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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Sat Mar 26, 2016 11:39 pm
The past of couple of days Ryu had been training to use his scorch orbs along with other jutsu. The orbs were a useful they could be used as a secondary attack with a stronger technique or even worked as a primary attack with a weaker jutsu. Overall the orbs had there uses, with that in mind Ryu picked up the scroll for Scorch Release: Extremely Steaming Murder and put it into his backpack. The following morning he would be ready to learn the jutsu and get his first ever bloodline technique that would be the basis for any future ones. With a yawn Ryu hopped into bed and drifted into dream land.
The following morning the ninja did his daily routine of brushing his teeth, showering, and eating. After that Ryu ran up to his room grabbed his bag and left the house. After leaving Ryu had only one descision left to make run to the training grounds after his training or fly there. After a moment of thought Ryu determined the Phoenix wouldn’t like to be summoned as personal chauffer’s. So instead of summoning he was going to hoof it to the grounds. With a little enthusiasm Ryu started his morning jog.
It was one thing to jog around the village about a month ago, but now with the his growing speed the jogs from before were child’s play, the sprinting he used to have to do was equal to the speed of a light jog now it was insane for someone to progress so quickly in such a short time. Plus he started getting looks from some of the village girls who had learned about his kekkei genkei, he had only used it in the training grounds, but word apparently spread pretty quickly. Ryu just had to hope nobody in the village would try to harvest his organs like his mother had said. Picking up the pace the ninja was able to get to the gym within a couple of minutes, you know after he had stopped and waved to anyone he had seen that was waving towards him.
At the gym Ryu showed his headband, normally the place required a membership, but it was free to ninja of the sand. The man nodded and threw Ryu a towel in case he wanted to take a shower after working out. The ninja deposited his items into a locker before heading back into the weight room. Standing in front of the cylindrical bag the ninja started to attack it. First he threw a punch, then a kick, followed by a right uppercut. While the speed of the blows were fast they weren’t particularly powerful, which was one of the reasons the ninja was at the gym that day instead of being outside running. Well that and the fact that sunlight is the bane of Ryu’s existence. Continuing with his boxing session against the bag, the ninja had to stop for a break normally the only use he got out of his arms while training were if he needed to make hand seals or block a fist, so using them to attack took a bit out of him. Picking up a set of weights Ryu returned to working on his strength. He used a machine for leg strength first as the saying goes leg day is something to not be skipped, he didn’t put much weight onto the machine as he didn’t want to be unable to push the thing forward, so putting like one-hundred pounds per side he thought he would be alright. After five reps at two-hundred Ryu’s legs had grown tired, so the genin moved onto the bench press and began lifting with his arms. The bar was balanced and had a textured grip so that it was easier to hold raising the silver bar was easy enough at the current weight of fifty he could get plenty of repetitions lifting the bar it didn’t help him when someone pointed out a sign that said he required a spotter, but he had already finished with the press by the time he was informed so he moved to do something else. Spotting a machine for ab work outs Ryu walked over to it and read the short instructions on the side. I just sit forward and backward and push this thing with my chest? Sitting in the seat provided by the equipment the ninja started to rock back and forth. It seemed really easy, so he heightened the weight needed to move it, until eventually he couldn’t push the thing forward anymore so he dialed the weight back down and continued from there.
Finished with the workout the ninja grabbed his towel and spare clothes from his bag and took a shower at the gym. The water was very hot and that was something the ninja didn’t like so he dialed it down to luke warm and let the water ease his muscles and tension. After washing everything Ryu dried off, changed clothes and placed his towel into the return bin he then walked out of the door saying goodbye to the owner. Outside the gym the genin decided he would walk to the training field instead of running there, he had just taken a shower and didn’t feel like getting sweaty so soon after. There were very few people in the streets of Sunagakure now they had all either gone to work or moved indoors because of the heat. Ryu only wished there was a place he could shoot scorch balls out of view of the suns hot rays, but there wasn’t so he shrugged and continued walking along.  Setting his bag onto the ground at the training gates the ninja took out the scroll for the jutsu and continued his way in. Ryu stopped to look at the people there in case he recognized any of them and would be willing to help him learn the jutsu, but he didn’t so he continued to where his rock sat.
Opening the scroll that he had gotten from his grandfather Levi, the ninja grabbed a seat by the shade of the rock and started to read. The user can create flaming orbs that resemble small suns that can be freely controlled to attack enemies. So in a way these were like stronger versions of the scorch orbs, Ryu could create. They needed no hand seals to make them and didn’t require any chakra to maintain. Creating a scorch orb was easy for Ryu, but when he had trained the technique he used buckets full of water to test it. So with this jutsu being a stronger version he thought he would need a lot more than a couple of buckets of water and instead would need something like a swimming pool. Now Ryu couldn’t afford that he was only a genin after all, but maybe one day when he was older he could get one and use his chakra to turn it into a hot tub. The scroll said he could only create five orbs that had increased power at a time, which was odd because Ryu could make as many scorch orbs as he wanted at any given time, so long as he had enough chakra.
Standing up Ryu began making scorch orbs and made them float around him. “Maybe I should summon Philo to give me an outside look at the jutsu.” Making hand seals Ryu used the summoning jutsu to summon a big muscle bound phoenix. “Hey Philo I’m trying to learn this jutsu called Extremely Steaming Murder, want to help me out?” The phoenix looked through the smoke cloud and at the ninja who had flaming spheres surrounding him. ”You don’t plan on trying this jutsu out on me do you?” The phoenix asked scared by the floating spheres. Chuckling slightly Ryu responded. “What, no. I just wanted your opinion to see if I was doing it okay. You are my friend I would never hit you with one of these.” The phoenix nodded in affirmation that it would help, moving so that the bird was now behind Ryu, he began releasing the orbs towards the rock. As each one streamed through the air it sounded as if fireworks were going off. The collision with the rock burned and made the surface steam up as if there were some form of liquid attached to it, but in the desert there never was any water unless you really looked for it.

”They looked the same as your normal orbs with no difference in the destruction they cause.” The bird said watching as each orb was destroyed on impact. Ryu had to agree the orbs seemed to have the same effect. Making some more the ninja tried to pour more chakra into some of the pink colored chakra spheres. After a moment of concentration Ryu created a couple of orbs not one of which looked any different from the others. This is going to be difficult even if I manage to make one I won’t be able to tell. “Maybe I do need a big pool of water to be able to tell if I’m doing this right.” Ryu just sat on the ground next to his phoenix so that he could wait a couple minutes before leaving the field to go do something else.

Returning to his home Ryu grabbed the buckets he had used the day he trained for the scorch release. He grabbed about six in total and then returned to the field, walking to the water fountain the ninja filled each bucket individually. Luckily Philo was still around to help carry the buckets, but it seemed taking flight caused a bunch of the water to flow out and spill everywhere. “Philo I think I’m going to have to carry them, your flames are evaporating the water.” The ninja couldn’t just tell the bird flat out that his flying was shaky at best, so he lied a little. Returning to the ground the ninja could see that only a quarter of the water remained and that the metal bucket was very hot. The genin began filling the remaining buckets as he waited for the other to cool. Ryu then filled the final bucket and started carrying them over to his training spot.

Channeling scorch chakra was easier than channeling fire and wind, it was almost like he wasn’t attempting to block the natural flow of his body while using it. Like when Ryu would use fire style jutsu now it seemed like he had to block any wind chakra trying to escape and create scorch orbs. The same thing happened when he would use wind, he had to mentally block fire out. It was easy for the sorch chakra to slip out while using another jutsu, it was almost like talking just simple and natural. Maybe that was the key to the technique before Ryu would only use the scorch orbs in conjunction of another jutsu, maybe he had to try to summon them by themselves and use them differently. Focusing on his chakra he began to manipulate the element that was scorch. As he suspected manipulating the chakra was easier than using either of the elements that created it individually. Forming an orb into his palm was simple he called upon the energy and it bent to his will in the form of a ball as he released it the energy swirled around him. He watched as it passed in front of his eyes over and over again, this orb was different than the other solely based on the fact that it did not seem to need more energy to maintain itself. The energy inside of it was more than enough to power it for a limited time, Ryu raised his hand toward one of the buckets and launched the orb into the top. The bucket started to steam instantly and looking closely it was obvious no water remained not a single drop. I guess that’s why it is called extremely steaming murder. Seriously, though if this jutsu were ever to be used on one of Suna’s oasis it would surely instantly evaporate. Not that the ninja would ever do that, but it was something worth noting in case he ever used the technique near a water source.

Philostratus raised an eyebrow at the steaming bucket. ”That seemed a little stronger than the one from before.” The bird walked closer to the bucket to get a better look at the effects of the orb that landed inside of it. ”Maybe you should hit the rock to see if there is any difference then try to make more and use them all to hit the buckets.” Ryu looked up to the phoenix it actually had a pretty good idea of how he should proceed with his training he should attempt to see if the murder spheres were stronger and compare them, also it would be good to know in the future if they look any differently than normal ones.
 WC: 2177
Raizuko Akari
Raizuko Akari
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Mon Mar 28, 2016 2:37 am
The day was quiet as Raizuko stood on the roof on his family’s mansion. It was probably due to it being so early in the morning. From his place on the roof of the large house he would see the sun slowly rising in the distance signalling that the day was only started. Being so early in the morning however still did not mean nothing. The heat of the sun could still be felt as if an everlasting veil of heat had been casted around the village. But Raizuko did not care. He had been living in sand village for all of his life so the heat was not new to him. as he stood on the roof he waited for a special encounter.

Last edited by Raizuko Akari on Fri May 05, 2017 9:20 pm; edited 2 times in total
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Mon Mar 28, 2016 4:29 am
Forming a couple of scorch murder orbs seemed to take just as much energy as forming one and they just seemed to flow out one after the other. Ryu pointed to the rock and one of the orbs gravitating around him slammed into the sun warmed surface. A chunk of the rock blew off as the two came into contact and it was steaming, as the heat was so extreme it had burned a little of the rock. The other four continued encircling the ninja this time he willed two of them to go inside of the buckets and following the young ninja’s order they did so, creating steam that billowed rapidly up until it diffused from the area. The ninja circled the rock a few times and commanded one of the orbs to land inside one of the other buckets. These orbs don’t require as much of my energy, I wonder how long they will stick around. Continuing to move the ninja watched as the orb began to slowly burn out then vanish all together.

Philostratus watched as Ryu chipped the rock and the flames of its body flickered brighter, it was the closest thing to a smile you could get from a phoenix. It was obviously pleased that its theory of testing these orbs onto the rock had succeeded in showing his partner the difference. ”See I told you that could work.” It continued to watch as the other orbs did there things and as the final orb flickered out of existence. ”You should test how far they can go next, then see if you can create regular orbs along with those ones. That will take an incredible amount of energy out of you though.” The phoenix stretched its wings as it ached from sitting stoic for so long and muscles began to lock.

“That’s actually a pretty good idea, maybe we can do some aerial combat training next huh?” The ninja wasn’t joking though he actually wanted to fly above the training grounds and rain down scorch orbs into areas that lacked people, it would be very effective training, plus they wouldn’t need to be high they did need to see if anyone could potentially be hit. Maybe the desert though would be a better place to do something like that though. Ryu put into the back of his mind and grabbed some training dummies from the shed. Even though Ryu visited the training grounds on an almost constant basis he had never really thought about who replaces the dummies. He had never seen someone do it, so they must be doing it late at night or very early in the morning or they used ninjaportation to move all of the equipment used for the field. Setting up the dummies was simple enough jam the stick into the loose sand and make sure its upright easy as can be. With the three dummies set up the ninja walked about seventy meters away and readied his jutsu. The orbs came out all at once and started to circle, he grabbed one in his palm and threw the thing like a baseball. It traveled pretty quickly before losing its energy and disappearing entirely. It had only gone about thirty meters out before doing so. The ninja had to moe much closer with his remaining four orbs, he moved about forty meter closer before stopping and lobbing an orb into the dummies direction. The dummy flew out of the ground and steamed as it shriveled on impact the already skinny straw looked as if the liquid inside of it evaporated as the orb touched it. This wasn’t much different from the normal orbs except the evaporation was much quicker this time and the orb managed to uproot the thing with little effort and send the thing flying back twenty meters.

I wonder if I can target the same thing with all of my orbs. Would they impact at the same time if I wanted them to? “All at once.” Ryu said ordering the orbs to fly towards the dummy he grouped them closely together, so that they could hit and do significant damage to the dummy when they hit they vaporized the dummy and nothing was left except a dried up husk that may have been a stick. The smell was indescribable it didn’t smell like something burning, but some type of wood and straw extract. The ninja waved his hand back and forth to remove the scent from the area. “How was that Philo?” The genin asked the bird letting out a small cough do to a tickle in his throat caused by the wood vapor.

Philostratus approached the husk and lightly jabbed it with his talon, almost immediately the brittle husk began to break apart and scatter with the wind. ”I think it can do some damage to anything made mostly of water and turn it brittle like this. The bird then flapped its wings and sent flying the remaining bits of the dummy and the vapor.

“Yeah, probably. I’m going to make more murder orbs and try to add in some regular ones, but I will only be doing it to see how many I can make. After that I think we can call it a day.” With a little effort spheres of pure heat began to erupt from the ninja’s body, his face grew red as he continued to make more. By the time the ninja had run out of energy there was a festival of lights surrounding the boy and Philo had to back away, just to avoid the orbs. With a raised hand each orb began to flow into the sky, the rockets looked like fireworks to anyone who saw them and exploded once they reached their maximum distance. The explosions were magnificent and terrifying to Ryu as this in the wrong hands could be used for devastating effects instead of for simple and fun things such as fireworks. The celebration didn’t last long though as the energy required for the show began to take its toll on the ninja’s stamina. The boy dropped to a knee while holding onto his summon. “I’m alright that just took a bunch out of me maybe we should return to the gate. Then we can go get some food I feel like I owe you for your help.” Philo would have protested, but watching the training seemed to make him hungry. ”Do you want to fly until we reach the gates? Then we can land, don’t want people to think a phoenix is attacking its easier if people can see you and figure out your with me.” Ryu nodded in agreement.

Hopping onto the bird was something he had never done, so the first couple of tries were unsuccessful. Philostratus had to lower his back as much as he could for the ninja to climb on. Once on top of the bird the flames felt almost cooling to the ninja’s hand and didn’t burn. This would be different if Ryu were anyone else, but because he is the ninja felt no pain. Holding on tightly Philo began to flap and within a minute the two were in the air. The bird circled the training grounds a couple of times letting Ryu experience the sky for the first time. Everything seemed so small from where they were and people looked like dots freckled amongst the sand. There seemed to be someone standing at what appeared to be the gates, but they didn’t seem to be moving. “Hey Philo mind if we go down and check on that person?” Ryu said pointing to the dot so that the phoenix could see. Without confirmation the bird descended and landed on the ground, Ryu jumped off of the birds back and approached what now appeared to be an adult male.

Ryu was dressed in tan cargo shorts and a purple shirt, with tan sleeves that extended down to his wrist. He had a sand headband tied to the right sleeve and sunglasses that pressed against his skin , so it was difficult to ascertain his eye color. The ninja’s hair was sandy blonde and his skin was slightly tanned by the sun and his heritage. Philostratus only watched as the ninja approached what seemed to be another ninja. “Is everything okay, can I get you some water?” The boy questioned the man attempting to get some response out of him, before he was forced to swoop the man off his feet and carry him to the hospital.

WC: 1426
Kyori Uchiha
Kyori Uchiha
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Tue Mar 29, 2016 6:43 pm
I'll post tonight around 8 or 10
Raizuko Akari
Raizuko Akari
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Wed Mar 30, 2016 8:47 pm
(Hey I am going to do you a favor here, I am moving out my house to a new one and I dont know how my activity will be so I will do a quick post hopefully you get some from it to get enough wc for your jutsu. In the future I'll teach you those jutsu you wanted to learn.)

Raizuko was still staring into a blank space when he saw a small bird in the sky carrying what seemed to be a small human. Or was it a large bird carrying a large human? Anyway the bird would come to a flying halt a couple meters in front of Raizuko, the human jumping off Raizuko would come to realize that it was actually a teenager, a boy if his eyes were not failing him. The kid was laced in khaki and purple, he also had on a sand village headband so Raizuko was sure he was an ally. The kid asked him a few questions some of which Raizuko actually needed causing him to nod his head for yes. As soon as he nodded his head a orange chakra would erupt from his body as he heard something like a tare happen around him causing him to close his eyes and then open them. He was surrounded by pure darkness. Where was he? Then he felt something. A surge of chakra from all around him causing him to feel his chakra weaken. His Golden Eye deactivated as he would faint from the rush of chakra leaving his system.

A Couple of Hours Later

Raizuko would awake, his eyes opening slowly taking in the bright light from the sun. His eyes would squint as he rubbed his hands over his eyelids to get them back unsensitive from the light. After get his eyes back working, Raizuko would stretch his arms hearing the cracks of muscles as he stood on his two legs on the luscious grass. Wait grass? And it was beautiful? Raizuko would look down letting out a scream. Where the fuck was he. The Wind Country didn’t have green grass every fucking where. His head would dart up as his eyes looked everywhere they could. Floating islands that defied gravity? A giant tree that went above the clouds? Mountains on the horizon? Temples in the distant? Where the fuck was he. Never in his life had he heard of this place. Then it came rushing back to him. The man he was fighting had turned out to be his father. Did his father send him to this place because he did not want Raizuko to find him? Or did Raizuko get here by accident. Either way it went Raizuko was hungry and needed some food. He would kill for a cold ham sandwich. Instantly a sandwich would appear in the air causing Raizuko hand to shoot forward and grab it. What the fuck just happened. He slowly brought the sandwich to his nose and took a sniff of it. It smelled alright? But was it ok to eat. He would open his mouth bring the sub to it and taking a bite out of it. It tasted better than the ones he bought from the stores in the sand village. Taking a few more bites eating the whole thing Raizuko would come to realize that he was in some sort of genjutsu and he needed a way to get out.


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Akihana Akari
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Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:01 pm

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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Wed Mar 30, 2016 11:06 pm
                The man standing before him nodded yes, but he still didn’t seem alright to Ryu, there was something off. The man became briefly veiled in orange chakra, before he disappeared completely. “Well that was kind of awkward right Philo?” The bird nodded its agreement before the two walked past the gates exiting the training grounds entirely. “Well Philo what would you like to eat today, some type of dumpling? Those noodles you really like?” The bird followed beside the ninja keeping its wings tucked in, so that it didn’t accidently burn anyone. ”I think I’ll take the dumplings, what about you?” The ninja thought about the dumplings for a moment he had them on multiple occasions and they were delicious, so without a word the ninja and summon turned down a street that would take them to the dango shop.

Walking through the village with a phoenix was easy, keeping people from looking and trying to pet it was the hard part. Ryu didn’t understand why so many people tried to touch the phoenix, each time someone attempted he would grab their hand and say the same words. “Did you never learn from touching the stove?” He would then force their hand to the side and keep on walking if they attempted to touch the bird again, which luckily no one did it would be their fault that they got burnt. Not that the ninja wouldn’t just stop them again though.

At the dango shop Ryu had the flaming bird wait outside, luckily Philostratus could talk and warn people of the dangers of touching the flames. The talking was more than enough in keeping everyone away. Returning with a couple of dumplings Ryu held the stick and let the bird eat off of it, while he enjoyed his own. After the two finished their food they both said their goodbyes before the phoenix was de-summoned and left in a poof.

After the Ryu and Philostratus split ways it was time for Ryu to head home and maybe take a relaxing break from all of the work he had done that day. A nice shower would definitely feel nice on the ninja’s aching back and then maybe a big slice of cake for all of the extra effort he was putting in lately. Opening the door to his house the ninja past the kitchen and headed straight up the stairs and into his room. 
WC: 403
TWC: 4006
Claiming Rewards: (Scorch Release: Extremely Steaming Murder and 20 stats)

Last edited by Ryu Reinhard on Thu Mar 31, 2016 7:27 am; edited 1 time in total
Akihana Akari
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Wed Mar 30, 2016 11:10 pm

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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Thu Mar 31, 2016 7:28 am
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