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Training with Isobu [Open] Empty Training with Isobu [Open]

Thu Feb 25, 2016 8:08 pm
The leaves of Konoha blow gently, washing over the entire village with the weight of a feather. The town was as busy as ever, yet not a sound could be heard. As far as Konoha’s newest jounin was concerened, the only sound he could hear was the grumbling of his stomach. However, he did not have the time to satisfy his stomach just yet. He was in the training fields for a reason. Isobu is more or less, out of shape. He definitely was not the most physically fit member of the Konoha shinobi army. In fact, he was propably and most likely the fattest. However, Isobu knew better than to let that mean that he was the weakest. That is why he is here. If he was to become great enough to become councilman to the Hokage himself, he would need to become stronger. Currently, he planned to learn to control his chakra better so he can properly manipulate his jutsu.
Standing on a patch of dirt in the middle of a field of grass, Isobu widened his stance as if to begin concentrating heavily. He clasped his hands together to form a basic hand seal and took a long and deep breath. After his exhale, he began to yell sporatically. After a second of yelling passed, Isobu was completely clouded by a racing blue aura. It was his chakra frantically being expelled from his stomach. As the chakra poured out from his stomach, he drew the chakra back into his body and molded it to take whatever shape he wanted. Isobu knew that the limits of what a shinobi can mold his chakra into was almost nonexistent. He could literally turn it into whatever he wanted. Since his time as a shinobi, Isobu had become particularly fond of using his chakra and manipulating it to take the shape of an element. Since he discovered the existence of elemental natures of chakra, Isobu used it to create ninjutsu. His favorite element to use is water. It just came naturally to him. When he focused his chakra, much like he was doing at this very moment, it ebbed and flowed in the exact same way that a raging river would.  Isobu molded his chakra to the back of his throat with the intention of demonstrating this form of chakra manipulation. He broke his stance and aimed it toward the lake that was not to far away from where the training stumps were. He turned his chakra into water and expelled it out of his mouth. What left his mouth was something like a raging river, almost exactly how he had imagined it in his head. The water came guzzling out of his mouth and traveled five meters and landed in the pond. Isobu  clapped his hands together as if he had completed a hefty task. His expression seemed to read “Looks like I’ve still got it”.
Now that Isobu had warmed up with the element that he felt the most confortable with, he wanted to move on to his secondary element. He knew that advanced ninja could manipulate more than one element with enough precision and control over their chakra. If he was to be considered one of the best Konoha has to offer, then he would need to do the same. He clasped his hands together once more and molded his chakra. Almost seconds after doing so, the same rush of Chakra engulfed his entire figure. The chakra was a bright neon blue when compared to the light blue complexion of Isobu’s skin. This time, Isobu would harness all of the chakra he molded into his hands as he widened his stance to keep himself steady. He thought about the chakra nature he would use next. He had to feel as light as a feather, light enough to be carried by the wind. Wind was one of the most dynamic elements. It had the grace to carry a feather, and yet the destructive power to cut through rock just as easily as a sword could.
When the chakra was properly molded in the correct proportion, the manipulation of the chakra was visible. It looked as if there were small whirlwinds around Isobu’s hands. He widened his stance even further as he placed both of his hands around his Katana, which was tied tightly to his hip by his sash. The special Katana that was granted to elite members of the Konoha army, and bore the mark of the village on the hilt of the sword. After a moment of intense concentration, Isobu glided the blade in an outward direction ever so gracefully, unsheathing it. The sound of the blade seemed to sing like a bird. When the blade was fully removed from its sheathe, Isobu held it up above his hand briefly. The blade captured the sun’s rays and shined radiantly, blinding anyone who might have been in the immediate vicinity. He then brought it down, and held it in his right hand. The chakra he had mustered up had soon flowed into his blade, so that the whirlwinds formed around the sword itself. The power within the blade was tangible. He eyed the three stumps behind him that were typically used for taijutsu or shuriken throwing practice. He waited for the right moment to be upon him. The wind blew ever so gently, scattering the abundance of leaves in the Leaf village.

Without warning, Isobu pivoted around on his heels and swung his blade with great force. He was about 5 meters away from the sumps, so his physical sword would never reach its target. However, seconds after the fell swoop of the sword, the stumps fell apart at a section where a large slice had been made. In the space in between Isobu and the stumps, several falling leaves had been cut perfectly in half. This was a testament to the power and precision of the Wind element, fuuton. He could increase the cutting power of his sword and enhance the precision of his attacks in general.

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Yasahiro Yagami
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Training with Isobu [Open] Empty Re: Training with Isobu [Open]

Thu Feb 25, 2016 10:11 pm
Spring was in the air. Certainly there were a few days of uncomfortable cold here and there, but it was clear that winter was dying. Birds were singing, leaves were greening and people were spending more and more time outside. Better yet Ashi found herself free of any commitments for the day. The anbu life was the life for her without a doubt, but it was the contrast in her days that truly made life worth living. After all, no one could live a truly fulfilling life working all the time. Yes, contrast between work and time-off was needed for balance.

To be fair, the Inuzuka had spent the morning teaching, but she really didn't consider that work. Her anbu status prevented her from being a full-time teacher, but she did teach the odd class here and there. Teaching had become a passion for the woman. While other teachers often complained about a particularity troublesome class Ashi reveled in it. Perhaps it was the inner light of a child that still flickered in her heart somehow surviving the rigor of an anbu's life? No one could be too sure on that point, but the fact that she was an excellent teacher stood regardless.

However, with morning classes through, the Inuzuka found that she had the whole day to herself, which was a rare prospect as of late. Her initial inclination was to while away the days in the anbu complex as she had all winter, but the weather was begging to be enjoyed. Plus, Chairomaru--Ashi's Ninken companion--clearly wanted to get a run in and who was Ashi to deny him such a pleasure? The poor hound had spent the morning getting his ears pulled on and being ridden around by the youngest academy students; Chai was owed this much.

Naturally, it would look too conspicuous to see a fully garbed anbu waltzing about the village with a large dog, so Ashi took time to change it something somewhat appropriate. Long black pants that were a bit too baggy and accented by a bandage wrapped weapon pouch on her upper right thigh; a Konoha flack jacket under which she wore a white tank top that allowed her pale skin to get some sun; and rounding off her outfit were the sandals on her feet and Leaf village headband hanging loosely around her neck. To top it all off the woman wore her hair in a messy ponytail that reached midway down her back, fittingly,looking a lot like a dog's tail.

Chai, on the other hand, looked like you might expect without a single drop of dye left in his hair as he bounded out of the academy doors and towards the nearby training fields. The streets were filled with a lunch-time hustle, but Ashi and Chai dodged between the crowds with the sprightly energy of children. Luckily the crowds began to thin out as the pair approached the training grounds; Ashi did not much care for crowds, nor did Chai. In a few minutes time they had arrived.

Damn it all...

The training grounds were mostly barren of shinobi due to the midday rush for lunch. A few genin here and there, but the person, or thing, that caught the Inuzuka's eye was a large man with an odd skin color. The anbu had dealt with monsters before and the figure did not qualify as one, but he was not entirely human either. Interested, the woman walked towards the giant with Chai at her right panting slightly.

Making no attempt to conceal her presence, the woman moved with long strides to a point a few meters over the giant's right shoulder. It was at this point that the training grounds mirrored each other: the targets that the giant was facing had twins sitting opposite them and behind him. Ashi found a seat on one such stump, arriving just in time to see as the man chopped the targets across from him cleanly in half with what could only be a wind jutsu of some sort. With Chai sitting to the right of the target log on which the woman sat the pair would wait. Hopefully, the man was finishing up as Chai wanted room to run and dodging blades was not any fun.

"What'd those stumps ever do to you?" Ashi called out with a minute tilt of the head and wrinkle of the nose which distorted the red markings on her face ever so slightly.

Don't people respect the equipment anymore?

Ashi only cared about the equipment because she often found herself fixing or replacing it herself. Not that she minded having to do so, but replacing the same target more than a few times a week would get on anyone's nerves. Such was life though.
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Training with Isobu [Open] Empty Re: Training with Isobu [Open]

Fri Feb 26, 2016 2:41 pm
Isobu took a deep winded breath as he recalled his sword branded with the Konoha symbol back to his sheathe. He made sure he was familiar with this new control over his chakra and so that his muscles could memorize the speed of the movements. It would be useful to both cast jutsu and know how to evade or counter enemy ninjutsu. It was after this moment that Isobu noticed the presence of a woman behind him. He turned around and met gazes with her. She was clearly a Konoha shinobi, and thus, an ally. It surprised him that he had never seen her before in the village. But then again, he felt like he did not know anyone in the village. After all, it wasn't like people were lining up to be acquainted with a giant fish man of a beast like himself. His giant overbearing fangs that jutted upward from his mouth, giving him a severe underbite, were enough to send children crying home to their mother in terror. Clearly, however, this was not the case with the kunoichi that stood before him. Isobu perspired after taking a moment to notice her beauty. "What'd those stumps ever do to you?" she said. After hearing her remark, Isobu turned back to see how much damage he had done. With remorse, he scratched his cheek and replied,

"Ah, well. I just figured it's better to hit my target now, than miss my target on the battle field. HARHARHARHAR!" He laughed heartily with enough force to repel the leaves that had fallen directly in front of his face. It was only after he said this that Isobu noticed the rather large beast of a dog panting at the kunoichi's side. There was a look of anticipation in its eye. For such a large animal, it seemed to be quite tame. This led him to the realization that it was the woman's pet. That was nice and all, but from just looking at it, the dog made Isobu salivate. He had not eaten all day since his training had begun and, though the Icharaku noodle shop owner would probably deny it, Isobu knew that sometimes the meat prepared at the shop came from dog. There was no fooling the nose of Isobu, the most carnivorous man in the Fire Country. He tried to continue his conversation to get his mind off of the dog. "My name is Isobu Hoshigaki. I was just doing a little training, so i don't fall too far behind. I didn't mean any disrespect by it, of course. Or....did you want me to aim my jutsu at a different target instead, miss...?"

He gestured with anticipation to learn the woman's name. His tone was a slight invitation to join him in sparring, since she seemed to care so much about where he aimed his sword. Isobu could feel the powerful chakra levels emanating from the shinobi, she made no attempt to mask it. Just who exactly was she? Were all ninja from the village as strong as she is? Isobu waited eagerly for the woman's reply.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Training with Isobu [Open] Empty Re: Training with Isobu [Open]

Fri Feb 26, 2016 8:46 pm
As the man turned around, Ashi the true size of the blue-skinned-man hit her. She wasn't the best at judging heights, but she figured the man must be at least five or six inches taller than her. Of course, given her short stature, the Inuzuka was more than accustomed to being on the short side of the spectrum. However, for the first time in a while she actually felt small. No, she was not put off by the man size nor by his protruding tusks. He certainly looked monstrous, but it was clear he was no monster. Ashi had seen monsters, she had fought them, killed them even. No, this man was no monster. Thus, the only logical question that lingered in her mind was a simple one, who was he?

The woman could not help but flash a toothy grin in response to the man's oddly infectious laughter. Though she did suppress a laugh herself instead coming out as a muffled snort or a quick puff of air from her nose. That being said, he man had a fair point. Better to mess up where one's neck is not on the line. Ashi had seen the results of the undisciplined and untrained; she had punished such missteps on that fateful day in Kumogakure. Too much death, too many mistakes. The long red scar on her back twinged with the mere thought of it so the woman tried to keep it from her mind by focusing on the matter at hand.

Hoshigaki, I should've guessed.

"Inuzuka," Ashi replied pleasantly as she made the short drop from atop the stump to ground and continued speaking having to actively incline her head upwards to have any hope of looking the man in the eye. "Ashi Inuzuka, nice to meet you."

A slight pause as the woman cast a glance down at Chai before returning to her futile attempt to hold the man's gaze, even Chai looked small.

"Well, normally Chai and I use this place for a bit of midday exercise before lunch. And it simply wouldn't do to make my friend dodge blades in his free-time."

No, he does enough of that in an average day on the job.

"So, if it means a peaceful time for my Chai, then I would be more than willing to occupy your blade for a while. I can't promise anything impressive though."

The Inuzuka accented her words with a coy smile and a slight shrug that hopefully masked the well-meaning fib regarding her combat prowess. Truth be told, the woman had been sizing up Isobu since she first set eyes on him out of habit. The man was large, that much was undeniable, but size wasn't everything, especially in the shinobi world.
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Training with Isobu [Open] Empty Re: Training with Isobu [Open]

Mon Feb 29, 2016 2:31 am
Isobu could feel the young lady sizing him up. This was pretty normal for him though, as villagers would often look him up and down in pure amazement. It was the reason that Isobu once avoided the main roads of Konoha. However, his growing confidence in himself as he climbed through the ninja ranks allowed him to meet the awkward glances with kindness. The two ninja observed each other carefully and even shared a laugh. As the kunoichi introduced herself, he observed the red markings on her face. He had never met an Inuzuka before in person, but had heard about their prowess as shinobi through the grapevine. They were said to utilize dogs as ninja companions. Isobu finally pieced everything together as he looked down at Chai, a dog rather large for its species. Isobu's stomach would have to seek satisfaction elsewhere. If the Inuzuka consider their pets as valued friends, then so should he.

"Well then, let's give little Chai here all the space he needs."

Isobu gestured to offer all the open area in the training ground as running space for the dog. The grass swayed in the wind to entice the nin-dog to enjoy the fresh air at its leisure. There was a small lake nearby with water as clear as crystal and refreshingly cool to drink from. For a dog, the only thing that would make this scene more perfect was endless belly rubs. Isobu's tone made light of Chai's particularly large size, which was still small relative to the giant of a man. He paused for a moment to redirect his attention back at Ashi. Isobu expressed doubt on his face while the girl attempted to play coy with him. There was no doubting that Ashi was Isobu's superior in terms of fighting ability. That much was clear based on comparison of chakra levels alone.

Isobu cracked the large knuckles of one hand in the palm of his other hand and gave a large smile. He would spread his legs and assume a stance that gave the impression he was prepared to fight.

"No promises? Ahh is that so? Well then, I pray Lord Hokage is watching. This is my shot to one-up one of Konoha's finest"
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Training with Isobu [Open] Empty Re: Training with Isobu [Open]

Mon Feb 29, 2016 7:16 am
Chai glanced up at his companion with a weary eye. If a dog could express worry with a single gaze then Chai was doing just that. The nin-ken did not like leaving his companion's side when it came to a fight, especially when it came men. Call it caring or call it jealousy, one could not fault the hound for worrying about his friend. Suffice to say he did not take kindly to those who would take his Ashi away from him.

"Don't worry about me Chai," Ashi said matching her companion's gaze. "I'll be fine; you go have fun."

Forcing his ears back against his head, Chai whimpered ever so slightly like a dejected child, but slunk off all the same. In a matter of moments, the dog was running to-and-fro around the trees, following scents invisible to the blunted human sense of smell and generally having a good time. That being said, one could not help but notice that his watchful gaze would often return to the mismatched pair of giant and human. He was watching and waiting.

"Please, you flatter me, I am no where near the finest," Ashi quipped. "I am a teacher, nothing more."

It was true. To the general public she was a teacher and an occasional drunk. The official record would back and her colleagues would corroborate it. Her existence as an anbu was not easily discovered.

"Shall we begin?" Ashi asked as her stance widened and her hands came together in the customary seal of confrontation. Yes, Ashi was a traditionalist. So many shinobi of Konohgakure embarked in spars while ignoring the old ways. It made their spars less noble and more like brawls than anything else. The Inuzuka woman much preferred to follow tradition; she was raised with it and it continued to mold her each day.

The first move would be Isobus. The woman had intruded on his practice; the honor was his. After all, this spar was for Chai. The man could have very well rebuffed the woman's words and continued flinging his blades down range with wild abandon. In all, it would be rude to simply attack the man.
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Training with Isobu [Open] Empty Re: Training with Isobu [Open]

Mon Feb 29, 2016 4:56 pm
Isobu matched the seal of confrontation as a sign of respect. It had a long time since he had a sparring partner. He was still not as accustomed to the Konoha traditions as he would like to be. As the dog ran amuck in the fields, the two shinobi stared each other down to see who would make the first move. Without shifting his eyes from his opponent, he made note of his surroundings. The nearby lake, the trees in the horizon, the ground below them, and even the few pieces of chopped wood where the practice stumps used to be. 

"Very well, then. Prepare yourself, Ashi-sensei."

Finally, it was time to begin. The giant would make the first move. Now that the traditional seal of confrontation had been made, there was no room for chivalry on the battle field. Isobu drew chakra from his stomach and moisture from the air surrounding them. The area suddenly became shrouded in a thick mist. The mist would be so palpable that that Ashi would not be able to see her own two hands in front of her. While the mist formed, Isobu moved in complete silence. Even when dashing, his movements would be undetectable by sight or sound, even to the most experienced of shinobi. He dashed past the kunoichi and into a nearby shrubbery in a total of three strides, all the while maintaining a safe distance of 5 meters from his opponent.

From the shrubbery, he would observe his opponents moves briefly. As the caster of the technique, he made sure to know his opponent's position at all times. He could tell the difference between his chakra, which was used to shroud the area for about 25 meters in any given direction from where Isobu once stood. With one hand, Isobu gripped the handle of his katana. With the other hand, He formed a hand seal with one hand in order to suppress the his chakra. It would not do well to be tracked as easily as he could track others. He waited for the kunoichi to make her first move...

Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Training with Isobu [Open] Empty Re: Training with Isobu [Open]

Wed Mar 02, 2016 5:53 am
Sight and sound, two important senses for a run-of-the-mill shinobi. Ashi, however, was not your average shinboi. No, she was part of the Inuzuka clan; all senses were secondary to the clan's superior sense of smell and, to be honest, Ashi's vision was never all that great. So, when the thick shroud of cool mist fell over the soon to be battlefield the woman did not panic. Instead she calmly groped for the weapon pouch at her side with her free right hand.

Whatever happened to a straightforward fight?

With her hand finding the familiar cold metal of two kunai handles, the woman withdraws her hand ever so slowly making sure to not make any sudden movements. In tandem with the drawing of the two kunai, Ashi's nose twitches in a way reminiscent of a bloodhound scenting the air. At first it is all moisture, but then she picks up. To describe a smell would do it injustice as one would do injustice if they attempted to describe a person's every quirk. The only thing the woman was certain of was that the scent she now had was that of Isobu, her opponent.

With a trail to follow the woman did not need sight nor sound to locate her prey. With a quick flick of her wrist she releases one of the kunai in the large man's direction while also turning to square off against him. Unfortunately, scent alone only got her so far and the kunai itself did not have the accuracy she would have liked. If Isobu did not move, he would find a kunai buried deep in his right shoulder dismally far away from the center of mass.

I need to get out of this mist...

When it was all said and done the woman did not have many options. It would be foolish to move from where she stood. After all, she could not even see the ground at her feet, what if it was littered with traps of some sort? No, for now she would have to wait with kunai in hand and senses operating at their maximum capacity. She hated feeling helpless, yet here she was feeling just that, helpless. Usually she had Chai in a fight like this and it felt like missing a limb, the two complimented each other. Alas, the hound was off frolicking; she had told him not to worry.

Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Training with Isobu [Open] Empty Re: Training with Isobu [Open]

Thu Sep 15, 2016 3:54 pm
[Way past 48 hours so I am moving forward]

It was all over in a moment. Perhaps Isobu was not the fastest shinobi or maybe the mist effected him as well, Ashi could not be too sure. All she was sure about was that a mere few seconds after she threw her kunai the all too familiar scent of blood was in the air. The harsh irony smell always burnt her nostrils and made her lip curl a bit, some things one never got used to.

It quickly became clear that the anbu's kunai had flown straight and true as the mist began to fade revealing an injured Isobu clutching his shoulder. Then he began to fall and Ashi began to move towards him. Just as the large man was about to hit the ground Ashi caught him with ease only to lay him gently on the ground.

Moving in a controlled manner Ashi felt Chai's eyes drilling into her back, but she didn't have time to acknowledge him. The kunai was buried up to the hilt in the man's shoulder and any delay would not do him any good. First came the removal of the kunai.

"Lay still Isobu," Ashi pleaded with surprising warmth. "You're going to be fine."

And with that blood poured from the gaping wound left by the kunai. As one hand pulled the kunai from its fleshy scabbard the other moved over the wound with a green glow. Beneath her blood soaked hand Ashi felt the skin knitting itself back together in a slow methodical fashion.

One minute turned into ten and ten into thirty, but Ashi got the job done.

"You should be fine now. Your shoulder will be sore for a while, but otherwise I think you'll make a full recovery."

Ashi helped the large man up before turning to go on her way.

"Until next time." Ashi said with a wave of her bloodied hand.

And with that both anbu and her dog were off.

[TWC: 2342, +11 stats for Chai and + 22 ap for Ashi. Exit, topic closed.]
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Training with Isobu [Open] Empty Re: Training with Isobu [Open]

Thu Sep 15, 2016 4:00 pm

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