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Sand, Sand and more Sand (Supreme and Sal) Empty Sand, Sand and more Sand (Supreme and Sal)

Sat Dec 12, 2015 10:47 pm
Salzem grunted softly as he hauled various sacks of potatoes, cactus fruit, rice and other heavy food bags on his shoulders to aid the various merchants around town. At first, he had decided to help the merchants for his own purposes. Training and such. One had to stay in shape if one planned on keeping his ninja courier alive, not to mention his comrades and what remained of his family. They had to stay alive. However, as this exercise wore on, he began to do it as much for the men who needed the help than his own personal training. He had already passed various heavy sacks off on the carts of 4 or 5 mobile traders before he decided he was done for the day. At the end of each delivery, they had offered him coin, a weapon, something as payment but each time, Salzem refused. He wasn't there for their charity. All he wanted was something to do here. Something to further his drive to stay... Kira was right about one thing... He had been consumed by his obsession. All he'd done up till this point was toward that one goal and the sad part was that it required his head nearly being driven through with a Kunai to regain his senses. Salzem flinched as he remembered how much pain he caused the girl. All the fear, all the suspicion. No matter how much he tried to forget his stupid decision, he just couldn't. His conscience wouldn't let him. It was on a random timer, ringing every time it decided Salzem was too close to forgetting, too close to easing the pain. How very fortunate he was. How very fortunate Salzem was to have such a diligent sense of justice. So diligent to force his body to quake and ache when each memory of his rash and selfish decisions. It seemed body and mind were against him. Good. Its as it should be. He shouldn't have any friends after what he'd done. He'd betrayed village, friends, his own morals and (why not) everything else with his stupid choices. He might as well have everything slip away into the blankness of a void, leaving he and he alone to battle his inner demons. Maybe then he'd actually be doing some good. Maybe then someone wouldn't get hurt by his callow nature. Sal walked down the streets of Suna, just watching the people go about their business. He'd heard a few people whispering about some "Kyson" here ore there. Something about his various missions he'd been on but Salzem wasn't listening too closely. Just watching. His attention drifted from person to person, some in a hurry, some just moseying down the street as he was, not a care in the world. He only wished he was so lucky.
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Sand, Sand and more Sand (Supreme and Sal) Empty Re: Sand, Sand and more Sand (Supreme and Sal)

Sat Dec 12, 2015 11:25 pm
Gazing through the hot streets of Sunagakure, Supreme had received some decent salutations and recognition from people as he made his way throughout the village. A few people even ask to spoke to him but he reluctantly agreed, not being much of a talker. He would often receive criticism for his lackluster personality, or view on things if you will. Not many heroes possessed a hard shell as he had. There was something about keeping to himself that made him feel more comfortable than the next man. Others would sit back and bask in the glory of having his accomplishments and deeds broadcast to the people around them. Supreme was not one of them. As he continued his walk with his hands in his pants pockets, someone grabbed his attention once again. Being the good person that he was, he gave up time out of his day to interact the them.

"Hey, you. You are the Senju that saved that one girl during the Sandstorm. Man, that must have took a lot of courage. I don't know how you could have managed that. I am grateful to have people like you around," said a merchant to the right of him.

Turning to look at the man, he walked over to him. Now there is virtually nothing that he has not heard before so the affect this had on the Senju was not major at all. Despite being praised, he had just wished that people would eventually get over it. Nonetheless, it could not be helped. Supreme let out an internal sigh as the man spoke, replying when he was finished.

"Yeah.. Thank you kind sir," said Supreme.

The merchant smiled brightly, allowing Supreme to give one last nod before turning around and continuing his normal walk throughout the village. He would have begged for any excitement to be quite honest. 


Sand, Sand and more Sand (Supreme and Sal) Empty Re: Sand, Sand and more Sand (Supreme and Sal)

Sun Dec 13, 2015 9:35 am
As Salzem wandered through the streets, he noticed the local people were abuzz with a new name. This one not being Kyson for once but one that was a bit more... pretentious. "Supreme!" they kept saying "Supreme!" Salzem couldn't help but laugh at the strange name. That was like someone walking up to someone else and introducing themselves as "Talent" or "Showoff." Then again, if what the rumors buzzing around Suna were true, He supposed the guy deserved his name. That makes two local heroes dancing around Suna. Soon enough, the village would be a stomping ground for the "Naruto's" and "Kakashi's" of the world. They might as well set up a district Titled "Hero District" With the slogan being "Got a weird name and want to defend the village? Sign up at the entrance!" Yeah. That would be fitting. Especially for those names like Kyson and Supreme. I guess every time he'd say the word now, even in normal conversation, heads would roll in his direction. He'd have to find a new word to replace it. Superior? Not powerful enough. Irresistible? Has too many definitions. Screw it. He'd figure that out later. At his discretion, Salzem began peering around for someone worthy of the name "Supreme." Mostly, all he saw were villagers doing their normal villager things, but he noticed that most of their eyes were trained on someone that wasn't him for once. Salzem followed their gaze and raised an eyebrow at the guy he saw.

He was 5'10 so he was pretty big. Perhaps a little bigger than himself. His skin was ever so slightly tinted brown with light green eyes to match. His hair was tied back in some kind of style Salzem didn't recognize. Perhaps a ponytail of some sort. He didn't know. Salzem didn't do fashion. Any ninja that did, Salzem immediately disliked. It seemed like a useless distraction. The guy wore combat boots and a trench coat, making him seem like he's ready for war at a moment's notice. His Pants however... were the weird part. They were made of some elastic material, starting loose (relatively) up top and getting tighter as they went down to his ankles. Not to mention it was all black and what does black do? It absorbs heat. What he wore seemed highly uncomfortabl- wait... was he not wearing a shirt under his coat...? Wat!? Okay... well... He's definitely got the "men-in-tights costume" thing going on... Perhaps he was taking his role a BIT too seriously. Then again the people could just be calling him "Supreme" and this was just how he normally dressed. That was all well and good, he supposed... Well... Suna people had their strange tastes...
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Sand, Sand and more Sand (Supreme and Sal) Empty Re: Sand, Sand and more Sand (Supreme and Sal)

Sun Dec 13, 2015 12:14 pm
(Hope you know, you have my appearance severely wrong xD)

Coming from the other merchant, Supreme walked through the middle of the streets with his hood on top of his head and his hands still inside of his pockets. Several small children ran past him almost close enough for them to collide with his legs. They seemed to possess a few toys in their hands. Some sort of toy airplanes or such. Supreme never had that luxury of being able to be carefree and have as much fun as he could. He was too interested in learning which made him seem like an outsider to other kids. Nonetheless, he patrolled around seeing if anyone needed his assistance or wanted to just talk for that matter. All seemed cool.


(Short. I'm lazy right now.)

Sand, Sand and more Sand (Supreme and Sal) Empty Re: Sand, Sand and more Sand (Supreme and Sal)

Sun Dec 13, 2015 1:13 pm
(Oh, I found out a little while ago. Don't wanna edit so I'ma own it)

The guy Salzem thought was Supreme Moved, and everyone's eyes were still trained in that direction. Salzem looked again, coming upon a completely different figure. This one was MUCH taller and with much looser and lighter clothing befitting the desert environment. His skin was more pale than the other guy, being more fare toned than anything else. This time, Salzem was sure this man was Supreme as all the people's eyes were trained on him like a hawk's on prey. Salzem didn't rightly know what the big deal was surrounding this guy. He didn't look too strong, like, at all, nor did he really seem to stand out amongst the Suna crowd. His clothing was very unspectacular, what with a cotton button up and loose pants down below. Salzem mentally smacked the back of his head for thinking the other guy was this guy. He needed to pay more attention. Never the less, this guy seemed a full year older and several inches taller than he was, making him more intimidating than the last guy who came off more as flamboyant. Salzem considered approaching the guy. Perhaps sparring with this so called hero, but Salzem was never one to approach anyone. Not really. He didn't seem to be the particular kind either. Salzem could tell. Although Salzem kept walking, he kept an eye on him. Salzem might walk up to him at some point, but not with all these people around. It makes him uncomfortable

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Sand, Sand and more Sand (Supreme and Sal) Empty Re: Sand, Sand and more Sand (Supreme and Sal)

Sun Dec 13, 2015 2:33 pm
It seemed nobody needed to be assisted at the moment. All seemed fine and dandy throughout the village streets. Supreme had his head down but not too much. One could simply see his face just by looking. Though, his forehead up until his eyebrows would be covered by hair hanging down. Through his boredom, he decided this would be a good time to go train by his lonesome. He surely had a few things he needed to work on before moving on to other matters. Especially before his father would come home. Surprising him would mean a lot.

Veering off course from the village streets, he started to move towards the training grounds. He reached a short field, with sand of course. It began to get a little repetitive that it was all he saw as the terrain. The field was very plain, containing no larger structures above ground level. It had dimensions of 20 by 15 meters. Supreme stood at the far left corner facing the direction he had came in. He wondered if others were going to train today. If so, he would simply move to his own secluded area where he could focus on himself. 


(Owned what? xD)

Sand, Sand and more Sand (Supreme and Sal) Empty Re: Sand, Sand and more Sand (Supreme and Sal)

Mon Dec 14, 2015 7:10 am
Salzem, curious about the guy, followed him, ending up in the (practically) empty training grounds with this Supreme far in a corner, looking out at the entrance. Now doubt he saw Salzem. That was okay though because he wanted to get a feel for this guy’s strength, see if he really was “village hero” material. Salzem made a bee-line right toward the guy, dodging the odd sparring couple here and there. It wasn’t long before Salzem reached the guy. At this close-a-range, Supreme seemed MUCH taller than Salzem, even though he was only, what, 3 inches? Whatever. A bigger target to punch. Salzem bowed in greeting, showing some inkling of respect to the guy before getting into a fighting stance. This guy didn’t seem to be the kind for idle chatter and that was just fine. Neither was Salzem.

“My name is Salzem.” He introduced himself before getting into an aggressive battle stance. “Let’s fight.” Let it be noted between the two of them, Salzem was only a meter or two away from the supposed hero, making time to dodge the first attack very little. Were Supreme to agree, Salzem would make the first move. He, forcing most of his bodily strength into his legs would dash around the hero, ending up right behind him, palms of his hands right above his back (Speed 180). To the guy, it must have seemed like Salzem disappeared and reappeared he was moving so fast. Salzem considered using a Daytime Tiger on him at this point, but as he scanned Supreme, he found that, by comparing to his own body, his durability was lacking. Instead, He’d try a gentler move. Salzem would grab Supreme by the back of his shirt and toss him across the 20 meter training grounds, intending that he land on the other side roughly or otherwise. This would be the proper way to start their battle. Guy was too weak to be a close range fighter. At least this way, their battle could start in earnest (Speed 100 Strength 30).

AP: 515

-10 (Taijutsu body flicker)

(My Mistake about your appearance XD)
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Sand, Sand and more Sand (Supreme and Sal) Empty Re: Sand, Sand and more Sand (Supreme and Sal)

Mon Dec 14, 2015 9:09 am
Soon as he turned around to face the entrance, Supreme wanted to get a different terrain. He was surely tired of the boring old sand that he would normally see every single time he would have a training session. The Senju did two mere hand seals consisting of Tiger and ending with the Snake seal at a speed of 80. This is when Supreme looked forward to notice somebody was coming. He was not sure if the person was coming towards him or if he just wanted to enter the premises for his own training session. Supreme chose to pay the person no mind. 

Upon holding the Snake seal, about 10 trees started to form out of the ground surrounding where he had been standing at a speed of 100. The trees made a circle around him with him being in the center at a radius of 2 meters from each of them. Seeing as the trees were just about 10 meters in height and 5 meters in width, there was very little openings between each tree for Supreme to walk out of. His could eventually see the guy walking up towards him through a very small opening that was about eye level for him. If the guy would continue to speak to him, Supreme would pay attention to him noticing him getting into a battle stance. To Supreme, he felt as if he was now being tested randomly. Supreme let out a quick reply.

"Hm, I will pass.."

Not really familiar with the person, Supreme did not really feel like sparring at the moment. Kyson became wary when the two even began to train, seeing as they were both strangers and he understood that. It seemed he was beginning to meet new ninja day by day which seemed quite sudden and odd to him. He could not help it however.

400 - 50 = 350 AP

(If all you wanted to do was spar, why didn't you ask for a thread with my other character? Seems pretty obvious that you could beat me in a hand to hand spar. Don't know why you would want a super easy fight.)

Sand, Sand and more Sand (Supreme and Sal) Empty Re: Sand, Sand and more Sand (Supreme and Sal)

Mon Dec 14, 2015 6:27 pm
(It’s not about the fight Royalty, bro. It was about the story XD I wasn't meant to win! It was all a test to see if you live up to your Hero rep! Not to mention the Stat points you get XD! Sorry if I didn't make that clear. I don’t fight to win! Just for the story, aye? (Though that doesn’t mean I’ll roll over immediately))

Salzem frowned upon the supposed Hero’s rejection of his challenge. What kind of hero turns down a random challenge? Apparently this guy. He obviously didn’t model himself after the heroes of old. More or less, he was just another guy in a hero’s cape. How disappointing.

“What a disappointment…” Salzem said, practically voicing his assessment of the supposed hero. “These villagers here worship the ground of which you walk and you ignore a simple challenge from another ninja? That is unfortunate indeed…” Salzem dropped out of his stance, sizing up the fellow. Frail by his standards, being a taijutsu user. Likely he focused on jutsu, given he made trees sprout out of the sand. A senju it seemed. It mattered not. Those trees will shrivel up and be swallowed by the sand as well.

“I’ve heard what you can do. That you saved a girl from a sand storm? I’ve also heard you’ve done a lot of other things, though they are much more fantastical. Surely a man with your reputation and feats could humor a simple chuunin such as myself.” Salzem meant most of what earnestly. He waited for Supreme’s response, though he expected to be rejected again.
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Sand, Sand and more Sand (Supreme and Sal) Empty Re: Sand, Sand and more Sand (Supreme and Sal)

Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:08 pm
Supreme was quite annoyed by how the guy in front of him would speak to him. It didn't really matter to him if he were disappointing anybody. Especially the fact that it was a person whom he had not known and/or cared for. Salzem was just another person that had his own desires. It didn't matter to Supreme that he had not felt like fulfilling those desires. Still holding the Snake Seal, he spoke through the crack between the trees. 

"Well.... how about you put it from my perspective? Do you really think I care to be a hero? Do you think I really care if I am praised or not? I help what? You do not need fame as confirmation that you have a good heart.. There are things in this world that I have done should not need a dividend. We are a village. If everyone was selfish, then we would fail to thrive as a community."

Supreme's voice sounded uninterested. His perception on things were clearly unconcerned of Salzem. That was not his fault. After raising the front tree down so that it may reveal his face, Supreme looked at the Chuunin in front of him to judge his words just in case there were anything he might say that might require Supreme to suss the concept. It was a little awkward seeing as this was the second Chuunin he had interacted with in a matter of days. 


350 - 50 = 300
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