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Let the Games Begin!

Yuri Yamikumo
Haru Hyuuga
6 posters
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Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Let the Games Begin! - Page 3 Empty Re: Let the Games Begin!

Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:58 pm
Altar's body stiffened slightly at the feeling of immense power washing over the arena from where Haru sat. Stopping dead in his action, just before touching Yuri, Altar's head would snap to the direction of the Mizukage. Seeing the grizzled bear that emanated from above the man, Altar grew zealous. The dragon would roar as the bear did, the two beasts staring each other down as Altar looked to the man. Few would take true note, but having seen the bear before, Altar was of the few. The scar adorning the bear's left eye had disappeared.

As the beasts locked eyes for a precious second, Altar vaguely wondered if the two would ever be on par. They had previously been unmatched, Altar's being vastly weaker than Haru's, as was true of the two themselves. Haru, once an ANBU agent, and Altar, one rank below. Now they stood on higher ground, but there was still an almost palpable difference. Perhaps Altar would never truly reach that level. For every turn taken, there was another ahead. As he advanced, Haru did the same, seemingly impossible to catch up to. Perhaps he would never be on equal ground with the man.

As the man spoke, Altar would kneel to the man, the dragon disappearing.. Hearing his order of dismissal, Altar would look to the man once more before nodding quickly and flitting away, exiting the arena.

~Memorizing the chakra signatures of all three people~
~TWC - 1,584~
~All towards mastering Mass PulL~
Aryll Hyuuga
Aryll Hyuuga
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Let the Games Begin! - Page 3 Empty Re: Let the Games Begin!

Wed Sep 06, 2017 4:45 pm
Late approved
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