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David o' confused names
David o' confused names
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Ack! Fire! (mission) - I/O, Nano Goka - Page 2 Empty Re: Ack! Fire! (mission) - I/O, Nano Goka

Sat Feb 18, 2017 2:41 am
As the fire retreated, so did the smoke, through a window that had been cleared by the fire. Some pockets remained, but the water was not reaching them, nor were there bags of sand lying around to deal with it. The best idea he came up with was to take some somehow un-burned cloth, soak it in the spray from the pipes, and then smother the flames as best he could. Heck, while he was at it, he deliberately over saturated the cloth, so that he had some splatter to help cover the flames he couldn't reach. He had to be fast about smothering the flames, however, since some of them risked burning through the hollow parts of the floor and spreading back to other rooms. Stamping around, he was finishing the last one when he heard a "snap" as his foot hit the floor.

He didn't think he had been overly forceful, perhaps the fire had weakened the floor more than he thought.

His left leg crashed through the floor, his body going into a scary free-fall for a split second before halting, the wood enclosed around him mid-thigh.


He pushed at the wood, his lower left leg flailing around, out of sight. Even with his ninja strength, he was stuck. Forming his chakra in both hands, he pushed his hands against the wood surrounding the trapped limb. Trying to literally grind the chakra against itself to create an edge, he began pushing the beginnings of wind chakra against the wood. At first, he struggled to divide the wood, but several chops with his hands provided enough momentum. Slowly, he cut a perforated circle of chops around his leg, before reaching out with his hand to grab onto a nearby table. That being accomplished, he began slicing his leg free of the wood, by punching out the rest of the wood that had not been perforated, with the chakra enhanced punches.

Once his leg was free, he did a sweep of the house, which had fallen eerily silent after the fire had taken its toll. No furnace churning in the basement. No tap water. No pipe spewing water noisily, since Jeisuta had managed to tape some plugging material in place, etc. etc..

The place was finally clear.

He headed down the stairs, what was left of it, and walked up to Nano Goka. "Okay, that building is clear too. Unfortunate that the fire spread, but at least it was limited to those two buildings...."

(ttl wc: 416+1731=2147)

(shall we claim the mission?)
Nano Gōka
Nano Gōka
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Ack! Fire! (mission) - I/O, Nano Goka - Page 2 Empty Re: Ack! Fire! (mission) - I/O, Nano Goka

Sat Feb 18, 2017 11:13 pm
When his partner appeared in the doorway and explained that the fire was put out Nano let out a sigh of relief. Today had been a long day and it was finally time to head home. "Good job Jei. Can I call you Jei? I'm going to anyways. I'm pretty sure we don't need to tell the people at the mission desk that we're done considering news of this had probably spread like wildfire (see what I did there?)."

With all that was needed said done, Nano began the long walk back to where he lives. After the fifteen minute long journey back to his camp was completed, he instantly collapsed on top of his sleeping bag. Hopefully he would never have to do something like that again. He was fine with the heat and all but having to put his life in his teammate's hands was something he would prefer to never repeat. Even if he had complete trust in them.

Eventually Nano stopped thinking about pointless things and drifted off into a dreamless slumber.

Wc 176
Total wc 2272
Claiming mission rewards and fire element (half wc learnt from Jeisuta)
David o' confused names
David o' confused names
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Ack! Fire! (mission) - I/O, Nano Goka - Page 2 Empty Re: Ack! Fire! (mission) - I/O, Nano Goka

Sun Feb 19, 2017 2:12 am
(exit) claiming mission rewards and 2147 towards wind element
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Ack! Fire! (mission) - I/O, Nano Goka - Page 2 Empty Re: Ack! Fire! (mission) - I/O, Nano Goka

Mon Feb 20, 2017 3:30 am

Approved <3
Nano Gōka
Nano Gōka
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Ack! Fire! (mission) - I/O, Nano Goka - Page 2 Empty Re: Ack! Fire! (mission) - I/O, Nano Goka

Tue Feb 21, 2017 4:51 am
Whoops forgot to do this. Claiming extra mission reward for completing 2 C rank missions or higher (600ryo)
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