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Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Inadvertent meeting of Kin - Page 2 Empty Re: Inadvertent meeting of Kin

Fri Aug 19, 2016 7:32 pm
Kotsuzui expected Kirino to be launched pretty far by throwing her, but to his surprise she used her massive bone spear as an anchor to keep her from going anywhere. Kotsuzui had also noticed that even with his all his strength he wasn't able to pin Kirino down with Early Sacrifice as she had been able to turn around during the Taijutsu. She was quick and strong, she was turning out to be the perfect sparring partner for Kotsuzui. Once she recovered, her bone spear began cracking as it retracted back into her body. It only made sense that a taijutsu with that kind of strength only lasted for a brief moment, it probably took quite the toll on the body to use it.

"What?" Kotsuzui thought to himself when Kirino caught two of his bone bullets out of the air and simply let the remaining hit and bounce off of her. He had never seen anyone do that before, let alone not even bother to avoid them. "Could her bones be that much denser?" Kotsuzui thought, as that could be the only reason as to how they had no effect on her what so ever. "I could say the same for you" Kotsuzui replied to Kirino's remark. "That was quite the weapon you created there. You also seem to have pretty solid bones, I wonder how you got them to be so strong?" he asked, wondering if it was simple training or a taijutsu itself. A sinister grin spread across his face now as his blood began to boil even more. He was enjoying this a lot more than he ever expected to.

Kirino charged in to continue her attack as Kotsuzui noticed she also had a smile. Of course she was enjoying this also. She was also a Kaguya and this is what they did. Kotsuzui dodged the first punch with relative ease as he took a step back while sliding his body to the side. From what he had gathered, Kirino was relatively just as fast and strong as Kotsuzui was. But now he needed to see how strong her bones really were after seeing her stop his bone bullets dead in their tracks. Once the second punch came in, Kotsuzui performed the Intersection Method taijutsu as he brought up his left knee while smashing down his right elbow. As he did this he caught Kirino by the forearm with enough force to break it. If successful, Kotsuzui would feel Kirino's forearm shatter in between his knee and elbow and would also figure out the full extent to the strength of her bones. Whether the Intersection Method was successful or not, he quickly spun on his right leg while keep his left leg in the air to deliver a spinning kick to Kirino's gut to try and created some distance between them.

Intersection Method
+55 strength & +70 speed with scaling
130 strength & 170 speed
Since my strength(130) is greater than your health(105), if the taijutsu connects your forearm breaks.

AP: 354 -35 = 319
Brooke Uchiha
Brooke Uchiha
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Inadvertent meeting of Kin - Page 2 Empty Re: Inadvertent meeting of Kin

Mon Aug 22, 2016 3:13 am
”Yes, I’ve altered my bones density with a jutsu. It offers increased strength and resistance.” It was a lie of course the real reason it increased her resistance and strength was because she had created an additional layer of bone that sat under her skin and above the muscle. This offered additional stability which could be used to gain an advantage.

As the girl threw her arm forward Kotsuzai captured it between his knee and elbow, the crack was audible enough for both to hear. (Since there are two layers of bone would you stop after knowing the arm is broken or would you stop? Basically, would you go through both or stop after you broke the top layer.) Kirino looked at her arm there was some pain, but broken bones were nothing for a Kaguya.

Using her non-injured arm she attempted to grab Kotsuzai’s shoulder (speed 173, power 120) as he had done before and throw him some distance away. At this point she had gotten rid of the additional armor to assess her injuries. If her arm were broken she would begin to manipulate the osteoclasts in her arm to begin mending the damage, if not she would play off the arm as broken.

Early Sacrifice used
-40 AP
AP Remaining: 331 AP
Bone armor now on cooldown for 5 posts

(Don’t worry about breaking my arm we are Kaguya we don’t stop short, Kirino understands. Besides I’m not entirely sure, but I think we can just heal bones instantly because of our BL. We can replace our entire spinal column, why not heal a broken bone.)
WC: 209
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Inadvertent meeting of Kin - Page 2 Empty Re: Inadvertent meeting of Kin

Tue Aug 23, 2016 2:02 pm
Kotsuzui went for his spinning kick to the gut but hit nothing but hair when Kirino performed Early Sacrifice herself. At that point there was nothing Kotsuzui could do but let himself be thrown, and that's what happened. Upon impact on the ground Kotsuzui rolled away and quickly got himself back onto his two feet. "Damn that was strong" Kotsuzui said to himself as began rolling his shoulder to try to adjust to the pain. It was the first time someone used that taijutsu against him and he was only realizing how effective it really was now. The two Kaguya members were pretty even, but now that Kotsuzui had managed to take out one of Kirino's arms the tides may be shifting in his favor. But the early sacrifice had taken quite a toll on Kotsuzui's body and he was still feeling the damage from smashing into the ground. He needed to stall for a bit before fully recuperating. 

"You sure you wanna keep going" Kotsuzui began with a slight grin spread across his face. "Not sure how well you'll be able to keep up with me now that you've got one arm." Kotsuzui proceeded to forming the dog, tiger, snake, dog, rat, and finally the snake hand seals as he knelt down to the ground. Slamming his hands onto the ground, the ground two meters ahead of Kotsuzui began to crack and crumble as 10 large sharpened rocks shot out of the ground and towards Kirino. These too were shot almost like a shotgun spray to cover a larger amount of area, but they were relatively slow and would probably still be easy to avoid. It was simply used to keep Kirino on the tip of her toes. Now that Kotsuzui showed her he could also use doton skills, he was hoping to get her to be more cautious. Now she wouldn't know whether to expect a taijutsu or an earth jutsu to come at her next.

Flying Thrown Stones
Only move with 25speed.

AP: 319 -22 = 297

(Technically, that makes sense to be able to repair broken bones. It wouldn't make any sense that we couldn't. But I once asked someone if we could and they said no, that we needed healing jutsu to heal broken bones even if we were Kaguya. He's not on the site anymore though and wasn't a moderator. I'm trying to see with one of them if we can heal broken bones. But as far as I know i dont think we can. Also, I probably would have broken both the extra layer of bone as well as your actual bone because the 105 health is both your actual bone and the additional thin layer put together. And my strength was high enough to get through both).
Brooke Uchiha
Brooke Uchiha
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Inadvertent meeting of Kin - Page 2 Empty Re: Inadvertent meeting of Kin

Wed Aug 24, 2016 9:42 am
There was no denying that her arm was indeed broken, it looked slightly crooked and bruised. As her opponent soared through the air she took the opportunity to move it back into place and numb the pain with chakra anesthetic. As she touched the bone she cried out slightly the pain hard to bear as she bit into her kimono forming three chakra seals as quickly as she could with a broken arm. (speed 50, figured about half speed was appropriate.)

Kotsuzui asked a question that was probably meant to be kind, but his smile implied differently. He then made a statement that while true also seemed to be hiding something. ”It is a facade right, the throw must have hurt a great deal.” It will be much harder from this point on. Only using one arm, but… I can’t give up now! With her mind resolved she made a hand seal and took a massive breath in. As the oxygen entered her body her pupils and iris disappeared leaving behind a purely white eye and a yellow aura extended from her body.

Kirino moved out of the way of most of the stones. (speed 116) As she weaved through them she used her injured arm to punch one of the rocks either shattering it or sending it back at Kotsuzui (power 80) Those felt weaker than his previous attacks using his bone, but it is good to know he is using earth element as my lightning can beat it. There was no use in rushing in at this point he had the upper hand all she could really hope for was for him to rush in recklessly and attack him with something unexpected. Her new form seemed to be giving her increased strength and speed, but would it be enough? This was only the first breath and it still seemed difficult to control. Her chakra seemed to flow into her body preventing it from doing anything else.

Used Seven Heavens Breathing Method 1st breath
Chakra Anesthetic 15 Ap
311-15=296 AP remaining

Last edited by Kirino Kaguya <3 on Fri Aug 26, 2016 7:36 am; edited 1 time in total
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Stat Page : Stats
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Inadvertent meeting of Kin - Page 2 Empty Re: Inadvertent meeting of Kin

Thu Aug 25, 2016 3:39 pm
Kotsuzui saw Kirino attempt to move his forearm back in place in order to make it semi functional. Kotsuzui concluded that Kirino was tough and wouldn't expect any less from a member of the Kaguya clan. Kotsuzui smiled again to Kirino's remark before firing off his earth stones. She saw right through him, knowing full well Early Sacrifice did its damage to the male Kaguya. Kotsuzui proceeded to firing the earth stones and Kirino handled them as he expected, even surprising him by smashing one of the stones with her broken arm. Something caught Kotsuzui's eye while she maneuvered around the earth jutsu. There was some kind of yellow aura being expelled from her body. Kotsuzui remember seeing something similar to this. When he faced off against John Kaguya, he activated something known as the The Gates which expelled a green aura from his body. Though Kirino wasn't expelling the same colored aura, could it be she had only activated a lower level of the Gates? She very clearly activated something to increase her speed, but would she be fast enough?

With his left hand Kotsuzui pushed aside his kimono over his right shoulder revealing it as it began moving under his skin. Shortly after a bone hilt protruded from his skin as it began pushing out of his shoulder. With his left hand, he pulled the bone sword out the remaining distance revealing the 3 meter long bone weapon. Kotsuzui waited for his shoulder to close up before he made his move. Dashing towards Kirino, he began a flurry of thrusts with his bone sword. As fast as he could, Kotsuzui kept thrusting his bone sword in an attempt to keep Kirino on her toes and see how much faster she had gotten.

Dance of the Camillia
125strength & 150speed

AP: 297 -20 = 277
Brooke Uchiha
Brooke Uchiha
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Inadvertent meeting of Kin - Page 2 Empty Re: Inadvertent meeting of Kin

Fri Aug 26, 2016 8:04 am
Kotsuzui moved forward with impressive speed pushing his kimono aside to pull out what Kirino had to assume would be a bone weapon. Kirino stood motionlessly waiting for an opportunity to strike, his blade looked sharp. It didn’t seem to be made for slashing, but piercing however. Which would mean he was likely to thrust the blade, which would widen the gap between them. Something that was unfortunate. Her trump card was a close distance attack though, one that would fail if she were to miss.

Do I use my broken arm as a shield or just go for it anyway? Well it isn’t completely useless. With the blade coming towards her body, Kirino threw a punch forward (speed 158, power 115) when the fist was launched it created a vacuum which made it difficult to move. (Need 50 strength to resist.) If the first connected she would throw another with the same speed and strength and so forth until either one missed ending the technique or Kotsuzui was down and out of the fight.

Whether he was down or not the fight would likely end soon, Kirino’s anesthetic was beginning to wear off. She could feel a tingle from where she had smashed the rock starting to run up her arm. The anesthetic was still doing as needed for the moment, but would not last another thirty seconds after which she would once again have to adjust to the pain or apply some more anesthetic. 

WC: 246
Maintaining Seven Heaven's Breathing Method -20AP
Used Evening Elephant +60 speed and strength. +70 strength and +85 speed from scaling. Both get divided by two. So +35 strength and +42 speed. -55AP
241-20= 221 AP Remaining
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Stat Page : Stats
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Inadvertent meeting of Kin - Page 2 Empty Re: Inadvertent meeting of Kin

Fri Aug 26, 2016 11:07 pm
It seemed Kirino was going to wait for Kotsuzui to close the distance between them before making a move. Upon reaching her, Kotsuzui aimed his first strike at Kirino's shoulder looking to take out her other arm. As he did so, Kirino moved in with an attack of her own attempting to punch him. Who would be the one to land their strike first? It wasn't Kotsuzui for Kirino was a tad quicker with her attack. Kotsuzui's eyes opened slightly wider for a brief moment when he spotted what was coming. Kirino had created enough force with her punch to create a massive wind vacuum which Kotsuzui was hit by point blank and felt the full force of the attack. Had it not been for his forward moment he would have likely been shot back quite a distance, but he had managed to build up enough strength to stand his ground. "What power!" Kotsuzui said to himself as he began seeping chakra from his feet into the ground below him softening it. Kirino pulled back for another punch and Kotsuzui knew that if he took more hits from that he may be put into the hospital for a few weeks. 

Before the second punch came in Kotsuzui sunk into the ground avoiding the incoming strike and moved as far to his left as he possibly could so that Kirino would have no idea where he went. He managed to create some space between him and Kirino, but not as far as he normally would have gone because his whole body was in pain. It was as if a house had just fallen on top of him. "She pulled out her big guns" Kotsuzui said to himself, managing to crack a smile even with his body feeling like it did. He contemplated using his own 'big gun' taijutsu, but he had to consider his options. That last attack was devastating and it would definitely have a lasting effect on Kotsuzui's body for the rest of the spar if it were to continue. Say he were to come out of the ground to use his taijutsu, his movements would be slower than usual which would give Kirino enough time to strike him first. That was assuming he could even manage to produce enough strength, force and friction to use it. "Dammit, I was really enjoying this" Kotsuzui though to himself.

"Looks like you got me" Kotsuzui said just as he crawled out from the ground about 15 feet from Kirino. He attempted to get up onto his feet but evidently fell down onto one knee, stabbing his bone sword into the ground using it for support. After his failed attempt, the male Kaguya simply fell onto his ass taking a seat on the ground. It was too bad Kotsuzui couldn't continue the fight, but at least he knew he had a solid Taijutsu user to spar with when he needed it. His teammate Kisuke was a prodigy Genjutsu user so there was little hand to hand combat when training with him. And Kaze was a well rounded shinobi but was most proficient with ninjutsu so hand to hand combat was minimal with him as well. Kirino was the perfect sparing partner for Kotsuzui. "That was one hell of an attack you used there" he spoke, "I wasn't expecting that at all." Painfully looking up towards Kirino, Kotsuzui cracked another smile while saying "this one's yours." 
Brooke Uchiha
Brooke Uchiha
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Inadvertent meeting of Kin - Page 2 Empty Re: Inadvertent meeting of Kin

Mon Aug 29, 2016 11:09 pm
Kotsuzui moved into the ground slowly, as Kirino adjusted her punch she felt her broken arm erupt with pain the anesthetic wearing off. She attempted to kick the sinking ninja, but his whole body had sunk into the ground at this point. It would be difficult to find him at this point and staying still would be a terrible idea. Moving in an unpredictable pattern nine steps forward, two left, three right, six forward, and it changed never making the same movements.

She stopped once the other ninja surfaced and proclaimed his defeat. It seemed that one strike of the evening elephant was enough to take him down, the other strikes had they hit may have injured him beyond repair.  Then again he probably deserved it after breaking Kirino’s arm. Ending her use of the seven heaven’s breathing method Kirino looked at her opponent. ”You had some pretty good attacks yourself.” She motioned to her broken arm which had swelled and bruised more and more since she had first received the break.

”I should probably go get this looked at in the hospital. Care to join me?” She would ask seeing as they probably both needed the medical treatment Kirino more than him. Even though the genin had said it was her victory, she thought it had been his. Had he not given up at that moment Kirino would have herself the pain in her arm becoming unbearable. Making the seals for chakra anesthetic once more she numbed the pain once more until they could get to the hospital.

WC: 259
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Inadvertent meeting of Kin - Page 2 Empty Re: Inadvertent meeting of Kin

Tue Aug 30, 2016 4:27 pm
Kirino replied to Kotsuzui's remark stating that he also had some good moves of his own as she showed him her broken arm. If anything, her broken arm was an indication that she had proven herself strong enough to the point that Kotsuzui thought it necessary to use a taijutsu strong enough to do that. "Here, you think I would have broken your forearm if I couldn't repair it myself?" Kotsuzui said as he pushed his bone sword into the ground using it as an anchor to finally get to his feet. Pulling it out of the ground, he slipped the weapon in between his kimono and his belt which bore the Konoha plated symbol. 

He gingerly approached the female Kaguya as he clapped his hands into the Boar seal followed by the Rat seal. Shortly after his hands began to flow with a blue aura around them as his chakra began to expel from his pores. Placing his hands over Kirino's forearm, Kotsuzui held them there as he began mending her bones back together. "Ironic isn't it" he began as he healed the injury he caused. "I'm the taijutsu user of my team thus the most likely to get injured, yet i'm the one learning to be a medic." It took a few moments, but in no time the bone was healed and mended back in place. "There you go, that should take care of the pain. This is only a temporary fix. Your bone is in perfect condition now but it may not hold for long. I'd suggest still going to the hospital though, they'll make sure it holds for good. And yea, I'll accompany you there" he added, though he did not plan on getting checked by a nurse. All he really needed was some rest, and a bottle of sake which he currently had on him. But he would wait a little while longer before pulling that out.

So he would walk to the hospital with Kirino while doing his best to keep a good pace. "How bout you teach me that last move you used there after we're done at the hospital and I'll show you one of my strongest Taijutsu in return?"
Brooke Uchiha
Brooke Uchiha
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Inadvertent meeting of Kin - Page 2 Empty Re: Inadvertent meeting of Kin

Fri Sep 02, 2016 6:36 pm
Kirino waited as the other Kaguya healed her arm, the pain started to dissipate as the healing continued. Finally after a minute or two all of the pain had gone and Kotsuzui said the fix was only temporary and a trip to the hospital would still be required. "Thank you." Kirino would say while moving her arm about trying to see how tight the hold on the bone was. It seemed fairly normal, but like the other Kaguya had mentioned a trip to the hospital would not be a bad idea.

As they walked to the medical center Kotsuzui asked about learning the technique Kirino had used. "The evening elephant or seven heavens breathing method?" The girl was interested in learning her kin's maneuvers as well, so an exchange of information would not be bad. "I would like to learn some of your attacks as well in honesty."

WC: 148
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