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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art! - Page 2 Empty Re: Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art!

Tue Sep 06, 2016 10:57 pm
“Take your time.” Kyousuke would say as the girl went to change, she probably had normal clothes on underneath her robes. Genevieve returned wearing a sundress attire appropriate for such a hot day. Rain, sun, or shine Kyousuke never wore a shirt just his jacket. Anything else would be too much, he would only wear shirts during ceremonies and sermons. That was the only reason the ninja wore shirts at all, half the time when he transformed he would end up ripping them. The protrusions poking massive holes within them.

As Kyousuke readied for an attack the girl turned into a puddle of water and slid under him. He could see the movement and stepped over the liquid looking upon her as she reformed. Well, that’s unusual. He would think while the priestess asked a question. “In every fight with a stronger opponent I want you to fight as hard as you can. Don’t pull any punches, only stop once the opponent is down.” The first answer was simple, but had an additional part.

“For now don’t worry about the movements of taijutsu, just show me what you’ve got.” He got into a proper stance turning sideways while lowering his body. I am giving her a smaller target, hopefully she follows the example. This was what Kyousuke liked to teach, self-improvement. If one can be situationally aware and perceive things without being told they could adapt and learn. Pointing things out and constantly guiding was a way to create mindless zombies this method would give the girl a mind of her own, without direct influence.  In the world of ninja, you have to perceive, understand, adapt, and execute. With that you can fight your hardest for what you care about most and those you love the most. The people and things the ninja cared and loved the most were obvious the people of Hoshigakure are what the ninja loved the most, as for what he cared for most was a thing the ninja wasn’t quite ready to tell himself. 

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Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art! - Page 2 Empty Re: Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art!

Tue Sep 06, 2016 11:27 pm
Genevieve smiled as she stopped drinking her water and set it down gently, standing back up. She quickly skimmed her mind for anything offensive aside from taijutsu. When she feared that she held nothing, something more recent was prominent in her mind’s eye; the anesthetic medical jutsu she had just been taught. If she was quick, then she could use it effectively- but she might have to use a bit more chakra than she did before for it to be effective.

“Master Snow is a big guy; that means you have bad knees, right?”

It sounded like a question and was word that way, but really; it was a statement. She moved towards him like she was going to charge him, performing the hand seals for the Chakra Anesthetic; Hare, Ox, and Monkey. Before reaching him, her chakra swirled to her fingertips defensively and she faked to the right, tapping the back of his leg, an inch or two above the knee. She rolled to the other side and repeated the action to his other knee, then slid back under him in her more fluid form and applied the anesthetic with more force to the back of his legs and calves.

[Hydrification: -5 Reform, -5 AP Puddle]

She then dropped down to puddle form to dodge any quick retaliation before reforming behind him and smacked a hand to his face and nose, hoping that the hard hit to the face coupled with the anesthetic, would deliver a shock along with enough numbness to knock out his vision for a minute; at least. Sorry, Master Snow, I can’t think of anything else without using Taijutsu. Genevieve thought ruefully, mindful to not speak and stay as quiet as possible. She needed to focus on keeping her breathing paced so that she wouldn’t get worn out quickly, and so if he really was partially blinded, he couldn’t place her. If there was an opening, she would then move forward to quickly apply the stronger and more potent anesthetic chakra into his upper arms and neck.

Last edited by Genevieve Oasis on Fri Dec 16, 2016 11:26 am; edited 1 time in total
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art! - Page 2 Empty Re: Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art!

Wed Sep 07, 2016 12:18 am
“I don’t skip leg day.” Kyousuke would state while swiftly moving his leg to avoid the numbing of the technique. (speed 40) He would then turn and thrust open palmed (speed 10, power 5) his hand was met with a liquid feeling as the girl turned into water. I wonder if her body is conductive, only pure water doesn’t conduct electricity. Thinking that the puddle moved, keeping track of it the ninja was able to tell where the girl would be at any given moment. With training the girl’s movements would be more “fluid”, but at the moment they were untrained.

Kyousuke didn’t dodge the slap to the face, he barely felt the numbing factor as his body resisted the technique nullifying its effects. He didn’t show anything that would reveal the jutsu had not worked instead he readied for another attack. When Genevieve launched her hands or limb forward he would catch it and hold on waiting for her to turn to water to escape. It was a handy trick to be able to turn your body to liquid.

With Genevieve in a liquid state Kyousuke took to the ground using the hiding like a mole technique. He could still sense her chakra though from beneath the surface. When the girl reformed Kyousuke planned to drag the girl below the surface.

-20Ap for Hiding Like a Mole
+10Ap For Jugo

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Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art! - Page 2 Empty Re: Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art!

Wed Sep 07, 2016 11:46 pm
Genevieve had tried to land her blows but they didn’t seem too successful. Either because she was new or because he was much stronger and more experienced than her, she opted to go with the later. She wasn’t too good at offensive things; thank the High Lady that she had been born with a water body, but she had been a bit too overzealous. She wasn’t too good moving about in that form either and had spent too much time in that form.

Surfacing once more by sliding over to her bottle of water, she rose up and tried to take a solid form; however, her hands shook from the wasted fluid. Not enough to require full medical attention, but enough to hinder her from holding a kunai properly. Genevieve scooped up her cup and started to slurp down more water with less grace than she normally possessed; she needed the water more than she needed the image. It was a bit depression to let her God down in such a way, but it was only momentary-

Just like the peace of time to drink her fluids that she had before a hand shoot up and grabbed her ankle. The action make her yelp in response and once more, she dropped down to a puddle and laid completely still in her puddle form; though it was difficult to maintain, she struggled to do so. Deciding that playing ‘possum’ would keep her a bit safer. “I give, Master Snow, I give!” Her voice came from the ripples of the puddle.

Last edited by Genevieve Oasis on Fri Dec 16, 2016 11:26 am; edited 1 time in total
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art! - Page 2 Empty Re: Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art!

Thu Sep 08, 2016 1:53 am
Genevieve was still on the surface, that much was easy to know. Determining her current state of matter was the tricky part. Attacking her in liquid form would prove ineffective and give away the surprise attack. All the ninja could rely on for in the girl was solid was the sound of movement, which being an inch or so under the ground was slightly muffled. Apparently it wouldn’t be the only way to tell if she had reformed though.

Had Genevieve controlled her breathing her body would not shake like so. It felt like a slight rumble to the jounin’s honed senses. Locking in on the feeling Kyousuke reached his hand up through the dirt. “Earth Style: Head Hunter Jutsu!” Dragging her down was ineffective as she turned her body into water. Jumping out of the earth with no dirt or muck covering his body, he listened to the priestess’s surrender. “We are merely training there are no losers and victors, unless you haven’t learned anything in which case I am the loser.” Hopefully Genevieve would reform soon, after testing out her abilities she seemed capable. A few additional tricks would undoubtedly help.

Jumping through the air Kyousuke would send a foot forward smashing it into a dummy which was then sent flying the opposite direction. “This move while a bit flashy teaches proper technique for airborne leg movement.” As the girl readied to begin the jounin would adjust her legs to the proper beginning position. “If you stand like this before the technique each time, it will become memorized and eventually you will snap right into when ready to use the dynamic entry.”

With Genevieve’s continued training Kyousuke tried to get in his own. Making a clawed hand he began to focus on his chakra channeling it to his arm, where he intended to scratch. Theoretically if he had properly used the jutsu the wound would heal instantaneously. With that in mind he would lightly drag the claws against his skin, but the fact he was now bleeding with open would meant he had not performed the technique correctly. On the up side his earlier scab had vanished. Meaning that he had misplaced the energy and it began to heal a different part of his body. So, in summation the chakra control had to be extremely precise. With that in mind he looked forward to Genevieve getting a handle on taijutsu, maybe she could kick him instead of him just experimenting on himself.

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Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art! - Page 2 Empty Re: Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art!

Sat Sep 10, 2016 2:54 am
Genevieve was more than willing to continue her training with Master Snow, with several breaks for her to refill her water cup and keep herself hydrated and in a solid form. But as much as her teacher put forth, she met him. Every technique she was willing to show, she was more than willing try try and master. Even failed attempt after failed attempt, she continued to get up and work.  The occasional shaking of her hands from the vigorous and spontaneous solid-to-liquid form didn’t stop her either; their consistency and longevity growing shorter and shorter over time, thankfully. It would continue to do so, she hoped, as she continued to work and properly manage the body she had been born with- but the water intake was a bit troublesome for her.

But her weakness wasn’t something that her Teacher wanted to see; He wanted progress and so did she.

After a few attempts, at the Dynamic entry, she was learning to get it and landing well; however, the next time she did so, she missed the landing and splashed into a puddle before rolling out into a more solid form and crashing into a tree. It wasn't too hard but it was hard enough to had her wobbling a bit as she got back up and onto her feet. She waited until her whole world wasn’t spinning before drinking more water and repeating the hand seals he had down her earlier for basic medical jutsu, running it over her legs. The bruises there began to darken before graduating off back to the same color as her skin. It was easier for her to control the chakra- but it was a bit hard to put it towards the wound. Maybe she was imagining it wrong?

She thought of her chakra as a rushing river, smashing up against a wall with a hole to fill the hole. Maybe she needed to think of it as bonding over something slowly instead of- well, crashing into it.  But Genevieve got back up and took up the stand for the Dynamic Entry once more, her body indeed memorizing it. However, this time she ran up a tree and used her Tree-climbing training to jump off it, getting a higher distance, before changing her position mid-air and crashing down. The impact creating a crater where she landed along with knocking the hair ties from her activity-loosened locks, and she stood back up and looked about. Well- she was going to think of a way to fix the ground but she wasn’t completely sure and she wasn’t even sure if this was how the technique was supposed to work. Maybe she put too much chakra into it? She climbed out of the crater and went right over to her cup, drinking deeply from it and emptying its contents before turning back to him, “Master Snow, may I get more water?” She asked guiltily, not wanting to take another break to get more water. But it was difficult to sustain herself any other way; she had tried chakra alone and she needed to work on that too.

But she didn’t want to let him down. Not anytime real soon, anyways.
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art! - Page 2 Empty Re: Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art!

Sun Sep 11, 2016 7:53 pm
Genevieve had no quit in her that was certain, as the girls form began to waiver between states of matter she didn’t stop. There was a point though where Kyousuke would stop her himself even if she didn’t want to. Sometimes you have to know when to take a break, that point was when the girl tripped and almost crashed into a tree. Before she could hit the bark Kyousuke would body flicker to it and use his body as a cushion, so that she would not get hurt. “Are you all right?” He would ask from his seated position a smile on his face, caused by the girls hard work.

“You know you are allowed to take breaks right. You don’t have to overexert yourself, you have learned a few things already and your chakra has been wavering for about a minute now. So, take a break I’ll get your water.” With those words the jounin would stand and pick up the bottle of liquid handing it to the girl as he took a seat back on the ground in front of her.

“So, how are you adjusting to being in the village? Is everything going okay or do I need to painfully flick someone in the forehead.” The last sentence was a joke of course, unless there was a rogue ninja involved then they would definitely get flicked. Kind of like what happened to the two young missing ninja he had encountered during his mission with Shiroi. Getting too violent with youngsters was a path only demons would take, but letting them know they are out classed is perfectly fine.

The ninja would make small talk until Genevieve recuperated some of her stamina, turning into water constantly probably took its toll. If the nature energy in his body could safely be transferred, he would have gladly let the girl use some of his power. Once, Genevieve felt she was ready Kyousuke would stand up and watch her entry from an extended height. The resulting attack being a hole in the ground. Climbing out of the hole she drank the remainder of her water and asked for more. “I would never deny you water.” He would say, hopefully she got the hint of you don’t have to ask just go for it.

As the girl left Kyousuke began to kick some of the dirt back into the hole, there was still some missing but it looked better than before. There are people who sometimes came through to fix things like this. With ninja always training terrain and other items frequently were damaged. Maybe, a jutsu he had could fix it making some seals the ground would shift slightly making what used to be hole move up, putting it in line with the rest of the land. It likely wouldn’t last though.

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Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art! - Page 2 Empty Re: Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art!

Mon Sep 12, 2016 12:48 pm
Genevieve took a moment to compose herself and try to think of an answer for his question as he condoned a break in their training. ‘How are you adjusting?’ was easier to ask than to answer. And she looked down at her cup as she held it,

“It is… very difficult, for me, adjusting to all of this. Ninjas are so diverse and spectacular but… with this body the High Lady gave to me and this hair…” She closed her eyes, “I feel like some sort of abomination, rather than a miracle. The isolation from the Church doesn’t seem to help- and it seems that they tolerated me long enough to allow me out into the world, then just… don’t care much for me, anymore.” Genevieve answered with brutal honesty,

“I’ve only ever known dresses and how to wear them- but I need other clothes, however I don’t even know where to start, Master Snow.” She took a deep breath and raised her head ot the sky, “As a person on her way to become High Priestess of her Faith, I feel more isolated now than when we were kept in the basement levels of the Church.” As she rolled her cup between her hands, she turned her gaze back down to stare at it, “What few friends I have are already on pilgrimage to other countries and when I try to make friends it… never goes well.”

“So, I have been devoting most of my free time to something I enjoy, instead- knitting.” Genevieve voiced cheerfully, “I have started making scarves, and I donate them to the less fortunate to give back to the community (as is the High Lady’s way). I’m not too good at them yet, but I think I’m getting better.” She took a few sips of her water, “There’s also- a sempai I keep seeing around briefly, that I want to talk to but… he’s pretty elusive.” She said with a smile, “But, I am not going to stop training or trying to talk to that Elusive Sempai, Master Snow, because even though things are a bit rough right now, I have big dreams!” She said with determination and renewed vigor.

“So please teach me all that you can, Master Snow, and I will do my best to keep up.”

Last edited by Genevieve Oasis on Fri Dec 16, 2016 11:25 am; edited 1 time in total
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art! - Page 2 Empty Re: Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art!

Mon Sep 12, 2016 3:18 pm
From the sound of things, the world of ninja was tough for her to get used to. Pointing out her hair Kyousuke realized she hadn’t exactly fit in at the church. As she continued the man listened to her in silence, he grasped what the girl was saying.

“We all have differences.” The jounin would say pulling out a pack of cigarettes and lighting the end by igniting a spark with his gloves. “See, I smoke. I’ve also got…” He would stand up and unzip his jacket letting the object hit the ground. He would then turn showing the girl a relatively fresh tattoo. “The fact you are different is why I chose you to be my student. See, I am not like the normal priest either, but I would do anything for my students. Just because your hair is different colors doesn’t make you any less deserving of god’s love. Sure people may judge us, but I am still a servant of my lord. It is my job to defend them, as it is yours not that you are a ninja.”

“For clothes I think we should go on a mission together, maybe I can see what is available. There is always a surplus of jobs to do.” Gripping the girls shoulder Kyousuke would look down. “If you ever need a friend to talk to, you know where I live. And… I feel really awkward doing this half naked.” He would say while picking up his jacket and throwing it back on before zipping it.

Maybe a scarf wouldn’t be a bad idea. “Would you mind making me a scarf? Winter tends to get cold and maybe I can help you find the elusive guy.” I wonder if she is talking about Den.
With Genevieve ready to go on, Kyousuke used his senses to see if her chakra was stable. Okay, he would nod before walking back slightly. Making a tiger seal mist would explode from the ninja’s mouth creating a solid fog field. “Your task is to locate me and replicate the jutsu.”
(I am trying to teach chakra sensory then, hidden mist. You could learn hidden mist first if you want though.)

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Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art! - Page 2 Empty Re: Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art!

Sat Sep 17, 2016 7:39 pm
It was incredibly reassuring to Genevieve that even Master Snow had faults and his- habits- and was still able to adjust. And the offering of helping her along was generous and appreciated. It renewed her vigor even though she was low on stamina, rejuvenating her fighting spirit as she smiled and nodded, “I don’t mind making a scarf for you, Master Snow.” And she smiled brightly at his offer to go shopping and mentioning missions.

“I looks forward to you helping me- it’s easy to move in the dresses of my Faith, but I’m sure i can find someway to reduce the amount of clothes. I want to be a bit less… hindered.” She smiled, and watched as he performed a hand seal and the mist started to appear. Had that been Ram or Tiger? She had been a bit distracted by the mist and his voice telling her to find him then replicate the jutsu and she closed her eyes.

She slowly seeped to the ground and spread herself out thinly; a faint coat of dew upon the grass. The form was a bit difficult but she had to focus to try and find him where his physical form was- for lack of a better term- ‘dispersed’. She listened for sounds first but that seemed ineffective, as did looking through the sensation of touch- then she heard it. Or rather, felt it.

Vibrations. They were extremely faint and fluttering. But they had form. And that’s all she needed.

She waited until they drew a bit closer, fluttering around faintly all over her broken-down form, and she was patiently lying still and silent until they clustered in one area. Then she quickly reformed and tapped her instructor on the back, “Tag, Master Snow.” She said with a playful smile, and made the Tiger seal with her faster but non-dominant left hand, “Do you mind, if I put on my own twist on it, Master Snow?” She asked with a smile and a gleam in her eye. It was only a fraction of a second, but it seemed to reflect a malicious intent.

The leftover vapor from the mist rose up as she gracefully blew out the mist from her mouth towards him before dissipating into the large and voluminous cloud of thick, white mist. As the seconds ticked on, the color gradiated to a soft grey but the cloud itself seemed to grow in size and spread like a foreboding plague. Creeping over grass, then the grounds, through the trees and their branches as she tried to think of what a Fog would do and how it would act.

Last edited by Genevieve Oasis on Fri Dec 16, 2016 11:22 am; edited 1 time in total
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