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Shadow Clone Jutsu Empty Shadow Clone Jutsu

Wed Oct 05, 2016 7:31 pm
Komon hated the fact that he had lost his spark, how could he possibly hope to one day defeat the hidden mist jounin who killed his mother if he couldn't even defeat a genin girl. Thinking back to his loss he began to think of how he could have won. “The first and major problem was that I was too slow to react to that strange jutsu, I can train to become faster but that will take time. The other problem was I couldn't face two opponents at the same time. That however I can certainly fix with a new jutsu.” The genin thought to himself. Obviously he had reached a point where he was more than confident in his ability to learn ninjutsu and instead of wasting his time with simple lightning based techniques he wanted to learn something to diversify himself. He wanted to challenge himself in the process too. After plenty of consideration he came to the conclusion that he'd try to push himself to the limit and learn his first B Rank jutsu. “This should be fun” he thought to himself. as he sprung out of bed.

Walking to his closet he began to pull his shirt over his head and onto his body as he continued to think. “But what kind of jutsu do I want to learn?” The question crossed his mind as he fastened his best around his chest. “I could use something that could attack multiple enemies at once” he answered himself as he fastened his headband over his newly made Hyuuga curse Mark. Now fully clothed he walked over to his nightstand where his weapon pouches were and strapped them around his leg. A ninja should never leave his house without his weapons after all. Still trying to decide what jutsu he wanted to learn he began to head downstairs to eat.

As he was walking down the stairs he began to think about jutsus that matched the criteria, of being able to combat multiple enemies at the same time. He thought of the Gale Style Laser Circus, but decided that was way above his pay grade. Then it came to him, every ninja had heard of the legendary seventh hokage naruto uzumaki, who had lived long ago and united the 5 great nations into a time of peace. He remembered what that ninjas signature jutsu was, “Shadow clone jutsu could work” he thought to himself. Pleased at the idea of the new jutsu.

Determined to set out and learn this jutsu he decided like always he must first go to the library and research it, not thinking his odds of finding a jounin practicing it on the fields were too great. So with all his gear already on he simply walked out his front door and began his routinely walk through the center of the village.

He loved walking through the village, it had become sort of a pregame exercise for him, it was just a part of his training and by far the least demanding part. So he liked to enjoy it. Several minutes of walking passed as he focused on the sky and the architecture of the village before he realized he was in front of the library. Stopping to take a sigh, he entered the building through the front door.

Komon was almost instantly greeted by the librarian Jiyo. “What jutsu you trying to learn today boy?” She asked invasively. Komon laughed, this old woman was certainly invested in his shinobi career. He’d hate to disappoint her. Reluctantly he told her about his spar he had participated in, “I was to slow to keep up with her, I figure theres two ways to counter that. The obvious one is to train my speed so that I can move in time to react to her, or I can gain a numbers advantage. I plan on doing both but the second is what I would like to focus on for now.”
Jiyo thought his question over before coming up with an answer. “It sounds like you are looking for a clone technique, granted you’ve already learned the basic one, but you’d need to learn one that can actually take physical form. I remember you saying you where lightning style, you may consider learning either Lightning Clone or Shadow Clone these are two clone techniques I know of that you’d be able to master with your element types that also take physical form.”

Komon liked the sound of shadow clone especially since he knew it was the legendary 7th hokages signature jutsu. “Ill learn shadow clone, do you know what section it would be located in? He asked her. She then told him that she wasn’t exactly sure what rank it was but that it should be in the non elemental section somewhere and that he would have to do some investigating to find the exact book.

Komon then thanked her for her help and began to make his way to the non elemental jutsu section checking each rank book. He started with E scanning through the jutsu in an attempt to find shadow clone, but found nothing. He repeated the process with D, After that He moved onto C, still with no luck and already 40 minutes at least had passed. He tried one more time with B rank Jutsu, and to his luck he finally found it.

With his Jutsu found he breathed a sigh of relief, he could finally get started. Determined to learn this new jutsu he began to read up on it, starting with its history. According to the book the famous Jutsu had been invented by the second hokage, Tobirama Senju. It was eventually put on a forbidden jutsu scroll and hidden away. However that was changed generations later when the son of the fourth hokage, Naruto Uzumaki was tricked into stealing the scroll by his instructor Mizuki. When in possesion of the scroll he learned the forbidden technique and made it his signature jutsu. As naruto gained fame so did his jutsu, many others learned it like Konohamaru Sarutobi, and even at one point Sasuke Uchiha. Naruto eventually became the 7th Hokage and taught the jutsu to his son Boruto.

After being sure he was thouroughly versed in the history of the technique he began to focus on how to perform it. The hand sign was listed as simply the clone jutsu seal. Researching further he found out that meant to extend his middle and his pointing finger on both his left and right hand. Then he had to cross them against each other like an addition symbol. This in theory would activate the shadow clone jutsu and allow him to make up to two copies of himself, just like his clone jutsu except the clones would actually take a physical form and could even fight instead of just being a distraction.

Feeling he was well versed in the technique he decided it was time to begin training. He closed the textbook labeled B Rank Non Elemental NinJutsu, and made his way to the bottom floor of the library thanking Jiyo on his way out, and exited through the front door. With that he began his walk towards the training fields. Sometime into his walk he realized that this was going to be the toughest jutsu he ever learned and that it was absurd to think hed be able to do it alone after what had happened with the last C rank jutsu he had tried to learn. So he decided hed find Yutaka and ask him for help.
Komon had one problem with his plan though… He had no Idea where Yutaka might be. Last time he had seen him he had helped him with his super beast imitation scroll. He figured he’d stop by Gorami’s house and see if he knew where he lived, they were both jounin after all, they might know each other. So he made his way down the center of the hidden cloud and back to his former Sensei’s house, the journey took about 15 minutes but he eventually made it. When he arrived he knocked on the front door of the fairly sized house and waited for someone to answer. Gorami came to the door about thirty seconds later.

“Whats up Komon” he asked sincerely. Komon then relayed that he was learning shadow clone and wanted Yutakas help but couldn’t find him and asked his former sensei if he by any chance knew where to locate him. “Well it just so happens me and Yutaka went to the academy together.. He lives down the street about 5 houses down. But I don’t think you’ll find him there he’s out on a mission for the hidden cloud at the moment.” He informed the genin. Upon hearing the news komons face very obviously expressed his disappointment. He had been hoping to master shadow clone by the end of the day. Gorami saw his disappointment and comforted him with his next words. “I just so happen to know that jutsu though, and I’d be happy to teach you it tonight in about 4 hours.”

Komons eyes lit up at the words he had just heard. “Thank you so much Gorami Sensei!” he said. Excited to begin. “I’ll see you at the training ground in four hours!” And with that he pulled his scroll off of his back and drew the bird he had gotten so accustomed to drawing, letting it leap off of the page almost instinctively. Gorami was clearly impressed, he hadn’t known his former student had progressed so far. “See you then!” Komon shouted as he hopped on to the back of the bird, and took to the sky. Rising above the village was always an amazing experience for Komon, he didn’t fear the height anymore and was simply left with a beautiful view. With the bird it would only take him about 4 minutes to reach his house.

Landing on his roof, he dispelled the bird from existence and used chakra control to enter his room through the window, rather than his front door to save time. Komon figured he had some time to kill until training and that it would be best spent with a three and a half hour nap. Stripping down to his boxers and setting his alarm, he jumped into bed and drifted to sleep. His sleep was rarely peaceful though, He often spent the night running from nightmares of his past. his mother, and his fathers’ deaths replaying in his head. That goddamn mist shinobi holding his mother’s eyes in his hands. He was running at the man with his katana in his dream when he was awoken harshly by the alarm. The sound caused him to spring upward, visibly sweating and panting. “These nightmares have to end!” he thought to himself.

Remembering why he set the alarm in the first place, Komon quickly got dressed into his jacket, and his father’s old vest. After getting dressed he headed to his nightstand and grabbed his headband, his katana, and his scroll. “This should be all I need for today”, he thought to himself. As he headed downstairs and out his front door leaving his weapon pouches behind on the floor.

When he got onto the street he pulled his scroll off of his back and again drew the bird and flew it to the training grounds. The flight was fun, and he made it to the grounds in a relatively short time with five minutes to spare, and began to glide downwards toward the end of the field. After a short descent he eventually landed softly in a patch of grass. Stepping off his bird he made the symbol with his hands and the bird exploded into ink removing itself from existence.

He waited about 10 minutes for his sensei to show up, and eventually Gorami appeared in the distance walking down the sidewalk from the diner. “What took you so long!” Komon shouted as the man had arrived five minutes late. Gorami found the genins impatience amusing and laughed. “I was eating dinner with my family, my apologies Komon” The genin was obviously not happy but remembered that the sensei didn’t even have to be here and had volunteered so he let it slide.

“So you know the jutsu right” Komon asked. Gorami seeing the students eagerness to learn, smirked and made the clone hand seals. “Shadow Clone Jutsu!” he shouted as two clones appeared beside him. The clones talked in unison just to show off “See Komon this is the famous shadow clone jutsu, Its a lot like the clone jutsu you learned at the academy except these guys actually take phsyical form so they can do things like pick up objects and throw punches. They’re much more practical for combat.” Komon sighed, He was happy Gorami knew the jutsu but he didn’t need an explanation, he had after all just spent the afternoon in the library studying the jutsu.

“Thats cool and all Gorami Sensei but I already know what the jutsu is, I need to know how to use it though. Thats what im not getting, the book didn’t explain it well enough for me.” Komon gave the news to his former teacher, and in return Gorami sighed and dispelled his two clones. “Alright” Gorami said before taking a long pause, so that he could think of a way to walk Komon through it. “Alright Komon the method is really simple, it’s a lot like clone jutsu so I want you to do that first. Show me what you got.”

Komon knew this method pretty well, it was his first ninjutsu after all. Taking a deep breath and picturing himself he weaved the signs methodically. First ram, followed by snake, and ending with tiger. He exhaled the breath he had just taken and shouted “Clone Jutsu!” and flawlessly two copies of himself appeared to his left and to his right. “Like this?” he questioned the sensei. Gorami smiled and confirmed “Yah just like that, you noticed how little chakra that used right? That’s because you’re only using enough chakra to make it appear, it’s basically a hologram, If you want to make a shadow clone you have to turn that chakra into a physical object, it’s more exerting and difficult but gives you the end result you’re looking for.” Komon took some time to process what the sensei had just said, before asking if he should attempt it now. “Whenever you feel ready” Gorami responded.

Komon felt he was well prepared and began to take a combat stance. “Watch and learn” he said confidently to his sensei. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath he extended his middle and index finger on each hand crossing them together in the form of a plus to make the clone seal. Exhaling he exclaimed “Shadow Clone Jutsu!” following his sensei’s earlier instructions he pictured himself, but this time he began to fill in the hollow clone with his chakra in his mind. Hoping to form a solid clone. Opening his eyes he checked to see if it had become a reality, and to his surprise it had. Standing in front of him where two clones of himself. He walked up to one and gave it a high five, and his hand didn’t pass through. “I DID IT!” He shouted celebrating a bit too early, he turned around to see gorami giving him a strange look. “What?” he said, and when his sensei didn’t answer he followed up with “Why are you looking at me like that”

Gorami paused for a second before saying “You did great in terms of making them physical objects, But i can tell you right now the one on the left would be useless in an actual fight.” The clone on the left took obvious offense to this. “Hey that’s not true!” he shouted. Gorami laughed at the ignorance of the clone before him. ‘Oh really then, how about you use Electro Magnetic Murder” the clone laughed. “No problem I learned that a while back!” Gorami certainly admired the clones confidence.

Komons clone began to weave the signs for his electromagnetic murder, first boar, then ram, followed by snake, than horse, and lastly dragon. The clone smirked before it said “Electro Magnetic Murder!” and channeled its chakra to launch a bolt of lightning out of its hand. But to its surprise it poofed into a cloud of smoke upon trying it.

The actual Komon was startled, he had not been expecting that. “What happened sensei?” he asked obviously confused. Gorami then took the time to explain to him what had happened. “You may not know that i’m a sensory ninja, this means that I can sense chakra. When your clones appeared I could instantly tell you put the majority of your chakra in one while completely neglecting the other. You most likely did this without realizing it because you were focusing on giving them a physical form. However if you don’t give your clones enough of your chakra then you can’t possibly expect them to perform justu in combat, it is absolutely essential that you learn to divide your chakra evenly.” Gorami explained to the confused genin.

“Oh ok I get it, I wasn’t paying attention to how much chakra they actually contained I was just focusing on turning the chakra into a physical object.” Komon explained himself and his mistake. “Let me give it another shot.” he asked before getting into his stance. Making the clone seal he envisioned himself again turning his chakra into himself and then filling the clones evenly splitting his chakra into three separate entities. He shouted “Shadow Clone Jutsu” and watched as two clones appeared beside him. Seeing the smile on Gorami’s face he knew he had succeeded but wanted to make sure and ordered both of his clones to use electromagnetic murder. They both did it without flaw and komon leaped in joy before thanking Gorami for his help.

“No problem” Gorami responded before saying goodbye and heading home to his family. Komon then took off his scroll and drew a bird to fly home, he needed to rest after all this was a B rank jutsu and had exhausted him.

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Wed Oct 05, 2016 9:18 pm

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