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Bad Boys(Mission)

Kyori Uchiha
CoCo Wei
Mukuro Ketsua
Raizuko Akari
Yasuki Terumi
Jaytori Aburame
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Raizuko Akari
Raizuko Akari
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Ikumo Kurogane - Bad Boys(Mission) - Page 2 Empty Re: Bad Boys(Mission)

Sun Jan 24, 2016 10:13 am
Raizuko would look around waiting for at least one of the ninja to speak and it seemed his thoughts were answered as the red haired ninja who had showed up after Raizuko say " While I appreciate your initiative I do not agree with giving out my clan's bloodline. Furthermore, as a squad leader it would have been beneficial to look this up ahead of time, but for a first timer there is not blame to be had. Moving forward my skills are more suited for the rear of our cell seeing as I am more used to healing and other unique skills," Raizuko would only nod at the man and look at the other two ninja, the funny looking one with the goggles would speak next. "Loosen up kid. Your inexperience is showing. This is your first mission as squad leader right? Anywho. I specialize in tracking and intel gathering. I'll take the lead on this one if you don't mind. I've already started the search for the base camp." said the man as Raizuko stared at him showing no emotion, if he wanted he could have just thrown a kunai through the man's eyes that were closed but seeing as he was in a hurry to leave the village to look for his mom he would choose not to and say "No need to, you just stay behind me." said Raizuko as he looked up at the night's sky. The moon had been completely covered by dark clouds leaving the group only small traces of light. Raizuko knew that later in the mission or even now he was going to have to activate his Golden Eye."It is getting pretty dark and I don't want us wandering into any sand puddles, no hard feelings." said Raizuko as he now began to look at the kid, the man's head was on her shoulder. Maybe he was a pervert thought Raizuko.

As soon as his eyes would land on the girl she would begin to speak saying "I'm decently skilled with Fire jutsu I'm not much trained in anything else, but I hope that I'll be able to keep up with you all on this mission. I hope I'll be able to learn a lot." said the girl with her answer directed towards Raizuko with him replying as he said "Don't worry you will probably gain a lot of expereince from this mission. Just stay behind glasses and in front of the man with the staff and you'll be ok. I hope." said Raizuko as he backed up slightly from the group and stared at all of them."Now that we have learned something from one another it is time to head out." said Raizuko as he turned with his back facing the group and his front facing the gates that led to the massive desert.

His Golden Eye had blazed in the darkness as he activated scanning the area in his for any type of enemy. Not seeing any chakra signatures he would turn his head around to the group and nod but not before catching a glimpse of strings coming from the hands of the man with the glasses. A puppet user? Raizuko would realize that his eyes were closed because he might be trying to control his puppet who was already up ahead probably. He would smirk thinking that he probably could train with the man in the future. Nodding to the group he would take off dust and sand flying in the air as he ran in a straight line looking for any sign of the missing ninja.
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Ikumo Kurogane - Bad Boys(Mission) - Page 2 Empty Re: Bad Boys(Mission)

Tue Jan 26, 2016 8:08 pm
It would seem he would be in the company of a fire user, a puppeteer and a male who had apparently been another medic though he wondered how good he was, he wouldn't bring it up unless it became necessary. With that he turned to the girl with the fiery personality and waved a small wave just to be friendly, the thought of having a genin on their team made him think of what he could impart to her as they went on with the mission itself. Seeing as the male or Jay wanted to lead in terms of finding the hideout he moved over towards the male and nodding," If you have another way of sensing then it would be good for him and you to lead. Our friend Gywn here can provide back-up if necessary especially if Jay here can be our eyes so to speak. Better to play to our strengths right?," with that he eased himself and readied for the task at hand.

Within his mind he thought over the mission specs in detail, thinking of the many issues they could come into. Being denizens of Suna they should know the layout of the desert which would minimize the many risks of the dunes themselves, not including the bandits themselves. As the group moved, he stayed back a bit watching the surrounding area, while he couldn't see through the dark he had other ways. Smiling he would tap his staff into the ground twice before stopping as Rai did, a small lizard popping up from the ground. Instantly he moved down and patted the lizard which would burrow into the ground and take off in the forward area as a scout of such.

With this done, he would take off after the others of course watching his surroundings as he did so. In the back of his mind he wondered how successful this mission would be, with a new 'leader' and a genin he didn't think his chances were over 50% yet things were often broken down to chance. So with that he shook his head and continued moving while keeping himself in the back.
Jaytori Aburame
Jaytori Aburame
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Ikumo Kurogane - Bad Boys(Mission) - Page 2 Empty Re: Bad Boys(Mission)

Wed Jan 27, 2016 11:50 pm
Finally it was time to get going. Jay couldn't help notice the new 'leader's further lack of experience when he had told Jay to stay behind him. Wasn't it normal practice to play to your teams strengths on a mission? So since they were on an intel gathering mission it only made sense for Jay to be in the lead, tracking the missing ninja they were supposed to find. He wasn't in charge this time though so he had to listen to his orders, even if he didn't agree with them. As Raizuko took off, Jay would follow almost right along side of him, his way of defying those ridiculous orders, but he made it so that it would seem he was following Rai's lead. Hey kept his left eye closed, hoping that Rai would cover him if need be since Jay was on Rai's right, and kept his right eye open so that he could focus on where he was going.

The dangerous desert was only lit by the faint glow of moonlight as they made there way toward the borders. As they ran, Jay would summon three of his insects, all female, and send each one to hide themselves within the clothes of his teammates. It was something he generally always did when performing missions with other ninja. He may be easy going and liked to joke, but he did take things seriously and always made sure he could protect his comrades no matter what. Having one of his females on each of his temmates meant he could keep tabs on them through his link with the insects and if they got separated he would be able to track them down from a considerable distance.

It was a good thing they were native Sand ninja or else they would have fallen prey to the sand dunes more than a few times as they traversed the treacherous desert. All the while Jay would keep his puppet a steady 80 meters in front of the group, using it to search ahead for any signs of the ninja they were supposed to find. They had been running for about an hour before Jay finally found the first signs of the encampment. There were clear foot steps in the sand and, through the puppet's eyes, Jay could see a slim trail of smoke up ahead. He made the puppet stop advancing and wait for them as they approached. "It looks like the missing ninja have made camp about 120 meters ahead of us in the 2 o'clock direction. Once we meet up with my puppet we should slow down and come up with a plan." he said out of sheer habit. Then, remembering he wasn't leading this mission, he added "If that's agreeable to you Rai."
Yasuki Terumi
Yasuki Terumi
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Ikumo Kurogane - Bad Boys(Mission) - Page 2 Empty Re: Bad Boys(Mission)

Tue Feb 02, 2016 1:06 pm
(My keyboard is kind of broke so if you see more misspellings than usual that's why.)

Ah the conversation around here was sparkling. Dazzling in a way which gwynevere simply had trouble putting into words. Never the less she couldn't let the robots she had for teammates down, so when it was time to sally forth and go for broke she was the one walking out with empty pockets! Wait...

There wa a point in her life where gwynevere found the desert unbelievably hot and inhospitable. Just a few months ago actually. She'd nearly died of dehydration actually. Only the narcotic juice of the cactus plants gave her the subsistence that she needed. That was almost a lifetime ago before she become fire incarnate. Ha! What life must of been like when she was but a mere mortal among me. Now a day the desert seemed to have an almost cool breeze to it after it' sandy winds penetrated the cloak of fire he sported so fashionably. Yes sir some times being cloaked in fire had it's advantages. She just prayed she never got sent on a mission out in the ice land. Because she had no doubt she'd sink into a glacier and never return. But that wa just one draw back and it was unlikely to happen. What with yuki not existing and all. Another benifit is that when creepy dudes in glasses try to put bugs on you those bugs tend to go up in flames like the hindenberg. A moment of silence for Jay's sexy lady bug.

So what to other might have been a hellacious trip through a burning landscape of fire, and sand for her was a pleasant troll through the park. Except for the sinking sand and daunting dunes. Those were had work for the fragile princess. She didn't complain though. Because it was a great workout for her gams. When she was finished with this mission those puppies would be a sight to see. 

The moment finally arrived when the enemy camp was up a head and the crew came to a stop. Jay the bug man pointed out the location of the foes that they were facing. Gwyn was ready for this plan. It would be interesting to see how people came up with those. Usually she just went and burned down the entire field until there was nothing left standing. However she understood that if people were interested in a more tactical approach. She'd just try and keep the fire as quite as possible.
Raizuko Akari
Raizuko Akari
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Ikumo Kurogane - Bad Boys(Mission) - Page 2 Empty Re: Bad Boys(Mission)

Tue Feb 02, 2016 5:13 pm
Raizuko would continue to lead the group with his Golden Eye active as he heard the man Jaytori speak and say  "It looks like the missing ninja have made camp about 120 meters ahead of us in the 2 o'clock direction. Once we meet up with my puppet we should slow down and come up with a plan." Raizuko would not look back at the man and continue to run forward as they were closing in on the group able to see chakra signatures now since he was able to detect them from his current range. "If that's agreeable to you Rai." said Jayotori again causing Raizuko to say "Their is a total of 6 missing ninja in the group, and from what I can tell from here all of their chakra are quite the same. So we will go in quickly, each one of us are going to take 2 ninja besides Gwyn. She is probably not as experienced as us in a fight so she will be the back up if one of us goes down. It is a simple plan but I do recommend  that you stay back with Gwyn Ikumo as you could probably help if one of us goes down. You are most likely more versed than me with Medical ninjutsu so it would be a problem if our main medic goes down. So that would leave me and Jay on a 1 on 3 fight for each of us. Though if the situation seems dire, Gwyn you will come and help me with my group and the same goes for Ikumo but to help Jay" said Raizuko thinking that it was a pretty solid plan.

As he got closer to the missing ninja he had realized that their chakra levels were no higher than his own and that Gwyn could probably even take one of them out herself.

WC: 1969
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Ikumo Kurogane - Bad Boys(Mission) - Page 2 Empty Re: Bad Boys(Mission)

Thu Feb 04, 2016 7:26 pm
Ikumo paid close attention to his surroundings as the group made their way towards the hideout which had been pointed out by the other older male of the group. His eyes had shifted at every few seconds taking in what he had passed, the male had accustomed himself to memorizing small details as he did something since it had helped with finding things in which stood out the most. Seeing as it wasn't a necessity of the medic he kept it to himself the changes in the surroundings as they were not essential to the mission. Stopping once the group did he turned to look at the others and wondered what would happen at this point. Seeing as the mission specs had given a general number of hostiles Ikumo had instantly been thinking of how such a thing would go down with him and the group. The main query he had was how their genin would perform and he had just the way to find out.

Once the group had finally made it to the hideout and were coming up with a plan, he swiftly interjected and held his hand up," If there are six enemies and you want to try and keep me and Gwyn here in the back that is detrimental to the team composition. I suggest me and Gwyn here take care of the last pair, seeing as I am a combat medic. Not just someone who can heal, plus I would like to see what our genin here could do. With that being the case we have our groupings and should proceed before they sense our presence," looking to Gwyn he gave a rather nice smile. He could feel that her chakra rivaled his and with that meant her strength was higher than that of a genin. So with that he would prepare himself for battle, whatever happened after this was purely business and of course someone was bound to get hurt, but hey he was a doctor.
Jaytori Aburame
Jaytori Aburame
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Ikumo Kurogane - Bad Boys(Mission) - Page 2 Empty Re: Bad Boys(Mission)

Thu Feb 04, 2016 9:32 pm
As the group was stopped, Jay listened to the kid Raizuko's plan. All in all he didn't really agree with it at all. There were four of them and six opponents. Even if one of their team was a genin, they should at least divide the enemies between the four of them rather than having Jay and Rai each take on three by themselves and leaving Ikumo and little Gwyn as back up only. Jay was certainly questioning the leadership skills of this kid more and more as the mission went on. Luckily enough the other Jounin seemed to be thinking along the same lines. He mentioned something about having himself and Gwyn take care of the last pair of enemies. That left two each for Jay and Rai. Nodding at the jounin in agreement to the new suggestion, Jay would take off in the direction of the camp. He had switched to chakra sensory before moving out, however, and he was able to tell that the genin possessed strength that rivaled his own if not greater. She was obviously no ordinary genin. Perhaps that was why she had been chosen to accompany them on this mission.

He could feel the insects he had set out to bury themselves in his teammates clothes. All were accounted for except the one that had burned up upon coming into contact with the living flames that were in fact Gwynevere. Well, as long as she and Ikumo were paired he could still keep track of both of them easily enough. He refocused his attention to the chakra signatures ahead of him, manipulating his puppet so that it was soon about two meters in front of him and slightly to the left. It only took him a few minutes before he was in position hidden 15 meters away on the western most side of the base camp. He could see two of the missing ninja just within the camp talking to one another between two tents. There was a makeshift torch at the front of each of the tents that illuminated the area just a bit too much for Jay's liking.

He kept his chakra concealed while he snuck up on his targets. He couldn't take the chance of being exposed before he was able to take out his targets. He crouched in his position and closed his eyes, letting his senses join with that of his puppet. The poison he had been working on earlier that day had been brought a long to test it on this mission. The small animals he had used it on were affected in a matter of minutes and now it was time for human subjects. He only brought along enough to cover a four kunai. He had placed the poison covered kunai within the hidden launchers in each of his puppets arms. He waited until he could feel the chakra signatures of his other teammates in their respective positions before he made his move. As he waited, he manipulated his puppet so that it was just out of sight of the two ninja he had seen earlier.

He didn't have to wait long before sensing the others taking up their positions. They hadn't agreed on taking out the bandits silently or simultaneously, but Jay was one that was more suited for such tasks. After all he did specialize in stealth and tracking. A mission like this was right up his alley. Alright. 3...2....1...CHARGE!!

Finally it was time to make his move. Without hesitation, his puppet charged forward at the ninja to the right. This one was a tall, muscular man with bleach blonde hair that spoke with a bit of an accent. The other was much slimmer and shorter with dark hair that almost looked black. Just before making contact with the blonde headed ninja, the puppet's right arm would open to launch several kunai at the ninja's lower body. Being caught off guard, the ninja only managed to dodge 3 out of the 4 kunai that were sent his way. Unfortunately for him, the one that struck his left thigh and left a shallow cut happened to be one of the few kunai laced with the paralyzing poison Jay had managed to finish that morning. That should take care of this one. The puppet would then immediately turn to face the darker haired ninja. This one was prepared though. It wasn't going to be as easy as the first one was. Already Jay could see the man beginning to form hand seals. Jay wasn't going to stand idly by. He recognized the seals. It seemed the man was intending to use some sort of fire jutsu.

He was right. Just as flames began to spew forth from the man's mouth, the puppet's hidden jets would activate, sending the puppet back out of the encampment the same way it had entered, the flames close behind. Jay kept pulling it backward until the dark haired ninja could no longer keep the flames going and the initial attack had ceased. If the others hadn't begun their attacks by now the rest of the missing ninja were sure to come running at the sight of the flames from their comrade. Jay had to finish this quickly. As soon as the flames had stopped, he seized his opportunity and the launcher hidden within the puppet's left arm opened and began launching a flurry of kunai at the flame using ninja as the puppet charged forward at an incredible speed. The ninja seemed to have produced a kunai from somewhere among his person and was skillfully deflecting each of the kunai being launched. Thinking he needed a diversion of some sort, the insects hidden within the puppets chest swarmed forth when the puppet was just out of arms reach of the dark haired ninja. They weren't very quick and by themselves they were incapable of doing any harm but they were certainly useful for clouding the enemy's vision and causing just the distraction that Jay needed. The instant the ninja's eyes glanced in the direction of the insect swarm, the puppet's aim would alter just slightly sending a single kunai past the ninja's guard to lodge between his eyes, putting him to rest.

His part was over. He commanded the insects to return to the puppet's chest as Jay manipulated the puppet to step further into the encampment past the two tents it had been between. The puppets head swiveled in each direction, hesitating just long enough for Jay to discern where the others were and whether or not they needed help dispatching their own targets.
Yasuki Terumi
Yasuki Terumi
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Ikumo Kurogane - Bad Boys(Mission) - Page 2 Empty Re: Bad Boys(Mission)

Sat Feb 06, 2016 3:14 pm
Oh gwyn did so enjoys these conversations with the boys. What with their penis measuring, and gentle stabs at one another. It was cute. Gwyn was only too glad that she'd been acting meek enough to keep herself out of their vision. Only earning small glances when it was all said and done. Still the act could only get her so far. She did pocked her head over a dune and spied on the enemy who were camped out quite a ways away. In the back ground there was the subtle sound of people talking and making plans. One, two, three, four, five, six. Six opponents. They weren't necessarily close together but they weren't spread out either. 

Gwynevere tapped her brightly painted red lips and considered what it was she should do. She looked straight up at Amateratsu and asked her lady just what it was that she should do? Whenever she had these converstions with her goddess it often ended in one way. Still Gwynevere didn't want to just go about and make assumptions. She wasn't that type of girl. Still as ever, and as always Amateratsu's answer was clear and simple. 'Burn them all.'
Well who was gwynevere to argue with something so clear, and so obvious. Yea low as she heard this message from on high, and being a mere mortal Gwynevere had no choice but to accept. Her hair flickered orange, and then lite ablaze with a tremendous fire. This was going to be fun!  "Alright boys watch and learn! I'm a Amazon, and the world is just kindling before me!" With that she jumped over the dune, and started running towards the camp. She wasn't quite screaming a war howl, but she might as well have been. The fire that surrounded her wrapped her up and coddled her in it's blinding heat. When she got in range she started forming hand signs like crazy just absolutely letting it rip. Full blown, brake lines cut, all gun's blazing. 

From her mouth erupted the most tremendous display of fire that anyone had ever seen. At least in this group. It spewed for from her mouth, as if a coronal mass ejection from the sun itself spewed forth and engulfed the camp in a pure white cleansing flame. Glorious. Glorious! Of course there might be survivors and that just wasn't what Amateratsu had requested. So naturally a swam of giant fireballs had to come raining down from the sky and pepper the camp and it's surrounding area just in case anyone got out. Well what if they survived that too? Well Gwyn's hair raised up and began shooting a swarm of needles from it like a unholy machine gun, spewing out needles by the hundreds. There would be nothing left but ashes! Even in the next life they would be born with birth marks similar to that of a burn victim. For all time, and throughout every realm they would feel the sting and heat from Gwynevere. There world would be one of never ending fire, and they would suffer now and forever! HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!

"HAHAHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA BUUUUURN YOU WRETCHES!"... Might have gotten carried away "Ahem." Gwyn cleared her throat and brought a hand down over her flaming hair and made it transform back into her normal black locks. "... Targets neutralized."

It probably wouldn't happen if anyone took an action before she made for her mad dash, but it was fun to think about. 
Kyoto Ametsuchi
Kyoto Ametsuchi
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Ikumo Kurogane - Bad Boys(Mission) - Page 2 Empty Re: Bad Boys(Mission)

Sun Feb 07, 2016 7:52 pm
Raizuko's Golden Eye had caught everything that happened before his eyes, Jaytori had snuck upon two of the 6 enemies easily. He had started to attack them but Raizuko mind was taken off of it as he saw the girl begin to spew flames everywhere even balls of them coming out of the sky. Raizuko would frown as she was just throwing her stamina out." This battle will end quickly for her " sighed Raizuko as he was out of the line of fire. He was about to wait until the medical ninja in their group commence his attack but saw two missing ninja slowly walk up to him. One with white hair and one with Golden Hair, "We are the Yin-Yang and you will be our opponent. " said the two people as they walked slowly to Raizuko, Raizuko realizing they were twins one and one a boy and one a girl. Raizuko being the gentle he was would nod as he took out his sword from the sheath on his hip by the handle of his right hand. If his calculations were correct he was 25 meters away from both Jaytori and Gwyn so if he needed help against these formidable foes they could come and help.

  The air around him began to pulse with his chakra as 5 threads appeared on the fingers of his left hand, wait 5 he was not yet powerful enough to produce 5 of them. Then he felt it, darkness began to takeover his mind as markings appeared on the right side of his body. He would feel himself grow slightly in height." Hahahaha, this power. I don't know what it is but " was the only thing Raizuko said as he shot forward his palm gripping the handle of his sword and the threads on all 5 of his fingers on his left hand. The twins would also shoot forward as agile as they looked. Then the three would begin to trade blows Raizuko would throw his sword high into the air as he feinted from the twins' blows as he twirled like a dancer his threads spinning around him giving him a shield of light that cut anything that touched it, however the twins did not know this as both of them tried to shoot either of their hands into the light causing them to be ripped off. The black haired twin's left hand was cut off the same said for the white haired one as the two roared in pain.

The sound of the pain had seem to give Raizuko a boost of power as his hand shot into the air gripping the sword with his left right hand as it had finally came back down from the sky, though he gripped it around the handle. As soon as it touched his hand it would also join in on his twirling as from his immense speed it easily cut through the wind slicing the head of the white haired twin off which was the boy. The head slowly rolled off the boy's neck landing on the ground as the girl twin shot forward throwing a punch at Raizuko's face. AS Raizuko's hand shot forward gripping the hand the girl used to punch and brought his sword back a little as it aimed for her chest. A sphere of purple chakra would appear around the girl as Raizuko would back up a little leaving the sphere around the girl."Stay there my little play toy until my people have defeated our enemies." laughed Raizuko as he watched the girl struggle to move from the speed downing effects of the sphere.
Mukuro Ketsua
Mukuro Ketsua
Stat Page : The Mad Medic
Summoning Contract : Aoiryu
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Clan Specialty : Iryojutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 150400

Ikumo Kurogane - Bad Boys(Mission) - Page 2 Empty Re: Bad Boys(Mission)

Sun Feb 07, 2016 11:05 pm
Well... Things had soon escalated quickly in this forefront. The others had successfully jumped into action taking care of many of the enemies leaving Ikumo to basically watch and observe what his teammates could do. The first to jump into the fray had been Jay who had manipulated his puppets and what seemed to be...bugs? While he hadn't felt a shift or pull from them, he could only assume he was one of the Aburame seeing as if they were of a summoning race he would feel a sort of resonance between him and them, whereas what he felt was a relationship. Watching as he dispatched of his little fun. From this Jounin he could assess that he was versed in mid to long range fighting though the tactics of using both bugs and puppets could prove to be quite the useful aspect in future missions.

The more he observed the more he found himself interested in the abilities of his fellow comrades though this wasn't the time to be observing. Stabbing his staff into the ground he could feel the presence of a single target coming from behind in an attempt to attack the medic while he was not paying attention which had been a miscalculation on their part. In their attempt to attack the male from behind, Ikumo clapped his hands together before forming a dense sheet of chakra onto his hands sharpening them with precise chakra control. As the assailant came into range of stabbing the male, his right hand deflected the Kunai with precision before a smile formed upon his face. Recognizing the technique the armed bandit tried to cast distance between the two but by then it had been too late.

From his mouth a purple substance spewed from his mouth, concentrated chakra kneaded from the body turned poisonous as soon as it entered the air. This poison mist would envelope the enemy causing them to breathe in even the tiniest amount but by then his fate had been sealed. As the unfortunate female would begin to seize and drop before feeling the blue blade to her throat, a simple incision cutting the jugular vein and causing them to die from both poison and blood loss. Before deactivating his technique he turned towards the others to see what had been happening. At first he wanted to say something, but instead he watched as Gywn set fire to some poor sob and turned him to ash, something of which he could only tilt his head over and sigh," Something hotter than the desert itself lives in Suna...Well looks like someone is going to get hurt soon...Though she is using a lot of chakra from the looks of it," the medic had done his job and had now been awaiting their "leader" to finish his off.
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