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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

I like to play in your blood Empty I like to play in your blood

Sun Aug 16, 2015 2:34 am
Ita made his way from his successful Genin exam towards his home in the outer trading town of Tanzaku. Here is where he lived with an older woman name Mrs. Chizo. Mrs. Chizo was a long time family friend of Ita's parents prior to their death. After their death she offered to take care of Ita because he had no other living or known family members that would come forth to claim his as their own. Mrs. Chizo was a widow whom husband had unfortunately died a few years ago due to a terminal illness. Attached to the small humble house was a green house where Mrs. Chizo grew all sorts of beautiful flowers and medical herbs which she traded to the hospital of Konohagakure. She possessed no ninja ability and actually worked as a full time florist. Ita really enjoyed her company and she had welcomed him to her home with warm and open arms. She always treated Ita as her own, actually referring to him as her own son at times because she never really had children of her own. Ita enjoyed her cooking and her company. She often offered Ita great advise and old stories, which he enjoyed greatly. Over the last few years Ita grew to love this woman, and she loved him. This new bond helped fill the void he had felt due to the loss of his parents.

   It was noon and the sun was at the highest point in the sky. Ita could feel the suns rays against his skin. He walked slowly down the dirt road of the trade town where stores lined each side of the streets. Ita sported his new Konohagakure head band with pride, gaining the attention from the local shop owners who knew him. He stopped a few times and shared some words with some of Mrs. Chizo's friends who she kept up to date with Ita's training in the ninja academy. Since Ita felt a little uneasy and he was unsure why. He thought he should feel eager to show Mrs. Chizo his new, shiny head band, but for some reason he felt something was wrong. Since Ita had left the hospital he had eventually noticed he had been being tracked by a hooded individual in an animal mask. He figured it was an ANBU black ops sent by the Hokage to be watched over by for the time being due to the fragile state of the village. Ita now approached the door to his humble abode.

   Upon approaching the door he noticed something was wrong. There were a few droplets of blood leading from the door to the flower shop and the door was open as well. His heart rate began to speed up as he pushed the door open, only to be subject to more blood leading to another room. Ita slowly followed the trail of blood. "Mrs. Chizo!", Ita yelled out as his slow pace turned into a brisk run, turning the corner and being subject to a horrific scene.

   At first glance Ita noticed a set of feet peeking out from behind the corner. Upon further investigation he found the dead body of his foster parent on the ground. Ita fell to his knees, gripping the frail women's lifeless body. His mind was now racing. Tears filled his eyes as he buried his head into the lifeless old woman's chest, gathering a fair share of blood all over his face and hands. "No, not again!, Wake up!", Ita's screams muffled due to him screaming into the woman's body. Ita felt a pain in his heart as his weeping turned to a low toned whelp and eventually he stopped making sounds completely. His eyes were closed and his head hung over the body of the lifeless woman.

   Ita opened his eyes slowly. His deep dark eyes took on a new complexion. Crimson anger now filled them both. It appeared that Ita had developed a second pupil in each of his eyes, but indeed this was the dojutsu power of the Uchiha clan, the sharingan. Pain and anger swelled inside Ita. He did not question this new power, but accepted it and allowed it to flourish inside of him. Upon further examination of the womans dead body he noticed some coordinates carved into her for arm, presumably by the person who had murdered her in cold blood. Upon reading them and understanding what they ment, he shot up onto his feet and ran to the door full of rage. As he reached the door and extended his hand towards the door he was briskly met by the cloaked man that had been following him that possessed the animal mask. The ANBU grasped him by the shoulders in an attempt to control him and calm him down, quickly calculating in his head the scene of the murder and Ita's anger. He also noticed the change in his eyes and could feel Ita's pain and anger swelling in him. "Let go of me! get out of my way!" , Ita screamed as he pushed the ANBU out of the way and to the side of the door sprinting out of the once humble home and towards the edge of the trading town. The ANBU did not try and stop him but was curious of those red, crimson eyes and decided it would be best to follow him and see how the following events unfolded. The ANBU followed him, keeping his distance.

   After running for a bit, Ita came to the outskirts of the trading town, moving quickly through some trees and into an area where there was a small opening in the foliage. The area was one that was special to Ita because his parents would often bring him here for lunch when he was younger and his father would teach him how to throw shuriken afterwards. Ita's eyes were red and full of rage. "Come out you coward!", he yelled. Out from behind a tree appeared the silhouette of a figure. A man revealed himself, he appeared to be about 16 years of age and was draped in a black robe, his face was also covered in bandages which contained blotches of Mrs. Chizo's blood. Upon noticing the blood only madae Ita mangrier. "WHY?", Ita screamed. "What do you want with me?!", The man spoke in a low, somewhat menacing voice, "I was sent by my master to 'finish the job' and watch you die just like your parents did". Ita clenched his fist, upon hearing his parents names; he let out a shriek of anger, his eyes closing and shifting once more. Ita now felt an immense pain in his chest and heart. He could not hold back his feelings nor actions anymore, his actions were being completely controlled by blind hatred and rage. Ita yelled, "no more talking, this is where you die!".

   Ita's chakra was now leaking throughout his body, he could feel the power of the Uchiha clan. His foot pivoted; Ita pushed off the ground with all force his body could exert. Ita was now running towards the man who bore no symbol of allegiance. Ita did not care to understand what the mans reasoning was nor why he committed such a vial act. Ita was sure of only one thing in which his body acted upon, he wanted blood. He wanted to use these new found powers and he wanted to kill his opponent bad; eviscerating him. His heart aching, his actions quicker, his vision; better than ever. The man reached behind his back into his cloak, revealing two shuriken, they flickered as they caught light from the sun and reflected it. Ita noticed them almost instantly. The man released them at Ita swiftly. Ita's eyes, keenly focusing in on the shuriken allowed him to swiftly dodge the attempt. Ita thought to himself as he ran at his now max speed towards the individual, "what is this power...", Ita had made several hand signs after dodging the attack, Tiger → Boar → Ox → Dog → Snake(substitution technique). "Got em", the unknown ninja had said as Ita neared him unaware of the jutsu Ita had casted due to the illusion the technique caste. The man began to form hand signs and out protruded a large amount of fire. The fire would incinerate 'Ita' for a few moments before ceasing. The man, letting the jutsu fizzle out stood upright and chuckled to himself at what he though to be the end of the fight. As the flames died, a charred log manifested itself and fell to the floor still a flame. The man's eyes widened upon noticing that Ita had performed a substitution jutsu and escaped his jutsu, but it was too late now for him. Ita had now positioned himself near his opponent , kneeing down while looking straight up into the eyes of the unknown ninja, with kunai in hand. Ita's eyes were peicing, staring straight into the soul of the man. Sweat dropped down the mans face as he let out a shrill sound, "But how?!" he said. Ita smiled before thrusting the kunai straight towards the mans gut causing blood to spray onto Ita's face upon contact. The man, although being pierced, attempted to swing his fist down towards Ita's face  in order to make contact with Ita's face and unjar himself from the boy whos kunai was logged into him. Ita's eyes widened , as his head moved to the side avoiding the half strength, desperate swing at a second chance to live. Ita twisted the kunai in his gut, causing the flow of blood to spew while causing immense pain to the man. Ita then continued to counter the mans attempt to live by thrusting his hand into the ninja pouch on his hip; grasping an exploding tag and then thrusting his fist containing the exploding tag into the now large open wound on the cloaked man. Blood spewed all over Ita, drenching him as he made his way into the wound, by passing guts and organs until he reaching the mans lungs. He released the tag inside the man, only to follow up this motion by violently ripping his organs and what ever else was in his path in a swift motion out, freeing his hand. Ita spoke quietly, "Tell whoever sent you.. I will find him.. and I will make him pay for what he has done to my parents and those I love..he has taken everything from me and I plan on returning the favor ten fold..", Ita then chuckled as he continued to put more pressure on the kunai slicing open the mans stomach even more as he stared straight into the mans eyes as they began to lose their light. Ita spoke once more, "Actually... I don't think you'll be making it that far. Now die." Ita released the kunai from the mans gut and jumped backwards, the sharingan dimming form his eyes. He was now at a good distance from what was left of the man and he created a hand sign triggering the final explosion which would seal this mans fate. The explosion was beautiful; it reflected in Ita's now black eyes which were in pain from his extended use of his new found power. The mans body parts and blood now scattered a once beautiful place where so many memories Ita had cherished took place.

   Ita fell to his knees gripping the grass. His clothes were stained in the blood of Mrs. Chizo and the mysterious man who had killed her in cold blood. The ANBU that had followed him had been watching from a distance and witnessed the horrific event that had taken place, had flickered next to Ita and picked him up off the floor. The boy was now unconscious due to releasing to much energy and over straining his eyes. The anbu ninja thought he should have brought him to the hospital. The ANBU thought to himself while examining the boy, "This kid really is something else.." before flickering out of sight.
WC 2020

Claiming 1 tome sharingan

Last edited by Ita on Sun Aug 16, 2015 8:58 pm; edited 4 times in total
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Ryo : 223500

I like to play in your blood Empty Re: I like to play in your blood

Sun Aug 16, 2015 2:41 am

Hi there, since you're claiming Sharingan advancement like this, you can only get 1 Tomoe for 2, 000 wc. This isn't even a full 2k. Furthermore, in accordance with Sharingan rule, you cannot gain any stats from this kind of bloodline advancement. <3
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Ryo : 500

I like to play in your blood Empty Re: I like to play in your blood

Sun Aug 16, 2015 2:52 am
(shiat i will fix tomorrow)
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 223500

I like to play in your blood Empty Re: I like to play in your blood

Sun Aug 16, 2015 4:03 am

Lol no problem sweetie, take your time. <3
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I like to play in your blood Empty Re: I like to play in your blood

Sun Aug 16, 2015 6:33 am
(Most original topic title ever ;) - )
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

I like to play in your blood Empty Re: I like to play in your blood

Sun Aug 16, 2015 6:38 am
Lost, be nice.
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

I like to play in your blood Empty Re: I like to play in your blood

Sun Aug 16, 2015 10:36 am
(That is actually pretty funny)
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

I like to play in your blood Empty Re: I like to play in your blood

Sun Aug 16, 2015 11:08 am

Need total wordcount. <3
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

I like to play in your blood Empty Re: I like to play in your blood

Sun Aug 16, 2015 8:58 pm
(2020 updated)
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