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Bad Boys(Mission)

Kyori Uchiha
CoCo Wei
Mukuro Ketsua
Raizuko Akari
Yasuki Terumi
Jaytori Aburame
10 posters
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Jaytori Aburame
Jaytori Aburame
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 7000

Ikumo Kurogane - Bad Boys(Mission) - Page 3 Empty Re: Bad Boys(Mission)

Tue Feb 09, 2016 3:41 pm
Everything seemed to have gone according to plan; for the most part. After dispatching his two opponents, he could sense three more of the chakra signatures going out. One was back where he had left Ikumo and the other two were on the opposite side of the encampment from where he was sensing Raizuko's chakra. The remaining enemy would soon be dispatched as well, but in a much flashier fashion. Jay could not only see the destruction caused by the genin, but he could feel the immense heat from as far away as he was from her. He made a mental note not to get on her bad side. She had been so quiet and reserved for most of the mission, and now she was going all god of destruction on the place.

It seemed everything they could accomplish had been done swiftly. Of course, he had wanted this to be more of a stealth mission, but it couldn't be helped. He would manipulate his puppet back to be strapped on his back once again before making his way over to the fiery depths of hell area where he knew the destructive Genin would be. Once arriving, safely enough away that the flames wouldn't bother him, Jay performed a series of hand seals to release a torrent of water which he used to put out the remaining flames. "Alright that's enough. I think you went a little overboard. It seems the others have finished off the rest of the missing nin. Let's head back to regroup before returning to the village." he said to the fiery girl. Without waiting for an answer, Jay would turn and head back to where he knew Ikumo was. He just assumed the genin would follow him as she was told.


7 stats

7k ryo from mission

15 ap

2500 words for making paralytic poison

Last edited by Jaytori Aburame on Tue Feb 09, 2016 9:44 pm; edited 2 times in total
CoCo Wei
CoCo Wei
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 25150

Ikumo Kurogane - Bad Boys(Mission) - Page 3 Empty Re: Bad Boys(Mission)

Tue Feb 09, 2016 5:16 pm
Gwynevere having cooled down from er rampage, ran her fingers through her hair and let out a sigh, that sounded mighty pleased with herself. "Yes that sounds good." As she reunited back with the group she raised her arms above her head and let out a stretch, as if her muscles were tight. She was tired not doubt about that. She'd let out a few days worth of fire out on those poor smucks. Oh well. That's just what happens when you mess around with suna. Wait no it wasn't. Oh right they were suppose to show self control and mercy to their opponents. woops. "That was pretty good ya'll. I had fun. I uh, I hope we can do this again sometime." It was good to make friends, and better to burn foes.

10 stats
and words towards pheonix fire
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
Remove Iryōjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Ikumo Kurogane - Bad Boys(Mission) - Page 3 Empty Re: Bad Boys(Mission)

Tue Feb 09, 2016 6:13 pm

Approved <3
Kyoto Ametsuchi
Kyoto Ametsuchi
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 1000

Ikumo Kurogane - Bad Boys(Mission) - Page 3 Empty Re: Bad Boys(Mission)

Tue Feb 09, 2016 9:04 pm
Raizuko's sword was still pointed at the twin's chest as she struggled to be released from the sphere that was causing her to move slow as if Raizuko was slowing down time around her. A small grin would appear on Raizuko's face as he stopped the ability of the sword, though just as the sphere left sight his strings would react with his chakra quickly before the twin could even react from being released from the speed sapping sphere. The strings made a arc through the air as a pair of them would go to either side of the twin's neck and one straight down the middle of her head leaving a bloody mess behind. When he saw the blood his senses had came back to him, the markings on his skin had reappeared. He had remembered who he was, he was not a killer but a gentle person who reacted with words before actions. Tears would fall from his eyes, the one who put this curse on him. Ganki Sakura was his name, he was his boss. He would pay for the curse he put on him. Leaving the battle site with tears he would rush back to the village.

Claiming 7,000 Ryo
5 Stats
2380 stats towards Golden Eye lvl 2
5 stats taken from stats

Last edited by Kyoto Ametsuchi on Tue Feb 09, 2016 10:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 139050

Ikumo Kurogane - Bad Boys(Mission) - Page 3 Empty Re: Bad Boys(Mission)

Tue Feb 09, 2016 9:08 pm
Approved, you also get 15 Ap for completing this S rank mission Rai. Also, don't forget to do the stat deductions, since you used the seal.
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
Remove Taijutsu Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Ikumo Kurogane - Bad Boys(Mission) - Page 3 Empty Re: Bad Boys(Mission)

Tue Feb 09, 2016 9:24 pm
Subtle footsteps filled his ears as he turned around and looked at the duo that would have been walking towards him, the blue glow leaving his hands and the purple fog soon dissipating before the two of them had reached him. Taking his staff into his hands he would nod and smile as he walked closer to meet up with them," Well that certainly was fun though someone shouldn't have made a bonfire for the whole Land of Wind to see. With that however I think this mission was a good step in the right direction and I know have a general feel for you all...Well you two at least," his eyes wandered over towards Rai who had still been far from the group. Shaking his head he would wave as Gywn had left to head back to the village before turning his head to Jay," What do you think of our other teammates? I figured as a fellow Jounin you had been looking at their skills as it went on," his eyes stayed on the male waiting for an answer.

Whether or not the male had answered he smiled and closed his eyes before walking forward," At any rate I look forward to our next mission where I can observe more of your fighting skills, until next time Jay," as he spoke he walked from the desert and made his way to the village where he would turn in a proper detailed report about the mission.

10 Stats
15 ap from mission
7k ryo
2100 words all towards mastery of Poison Mist
Jaytori Aburame
Jaytori Aburame
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 7000

Ikumo Kurogane - Bad Boys(Mission) - Page 3 Empty Re: Bad Boys(Mission)

Tue Feb 09, 2016 9:39 pm
(edited my post to be exit and added claims. Plz approve<3)
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 139050

Ikumo Kurogane - Bad Boys(Mission) - Page 3 Empty Re: Bad Boys(Mission)

Tue Feb 09, 2016 9:42 pm
ok hold on ppl, on missions, the stat conversions in 400 per stat. so plz edit...
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 139050

Ikumo Kurogane - Bad Boys(Mission) - Page 3 Empty Re: Bad Boys(Mission)

Tue Feb 09, 2016 9:44 pm
So all approvals are on hold, everyone must edit...
Mukuro Ketsua
Mukuro Ketsua
Stat Page : The Mad Medic
Summoning Contract : Aoiryu
Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Iryojutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 150400

Ikumo Kurogane - Bad Boys(Mission) - Page 3 Empty Re: Bad Boys(Mission)

Tue Feb 09, 2016 9:59 pm
Not editing but taking 5 stats
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