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Bad Boys(Mission)

Kyori Uchiha
CoCo Wei
Mukuro Ketsua
Raizuko Akari
Yasuki Terumi
Jaytori Aburame
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Jaytori Aburame
Jaytori Aburame
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Ikumo Kurogane - Bad Boys(Mission) Empty Bad Boys(Mission)

Wed Jan 20, 2016 5:13 pm
Mission Specs:

It was late at night, the moon shone brightly lighting up the desert around him. It had been a normal day in the village hidden in the sand. Jay had woken up just as usual in his apartment near the edge of the city. It was a decent sized apartment, he thought. It was made a three bedroom, but Jay had turned the two spare bedrooms into his own personal work stations. One was strewn with puppet parts and hidden weapons all over the walls and floor. There was a work bench in the center of the room with a puppet he was working on half together, pieces hanging over the edge of the table.

In the second room there was something quite different. Jaytori had made this room into his own personal greenhouse. There were shelves upon shelves of all kinds of medicinal herbs lining the walls. There was another workbench in the center of this room, but this one was full of antidotes, poisons and piles of notes containing the effects of each herb and the different poisons Jay had made. A puppet master had to be well versed in the art of poison making to take his puppets to their extreme.

He had been working on a particular poison that morning, one that would completely paralyze it's target without killing them. It was good for capturing enemies alive to obtain information. Of course there was another reason Jaytori had been trying to make this poison. He had been researching how to create human puppets, hollowing them out, preserving them and making them into powerful weapons. In order to do that, however, he needed to capture someone alive. That was where the poison came in. It had been nearly noon when he had gotten a knock at the door. Stopping his preparations, he got up and slowly made his way to open the front door of the apartment.

There was a young ninja standing there holding a scroll out for Jay. He took it and thanked the boy for delivering the missive and closed the door behind him. When he opened it, he saw that it contained details on a mission assignment. There had been rumors circulating lately that a group of troublesome missing ninja have made their way to the borders and set up camp. Jaytori was tasked with finding out whether these rumors were true or not and report back with the information. The missive said he would be accompanied by two other Jounin from the village. He was supposed to meet them at the gates at 8 o'clock tonight to begin the mission.

When he finished reading it over twice to make sure he had the details straight, Jay went around gathering up his equipment and taking inventory. It had become a sort of habit of his to make sure he had everything ready to go before any mission. It was probably a good habit to have. Making sure that all of his weapons were there, he took his main puppet, Brother, into his work station and checked to make sure all of the joints and weapons were working correctly. After that, he let his insects come out from within his body and take refuge within the puppet until no more could fit within it's body. Altogether that took about 6 hours.

For the last hour and a half, Jay would go back into his medical room/greenhouse and continue tinkering with the poison he had been making. He was close to perfecting it, but it wouldn't be ready in time for this mission. At 7:30, he finally left the apartment, his puppet strapped to his back and wrapped in bandages. His katana was strapped to his left hip so he could access it easily if he needed to. He was wearing his usual black pants and his hooded jacket was zipped up with the hood pulled over his head. The sand headband was tied neatly across his forehead. It only took him a few minutes to get to the village gates. There, he waited patiently for the other ninja he was supposed to be waiting for.

Yasuki Terumi
Yasuki Terumi
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Ikumo Kurogane - Bad Boys(Mission) Empty Re: Bad Boys(Mission)

Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:00 pm
Gwynevere took several deep breaths as she let the heat from the sun bear down on her body. She felts it's heat, it's light, it's intensity radiate over her. So unforgiving, so... hot? It was a magnificent incandescent heat that was bearing down on like like no other source of fire ever could. Amateratsu, one day even Gwyn would see that your fires burned cold when compared to her. Gwyn in a very lady like manner spat out a glob of gum onto the sand and allowed the heat that radiatted from her natrually to catch flame and burn. Light from her ignited the sourrounding lands as her skin caught fire and along with it the very air around her. It didn't take long for even her hair to go from onyx black to a supremely brilliant fire as it drapped over her. She roared, and roared as she looked up at the fire in the sky. Something holy and godlike. Something foolish enough to think it could ever compare itself to the flame which even now Gwyn was pouring out from every pour in her body. The gum had long since turned to liquid then evaporated. 

Anyone who game withing a hundred meters of Gwyn would no doubt think the hottest thing in the desert was the very girl who was raging at the sun as she did not. The courier certainly did. He came to present her a message but at twenty meters away the scroll caught fire and the rest of his clothing threatened too as well so he stood back cautious. He tired to scream over the flames but they were too loud. Not to mention the screaming that Gwyn herself was doing. The only thing that caught her attention was when the water jutsu he tried to perform on her evaporated. It was then that Gwyn realized she had an admirer. "Sorry about that I do get carried away." 

The man looked down at the ash at his feet and laughed. "I can see that. You're wanted at the gates, bit mission Top priority. You're being put under the command of a Jounin."

Gwyn smiled and her hair turned back to it's normal black style, and she smiled. "How Exciting! I'll head over their right now." And she did. 

Gwyn arrived to the field looking like her normal self. No fire on her head, no fire in her eyes, and no fire on her clothing. Just the regular coal black eyes, her usual red lipstick, and her well styled black hair. Her clothing was a lovely red and gold outfit. It looked for exotic and oh so alluring. Her calculating eyes gazed over ninja before her. A jounin eh? She looked around to see if they had any company on their mission. She expected a few other geinin. Surely she wouldn't be in a squad with all Jounin, that would just be ridiculous. "Gwyn Reporting for Duty!" she gave a crisp salute, she neither smiled nor frowned because she wasn't sure what the situation would call for. Instead she stood at attention awaiting the mission debrief.
Raizuko Akari
Raizuko Akari
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Ikumo Kurogane - Bad Boys(Mission) Empty Re: Bad Boys(Mission)

Wed Jan 20, 2016 7:02 pm
Raizuko sat on the bed within his large bedroom of his family's mansion that had been handed down through his father's side of the family. His eyes were dull as he stared at the mass amount of weapons that lay out on the table. Only a month ago he was told that his mom had not died in the Suna and Konoha war but had escaped to Yukigakure no Sato in search for peace leaving her family behind. Unfortently, that village was destroyed. He planned on going to the ruins of the old snow village in order to search for evidence that his mother lived there. But his plans had been cancelled because as he was preparing to go to the snow country he had received news that his father had been missing in action. Raizuko still did not know any details of the high ranked mission that his father was on at the time causing Raiz to want to leave the village at the moment in search for his parents. But he knew better he was not even strong enough yet. So he knew if he was to leave the village at his current state of strength and mind he wouldn't make it at all.

He looked at the weapons assorted on the table in his front as well as a ninja scroll that had been delivered to him only a hour ago. Out of all the people in the village he had been assigned to lead a squad of ninja to the borders to gather information about a medium sized group of missing ninja. He was not told the names of the ninjas he was in charge of nor the ranks or their abilities so he had planned on asking them when they met at the gates. He would rise from the seat on his bed as he grabbed the single Katana off of the table with his left hand by it's handle as he ran the palm of his right hand along the flat of the blade feeling the smooth stainless metal. He would raise the sword straight in the air pointed end forward 2 ft away from his self as he put it within it's sheat that was strapped on his back. After placing the Katana within it's sheat it's handle pointing in the air towards the right he would strap two weapon pouches around his waist fixing them into position as he had both of them on either of his hips so he could grab weapons quickly if he needed to. He would place three smoke bombs in each pouch leaving him one that he put in the pocket along his left forearm's jacket sleeve. He would then place 2 kunai in both pouches leaving him one that he would put in the sheeth around his ankle that help conceal two kunai. After placing the kunai accordingly he would place 5 shuriken within a pocket on the front of his jacket. The jacket was over his Jounin Flak Jacket. Now he was only left with two exploding tags that he carefully put in the weapon pouch on his right hip.

After concealing all of the weapons he would walk to the mirror looking at his reflection. He wore a leather jacket that was loosely fitted with gold lining. He wore a pair of leather pants with zippers at the bottom of them that also had gold lining. His Suna forehead protector was tightly tied on his forehead. His combat boots were also tightly tied. After approving his look he would open the window of his bedroom jumping on the roof below his window gently as he took off into the night towards the village's gates as if he was one of the assassins of his clan.

Jumping from rooftop to rooftop quickly in the distance he would begin to see the large towering gates of the village making him go faster gaining in speed. Glancing up at the sky as he ran he would see deep black clouds or white, probably that dark color because of the night's sky begin to quickly move towards the moon in a attempt to cover it up as if they were being controlled by some unknown force. Now a couple meter away from the gates he would run down a wall of a builiding and towards the gates seeing two ninja a boy and a girl standing side by side. He saw that the girl was saluting to the other ninja causing him to grin a little. Coming within 5 meters of the two he would stop and say "Hello, I am Raizuko I was sent to lead this team along their mission. I will tell more once the last person arrives."

Raizuko looked at the two, the boy seemed rather quiet and the girl seemed so eager.

Mukuro Ketsua
Mukuro Ketsua
Stat Page : The Mad Medic
Summoning Contract : Aoiryu
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Clan Specialty : Iryojutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 150400

Ikumo Kurogane - Bad Boys(Mission) Empty Re: Bad Boys(Mission)

Wed Jan 20, 2016 7:37 pm
Late at night a single soul sat within the immense library that Suna had contained, his body obscured by the many books he had been reading through the day as it went by. Medical books stacked to the sky sat on his right and left, each one read from cover to cover as he did so. His time had been spent on how to further his research on using one's own chakra to provide more longevity, the only thing he found so far was on a jutsu simply known as Creation Rebirth. Though he had been spending many days on the basis of the jutsu he had only created a half rhombus or diamond like shape on his forehead in the center.

Much to his dismay he had been concentrating chakra into this central point for the past couple of days. As he continued to read, red hues would continue to scan page after page until he heard the reverberating footsteps echoing through the floors. Looking up for only a moment he continued to read until the form had appeared in front of him carrying a scroll which he sat upon the table and spoke," Hello Ikumo-sama, I was told to bring you this scroll and to tell you that you will be working with two other Jounin and a Genin on a top priority mission. Please travel to destination in the scroll with utmost haste please," as he finished he soon disappeared into the darkness of the library as Ikumo slowly closed his book and sighed.

Sitting the book onto the table, he slid the scroll into his robe after reading it quickly and grabbed )his staff. With swiftness he began to move with haste through the library and out into the streets. Within moments he had reached the gates after a few more moments he arrived to the borders where he could already feel the presence of a few others which had to have been the team he had been notified off. Stopping a few meters from the trio his staff would come to a slow tap on the grass as he looked them over for a moment and smiled," Greetings, I am Ikumo the other Jounin that will be accompanying you on this mission," not saying anything else he would look at the others and wait for the mission to begin.

Jaytori Aburame
Jaytori Aburame
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Ikumo Kurogane - Bad Boys(Mission) Empty Re: Bad Boys(Mission)

Wed Jan 20, 2016 7:55 pm
Not long after the anointed time had passed, a young girl arrived. She kept a plain look on her face as she announced herself and saluted the Jounin. He grinned down at the girl in response. "There's no need to salute. I'm Jaytori but you can call me Jay. We're just waiting for the other two Jounin to arrive." he said to the girl with a smile on his face. He always felt like he needed to keep the mood up before a mission. It wouldn't do good for everyone to be all solemn and out of sorts. They needed to be able to work together seamlessly. Before the girl could respond, another individual had shown up.

He announced himself to be Raizuko and said that he was supposed to be leading this team. Jay laughed at that. He had thought that he was supposed to be leading the mission. In fact it had been years since he had been under someone else's command. Well, if Koroshi thought that this kid was competent enough to lead the team it wasn't Jay's place to question it. Before he could respond however he felt another chakra signature approaching fast. Looking in it's direction he saw another male coming to join them. This one said his name to be Ikumo. Well, it looked like everybody was finally here. "Alright looks like everybody's here. I'm Jay by the way." he said to the group before looking over to the would-be leader.

"Sooooo Rai baby. What's the plan?"

CoCo Wei
CoCo Wei
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Ikumo Kurogane - Bad Boys(Mission) Empty Re: Bad Boys(Mission)

Wed Jan 20, 2016 9:42 pm
Gwyn was wearing a face that looked something like ";_;" So she was going to be the only genin on this mission. Well now that was going to be interesting to watch. Oh well she was certain she'd find a way to at least not be totally over shadowed by the rest of theses guys. It was probably going to have something to do with fire. Yes. That was a safe bet. She didn't say anything further and just waited for Rai to fill them all in on the mission.

(Sorry for tiny post)
Kyori Uchiha
Kyori Uchiha
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Ikumo Kurogane - Bad Boys(Mission) Empty Re: Bad Boys(Mission)

Wed Jan 20, 2016 9:51 pm
Raizuko would look at all of the assorted ninjas figuring out their ranks. He had expected to be leading a squad of chuunin at the least but three jounin and one genin seemed quite irregular. Now done looking at the three Raiuzuko would say "As you all know may or may not know we have been assigned a mission to gather intel about what the missing ninja who have been terrorizing other countries are doing on our borders. As I am leading this team I do not want to face any casualties, if you would I would want to know your skills, elements, specialties, and bloodline if you have one. Once you tell me I will give you a job to do, whether it is to stay back for defense or be on the front lines for offense. I also want to know if you are bulky or quick. I also wanna know all of your names because I missed some of them. Now just as an example I will show you " said Raizuko as he let out a built of breath.

"My name is Raizuko Akari, I am a clan member of the Akari with the elements of Lighting, Fire, and Water, My specialties are Ninjutsu, Medical, and Fuinjutsu, I am fast on both my feet and mind so that is my skill. Out of quick and bulky I am quick of course." said Raiz as he looked at all the ninja.
Mukuro Ketsua
Mukuro Ketsua
Stat Page : The Mad Medic
Summoning Contract : Aoiryu
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Clan Specialty : Iryojutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 150400

Ikumo Kurogane - Bad Boys(Mission) Empty Re: Bad Boys(Mission)

Thu Jan 21, 2016 8:00 pm
Looking at the group he didn't honestly expect much but again Ikumo was a man of logic and chance, so as he continued to look the three over he would nod towards the one now known as Jay. Without further ado he listened to the male that would have been the leader and tilted his head for a moment at what he had been asking of the others. In his mind a leader should have had all of this planned and mapped out from the moment the mission had been given, assuming each of the scrolls had given the names of said individuals. Not knowing rather or not the male had did this made Ikumo weary on the information he would be giving him, so deciding that being vague would be the best idea here.

Waiting providing the others did not go first he would tap his staff onto the ground once and scratch the back of his head as he spoke," While I appreciate your initiative I do not agree with giving out my clan's bloodline. Furthermore, as a squad leader it would have been beneficial to look this up ahead of time, but for a first timer there is not blame to be had. Moving forward my skills are more suited for the rear of our cell seeing as I am more used to healing and other unique skills," resting his hands on his staff he looked towards the others wondering how they would give their own answers. Through it all he would assess each of them by what they give and how they give it. While words conveyed meaning, the body language one would use told another thing entirely. So there the silent medic stood watching the others as they spoke.
Jaytori Aburame
Jaytori Aburame
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Ikumo Kurogane - Bad Boys(Mission) Empty Re: Bad Boys(Mission)

Thu Jan 21, 2016 8:52 pm
Jay had been standing immediately to the left of the girl Gwyn. They were both looking at the Raizuko guy as he spoke about wanting to know all of their abilities and bloodlines. He even asked them to repeat their names to him again. Jay smirked as he listened to the would be leader of this squad. During this time the one named Ikumo had nodded in Jay's direction as a form of greeting. Jay just grinned back in response as he leaned his right arm on Gwyn's left shoulder and crossed his left leg in front of his right. When Rai had finished speaking and Ikumo had just begun to speak, Jay would lean his head down to speak into Gwyn's ear. "Well he certainly takes his job seriously. Though, he probably should've gotten this information on his own already. Oh well." he said just loud enough for the genin to hear him.

He closed his eyes now as he leaned on the little genin girl next to him, that playful smile still upon his lips. It would probably look like he wasn't paying attention, but he was listening to every word. To the members of this make shift team that had been observant enough to notice the puppet wrapped up and strapped to his back would now see that it was gone. The fingers on his right hand would move in a strange pattern every so often as it dangled over Gwyn's shoulder. Then Ikumo had finished speaking. So he was a medic. Good. If things got bad they might need his abilities. Though he already knew that. Jay knew he wasn't in charge on this mission, but he had mad it his responsibility to look up the abilities of the ninja listed on the mission summary he was handed this morning. They had a medic, a fire specialist, a second medical specialist and, of course, Jay himself who specialized in tracking and information gathering. It was a decent made team for this mission.

There was a brief pause after Ikumo had stopped speaking before Jay decided he would respond. "Loosen up kid. Your inexperience is showing. This is your first mission as squad leader right? Anywho. I specialize in tracking and intel gathering. I'll take the lead on this one if you don't mind. I've already started the search for the base camp." He had opened his right eye to look at Rai as he spoke. He kept the left one closed. To the others it probably seemed like he wasn't taking things too seriously. In fact, he had already sent his puppet filled with his insects ahead of them to scout. His eye was closed so that he could see through the eyes of his puppet, Brother. It was a unique mechanism he had developed for missions like this. When he had finished speaking he closed his right eye once more, still keeping that grin on his face.
Yasuki Terumi
Yasuki Terumi
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Ikumo Kurogane - Bad Boys(Mission) Empty Re: Bad Boys(Mission)

Sat Jan 23, 2016 10:49 pm
Boy oh boy oh boy this was sounding more and more like a mission that she'd on accidentally get assigned to. Some sort of paper work error no doubt. Gwyn shrugged and worked out a kink in her shoulder. Oh well being surrounded by these jounin made her feel a little safter, plus if her hand was forced she could always burn away half the country side and call it a day. She listened to the Jounin have a super natural conversation that flowed very well and didn't sound weird what so ever. Real people totally talked like how everyone was right now. Still with everything that was going on she felt a little more relaxed with the mission and with what she was going to have to put forward.

When it came for her to speak she did so without hesitation. She didn't have a lot of skills, but with what she did have she was the best at. Best in the world. "I'm decently skilled with Fire jutsu." She announced modestly. "I'm not much trained in anything else, but I hope that I'll be able to keep up with you all on this mission. I hope I'll be able to learn a lot." If things were going to be intel gathering in nature then she wasn't terribly sure she'd be able to keep up, but she could always hope. Eh as long as she stayed quite and paid attention to what everyone else was doing she figured she'd at least not be a hindrance to the group. 

Jay Seemed cool.

Ikumo was a vexing mystery.

She was still getting a feel for Mr. Akari.
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