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After Meal Training (P, Isobu)  Empty After Meal Training (P, Isobu)

Sat Feb 20, 2016 2:31 am
Spite made his way down the path that would taking him out towards the training grounds. He was suppose to go there with Isobu, the man he had recently met in Ichiraku, but he had seemed to disappear claiming he had errands to run. Spite wasn't sure if Isobu really had errands to run or if he was just intentionally irritating Spite to see what would happen. Spite was a bit frustrated as he walked towards the grounds, muttering under his breath. "Damn fish man! I can't believe he ditched me like that. He probably didn't even have errands to run!" 

Finally arriving at the training grounds, Spite sat down against a nearby tree. He wasn't sure how long it would be until Isobu arrived, if he was to show up that was. The tree he was sitting against had a training pad around it, like most of the trees and pillars in the area. It was used for training in Taijutsu strikes, but also kept the tree from permanently damaging ones hands. "At least I can calm myself down by punching this damn thing before he arrives," he thought to himself. Spite stood back up to his feet and faced the tree. He took a deep breath in to relax, then began punching the tree. Normally he would have wrapped his hands in cloth to protect his hands a bit more, however Isobu didn't really give him time to return home to prepare himself for the training. It was fine though this way he would toughen himself up faster. Spite continued punching the tree, throwing in a few kicks here and there. 

About an hour had passed, and still no sign of Isobu. Spite was getting worried, maybe he didn't want to train him after all. He cleared his head of all negative thoughts and continued to punch and kick the tree. The pad was slightly stained from the blood of Spite's knuckles. They had shallow cuts in them, even though Spite would take breaks from time to time to let the wounds heal. They would scab over fairly quickly, but would immediately reopen when Spite went back to punching the tree. He stopped punching the tree for a minute to look around to see if Isobu had finally arrived.

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After Meal Training (P, Isobu)  Empty Re: After Meal Training (P, Isobu)

Mon Feb 22, 2016 2:07 pm
((Sorry for the lateness! Had an exam today lol!))

Isobu had dashed through town on the rooftops heading towards the training grounds district. His large body flew over the large gate bearing a warning sign and dashed from branch to branch in the trees of surrounding environment. His belly had been aching shortly after eating ramen at the Ichiraku shop. "Perhaps there were some rotten Naruto in that ramen," he figured while soothing his stomach. He had spent the past hour relieving himself. Just moments earlier, he had agreed to train with a youngster of the village, Spite Uchiha. Isobu had already regret his decision. From what he could tell, Spite was the type of shinobi to have a short temper. That could mean nothing but trouble for Isobu in the long run. 

Finally, the ninja came to a halt at the last tree branch before the clearing. where the training grounds were. He looked around to spot the young ninja. He almost immediately spotted Spite who was punching a tree across the field. He used this time to observe Spite. He did this for about an hour. Surely by know, the boy's knuckles would be bloodied. Isobu finally saw it fit to intervene. He vanished from his position across the field and reappeared behind Spite, who was still punching and kicking away. Isobu would place his hand gently on Spites just as he began to sense Isobu's presence.

"I think that's enough of that, eh squirt? You'll never accomplish anything punching a target that doesn't move HARHARHAR" Isobu spoke with a jolly expression on his face, as if to cheer Spite up.
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After Meal Training (P, Isobu)  Empty Re: After Meal Training (P, Isobu)

Wed Feb 24, 2016 11:16 pm
Spite continued to punch the tree, when he suddenly he sensed a presence. Before he could turn around he felt a hand on his shoulder. It made him shudder at first until a familiar voice rang in his ears. He turned around to see Isobu standing behind him. He had made a joke about how he would never accomplish anything against a target that wouldn't move, then chuckled. Spite laughed back, "It's about time you showed up, I was starting to lose my patience." Spite didn't mean to sound like an arrogant child, but he had been waiting for quite a while. "And I'd strongly disagree with your statement Sensei. If anything you'd do a heck of a lot more damage to an immobile target." Spite let out a sly grin after making his rebuttal. Isobu's presence was a breath of fresh air, he was no longer agitated and ready to train. He noticed that Isobu was staring at Spite's knuckles. He looked down at them, not realizing how badly they were bruised, raw, and bloodied. "Shit... I knew they were bleeding but I didn't realize how bad they had gotten." He laughed loudly, as he covered the cuts behind his back. He attempted to ignore the pain that started throbbing through them, he hadn't felt it earlier; the adrenaline from his frustration must have made him subconsciously ignore the pain. "So.... What am I learning today?" he asked trying to change the topic. He was eager to learn a few things from the Jounin.

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After Meal Training (P, Isobu)  Empty Re: After Meal Training (P, Isobu)

Thu Feb 25, 2016 5:09 am
Isobu scratched his chin at Spite's remark. He supposed that someone with little battle experience would see things that way. Anyone, including academy students, could hit a target that wasn't moving. But, the true separation between the strong and the week would be through the stimulation of a real battle. Isobu had apparently been staring at Spite too long while thinking of the best way to instruct someone, because the young genin was now hiding his fists. Teaching was something that Isobu has never done before in his history of becoming a shinobi. How would he proceed?

The ninja turned has back to Spite and then took a few steps to separate the two of them by about 5 meters. After turning to face Spite again, he would tighten his kimono and stand tall, towering over the genin at 6'5". He looked at Spite harmlessly in the eyes and spoke out to him just as Spite began to say "So..."

"So! Let's just see what you're made of, then. You seem pretty sure of yourself, so why don't you show me how much damage you can do on 'this' immobile target"

Isobu spoke calmy while gesturing at the young Uchiha. His smile made his large, underbiting fangs gleam in the afternoon soon. As he finished speaking, a gust of wind blew over the training field, scattering a storm of leaves along with it. With each that it took each leaf to fall to the ground, there was growing tension between the two ninja that took the field.
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After Meal Training (P, Isobu)  Empty Re: After Meal Training (P, Isobu)

Fri Feb 26, 2016 1:02 am
Before Spite could finish his question Isobu interrupted him, challenging Spite to test his might at himself. Spite took his words to heart as he quickly got into his fighting stance. This was it, the chance to push himself and show Isobu what he was made of. Taijutsu wasn't exactly his specialty, in fact it was one of his least trained abilities. However Spite was determined to prove to himself that he could surpass any obstacle that was blocking his path. He took a second to think of an attack plan, then charged full force towards Isobu who was standing five meters away from him at this time. "ALRIGHT! HERE I COME!" he shouted as he sped up towards Isobu. Spite clenched his fist, pulling it back for the strike; he was only two meters away from him at this moment. After reaching Isobu he let out one last shout as he forcefully motioned his clenched fist forward towards his towering opponent. Isobu didn't even flinch as the punch came towards him. The attack made direct contact with Isobu's stomach. Spite looked up towards Isobu, waiting to see the monster of a man's response. 

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After Meal Training (P, Isobu)  Empty Re: After Meal Training (P, Isobu)

Fri Feb 26, 2016 11:46 am
Isobu grinned when he saw Spite immediately take his fighting stance after he had challenged the boy. He seemed determined to prove himself, and in just a split second, the genin charged toward the large jounin. The giant man did not move, except to tighten his kimono with both hands in one quick motion, as if to prepare. Isobu chuckled as the ninja came charging in, guns ablaze. He shouted at the top of his lungs that his attack was coming. Isobu knew that that was any ninja's first mistake. Stealth was utmost priority if a shinobi had any hope to win a challenge. His eyes were narrowly open, as if he was smiling cheerfully, ignorant to the fact that he was about to be attacked. 

Before the punch Spite was throwing could make contact with Isobu, he moved his open palm so that it was directly in the trajectory of the punch. Spite's fist would be put to an immediate halt before it even reached Isobu's stomach. Isobu would maintain his awareness of Spite's whereabouts while he maintained his position in that one spot. He knew that the boy would either follow up with a more complex taijutsu attack, or try something else. He was curious to see what skills the young Uchiha possessed. Members of his clan had been so rumored to posses unimaginable skill, and this peaked Isobu's curiosity. In the instant following the moment he blocked Spites attack, Isobu said

"You'll have to do better than that...Come at me with a killer's intent. If you don't, I'm afraid you won't stand a chance against me, squirt."
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After Meal Training (P, Isobu)  Empty Re: After Meal Training (P, Isobu)

Mon Feb 29, 2016 2:59 pm
His punch was blocked....BLOCKED! "Dammit!" Spite thought to himself. Isobu told him that he needed to come at him with a killer's intent, and wouldn't be able to accomplish anything if he didn't have that mindset. "Killer's intent, eh?" he said as he smirked maliciously. Spite planted his foot on Isobu's chest, then vaulted himself off of it backwards. He remained in the air for a moment as he reached into his weapon pouch, pulling out a smoke bomb and tossing it at Isobu. Maybe if he couldn't hit him he could get him with a surprise attack. The smoke bomb went off as Spite made contact with the ground, sliding backwards on his feet. "Time for a counter offensive," he quickly thought, kicking up dust as his feet dragged along the ground. He took a second to gather his thoughts, then quickly formed the hand seals Horse>Tiger for his next attack. Spite took a deep breath in, readying his fire style attack. He exhaled, sending a large ball of fire two meters in diameter towards the cloud of smoke that had enclosed Isobu at a speed and power of 20. "How's that for a killer's intent?" Spite thought to himself. 

  -1 Smoke Bomb
-Fire Style: Great Fireball
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After Meal Training (P, Isobu)  Empty Re: After Meal Training (P, Isobu)

Mon Feb 29, 2016 3:54 pm
Isobu watched to see what Spite would do next after seeing that his first attempt to strike Isobu failed. The short "clap" sound that Spite's fist made only lasted a second before the young ninja made a follow up endeavor. Isobu saw the smirk that grew on the young Uhciha's face. Isobu found Spite's foot on his belly shortly after. "Good. Think quickly on your feet..." Isobu thought to himself, not moving from his position. Spite used Isobu's large belly as a launching pad and launched himself into the air. Isobu estimated the distance the boy jumped to be about 5 meters away. A distance that Isobu could quickly cover if he tried. However, Isobu decided he would stay true to the conditions of his challenge and stay in his current position.

Isobu was even furter impressed when a smoke bomb came flying his way. The young Uchiha was far from stupid. After analyzing Isobu's ability in taijutsu, having blocked his attack with ease, he was attempting to switch up his approach. He was certainly learning. Declaring your attack before launching it was not the way of the ninja. Isobu used his long and flowing kimono sleeve to shield his mouth and aid his breathing. All the while, he shifted his eyes left to right for any chance of slight visibility. He had heard the sound of Spite's feet touching and sliding against the ground about 6 meters away from him. Isobu's eyes darted in that direction. "So, Spite? What comes next?" he questioned in his head. Though he couldn't see anything clearly, Isobu saw a large orange-red glow approaching him.

It was a giant fireball hurdling towards the large man. Isobu did not need 20/20 vision to understand what was going on. His experience and specialty in ninjutsu gave him all he needed to know about what he could expect. "Ninjutsu? Well, aren't you the well rounded one.." Isobu muttered under the roar of the flames. Isobu's right arm flew upward before him so that his palm faced the general direction of the incoming fire ball. As the fireball closed in with a speed of 20, the loose clothe on his kimono fluttered in the wind. The fiery blast and Isobu's hand collided and a large explosion swallowed him whole. The smoke around the two ninja would swirl around, occasionally showing the remnant embers from the fireball, while continuing to linger on the battle field. If Spite managed to somehow catch site of Isobu after the blast hit, he would see Isobu in the same position with his right hand still extended, completely unphased.
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After Meal Training (P, Isobu)  Empty Re: After Meal Training (P, Isobu)

Wed Mar 02, 2016 4:13 pm
Spite watched as the large ball of flame collided with Isobu, the explosion surrounded his body. Spite could no longer see Isobu as the flames surrounded him. He wasn't sure if the attack had landed or if it had even done any damage. He needed to follow up with a second counter attack, however that last attack had taken a lot out of him. Spite's chakra was low so he wouldn't be able to follow up with any advanced ninjutsu. He was also growing tired, it had been awhile since he had to challenge himself this hard. "Okay, this may be my last attack I've got to make this one count." he thought to himself as he took a few deep breaths in. Luckily the combination of the smoke from the smoke bomb as well as the smoke from the fireball had still encased Isobu. This would give him enough time to think out a strategy as well as engage it. Spite focused as much of his remaining chakra as he could, then quickly he formed the hand seals Ram>Snake>Tiger, an exact copy of himself appeared next to him. Isobu would more than likely see right through this ruse, but it would at least buy him a little time to make his move. Spite then pulled out a kunai from his weapon pouch, his clone copying his exact actions. "Time to go!" he thought to himself. Spite focused the remainder of his chakra into his feet, hopefully this would give him enough speed to quickly make his move. He began to run straight towards the smoke that had been covering Isobu, it was starting to clear up now so he had to move quickly. Spite was a few meters away now and the smoke had almost completely cleared itself. Isobu was standing there with his palm facing the direction that the fireball had come from, he was unfazed by the attack. Spite ran faster, commanding the clone to stay on the straight forward track towards Isobu. He then ran around in the smoke so that he was now behind Isobu's back. He put his knife up towards the center of Isobu's back, "Your move," Spite's tone was a bit more cocky this time.

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