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Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Inadvertent meeting of Kin - Page 4 Empty Re: Inadvertent meeting of Kin

Thu Nov 03, 2016 1:34 pm
Kotsuzui looked over to his fellow Kaguya clan mate as she mimicked his movements for the Daytime Tiger. "Yea, you seem to have got it down" Kotsuzui responded, though before she would go on to try the taijutsu out she proceeded to showing and explaining the Evening Elephant to him. Power and speed was essential to this taijutsu, which Kotsuzui knew he would have no trouble with at all. The hard part would be the accuracy, making sure every strike was on point. One slip and a miss and the whole technique would fall to shambles. Kotsuzui watched attentively as Kirino demonstrated the taijutsu, creating five massive pillars of vacuum from each one, each one following the next. Now he understood why just one punch missing the target would shatter the whole taijutsu. The vacuum created by one punched needed to be maintained by the vacuum created by the following one. If one vacuum missed, the previous one would be incapable of sustaining itself. Just as Kotsuzui thought, Kirino demonstrated what a failed attempt at the Evening Elephant looked like. 

"Let's give this a shot" Kotsuzui said with a grin on his face as he turned slightly to make sure he didn't accidentally miss a strike and hit Kirino by accident. Cocking his right fist back, the Kaguya rapidly punched the air in front of him creating what looked like a vacuum pillar, though it paled in comparison to what Kirino had showed him. "More power" Kotsuzui thought to himself as he continued trying with just his right first. He needed to get the first strike down to the tee, too know exactly how much force and speed was needed. After a few failed attempts, Kotsuzui finally got it down as he punched the air creating a large vacuum similar to the one Kirino had performed. "Ha!" he'd yell, getting overly excited. 

Now it was time to try two successive blows. First he punched with his right first releasing the massive vacuum. Next came his left fist as he released a second vacuum from his left arm. But the second one completely missed the target as both the vacuum's dissipated. Being able to consistently maintain the the speed and strength needed for creating the vacuum is a difficult task in itself. But to maintain that as well as keeping it on point every time was the real difficult challenge. It wasn't easy being accurate with every strike considering the amount of power each one generated. If Kirino managed to learn this one, she would probably pick up the Daytime Tiger pretty quick. Kotsuzui couldn't allow himself to fall behind. So the Kaguya continued at it, the first punch followed by the second again and again until he maintained the vacuum.

[Sorry for the massive delay, I just got crazy busy with school and either had no time to post or was simply too tired]
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Inadvertent meeting of Kin - Page 4 Empty Re: Inadvertent meeting of Kin

Sat Dec 10, 2016 2:12 pm
After many attempts at the taijutsu, Kotsuzui felt like a had a pretty solid grasp as to how it worked as well as how the maintain the vacuum. It was anything from perfect, but was good enough to possibly use out in the field. After many practice attempts, Kotsuzui went for another punch but instead his arm completely cramped up. The cramp slowly crept up his arm all the way to his shoulder and back. The Kaguya clenched his teeth together as he stretched out his arm as best as possible to untangle his muscles and get rid of the cramp. After a few moments the cramped subsided, though for how much longer? It would seem having trained with Kirino and then learning such a high caliber taijutsu has put a massive amount of strain on Kotsuzui's body. "Hey, I think imma head home" Kotsuzui spoke to Kirino as he massaged the arm that cramped up. "My body is telling me enough is enough. A good drink and some rest will do" he said as he let out a grin, clearly showing signs of exhaustion. His leaving did not mean Kirino needed to stop training however. "See ya around, next time I won't go easy on ya" Kotsuzui said with another sly grin as he slowly made his way home.
2125 words towards Evening Elephant (learned since only needed half the word count)
2000 words for Kyokushin Mastery
1717 words for The Martial Art of Repetition
29 towards stats
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Inadvertent meeting of Kin - Page 4 Empty Re: Inadvertent meeting of Kin

Sun Dec 11, 2016 2:31 am

Approved @ Kotsuzui <3
Brooke Uchiha
Brooke Uchiha
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Inadvertent meeting of Kin - Page 4 Empty Re: Inadvertent meeting of Kin

Mon Feb 27, 2017 12:05 am
All seemed to be working out, as Kirino continued her practice of the daytime tiger it seemed Kotsuzui had completed his. The evening elephant was something he already had a good grip on. Power and speed was all that was needed. Kirino’s taijutsu involved holding your hand one way and then striking it to create kinetic energy. It seemed easy at first, but after the first couple attempts it didn’t seem as such.

Kotsuzui had already left, so she couldn’t ask him for advice. Instead Kirino took a break to reflect on what she had been told and what she had done. The Kaguya took a breath, relaxing her muscles before taking another that tightened them. Daytime tiger with seven heavens breathing method. Striking her fist a powerful force was created in the shape of a tiger. It traveled forward engulfing a tree within its jaws, while knocking it over. With that she learned what was needed she needed a little more power and a little more speed.

If she could do it once, she could do it again. Kirino prepared for the technique again, this time ready to use the same strength as she had using the breathing method. Kirino swallowed some spit before moving her right hand forward to tap her left. Once, the hands connected the form of the tiger appeared once again and went past the previously knocked over tree.

Satisfied with the results, Kirino would pick up her things and move out of the training grounds. Maybe, she would have to train with Kotsuzui again he was one of the stronger people she had fought. Kirino could still feel a tingle from her arm even though it was no longer broken.

WC: 286
TWC: 4026
Claiming: Seven Heaven's Breathing Method C-rank 2000 WC, Daytime Tiger 2000 WC due to being shown. 20 Stats
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Inadvertent meeting of Kin - Page 4 Empty Re: Inadvertent meeting of Kin

Mon Feb 27, 2017 12:24 am

Approved <3
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