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Let the Games Begin!

Yuri Yamikumo
Haru Hyuuga
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Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Clan Specialty : Lollygagging
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 181400

Let the Games Begin! - Page 2 Empty Re: Let the Games Begin!

Tue Jul 12, 2016 10:07 pm
Time and time again, Yuri would feel it. She knows it was always because the lack of her diversity to face the trials given to her. It was no different this time round, she did not evade the swing fully and felt the pain opening up at her stomach area. She could only deduce the full extent of it when the sword came for her chest and she thought there was little she can do. Her thoughts were forced to exceed the rate at her body at its best, instananeously knowing the operative is a guy. As the tip of the sword made contact point when she had to shift her torso back up, her right arm made the most out of it such that the sword went diagonally through her by the right of her chest missing her vital organ with a hand length jerk downwards. At the same time when his stabbing hand that held the sword was coming forward along with the sword, Yuri would grab his left hand with her right arm and pulling it to right to get him moving downwards and closer to her. At the same time, her left hand would go straight to strangle his neck at the same time. She did not need to find herself puking, which means both swings did not reach her intestines or organs though it still hurt from years of painful experiences getting all kinds of wounds on her body. She would have imagined the pain if this is her first wound in an actual fight. If either of her hands achieved their aim, her left length would go for a hard kick in between his legs, all to lighten the load for her partner to apply the finisher.
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Let the Games Begin! - Page 2 Empty Re: Let the Games Begin!

Sun Jul 17, 2016 10:48 am
Ren saw Yuri take a blow from the man's blade, It didn't look good, Ren wasn't yet an experienced medical ninja but even with his limited knowledge he could tell she would need healing sooner rather than later, even so Yuri turned the situation to her advantage, catching the man in a hold. For a fraction of a second Ren's face, which had been grim and focused for the majority of the match, was coloured impressed. 'This girl really knows how to fight.'  He thought, before his mind clicked back into the battle, Rushing through the possible outcomes Ren realised that this was probably the best chance they were going to get at winning this fight, and so Ren was going to throw everything he could into this. He began to run at the two of them, hands forming together to weave handseals coming from the angle he had positioned himself in before, and having not stopped moving his momentum carried with it more speed than most genin were capable of seeing, let alone moving at, but even so it was not enough, and Ren knew this, but he pushed through regardless, leaping up and performing the dynamic entry technique that he had been learning for just such an occasion, and aiming to collide with the man's side, right at the weakest point of the ribs. It was a risky gambit, leaping from the ground again after the last time had almost knocked him out of the match early, but it was one he would have to take. He was aimed at their opponent, and from his position, even if the man broke free of Yuri's hold Ren wouldn't hit her by mistake. Even so the man had proven to be enough of a problem that this wasn't the only part of Ren's plan, as Ren connected with the man he would thrust his left hand into his face, just under the mask, and release his Dark River Breaking seal again, five shots released in a scatter, two aimed for the throat and three for the head; the man wouldn't be able to block or dodge his attack that way, Ren thought. As Ren came into contact with the man his Right hand would go to the wound that had been inflicted on Yuri, his medical chakra beginning to flow into the wound and allowing it to start clotting and hopefully healing.

Techniques used

AP: 53 (108 - 55)
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Let the Games Begin! - Page 2 Empty Re: Let the Games Begin!

Sun Jul 24, 2016 2:54 pm
As the blade sliced through the girl's skin, Altar would feel a strange sense of bloodlust overcome him. He would grin madly under his mask, Kalamity's voice louder than ever in his head. It screamed for blood, it wanted him to kill them.

And maybe he would.

As the sword slid across the girl's skin, a deep red shroud would encase Altar, rolling off him like thick smoke as the image of a dragon appeared behind him. The creature would let loose a wild roar, preparing itself to bathe in the blood of whomever stood before it. It was frenzied, it was hungry, and it would be feed this day.

As the beast let loose it's cry, the blade would slide into the girl, before ripping upwards and out from the girl's left shoulder before slicing back across in a smooth motion, decapitating the girl in seconds flat. The beast would roar in delight, the girl's head landing at Altar's feet, the body falling backwards flat onto the ground.

Letting loose an insane laugh, Altar would turn to Ren, raising his hand as a jet of blue flame let loose from said hand. The stream would eviscerate and disintegrate the boy's head and shoulders, and before the body slumped, Altar would run over and jam his hands into the corpse's chest, ripping it apart, holding what had once been the boy's heart in his left hand. A mad grin on his face, Altar would listen to the beast's roar of approval before letting himself fully calm down.


Or at least, that's what the poor Genin would see.

After the beast appeared, the Genin would be in such a high state of fear they'd be hallucinating their own deaths, scared beyond potential to move. In the real world, Altar would continue with his cut, but would then embrace the girl, the seals on his torso activating and draining the girl. She would pass out instantly, slumping to the floor.

Next was Ren. Altar would simply run over to Ren and do the same, embracing him as the seals activated, the boy sharing the same fate as the girl.

~Jutsu Used -

~AP Remaining - 745~

(If i'm reading display of power right, you two become immobile out of pure terror, simply standing there and hallucinating of your own deaths to come)
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Let the Games Begin! - Page 2 Empty Re: Let the Games Begin!

Tue Aug 02, 2016 8:47 pm
The fight appeared to be coming to an end, unfortunately. Altar was in a grapple with Yuri, who demonstrated a level of grit Haru had not expected, fighting while impaled. Ren moved more tactically, making attacks at Altar from a distance, aiming to either distract or hit him while he was distracted. A worthy strategy. Then the battle settled in to what appeared to be a somewhat unsatisfying close, with Altar's battle aura manifesting itself, something that typically only happened in heated battles. He didn't think the captain needed to use it, though he doubted it was of his own willing. Often, auras manifested without the user even considering it. He knew what would come next. Altar's power would overwhelm the two genin, he could tell, and then... 

Haru felt something inside him let loose as his own aura was summoned, seemingly of its own violation. The huge, grey-furred bear stood upright, and let loose a roar. Its pale, intense eyes, lacking pupils, appeared to stare right into the soul of whoever happened to meet its gaze. The veins around the eyes were visible, furiously pushing through the skin and subsequently bearing a terrifying visage to any who looked upon it. The scar that once adorned the bear's left eye had since disappeared, something Haru would never know or notice, but an important detail nonetheless. The bear stood there, waiting, begging for a confrontation. Altar's dragon had a palpable presence, but Haru's was stronger still. Though Altar would likely not be paralyzed by it, it might cause him to hesitate as he detected it.

"Stand down." The Mizukage spoke, just before the operative rendered his targets unconscious. He wanted the two left awake and coherant. He would speak once more to the operative who wore the mask that was once his own, the face of the bear strangely familiar and yet, surreal, to him. "Captain, you are dismissed." He would speak, and he expected the operative would make himself scarce. 

The moment Haru spoke the words "Stand down," medical ninja would rush from the bowels of the arena to Yuri, quickly laying her down on a stretcher and tending to her wounds. She would be completely healed shortly, the holes in her chest no longer letting blood drip freely. While she was being treated, Haru would speak, loudly, because that's what he was sure he was supposed to do for the audience and for the genin in the arena.

"Ren Tsubasa. You have demonstrated an acute sense of teamwork and tactics that befit a ninja of the Chunin rank. I suggest you make an effort to increase your library of jutsu using your newfound resources."

By this time, Yuri's treatment would be concluding, the medical ninja working so fast that blood would hardly stain the stones. Haru would then speak to her.

"Yuri Yamikumo. Today, I saw a shadow of the strength I once knew you to possess. You're not as strong as you once were, but I see you are coming close. You have demonstrated grit and determination, something that earns you the rank of chunin. I advise you to do the same as Ren." He said, a small smile crossing his face at his former teammate's good fortune. He had feared having to stay the promotions, but the two were well along their way, considering their adversary. He wished he did not have to pit the genin against an ANBU, but this was the best he could do on short notice.

"Go forth, this exam is concluded." Haru would say over the roaring applause for the two genin that had erupted. Without any ceremony, Haru would turn and leave, his two guards following him.

(Exit, memorizing Ren and Yuri's chakra sigs. Not claiming anything else)

(Also promoting these two to chunin.)
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Let the Games Begin! - Page 2 Empty Re: Let the Games Begin!

Wed Aug 03, 2016 9:45 pm
Ren stood there dumbfounded, for a short while it had seemed like him and Yuri had been doing okay, perhaps not holding their own but surviving all the same, and then he felt the full force of the two giants chakra's clashing before him, a massive bear and a terrifying dragon, the two releasing so much force that he found himself feeling faint. Ren fell down to one knee mustering all his energy in an attempt to keep himself from passing out, and then as quickly as they had appeared, they dispersed.

Ren walked over to Yuri, exhausted but also concerned for his friend. Friend, the word felt weird bouncing around his head, he hadn't had one for years, not since before the village had been destroyed, but fighting in this arena had made him As the medical ninja came out and began healing Yuri, One of the ninja came over to offer him healing, but he brushed them aside, he wanted to help, but looking at the techniques that were being used he could tell at a glance that he would just be in the way. Once Yuri was healed Ren heard the Mizukage speak, drawing his attention to him, the young mans voice echoed throughout the stadium, Ren barely understood what he was saying until he heard the man say that he befit the rank of Chunin... Ren was grinning, he turned to Yuri just as Haru declared her promotion as well and grabbed the smaller girl in an excited hug before remembering himself and stepping back a bit, blushing at his behavior before congratulating the girl again.

Once Haru concluded the exam Ren would leave the Arena the same way he had entered, but not before thanking Yuri for her help, and suggesting that they should keep in touch.

Claiming Chunin Rank and Free skills, 20 stat points from Rankup
Not sure if I can claim the WC from this topic, If so [TWC: 1411 Claiming 7 Stat points] and I'm under the Impression I can claim the Lost arts of Kiri since Ren's Backstory has him as a Kiri Survivor?
Also Memorising Yuri, Altar and Haru's Chakra Signatures

Last edited by Ren Tsubasa on Wed Aug 03, 2016 9:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Let the Games Begin! - Page 2 Empty Re: Let the Games Begin!

Wed Aug 03, 2016 9:51 pm

Approving Haru's exit.

Ren, everything looks good but I need a TWC to approve. You can get stats for this topic too. <3
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Let the Games Begin! - Page 2 Empty Re: Let the Games Begin!

Wed Aug 03, 2016 9:54 pm
Whoops, sorry typo there all fixed
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 223500

Let the Games Begin! - Page 2 Empty Re: Let the Games Begin!

Wed Aug 03, 2016 10:17 pm

Approved @ Ren <3
Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : mhm
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Clan Specialty : Lollygagging
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 181400

Let the Games Begin! - Page 2 Empty Re: Let the Games Begin!

Thu Aug 04, 2016 12:42 am
Yuri almost succeeded in her actions before seeing a being that formed behind the operative. It was not something she expected, but still logically possible given the perils that she had to overcome in her years of live training; A dragon ready to end her stay in a living world anytime. Controlling her fear before it exploded, her vision's edge saw the sword went up from where it entered. Her shoulder looked to be lost to her before she would expected it. Worse still, it might not be affecting only her since she is not the only in this exam together. She was on the verge on changing attention by trying to get to where he currently is but found herself fighting against staying conscious immediately. That was not successful either as darkness enters her vision, losing her hold of the situation all together.

That was what that would have happened before she realized that she was tended. Losing track of time for a split moment, she was indeed wounded as the pain from her stomach area got to her brain. Worse still, the pain from the stab that followed almost knocked her out. She only discovered that her partner in this exam can use medical techniques now.

Everything went from fighting again pain to cutting loose in a moment when she saw one of the people that knew her identity way before everyone did. There was no doubt and he is standing and speaking to her exam partner at this moment. Ugh! He triggered her injuries' pain as she could felt the excitement from her exam partner before congratulating him properly. The exam looked to be over before she could expect the next attack from the operative. Confusion swamped her head for until He told her about her promotion, giving her an even greater truth about how much he had changed over the years. She could still feel the injuries after treatment but was glad somebody she once forged a bond with was still well and alive.

We should Replying to his suggestion, keeping a thought to improve relations at the same time. Looking at the crowd and the people that she ought to keep in touch, she took a closer observation at them for a while before looking for the exit, content with what she came here for.

TWC: 1647
[Claiming 8 stats and Chunnin Rank]
[Taking note of Ren's and Haru's chakra signatures]
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Let the Games Begin! - Page 2 Empty Re: Let the Games Begin!

Thu Aug 04, 2016 12:51 am

Approved <3
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