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Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Kalix Training the Clone Technique (Training)  Empty Kalix Training the Clone Technique (Training)

Wed Sep 07, 2016 3:01 pm
Kalix had not been inclined to do training as of late. Well to be fair he didn’t do a lot of training at all in his teenage years. He didn’t see the use in it. He got his experience from his field work and didn’t rely on training in situations that would rarely come to pass in the real fight. But that was a different time and now that the village doesn’t give him assignments like they did before now it was time to improve upon his skills.
After the whole shift in power the regiment and the training required to do any sort of ninja work was higher than it ever was in old the shima regime. Now there are requirements and rules and regulations that govern how and when you can do said missions. Once he was able to become a genin in the eyes of the new kiri leadership Kalix learned that he might just be able to get the work that he so desperately needed.
The first think that Kalix needed to do was gain the rank of genin, formally, this meant that the much older academy student would have to pass the genin exam. Kalix never actually did the exam and instead was sent on missions that would require him to test his skills on the field. Alas now was his chance to learn more about the standard ninja technique, the clone technique.
While within his home Kalix would take a book off of the case and read up on some of the important aspects of making a clone, the first was that to understand how the clone worked. The clone was not some tangible replica that could cast ninjutsu of even be used as a way to disorient the opponent, but rather was a way that ninja could disguise himself within the crowd of clones of himself. This confusion would give Kalix a way to prepare a technique or make the opponent guess which one was the real Kalix.
Kalix would begin training at the dojo that he had built in his home. As soon as training began he would practice the hand signs that were required to complete the technique. There were only three hand symbols that the ninja had to do, Ram then snake then tiger. This was a fairly simple string to master, not very difficult at all. The execution of the move was going to be the tricky part.
At first Kalix would only try to use the technique with only producing one clone. The first few attempts proved no results, no poof of smoke, just chakra expenditure that he could feel draining his body. After a few hours of training he was able to produce a clone, but the clone was not a copy of Kalix, it was deformed.
For the time being Kalix would think about the technique more as he took a rest, when he got up early the next morning he would wake up, have some breakfast, and try to learn the technique again, this time with much more success.

[WC, 514, requesting the clone technique, and 2 stats for my work.]
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Kalix Training the Clone Technique (Training)  Empty Re: Kalix Training the Clone Technique (Training)

Wed Sep 07, 2016 3:32 pm

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