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Kaze Uchiha
Kaze Uchiha
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Mon Sep 14, 2015 11:34 pm
Kaze and the drunk both stood, the boy was eyeing Salzem curiously and who knows what Kotsuzui was looking at, he had nearly fallen right after he was pulled to his feet. The look on the visible half of the depressed face of Salzem was one that practically yelled leave this alone, but being so young and excited to help a friend Kaze didn't really pay it much attention, you could say he was high on life. Nonetheless because the person whom the seated boy had been looking for was no longer near the village there wasn't much the young Uchiha could do to help, however something didn't sit right, while the first time he had met Salzem the older boy may have seemed a bit gloomy but he never appeared to be the type of person to get so down over something so simple as not being able to find a man he had been looking for. There was more to this and whether the masked boy liked it or not this Uchiha would get to the bottom of it, possibly.

Still in thought Kaze watched as the boy clad in all black went and bought some sweets of his own, in the young genin's opinion Salzem had just told him to get lost in a nice way, but that wasn't going to happen. He planned to push further into this problem and it looked like the Kaguya was going to do the same, he may or may not have realized it but he was helping. The drunk man had made a good point, maybe Salzem was so upset because he had been trying to find a fellow shinobi of Konoha, but even then it still didn't add up. Kaze had had enough so he was just going to come out with it, becasue clearly something was being hidden and when people you can trust try to help you should let them, you might not realize it in that moment but you'll appreciate it later. "Salzem clearly you aren't being completely honest, and I don't know maybe you have good reason to. Maybe you think we'll look down on you if we know the truth, but you'd be wrong. Anyways the one thing I am sure of we're all shinobi of this village, in a way all of us are bonded together as family, and in my family when one of us has a problem all of us have a problem. All I'm saying is that we're here for you no matter what, it's your choice to accept our help." After this the ball would be in Salzem's court, would he allow help or would he turn his back on his fellow ninja. 

[OOC: Forgive the little rant, I got sidetracked in the middle of it and lost my train of thought so things kind of go all over the place.]

Coming Full Circle - Page 2 Empty Re: Coming Full Circle

Tue Sep 15, 2015 7:09 am
Salzem's gaze turned from blank to slightly angered when he heard Kaze's speech. Oh, how many times had he heard this same thing. When he was finished, Salzem walked over to Kaze, looked him dead in the eye and spoke.

"You want to help, Kaze? Would you help me find a murderer? Would you help me kill him? Would you help me smash him into submission, and would you help me slit his throat while he begged for mercy? No. No I don't think you would. I don't think you understand having only that grim fantasy being the only thing keeping you going. I don't think you know how to give no quarter. So tell me this, Kaze. Are you willing to shed blood with me? When we find him, are you willing to help me end his miserable life so I can continue mine?" Salzem's voice wouldn't be louder than a whisper, but his emotions were all too clear. He sounded vengeful, as if his entire existence was devoted to this one man's utter, complete, homicide. His voice was harsh and blunt, like an iron club, letting them know EXACTLY how it is.

"And you," Salzem said, looking at the drunk. "I don't know. He just appeared one day." Salzem would slump back down on the bench, lowering his mask to munch on his round candy. He seemed dejected, fading in and out of reality as he munched on the cheap chocolate. He didn't honestly think that Kaze would take him up on his offer, more likely, he would leave him there on the bench, trying to recover from this seemingly random outburst. At least, Salzem thought so.
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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Coming Full Circle - Page 2 Empty Re: Coming Full Circle

Wed Sep 16, 2015 5:13 pm
Now Kotsuzui and Kaze were standing, one swaying more than the other but that did not matter. They both stood there waiting for Salzem, but then Kaze went on a rant. It seems like he was upset because Salzem was not accepting the help being offered to him. Kotsuzui watched closely as Kaze ranted on, and looked over to the seated hooded kid after he had finished. "Word" Kotsuzui muttered, which was simply him agree with Kaze in a way. But to be honest, he was not to sure what Kaze had actually said. It was too much for him to process all of it. There were only a few words he actually picked up, and being able to mash them together he came to a simple conclusion which basically stated they were here to help.

But it seemed like Salzem was also getting on his last nerve as he got up off of the bench and approached Kaze directly being merely inches from his face. "Oh oww, I think he's mad" Kotsuzui whispered to Kaze, thought since Salzem was right in front of the two, he'd most likely hear the whisper. Salzem went on with his rant, which was all basically to say that he wanted to kill someone and it was a serious, possibly gruesome task that he did not believe the two fellow Konoha shinobi would participate in. Whoever this guy was, he must have had quite the impact on Salzem's life he if was making him so miserable to the point where he could not move on with his life until it lead to the death of this person. Then he continued, directed to Kotsuzui. "Me?" Kotsuzui asked as he pointed his own finger to himself when Salzem said addressed him. Turns out he was unsure of where this guy came from.

"Yes" Kotsuzui said while pointing to Salzem with the hand holding the bottle. That was his answer to Salzem basically questioning them on if they would help him murder another person. They probably wouldn't take Kotsuzui's answer seriously since he was intoxicated, and they had every reason not to. However, that did not mean the Kaguya was unwilling to help. Once he was sobered up he would have to reaquint himself with Salzem, see if he was someone worth helping, and first get permission to go after this person. Simply going after someone and killing them is probably a crime. But with permission and further understanding and investigation, Kotsuzui may be willing. After all, he wasn't someone to back down from a fight. It was in his blood to fight. But now, he was drunk and would probably say anything.

Kaze Uchiha
Kaze Uchiha
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Coming Full Circle - Page 2 Empty Re: Coming Full Circle

Wed Sep 16, 2015 9:18 pm
The young boy paused a moment allowing for everything to sink in, he was a bit confused but he did know the drunk was on his side, and a murderer was wanted dead. He hadn't truly been able to focus due to a certain someone's comment nearly making him bust out laughing. Really was it necessary, the young genin had barely been able to keep a straight face when Kotsuzui whispered in his ear. Anyways while Kaze knew Salzem probably wouldn't like what he had just said and he figured he would probably respond the way he just did although the boy thought he would be yelled at rather than a very emotional whisper. It didn't really matter the words and tone of them carried their weight and made the masked boys feelings all too obvious, he was focused on this singular task, nothing else seemed to matter to him. Yet even knowing this it was still hard to understand how dark and twisted Salzem's mind had become in such a short time. 

Kaze Understood wanting to kill someone, at one point in his life he had been so angry at the whole world but never had he felt the need to be so unpleasant for lack of a better term. Still the man in question was supposedly a murderer therefore the boy had no problem helping so there would be no quarrel with killing him, considering he deserves it. Now would he be allowed to help or had Salzem's words only been meant to try and deter Kaze from wanting to help. If placed in his hands the man would die quickly, but if Salzem wanted to torture and prolong the man's death for whatever reasons he had, this genin wouldn't be to the one to stop it. After all you can't say you're willing to help kill someone and then back out on it, so he would allow whatever the masked boy had planned happen it wouldn't be his place to stop it anyways.

With his mind made the boy spoke, "Yes." That would be his answer to the question, he could have gone on about his reasoning, but the boy honestly doubted Salzem cared, because after all of the thought he had put into this situation you better believe he had plenty of reasons but they were unnecessary all that was needed was a simple answer. Turns out Kotsuzui despite his current condition had managed to find enough usable brain cells to comprehend what was being said and had once again agreed to help. "Well, we're up for it if you'll have us that is. But if you will indeed have us, even if this guy is a criminal you are sure it's okay to kill him right?" Kaze flashed a toothy smile after his question, his voice was calm, like normal, but there was something else in it while he had been speaking. Was it excitement, killing someone wasn't really something to get hyped up about, maybe it was the thought of having to hunt someone down instead. Then again it could just be his youthful attitude showing, being young is something to be happy about after all.

Coming Full Circle - Page 2 Empty Re: Coming Full Circle

Wed Sep 16, 2015 9:43 pm
Salzem was tempted to knock the drunk flat when he stage-whispered his comment to Kaze which in turn made him laugh. One could practically feel the outrage Salzem was expressing in response. However, somehow, he manage to restrain himself, flopping down on the bench with enough force to make the wood groan in protest. He was at his wits end and these two weren't being anything resembling helpful. He slipped one of his bags of chocolate from his pockets and took out a handful. He was about to lower his mask to reveal his mouth before Fate and the drunk both answered a resounding "yes". The sheer expectancy of this response caused Salzem to pause, lower his hand and look at those two curiously, especially young Kaze. When he asked if it was okay to kill him, his face darkened.

"A life for a life." Salzem would say, and would say nothing more on the topic. Kaze's toothy grin in regard to such a topic made Salzem wonder. What is there to smile about? Relish, maybe, but nothing worth such a smile... Regarding the drunk, Salzem was a tad less inclined to believe his answer seeing as his judgment was impaired from the alcohol. Regardless, their support was a welcome sight. perhaps... he could ask... No. He would ask them independently. Salzem stared at them both for another moment before his eyes finally fell on Kaze. He felt almost guilty dragging such a young soul into something like this... He shrugged his shoulders sadly before eyes rolled up to look at the sky. He would be quiet a moment, letting the silence creep in only slightly.

"Do you two know what this would entail...? You might not be so eager to join me."
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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Coming Full Circle - Page 2 Empty Re: Coming Full Circle

Thu Sep 17, 2015 9:03 pm
Turns out Kaze's answer was also yes in response to Salzem. Now they both watched Salzem as he sat there eating his chocolates, at least he was eating his chocolates before he stopped. He was probably stopping due to the shock of both their answers, but to the intoxicated Kaguya he had no idea why he stopped eating. Kaze asked if it was okay to kill him, and Salzem's answer was a life for a life which made sense. Someone who takes a man's life will in turn have his own life taken eventually, what comes around goes around. It is the way this god forsaken world of Shinobi worked. That is how Kotsuzui would have most likely answered had he been sober, but unfortunately he wasn't and therefore his brain was not working on the same level as usual. "Man, that's deep" Kotsuzui said while nodding in response to Salzem saying a life for a life.

Then there was a long period of silence while Salzem looked around and into the sky or whatever it was he was doing. All Kotsuzui knew was that if something did not happen so then he was going to fall to the ground with all the swaying his was doing. To occupy himself he went for another sip of sake, but to his surprise the bottle was empty. He could not remember finishing it, mostly because he had spilled the remains of the drink onto the ground during his swaying and had not noticed. "Dammit" he'd say while tossing the bottle to the nearest trash can, missing it by miles. "I'll get it later" he muttered but stopped talking when he noticed Salzem had his gaze set on Kaze.

"Well...It would entail killing someone obviously...but I'm a little busy at the moment, being on a team and all. I don't think Ayumi would be too happy with me just hopping off and leaving, she's kind of cold. Maybe till I'm a Chuunin, and... not drunk." Kotsuzui then took a seat beside Salzem on the bench because he was tired of standing. "Besides, I'll even be stronger at that point. But I have no idea when you're leaving so I dont know" as Kotsuzui leaned his head back, so far back he was looking at what was behind them and it was all upside down. "Ohh this doesn't feel good" as the disorientation was making his stomach rumble.


Coming Full Circle - Page 2 Empty Re: Coming Full Circle

Fri Sep 18, 2015 6:32 pm
(So... I'm leaving due to finally having the chance at leaving and I'ma takin it)

Salzem takes one look at the drunk and jumped from his chair. For some reason, He didn't feel so hungry anymore... Salzem glanced at Kaze, giving him a look that told him to hightail it out of there as well.

"If you are serious, come find me." Salzem said to the both of them. He would nod good-bye to the both of them before leaving that area of the village. He was finally ready to seek his purpose.

(exit. Claiming 800 ryo)

Last edited by Salzem <3 on Fri Sep 18, 2015 6:41 pm; edited 2 times in total
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Coming Full Circle - Page 2 Empty Re: Coming Full Circle

Fri Sep 18, 2015 6:38 pm

Please list total wc <3

Coming Full Circle - Page 2 Empty Re: Coming Full Circle

Fri Sep 18, 2015 6:40 pm
fixed. Sorry XD
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Coming Full Circle - Page 2 Empty Re: Coming Full Circle

Fri Sep 18, 2015 6:40 pm

That's only 800 Ryo though, since stats get rounded downwards. Approved <3
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