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Akabayashi Terumi
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Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art! - Page 3 Empty Re: Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art!

Sun Sep 18, 2016 2:04 am
“Awesome!” He would say to Genevieve making a scarf for him. In regards to clothes Kyousuke had little opinion, honestly if Hoshi would let him walk around with just a pair of boxers and his flak jacket he would. He was content not having to wear a shirt though, asking to not wear pants would be ridiculous.

Tracking the girl with chakra sensory Genevieve eventually found her way to the jounin as she tapped him on the shoulder he would turn keeping the fog up. “Did you find me by sensing my chakra?” Thinking on it he had not explained chakra sensory. “Basically, you flood chakra through your brain, stimulating a hidden sixth sense. Everyone’s chakra feels different, no two are the same. I want you to look for me using this sixth sense only.”

Thinking on the girl’s question of a twist he shrugged his shoulders. Why not doing everything the same way gets boring. “Go ahead.” She then blew mist from her mouth in his direction. Where is a clump of dirt when you need one? Though the mist was hard to see through he could still sense her location. Her chakra had a dampness to it, unlike any water chakra natured ninja he had seen. 

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Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art! - Page 3 Empty Re: Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art!

Tue Sep 27, 2016 8:27 am
Genevieve was always one to admit honestly her areas of improvement and her faults. This time, again, was one of them. As her body was scattered into the mist, mentally, she had isolated herself and was sitting down. Focusing her chakra as she tried to think of how to ‘hide it’, then thought of it shared among the mist. The tiniest of particles in their own, invisible ‘mist’, floating around.

She was struggling with this task, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to try. Forming the hand seal of the Rat to help mold and control her chakra, Genevieve thought of trying to ‘evaporate’ her chakra while her body was scattered. Visualizing it as it’s own mist again, she focused on making it disappear rather than dispersing it to make it seem like she was everywhere at one time. Which was a good tactic, however, now wasn’t the time for that. “Am I doing well?” she questioned, but since her body was scattered, her voice came from everything and seemingly nothing at the same time, echoing off the trees, leaves, and air.

Hopefully, this part of the training ended soon- she was having a difficult time not reforming her body after such a tedious separation. Her water-body naturally wanting to come back together when it was separated, but she needed to focus on staying this way for a little while longer.

She just strongly hoped she was doing a good job since Genevieve was  new to this technique and well- everything she learned today, she was new to. But that’s what learning was- trial-and-error and finding your strengths and weaknesses. Depending on your strengths and leaning on them to work on your weaker traits.

Last edited by Genevieve Oasis on Fri Dec 16, 2016 11:21 am; edited 1 time in total
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art! - Page 3 Empty Re: Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art!

Sun Oct 02, 2016 12:47 am
“Yes, Gene you are doing fine. All you need to do now is concentrate on my chakra and go towards it.” After saying all of this the jounin would move to another location within the mist in case the words gave away his location. Once far enough away from where he was he would concentrate on healing his wounds once more. Gathering chakra in his arm he would make a dagger sized protrusion on his hand and slash the opposite arm, causing a considerable amount of pain which made him wince. Ahh, too deep I should not have done that within the mist. I need to…

The warm feeling of blood he had felt seconds before were now gone, all that was left was him and the mist. Patting his arm with the opposite arm he felt no pain, the wound must have healed meaning that the jutsu worked if only a little slow. At least he wouldn’t have to go to the hospital though and end the training early. “Hey, Genevieve I learned that medical jutsu finally!” He would call out in excitement. Hopefully she was close to finding him, otherwise he just gave away his location again.

“Okay, so all I have to do is channel healing energy to an area and it will be healed right away.” The mist would have lessened at this point as the ninja created a fan out of his hands and used it to blow the mist away. The wind created was likely strong enough for the genin to feel. Once, the mist was gone maybe he would be able to see the girl, maybe he wouldn’t either way he would look around briefly before talking.

“So, when an injury is created you rush chakra to the area to close the wound. The damage still happens and there is some pain, but the wound heals over in a matter of seconds. Like this.” He would say showing her his arm with no visible wounds on the surface. “This is what I want to teach you it is a high ranked medical technique. It requires a lot of stamina and fine chakra control.” Using his own sensory he would sense for any weakness or fluttering within her chakra, she would need a break if she were going to learn this jutsu without passing out.

“How about we take a break for a few minutes. We can do a quick review of what you have learned so far. Then we can get back to training, do a spar, and have you learn this new technique. Sound good?” Kyousuke had an idea that she wouldn’t want to take a break and that was okay if she didn’t. He would have to just make up excuses for why he was stalling. Like small talk, he could talk about the weather, news surrounding Hoshi, new trends and stuff. Of course, new trends would seem really unnatural for the ninja he wasn’t very trendy. He wore a pair of pants and his jacket pretty much every day, when he wasn’t wearing them it’s just a black beater and a pair of shorts.

Oh, I know what I could ask about. The team I wanted to lead, Gene would be perfect for it. “I almost forgot to ask you would you like to be in a team with other genin lead by me? It will help you earn some money for new clothes.” There were other reasons the ninja might want to join, but those were all for her to decide. Hopefully, he would be given a yes. If not he would have to work even harder for her to agree.

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Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art! - Page 3 Empty Re: Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art!

Sun Oct 16, 2016 3:41 pm
It was such a difficult task but she kept asking herself ‘why’. Why was it so hard for her to do something seemingly so simple? All she had to do was find his chakra but… since she had separated her body into the dew of the mist-

She could feel so much more. She could feel so many more people other than Master snow.

And it was difficult to pinpoint him among everyone-
Maybe… I should focus on the one whose closest… and the closest would be Master Snow, right? She thought, listening to him as she reformed her body silently behind him, keeping her mind on reforming and keeping her chakra signature completely concealed. She was as quiet as she could manage, not even rustling a single blade of grass as she began to rebuild herself behind Kyousuke.

It was a soft pulsing that she could feel on the edge of her senses; his chakra signature. It just felt- right. It felt comfortable and warm, like the air about her teacher, Kyousuke. It was right- wasn’t it? And as she pulled herself back together from the dew drops and the vapor in the air to a full body again as his words began to fill the air and her ears while she stood behind him,

“Okay, so all I have to do is channel healing energy to an area and it will be healed right away.”

“So, when an injury is created you rush chakra to the area to close the wound. The damage still happens and there is some pain, but the wound heals over in a matter of seconds. Like this.” She would peek around his arm to watch him demonstrate this new technique as she was highly interested. Genni was as willing to learn and be taught as much as her Sensei was willing to teach. And both of these seemed evenly matched, mayhap her Sensei holding the higher ground on his willingness to teach. However that was something that she couldn’t gauge and continued to watch him. “This is what I want to teach you it is a high ranked medical technique. It requires a lot of stamina and fine chakra control.”“This is what I want to teach you it is a high ranked medical technique. It requires a lot of stamina and fine chakra control.”

Then she felt it- something reaching out and touching on her senses. Was it her Sensei, looking for her? She smiled and moved her own solid and unwavering chakra just out of reach in a playful manner but kept quiet. She wanted to keep the element of surprise. “How about we take a break for a few minutes. We can do a quick review of what you have learned so far. Then we can get back to training, do a spar, and have you learn this new technique. Sound good?” It did sound really good as she felt she was low on water, and then he continued and she smiled gently as she found it much easier to carry on with her day with a smile. “I almost forgot to ask you would you like to be in a team with other genin lead by me? It will help you earn some money for new clothes.”

She grew a bit nervous and looked down at her hands, clasping them at her waist as she tried to think about it. “Are you… sure you want me on a team like that, Master Snow?” Geni asked, anxious about her age and her inexperience in the Shinobi World, “I mean… I don’t think I will be of much help, even if it does help me earn money…”

wc: 616

Last edited by Genevieve Oasis on Fri Dec 16, 2016 11:20 am; edited 1 time in total
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art! - Page 3 Empty Re: Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art!

Thu Oct 20, 2016 9:43 pm
To him even the most silent of ninja were loud, he could hear the beat of her heart and even the breath escape from the girl’s lungs. Sneaking up on jounin was no easy task, she attempted to conceal her chakra however he could still feel its presence around him. Even within the droplets, he could sense the girl nearby. When she reformed, the tiny signatures combined and formed into one. He didn’t turn around immediately he just stood still focusing on her energy. He had already memorized the feel and was trying to look deeper to see if there was anything he had missed.

The jounin was confused as the girl’s energy drifted, she was toying with him. That stopped him though from continuing. “My bad, I was trying to get a feel for your chakra. It makes it easier to find you if any circumstances arise.” He would sit down as they were meant to be taking a break and listened to Genevieve as she answered his question.

“I think you give yourself too little credit, you have learned a lot today. Your progress will be felt tomorrow when your sore and everything hurts.” He would have reminded her to drink plenty of water if she hadn’t already been doing so. In fact, if she turned around and told him to drink water he would have no ground to stand on and go get some water. Taking out his own water bottle he would take a sip, before tightening the lid back onto the container.

He would look around briefly, there were more people out and about then there was before. Usually, around midday was when things in the park started to get busy. Any minute and there would be explosions and thunderclaps, if you weren’t careful even the village training grounds could be dangerous.

Turning his neck to Geni, it was time for a review. What are the three seals for the basic medical technique?” He would wait for her to respond before asking another question. “What does my chakra feel like to you?” Of course, this question was subjective and up to the individual but Kyousuke had a feeling she had familiarized his chakra signature. After that he would ask about the other techniques and things she had learned, if she didn’t feel accomplished in her new found talents then they still had more time to train other techniques. 

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Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art! - Page 3 Empty Re: Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art!

Sat Oct 22, 2016 6:11 pm
Genevieve smiled softly as her Sensei told her she gave herself much too little credit. Maybe she did, but it was good to know. It was good to hear too. The Temple wasn’t big on vanity. And she continued to drink her water, leaving only to refer it to gulp down more. She needed to replenish herself for else she would ‘feel it’ tomorrow bit that made her think about it.

Was she going to be sore? She couldn’t really feel anything outside of her physical form but how did she feel now? Did she really feel a bit sore from the training? Geni was definitely a little bit exhausted from the repetition of breaking her body down and reforming again and again. She definitely felt that and a headache was beginning to form from these actions as well.

Then he asked her, reviewing about what she had learned as she glanced around at the other people beginning to gather. It made her nervous but she failed to show it outwardly as she drank her cup empty once more. “Boar, Rat, Snake.” She responded calmly and almost instantaneously to the questions, smiling down at her Sensei,

”Your chakra feels… like humidity. It’s warm but damp."

“Aren’t you going to drink some more water too, Master Snow.” She said calmly, leaving to refill her cup once more, before going back over, “You’ll need it.”

wc: 235

Last edited by Genevieve Oasis on Fri Dec 16, 2016 11:11 am; edited 2 times in total
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art! - Page 3 Empty Re: Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art!

Thu Oct 27, 2016 9:12 pm
“Very good.” The jounin would say as she answered correctly for the first test question. The second one was different as chakra had to be interpreted and could be read differently by everyone. She said his chakra felt like humidity, warm and damp. That was different than what people usually described, but it wasn’t awful like some of the others had been. Someone once told him his chakra felt fuzzy and cuddly, they soon realized how fuzzy and cuddly he was not. I am porcupine man; I am spiky and rugged not cuddly or fuzzy. Stephen learned the hard way he was spiky.

As Genevieve suggested water he got up and filled his own bottle. She was correct he should drink more, not drinking enough is one of the causes of dehydration and if he were to become heat casualty that would be bad. He’d have to get or do a safety brief and no one likes safety briefs. They are boring and nobody really wants to be there, they only attend because its mandatory. When you find out your getting the brief because some idiot wasn’t drinking water it gets even worse, everyone stares at you funny for the next couple of hours until its over.

At the fountain, he filled his bottle and began to drink going through a quarter of it within seconds. “How do you form healing chakra within your body?” Kyousuke asked the question even though he had yet to teach her. She had a feel for what he was talking about so hopefully she would know the answer on her own. When using the jutsu it wasn’t forming the chakra that he had found difficult, but moving it to an area or forming it at a specific location it required timing and quick reflexes. Once, she answered he would talk about how he moved and formed the chakra. “You need to move the chakra along your body to where it needs to go and you have to do it quickly, otherwise you might bleed out before you the technique will heal you. Do you have a weapon on you?” He asked because he was about to demonstrate the technique and to do so she would have to cut him, Kyousuke would do the same once he thought she was ready to attempt the jutsu. There was still pain involved, but no lasting effects would be produced.

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Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art! - Page 3 Empty Re: Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art!

Tue Nov 01, 2016 11:49 pm
Genevieve was tired and weary but she wasn’t going to give up just yet. Today she had learned so much and it only made her want to learn more, even as other people came around. She wanted to be helpful and useful to Master Snow. To the Team he wanted to make. And to Hoshi. They had all been so generous to her by accepting her despite her religion and it’s.. Turbulent times. And they hadn’t shunned her because of it. It was something she’d be eternally grateful and appreciate of. And training with Master Snow was to show just how much by trying to keep up with him despite her difficulties with age and her inexperience. She wanted to show him and properly display how eager she was to learn and make him proud. To make Master Snow not regret plucking her from the Church and teaching her these things, despite her unsureness and insecurities about it all.

She wanted to show him that she would always try her best whether she felt she could do it or not. Genevieve wanted to be reliable for him and for her country.

Earlier she had noticed that Master Snow had produced a blade of sort and cut his arm with it. The wound was a little deep and he had healed it someway and mentioned something about it to Geni but she hadn’t really been focusing, and with a renewed energy and vigor she inquired about this technique once more. Even as the light was gradually fading, there was still light; meaning there was still perhaps enough time to sneak in one last lesson. She briefly asked Master Snow to produce the blade once more and cut her with it as she had his own forearm and braced herself as he created the blade, then made the hand seals to create the anesthetic jutsu and numb the pain in her arm. He had voiced that he needed to focus healing chakra to the wound and it had closed up, so she looked at her arm and closed her eyes.

She tried to imagine her chakra as a specks and imagined them beginning to pool together in blotchy usion. Then imagined them swarming to the wound and closing it- from the skin first, then sinking into her muscle tissues. The anesthetic killed the pain as she kept her eyes closed and focused on the blood being put on hold. And then the timid repair of her microfibers in her tissue; slow and gradual before it began to quicken its pace as she learned and go the hang of curing herself. Then Geni opened her eyes and watches as her chakra glowed a pale purple and continued to mend her arm until the glowing stopped completely. She gently poked her arm and the anesthetic wore off, leaving her just as she had tried to be; cured and pain-free. This renewed her confidence in her own abilities and she looked at Master Snow, “I’ll do it.”

“I will join your team, Master Snow. If you are confident enough that I can learn; then I will encourage myself to be confident enough to uphold your faith in me.” Genevieve smiled as she stood up and wished her Master a good night, to return another time.

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[Total WC: 4,759]
[Claiming: +23 stat points (4759/200= 23.795),-Basic Medical Technique (250), Chakra Anesthetic (500), Dynamic Entry (500), Hidden Mist Jutsu (500), Chakra Sensory (1,000), Yin Sealing Wound Destruction (2,000) = 4,750/ 4,759 WC]

Last edited by Genevieve Oasis on Fri Dec 16, 2016 11:04 am; edited 2 times in total
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art! - Page 3 Empty Re: Priestesses and Priests Healing is an Art!

Wed Nov 02, 2016 2:37 am
“Make a blade? Sure.” Kyousuke said to Genevieve’s request. He was confident that she was confident in her abilities, but he was still a little apprehensive. Should I have said no and had her practice for a few minutes? I guess if the jutsu doesn’t work I can take to the hospital and we will both learn. While thinking this Kyousuke manifested a longsword on his hand, the blade was three feet long and five inches thick. He looked at Genevieve before following through on the attack. His eyes questioning if this is what she wanted to do, if not they could practice a little longer and attempt this. The jounin knew full well that even with ten minutes or even an hour of additional practice he wouldn’t want to cut his student, so he had to suck it up and just do it.

Breathing from his nose he moved the blade slowly to the girl’s arm before dragging the edge across her skin quickly, making a cut. Even though she used the chakra anesthetic technique he had shown her, for some reason he expected a scream and to see some blood. He kept his eyes open in case he had to react immediately to the wound, luckily he didn’t. Genevieve had learned a technique that took him many attempts in one. She was gifted beyond a doubt; he wasn’t quite ready to tell her how much just yet. Eventually though he would.

As she said “she’ll do it” Kyousuke didn’t quite know what she had meant until she clarified a moment later. “You’ll join? Great, I’ll send a letter soon.” Well she has gained some confidence today; I hope it continues. A day where she will be confident no matter who is around, that will be a bright day indeed. After saying goodbye Kyousuke repeated the words it had been getting quite late time to go home and relax, there was more to do tomorrow.

TWC: 5085
Claiming: Yin Healing Wound Destruction (4000 WC), Jugo Weapon Attack (1085), 25 stats, and chakra familiarity with Genevieve.)
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Wed Nov 02, 2016 2:54 am

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