until he felt better, but then he heard sounds from above. What on earth was happening?

He was about to sit up and grab on with his arms, so he could take his legs off of the tree branch, but then froze when he saw the girl above him. He could not see her face yet, but she seemed familiar to him for some reason, perhaps because of the rather… unique way of dressing that she had, or the little monkey that was revealed as her grip seemed to slip and she began falling. Uh oh. Draconis realized he should have kept moving but too late now, he could only brace himself for impact, and try to catch the falling girl before there were any serious injuries, on his part. He did not care very much for her but did not think more injuries on his person would help matters either.

It took a long moment for the girl to realize she was falling, indicating in tandem with the quiet sounds he had heard earlier, that somehow she had been sleeping while hanging from the tree branch. Interesting idea, he would have to try that out later, himself. Then she hit the branch he was on, her back hitting his shins, fortunately she was not a rock so it did not hurt much for him, though he could hardly say the same for her. Then she began to tumble past him through midair.

Instinctively he tried to reach out, attempting to grab her and slow her fall, or perhaps because he could feel the branch breaking from their combined weight and momentum. Regardless though, he missed, and it seemed she landed in a heap on the ground, with a muffled thump. The branch cracked, the one he was hanging on still, and he began to fall to the ground as well. Fortunately, he was likely to not land on the other person, he could not remember her name for some weird reason.
He braced himself for impact with both the ground and the falling tree branch. He landed on his back, his legs curled up above him. The tree branch landed on his hamstrings, weighing him down slightly. He thanked the heavens that the branch had no sharp edges, some sliced up hamstring muscles would be nasty to have to walk around with, he had done it to others before and seen the result when they tried to walk and instead had to pull themselves along with crutches. He tried to get up, first pushing the log away from him, and whoever this other person was. The log rolled away onto the ground and away, as the Hyena stood up, looking at the other animal.

She seemed fairly innocent, and he had trouble ascertaining her true age. While she seemed a little hapless and scatter brained, this could all be a façade, he did not know her very well and could not tell otherwise. He finally spoke – “You seem a little familiar, who are you again?”

(total word count: 270+547=817)
Lingqi Rentei
Lingqi Rentei
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monkeying around o.o (io, lingqi so far) Empty Re: monkeying around o.o (io, lingqi so far)

Fri Jan 30, 2015 12:29 pm
"Owwy Owwy." Lingqi moaned her herself rubbing her bruised bell. She let out a small giggle, and turned on her side. "That's really hurt!" She announced jumping onto her feet. She looked up into the tree and noticed Hiru having a good laugh at her. 'Keep laughing Monkey Brain.' She though as she straightened up her outfit.

She looked to the boy who'd addressed her. "Sorry for dropping in on you like that. I'm Lingqi Rentei" She didn't offer any hands shakes or anything like that. She only spun around like a ballerina. "So where were you doing in that tree? Napping too? I don't blame ya! I had a pretty intense workout earlier, so I needed a nap too." She put her hand up to her mouth as if to tell a secret. "Plus Hiru is a lazy bones, and doesn't like to work." She heard a angry 'Eek' Come form the tree. "Yes you are and you know it!"

She leaned forward looking at her newest friend. She squinted and took him in. "Hey I recognize you! You're that creepy kid that was looking at us all the other day! Hahah." She dropped down onto her booty and held her sides, half with laughter and half from pain. "Fancy meeting someone I know out here eh? What was your name again? Hap? Flap? Crac? Drake? Snow flake!"
Kukla Nazar
Kukla Nazar
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monkeying around o.o (io, lingqi so far) Empty Re: monkeying around o.o (io, lingqi so far)

Fri Jan 30, 2015 2:59 pm
Man, this girl was acrobatic. Somehow she managed to leap onto her feet straight from lying on her side. She was a little… umm, entertaining or noisy might be the right word, that bubbly attitude of hers making her come across as rather energetic. The Hyena watched with a little amusement. However old she was, she came across as being mentally similar to that of a Hyena cub. Many his age or even a little older were still in their childhoods, their upbringings not making them have to grow up very quickly, and this tender shoot of life was proof.

He listened silently to her speak, and decided that she was probably just a naturally bubbly kind of person, she laughed at rather… weird stuff sometimes, perhaps she was slightly, well, bananas. In the back of his mind, he began thinking over a jutsu he was working on learning. Concentrating chakra in his hand, he made a small black dot on his hand, barely visible it was so small. He bent down and picked up the tree branch that he had first been hanging on to, and later pushed slightly into the ground by, and concentrated his chakra again, forming a second small dot, this time on the edge of the tree branch.

Pausing and looking up, he realized the girl had just finished speaking. She said she was Lingqi Rentei. He had not heard of that clan and was inclined to ask but did not want her to put her guard up yet. She also seemed to have a grand time trying to remember his name. So they had actually met before. He had cast off his old name, Draconis Hyuga, so her guesses were sometimes unnerving close, causing him to evaluate her with a tinge of suspicion again. How she got all the way to “snowflake” for his name, was beyond him however.

He spoke again. “I am… the Hyena.” He was still not quite sure what to think of this person, nor of her monkey friend, who seemed to be the relatively sensible one of the two….

“I was here training, at first, anyway.”

(total word count: 817+357=1174
500 towards
Lingqi Rentei
Lingqi Rentei
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monkeying around o.o (io, lingqi so far) Empty Re: monkeying around o.o (io, lingqi so far)

Sat Jan 31, 2015 11:33 am
Both Ling's and Hiru's eyes slid to the side of their heads to look at each other once the boy announced his name. (>.>) @(<.<)@. Lingqi was a weird girl but even she didn't think that naming a child 'the Hyena' was a reasonable parenting move. "And I'm obnoxious, but what's you're name?" She asked narrowing her eyes.

"That's crazy!" She announced throwing herself on her back. "I was training too! My parents trapped me in a genjutsu. And the letter was all like 'If you aren't really our daughter you'll be trapped in here forever!' And I was all like 'pffffft'. Totally ripped that genjutsu to pieces. So I guess I'm really a Rentei after all. Wouldn't it have been embarrassing if it turned out that I was adopted this whole time? Woops trapped in an Illusion for the rest of my life! Hahaha that'd suck. But it was a pretty Illusion so It wouldn't have been that bad." She paused and took a breath. "What were you training for? Getting buff?" She announced flexing her stuff. Hiru from the tress mimicked her move. "Oh wait, it was your eyes wasn't it? Wasn't it? It was your eyes right? It was totally your eyes. You have the same eyes as Lukas, it's totally the eyes. You can't fool me I'm too sharp. So what's up with your eyes what do they do. Oh my gosh what if you don't have the same eyes! What if you're just blind? Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" She then started to wave her hands in front of his face to check.
Kukla Nazar
Kukla Nazar
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monkeying around o.o (io, lingqi so far) Empty Re: monkeying around o.o (io, lingqi so far)

Sun Feb 01, 2015 12:42 am
It seemed Lingqi Rentei came from a genjutsu bearing clan, if both of her parents did some genjutsu thing, and she herself was supposed to be already able to break it, then that was the natural conclusion. It seemed like she was fairly new herself though, and did not know anything about genjutsu yet beyond how to get out of the one her parents sent her.

She talked several miles a minute apparently, shifting gears mid-conversation faster than a Hyuga boy after The Hyena had finally gotten irritated at his antics.

The Hyena replied. “The Hyena is my name now. A little odd of course, but I have my reasons…..” His tone of voice implied that if Lingqi inquired further she should keep it quiet, it was not something he wanted banded around willy-nilly. Then he answered her second question. “At the moment, yes, though I will probably begin training actual jutsu soon. I do not need to worry about my eyes for the time being.” He felt a slight surge of anger at the mention of the name Lukas, which he distinctly remembered as being tied to one of the Byakugan wielding scum.

He held his hand in front of him and began pushing his chakra into the air, attempting to stir the leaves on the ground using it. It would likely take him a while to be able to manage it in any significant amount, but he had to start somewhere. Somehow she was able to firstly throw herself on her back, flat on the ground, without any noticeable pain, then suddenly her arms were in his face, almost literally. He wished he had her energy….

He wanted to shift the topic of conversation away from any mention of his clan, the very thought of such making him uncomfortable. “Well, my eyes can let me see farther than a normal person, I suppose. I have not really been using them though. Your clan is specialized in genjutsu I take it?”

(total word count: 1174+332=1506
500 towards
the rest towards Gale Palm)
Lingqi Rentei
Lingqi Rentei
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monkeying around o.o (io, lingqi so far) Empty Re: monkeying around o.o (io, lingqi so far)

Sun Feb 01, 2015 9:32 pm
Ling didn't really know how to feel about this fellow. It was obvious that the two of them were suppose to do something together but she wasn't really sure what. Why else would she have fallen out of a tree on top of him. That's destiny friends. So while she had those thoughts driving through her head she couldn't really find the motivation to keep this up. Her interest in the boy was quickly fading she could feel a veil forming over her mind, making things difficult to focus on.

Her eyes wandered off to a butterfly floating in the background. She could hear the boy talking. His voice was like dull thunder on the horizon of her mind. The butterfly was a sharp image in her sight and everything else at the moment seemed to fade from view. 'I bet that butterfly could talk.' She thought to herself as she watch it's yellow wings flat. 'I could tottaly have it introduce me to the other butterflies. I could have butterfly summons. That'd be so cool.' Some how she managed to pull her attention away from the fascinating insect and redirect it to the boy she was talking to. 'I'm so much older than everyone I know.' She noticed looking over the boy. 'Beautiful too. This guy looks weeeeeird. Why's everyone so boring so young? No one has any fun. Boooooring Boring Boring.

Despite her rapidly pinging thought's she'd managed to gather the information she'd requested, or at least most of it. About his eyes at least. They could see really well eh? Well that seemed pretty standard for most eyes, but she didn't' really know how eyes worked. Didn't even know how her own eyes did what they did. What was she an eye doctor?

"Yep yep yep." She announced pulled a leg up behind her and stretching it out. "I've been around Genjutsu for so long I know Illusions better than I know the real world." She transferred from stretching to the other. "So are you still living out in the wild?" She asked jumping on the heels of her feet, feeling fully limbered up. Seems she'd managed to stretch out most of the pain from her fall. Ling could easily recognize a fellow wild child, she hadn't spent three years in the ocean/ on a boat/ lash in a forest for not recognize a person who'd done the same! "Wait don't answer that." She took a low fighting stance and held her fists up in front of her face. "I'll figure that out in a second."

With that she'd go to kick at the boys head with her back leg. (Speed 30) As she did so she'd announce loudly throughout the training area in a sing songy voice. "Don't be boring, please not lazy, my jam's packed so let's get crazy."
Kukla Nazar
Kukla Nazar
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monkeying around o.o (io, lingqi so far) Empty Re: monkeying around o.o (io, lingqi so far)

Tue Feb 03, 2015 12:06 am
The Hyena had been sizing up this weird girl for a while but when she suddenly challenged him to a sparring match, it was plain as day that she was no beginner, at least compared to him. So, she seemed flighty by nature, but she must take training fairly seriously. It reminded him a little of Naruto Uzumaki, a totally scatter-brained ninja who had grown up a reject by himself, but had managed to put that past him, wielding the power of boundless optimism to gain the respect of those around him, one by one. This girl, despite her manner of dress, seemed to be of the same type and was someone he truly would not mind as a fellow pack mate. Appearances that proved deceiving, were, in his eyes, far more important than physical attractiveness. Unfortunately, people would tend to think he was relatively experienced at fighting as he was covered in scars and looked the part, he would just have to pick up any slack and make sure he could live up to his appearance.

The girl spouted off many words and suddenly got into a combat stance. The Hyena backed up slightly, carefully watching her for signs of movement. Suddenly her leg moved, at a rather incredible speed to him. He would use his Byakugan skills but to be frank, he was not sure how well he had learned them, and he did not want to risk them yet in battle. At least this girl did not have her friend taking part as well, that would be awkward to manage considering how fast she was.

She had asked if he still lived in the wild. Well, not really. Never mind the fact that living in the wild was, well, rather incomparable to having to fight with other ninjas on a daily basis. It seemed she had been living this lifestyle for quite some time now, as while he was relatively strong considering his lack of training, she seemed to have it in abundance. All he could do was bring his arms up as soon as he saw her leg start moving, to block on that side in a defensive position, being able to see her attack but not being able to move fast enough to do much else.

Unless she stopped her attack entirely, her foot would likely hit his arms, which were brought up to shield his head and torso, as he spoke… “It has been some time since I lived in the wild, while I grew strong for a civilian, the weakest of ninja are far superior to those without the same training, as you appear to be proving. I am becoming… soft now, having stopped eating my meat half raw, no longer fighting other hunters for their prey.”

It also seemed that she was fixing to become a rapper like Naruto Uzumaki’s mentor, Killer Bee or such. He was pretty sure she might need a book soon to write all the stuff down to be recited later in poetic format.

Assuming her attack was not stopped and he, having brought his arms up to block as soon as possible, was in time, he would find out that while she was much faster than him, if he were to judge, she was not very strong yet, fortunately for him. His arms were about tough enough to take a few hits from her attacks it seemed, speed being the key issue here. He would have to train harder for next time! Right now he was going to be beaten by a person who fit the definition of “ninja” much more than he himself did. He was no ninja, he was an animal, a survivor.

In the back of his mind, his subconscious was working on ways to manipulate the wind, amplifying the movements of his body, in particular, that of his hands, the most chakra manipulation relatable part of the body. He was beginning to get the hang of it, he could feel it. There was a noticeably larger gust of wind as he raised his arms up to try and block her attack, but it was currently far from useful, unfortunately, or he might have tried to use it at this time. When he had a better idea of how to use it a clap, a single clap, would be the only motion necessary to activate the jutsu he had in mind.

total word count: 1506+737=2243
500 towards
the rest towards Gale Palm)

(ooc: I acquire the Byakugan in a different, uncomplete topic, which started before this one, I will not be using it yet)
Lingqi Rentei
Lingqi Rentei
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monkeying around o.o (io, lingqi so far) Empty Re: monkeying around o.o (io, lingqi so far)

Wed Feb 04, 2015 5:52 pm
Ling gasped as she felt her leg connect with his arms. It'd been a pretty good block, but she could almost see the shock waves moving through his body. She made a funny face and brought her leg away from the boy. "Woops. That feels like a no to me!" She announced bringing her legs out from under her and landing on her butt. "Sorry." She announced rubbing the back of her head. "You looked like a Tai guy." That's what she'd though upon seeing all his scars at least. Maybe he'd gotten them all because he wasn't a tai guy? "So what's your deal? Nin? Gen? Oh summoning? Can you summon hyena's? Is that your shtick?" That'd be a pretty good reason to have such a silly name. 

"Me myself personally am going to become the greatest Genjutsu user in the world! As soon as I learn how to properly do Genjutsu that is. I've got the basics down, but I've got a while to go before I'd consider myself specialized in it. For Now I'm better off just making things wet with my Jutsu." For a moment she allowed herself to wonder if her family had anymore Genjutsu hidden up their sleeve. Beyond the one her parents had trapped her in.

She dropped her head. "Sorry for attacking you. I get bored easily. So I need to let loose some energy from time to time. Ya know? It like, life is just too interesting to sit still ya know? I wanna see it all and do it all! I'm going to learn every element and every Jutsu ever ever ever! And I'm to go everywhere and meet everyone, and when I finish up with that! I'll probably do it again. 'Cause I'll probably have forgotten something along the way." Lingqi had no lust for power, or even knowledge. Didn't care much for the movements of ideas and people. Didn't care much for gods or creatures. Money didn't mean much, and luxury didn't either. It seemed to her at least, that the only reason she moved forward was to fend off the ever looming threat of boredom that seemed just around the corner at every moment. She'd never truly felt a negative emotion in her life, but in her heart she felt something very close to fear whenever she thought about someone putting limits on her. Life was short and she wasn't going to spend it bored, and in a cage.
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