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Nova Tsuba
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Hiyu beats Goka! MK 2 [Private/Nano] Empty Hiyu beats Goka! MK 2 [Private/Nano]

Sun Jun 04, 2017 6:52 am
Mission Link

What a glorious day! The sun was shining, the summer crickets could be heard amongst the grass. The sound of flapping wings echoed around the probably empty gardens. And here Akemi was, leaning on a tree, drinking some tea. The tea itself was a delicious earl grey, the way it slid down his throat really played to his sense of taste. A smile found itself on his round face, hidden beneath his scarf. He was going to enjoy this loneliness while It lasted, for he was to do a mission with someone today. Despite his complete anxiety when it came to social interactions, he seemed to be finding himself in more and more missions with people. Perhaps it was the hand of god getting bored, and pushing him to the rank of chuunin? Or maybe his author couldn't be bothered to write a suitable excuse for a shy person to suddenly become social? Who knew. 

Akemi stepped forward away from the tree, putting his tea down after completing his action. All he had to do now was wait for his partner. Would it be someone he already had met? Damon or that one kid who seemed to ignore him? Hopefully it wouldn't be Hikari again, he had made a complete and utter fool of himself. He didn't think he could ever face her again. Well, he probably would, knowing his lack of luck. His face took on a more thoughtful look, maybe he did have luck? After all, he had managed to stay alive this long. And with his skill, it was truly a marvel as to why or how he was still alive.

(WC: 276)

(Soz for the short post, I found it hard to write anything long without any kind of narrative or direction)
Nano Gōka
Nano Gōka
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Hiyu beats Goka! MK 2 [Private/Nano] Empty Re: Hiyu beats Goka! MK 2 [Private/Nano]

Sun Jun 04, 2017 7:14 am
It was a beautiful morning, birds singing, not a cloud in the sky, everybody happy. The perfect conditions for a mission. This was what was going through Nano's head when he decided to head to the mission desk and grab a mission. The person at the desk, this time a woman named Alice, searched through the piles for a moment before pulling out a fairly thin folder with the label, 'Passing on the Torch'. Nano didn't know what to expect. While handing over the folder to Nano, the lady told him, "Genin such as yourself need to socialise more often. I know you feel the need to train instead of doing socialising so we've decided to combine the two and we'll even pay you for it! Train with soon-to-be friends for money! Ingenious!"

Quickly flipping through the pages contained inside the folder, Nano quickly signed the needed area before heading to the training ground which was stated in the mission info. When he arrived he saw somebody he had been hoping to meet again. Last time they had encountered, Nano had frozen up and not responded but this time he was determined to make a new friend, or at the very least, acquaintance. Besides, he was earning money for something he would normally do for free.

Walking up to the person which he hadn't figured out the name of yet, Nano would stop about 3 metres in front of them. He would then begin a conversation, promising to himself he wouldn't freeze up,"Hello. I'm here for the mission. I believe we've met before in the woods but something strange happened and I froze up. I apologise if I freaked you out or something. The name is Nano Gōka." He would then wait for his mission partner's response before going in for a handshake.

Wc 306
(Take a look at my stat page for any jutsu you want me to teach you)
Nova Tsuba
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Hiyu beats Goka! MK 2 [Private/Nano] Empty Re: Hiyu beats Goka! MK 2 [Private/Nano]

Sun Jun 04, 2017 7:41 am
(Body flicker and storage displacement look very enticing. Take a look at my stat page for any tai moves you wanna learn.)

As Akemi waited, he started observing his surroundings. The hot sun baked the ground around him, it was hot enough that some air around him was almost shimmering! Fancy that for a nice change in weather. No more rain, no more dreary mornings. It was time for sun! Akemi frowned slightly though, he was wearing a jumper and scarf... In this heat. What a stupid thing to do. In his defence though, it was rather chilly when he had left his apartment. That was then he remembered, he had actually put on a t-shirt today! He wasn't wearing just a jumper! So, with as much haste as he could, he unwrapped the scarf from his neck, pulled off his jumper, revealing a plain black t-shirt underneath. And subsequently, how scrawny he was. But Akemi was not one too hang up on the details.

Eventually, his partner arrived, and seemed to instantly recognise Akemi. That struck him has rather odd, as Akemi had recently undergone a rather dramatic change. His eyes and hair were no longer blue, they were black. But Akemi wasn't holding it against anyone. After all, who even read the clearly labeled "Current Appearance" section of his signature? The boy would walk up to Akemi and start to speak. Akemi's neck began to hurt as he looked up, being small had that kind of effect when talking to absolute giants.

"It's okay, I sometimes freeze up w-when speaking to people. I didn't know I was that imposing though, I m-mean, look at me!" Akemi gestured towards his gaunt frame. "All right, so apparently we have some kind of m-mission? I'm a-afraid I didn't c-catch any of t-the specifics. Something about t-teaching people?" Akemi would then accept Nano's handshake should he offer one. He noticed that he wasn't quite as shy as he usually was. Perhaps it was something to do with the age-gap and Akemi's recent endeavours with people?

TWC: 619
Nano Gōka
Nano Gōka
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Hiyu beats Goka! MK 2 [Private/Nano] Empty Re: Hiyu beats Goka! MK 2 [Private/Nano]

Sun Jun 04, 2017 8:22 am
After giving his newly appointed partner which he noticed he still didn't know the name of a hand shake, Nano would then tell him all he knew when it came to the mission because apparently someone hadn't read the mission info (Aka the thing that was linked at the start), "From what I could tell, it's simply a socialising mission, paying us to teach someone, in this case each other. Now, if we're going to learn from each other, we need to know eachother's strengths and weaknesses. Personally, I specialise in wind and fire Ninjutsu but I know a couple tricks from other categories that I'd be willing to teach. My main weakness is Taijutsu. I'm fairly fast but I don't even know how to block with the correct technique!"

"The jutsu which I'm going to teach you first are the body flicker, a Ninjutsu used to increase speed for a short amount of time, and storage displacement, a handy tool to contain your things. Depending on how you go, I may teach you something else. Other than that, I was hoping you know some taijutsu you could teach because as I said before that is my main weakness (not to mention you need to teach me something or you fail the mission)."

Wc 222

Total wc 528

(Seeing as me teaching you halves wc, I can still teach you an extra jutsu or two as the two you chose will only take up 1000 wc. Also, I was hoping you'd teach me the Inside to Outside Block, Taijutsu Style Block (C Ranked) and the Wind Strike. Other than that, sorry for the short post, it was just a setup for the next one when I start teaching you something.)
Nova Tsuba
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Hiyu beats Goka! MK 2 [Private/Nano] Empty Re: Hiyu beats Goka! MK 2 [Private/Nano]

Sun Jun 04, 2017 10:20 am
Akemi nodded at regular intervals while Nano explained the mission in more detail, it seemed he had actually remembered correctly. That was a surprise, his memory was usually incredibly terrible. A trait which was probably bad to have if he wanted to continue being a shinobi. Akemi breathed in slowly, circulating the wonderful crisp air through his bloodstream. This served as a small warm-up, without interrupting Nano while he spoke. That was when Akemi realized, he hadn't introduced himself yet. Sure, he had told Nano his name last time they had met, but Nano had gone into the weird frozen-like state by then. Or Nano had just forgotten about the thread, what a strange person to be partnered up with. After Nano had finished speaking, Akemi would start to shyly stutter his way through the conversation.

"Right, my strengths and weaknesses huh? Well, I'm pretty fast and can hit hard. I've been practicing taijutsu nearly my whole life, so i have a basic grasp of that area. My main weaknesses are probably my tiny stamina reserves and my lack of any ranged techniques. My stamina will be hard to fix, but I would like to fix my range problem with Body Flicker, perhaps it would allow me to get closer to my opponents? Oh yeah, my names Akemi Hiyu by the way" While saying this, Akemi's right hand would slowly rise up and his thumb and index finger would pinch his chin in a thoughtful position. So Nano's main weakness was taijutsu? Akemi could certainly help with that. "I suppose it would be best if i started by teaching you the inside to outside block, it's a relatively simple technique. So it shouldn't take that long to learn." 

After saying this, Akemi would settle into a basic stance. Both his forearms raised up vertically in front of his head, his left foot slightly ahead of his right. "It would be easier to show you, try punching me and I'll attempt to block it. Don't worry about hurting me, don't hold back." Akemi would then watch Nano with narrowed eyes, taking in every little movement Nano made. Making sure that Nano wasn't going to pull any fast ones on him.

TWC: 987

(You actually can't learn the C-Ranked taijutsu technique with 10 strength. You need at least 20. Though I've seen that you have recently made a claim for 10 stats, if you put them all in strength, then we should be good to go!)
Nano Gōka
Nano Gōka
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Hiyu beats Goka! MK 2 [Private/Nano] Empty Re: Hiyu beats Goka! MK 2 [Private/Nano]

Sun Jun 04, 2017 12:02 pm
After listening and taking into account what Akemi said were his strengths and weaknesses, Nano would follow the directions given to him and try to punch his teammate. Deciding to throw Akemi off as well as show off what he would teach in a moment, Nano swiftly drew his hands up into the single ram hand seal(61 speed because, correct me if I'm wrong, I don't need to halve my speed to do handseals) and would seemingly disappear to the untrained eye, reappearing behind Akemi's current position. This would all happen at a speed of 151. Once reappeared, Nano would pull back his hand and ball it into a fist before throwing himself with all his weight at Akemi's back. While some may call this dishonourable or something of the sorts, Nano knew that that didn't matter for many reasons. A) Akemi could easily withstand a punch like that because Nano wasn't too strong and B) Shinobi never had honour!

Whether the attack hit or not, after throwing the punch Nano would attempt to step backwards out of the range of Akemi. For all Nano knew this could either turn into an actual Taijutsu spar (which he would obviously lose) or just a simple lesson with Akemi pointing out the flaws in his punch. Nano didn't know which he'd prefer. On one hand he'd get experience fighting against a strong opponent however on the other hand he would more easily learn the technique and they would be able to swiftly trade jutsu. It was all really up to Akemi.

He was quite lucky when it came to this pairing. Taijutsu users were quite rare around Hoshigakure and Taijutsu is the main area in which he was lacking in terms of skill. Had he been paired up with someone else other than a Tai main, Nano would have most likely learnt near to nothing. While he was only being the basics from Akemi, it was still an improvement compared to learning another E or D ranked jutsu to add to his Ninjutsu arsenal. While having a few here and there would prove to be beneficial, at this point all Nano needed was the higher level jutsu, C ranked at the very least.

Pushing thoughts of his fortune to the back of his mind, Nano would focus his mind on the task at hand. If this evolved into some sort of fight he would need to be prepared.

Wc 407
Total wc 935
(As long as your fine with my stats changing mid thread, my strength should be up to par by my next post. Have fun posting!)
Nova Tsuba
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Hiyu beats Goka! MK 2 [Private/Nano] Empty Re: Hiyu beats Goka! MK 2 [Private/Nano]

Sun Jun 04, 2017 2:26 pm
As Akemi studied Nano's movements, he took note of Nano moving. Not to punch him, but instead to make a hand seal. That struck Akemi as rather odd, why would he be doing a jutsu right now? This wasn't a spar, Akemi had just wanted to show Nano how to perform the inside to outside block. Regardless, Nano wanted to do this action, who was Akemi to stop him? So, with Nano just starting to move his hands towards each other, Akemi would be watching extremely carefully. Trying to make out which hand seal Nano was going to make before he did any actions. Of course, due to his Hiyu reaction time, he had no problem doing this.

Just as Nano's fingers would start to wrap around each other (This is needed for the Ram seal) Akemi's mind would race through all the possible jutsu Nano could use in this situation. That's when he had a minor flashback to his short spar with Damon. If his memory was correct, Damon had used the Body Flicker technique, and that technique had required the Ram seal. Was it possible, that Nano was using that technique as well? It would make sense, against a taijutsu specialist at close range, one of the few ways of winning, was to try and either 1) Use range against them or 2) Out-speed them. So, Akemi came to the conclusion that Nano was going to end up somewhere within his general vicinity. Most probably behind him, as that was Akemi's blind spot. It was quite a clever move, Akemi had to admit.

Just as Nano had finally completed the hand seal, Akemi would already be swivelling on the balls of his feet. Since Nano was much faster than Akemi during the body flicker, he would be behind Akemi, while Akemi was only 1/2 way through his turn (This means that Akemi has his side to you at the moment). Now, since Nano had to wind up the punch, this gave Akemi more than enough time to swivel around in time, just as Nano's punch was about 1/4 of the way to Akemi's chest.

Akemi would allow the fist to get slightly closer (1/4 of the way further to be precise) before he decided to act. He would bring his right hand forward in a deceptive motion and direct Nano's hand so that it would now be aiming for roughly 1 foot away from Akemi's left side. Since there was this thing called Momentum, Nano would most probably be unable to stop himself from starting to tumble. Especially since Nano had specifically stated that he had put all his body weight into the punch.

With Nano now tumbling off to Akemi's left side, the Hiyu would continue with the technique. His right fist would uncurl into an open palm, and he would would send it straight into Nano's side (Speed: 85, Power: Enough to only just hurt but will still send Nano flying a few meters off to the side). With his combo completed, Akemi would breath out slowly. A habit he had picked up after learning the seven heavens.

When Nano landed, Akemi would straighten himself, before regarding Nano with a kind twinkle in his eye. "Did you catch that? The inside to outside block is a very simple technique. All you do is, s-swipe the enemies attack away from your b-body to upset their center of g-gravity, then either use an open palm of a closed fist. T-the open palm allows for more cleaner/fast movements. While the closed fist is all about rage and power. T-try practicing the m-motions a few times." Akemi would then watch as Nano would (Probably, assuming this all goes to plan) start to practice the motions. 

Once Nano said/did anything to motion that he was finished, Akemi would then begin to ask. "Is there anything else you would like t-to learn? Or shall we start on teaching me the body flicker t-technique? I have absolutely n-no idea where to begin on that one." He scratched the back of his left wrist nervously, hopefully Nano didn't find his stuttering weird.

Should anything that counters any of Akemi's moves occur, his actions would change accordingly.

TWC: 1680

(All actions done at Maximum speed. I.E: 75)
Nano Gōka
Nano Gōka
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Hiyu beats Goka! MK 2 [Private/Nano] Empty Re: Hiyu beats Goka! MK 2 [Private/Nano]

Mon Jun 05, 2017 2:46 am
Nano rarely trained with other people, not because he didn't like socialising, but because nobody ever really wanted to train with him. Nano always took it as them not wanting to get humiliated by him even though the back of his mind always shouted at him it was because he was an idiot. Making friends had never really been his strong point, considering he had never really lived a normal life. He had always lived on the outskirts of society, without a family or normal place to sleep and he had grown used to it.

This was why he was determined not to screw this up. He had been given a chance to meet somebody new and he was even getting paid to do so (not that the money mattered...sort of). Being thrashed around by Akemi was a bit of an eye opener for Nano. He had never really fought against somebody incredibly faster than himself since his early days as an academy student. This just showed him that no matter how powerful or fast he thought he was, there was always somebody ahead of you.

When Akemi turned around and knocked his fist away from its collision course, Nano would tumble forward slightly, barely staying on his two feet. However, after being hit by the palm of Akemi's hand at a speed he was unable to block, Nano would completely lose his footing and land in a heap around 4 metres in front of Akemi (assuming he was looking towards where he hit). The pain from the technique used on him was only mildly painful, nothing he couldn't endure despite his low health. Hopping up as fast as possible (61 speed), Nano would turn and face towards Akemi. Deciding not to comment at Akemi's orders, he would open his palm flat before copying the movements he saw Akemi do. He would repeat this 5 times before doing the same with his fist.

Satisfied with his progress in the technique, Nano would then turn back to Akemi to signal that he was done. Hearing his teacher/student/mission partner ask his next question, Nano would respond, "I'm pretty sure that should be enough for the Taijutsu, gotta start slow you know? Unless you've got some sort of speed boosting Taijutsu that I could use I think I'll be fine for now on that department. Either way, let's get you started on the body flicker first. If you do have some Taijutsu like that, it can wait until I teach you this."

"To use the Body Flicker technique, you must first form the Ram handseal. Using the ram handseal to focus your Chakra, you must channel it through your legs to increase your speed. I would give you a demonstration but I'm fairly sure you got a pretty good look before you knocked me down (Not to mention the cool down still hasn't finished). If you can get this down fairly quickly we can move on to a Space time jutsu called Storage Displacement. It's a pretty useful one once you get the hang of it. Works just like a storage seal, a personal dimension just to store your stuff. All you have to do is the Rat and Dog handseals and focus your Chakra into your chosen item to store. Bringing it back is just as simple, do the two handseals and focus on pulling back the weapons with your mind."

To show Akemi the correct use of the Storage Displacement, Nano would pull out his Tanto from its sheath before going through the two handseals at a leisurely pace (10 speed) to make sure they were readable (although they still would be even if he went full pace). The tanto would then dissolve into particles, seemingly disappearing into thin air. Satisfied with his demonstration, Nano would stand back and wait for Akemi to either respond or simply try to use the techniques.



(Sorry if it's a but sloppy, I don't have the time to edit it too heavily. Also, just realised I'm an idiot and already have Wind Strike so instead if could you teach me chain fist? I've also decided to give up on getting the Taijutsu block so don't bother talking about it in your next post.)
Nova Tsuba
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Hiyu beats Goka! MK 2 [Private/Nano] Empty Re: Hiyu beats Goka! MK 2 [Private/Nano]

Mon Jun 05, 2017 11:12 am
(Just a few heads up, don't worry about ap cost/cooldowns in social topics like these. We only worry about that if its actual combat/spar)

(If you don't want to read all this, skip to the last four paragraphs or so.)

Akemi felt pleased when Nano didn't seem to hold any grudge against himself, you see, Akemi was not good with people and had a hard time reading them. He could do something to piss them off and think it was a totally acceptable thing to do. He really needed to learn about that. If his assumptions were correct, then being a chuunin wasn't all about combat skill and ability. It was also about the mind, the intellect of the shinobi in question. Someone could be incredibly fast and strong, but how would they fair if they couldn't understand people? It was a very philosophical question and one which was quite uncharacteristic for Akemi, but he tended to think weird things when his creator was trying to increase the word count.

Akemi watched Nano practice the technique with a somewhat proud glint in his eye. It was a peculiar feeling, seeing someone learn something that you had taught them. It made you feel special and proud. Akemi liked this feeling. He thought about how disappointed his father must've been to see Akemi fail at learning the Hiyu techniques, time and time again. It was quite disheartening, but Akemi felt like his father would be proud to see him now. After all, Akemi was using all his Hiyu abilities to the best standard he possibly could at this moment. He had even managed to finally learn a Hiyu technique! Well, the weakest one. But hey, it was the thought that counts... Right?

When Nano asked Akemi if he had any Speed-boosting taijutsu techniques, Akemi pondered the question. The seven heavens kind of worked like that, but it had the unfortunate disadvantage of only being learnable by taijutsu specialists, such as himself. Akemi didn't think that Nano was one. After all, 1) Nano had the physique of a string bean and 2) He had actually told Akemi that he wasn't. Still, there must be a taijutsu technique which worked well with Nano? He started chewing the inside of his mouth in thought, what was there? Then it popped into his head, the chain fist. It would work perfectly with Nano! the 12-year-old's strikes weren't that strong, so most opponents would simply be able to tank his hits with little regard for getting damaged by them. Chain fist lowered the opponent's defenses and made all the subsequent hits hurt a lot more than usual. 

Right, so he was being taught the body flicker technique and another useful-looking technique now, he needed to concentrate on the child speaking, it was important. Body flicker was that simple, huh? A single hand-seal, and a simple direction of chakra to his legs to speed him up. It seemed impressive, how fast would he be able to move with it under his belt? Probably not as fast as Nano, because his chakra potency wasn't very impressive, but it'd probably still be useful. He also put the storage displacement instructions and demonstration to memory, he was going to do it right now!

He slowly put his hands together, to form the Ram hand seal, and felt his chakra begin to mold into shape. It felt fast, it felt quick, it reminded him of lightning. He directed the chakra to his legs and felt the immediate boost it offered. It felt strong and empowering. He stood there like a lemon for a few seconds, unsure of where to go next. Did he use his chakra to push himself in the direction? Did he step? Might as well try a step, no harm in trying. Akemi breathed in slowly, then tried to move his leg forward. What resulted, looked like a scene off strictly on ice bloopers. You see, his step had been much faster than he had anticipated. And had ended up completely overshooting, him ending face-down on the grass. What a scrub, still, it was his first time. He deserved some kind of leniency.

He tried again, Ram seal, molded chakra, directing it to his legs. This time, he directed the chakra forwards, willing it intensely to direct him in the direction he wanted. It started slowly, he glided across the ground. And then, he shot off at an intense speed. He was little more than a blur as he scattered forward. He had done it! And he had done it easily. It was truly astonishing how much a teacher could help. Now, it was time to learn the other one Nano had demonstrated. The space-time one. What was it again? Theee... Storage displacement technique! That was it.

Akemi pulled out his own tanto from its sheath and gripped it tightly in front of him. He stared at it, focusing on all the little kinks and getting a sense for its weight and its dimensions. This technique seemed to be slightly more complicated than the body flicker technique. Sure, they were both d-ranked, but Body flicker only sped up the body for a few moments. This technique took an item out of time... Out of existence!

With the tanto in his right hand, Akemi started to sign the two hand seals necessary to perform the technique, Rat-Dog. And then, he simply focused on the tanto, willing it to go away. And do you know what happened? It vanished in a mass of particles. He could only mutter one word "Whoaa".

He looked at Nano, happy that he had learned the two techniques. "I only know one taijutsu technique which speeds up the body, but unfortunately you're not skilled enough at Taijutsu to learn it, no offense. I do, however, know a technique which could work quite nicely with your build. You look like you can't punch that hard, that could prove to be a problem when faced in close-range with someone. This technique serves to allow you to punch harder and faster than normal while weakening the opponent's defenses and durability? How do you feel about that?" Akemi would pause to allow Nano to answer.

If Nano said no:

Akemi would say "Okay then, thank you for this, Nano. I've learned some valuable techniques from you. I hope we meet again!" And then, he would then pick his mug of tea back up and walk off, very happy with what today had brung.

If Nano said Yes:

Akemi smiled warmly as Nano affirmed his willingness to learn the arts of taijutsu. Now, he just had to explain it. Though Akemi was not the most articulate with words, so he decided to show Nano instead. "Watch this," Akemi said. He would then shuffle his feet around. And start the combo, using the closed fist varient. (Just read the App for a description of what Akemi does). He then stopped the combo once he was finished and looked back at Nano, "It's pretty simple, it has a closed fist and open palm version. Try and learn them for me now. Remember, the key to this technique is to not give the opponent a chance to recover, keep it an endless barrage." Akemi would then lean back on his left foot and watch Nano (Supposedly) practice the technique. Once Nano had completed, Akemi would say "Thanks for this Nano, lets meet again sometime!" before picking up his tea, and walking off to Hoshi. A smile present on his face.

(Sorry for the lazy description of the technique :P)


TWC: 2997

(Wish I could claim stats for this, rip)

Claims: C-Ranked mission complete (And all the rewards), gonna claim mastery of Storage Displacement though if i can't i'll just take the normal version. Also gonna claim Body Flicker
Nano Gōka
Nano Gōka
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Hiyu beats Goka! MK 2 [Private/Nano] Empty Re: Hiyu beats Goka! MK 2 [Private/Nano]

Mon Jun 05, 2017 11:58 pm
Watching Akemi trying to learn the two techniques had both caused a wave of pride to wash over him and caused him to let out a small laugh every now and then. He felt pride because Akemi had learnt the techniques in such a short amount of time and he laughed because he had done the same thing as Akemi on his first try at the Body Flicker. If Nano didn't know any better, he would have thought he was a natural at both Ninjutsu and Space/Time Jutsu. However, the low Chakra potency he could sense using Chakra Sensory told him otherwise. It was obvious that Akemi focused on mostly the physical aspect of being a Shinobi.

Once Akemi was done, Nano would give him a thumbs up in congratulations before Akemi began to speak. Not deterred by the fact that Akemi had no speed boosting Taijutsu, Nano was happy to be learning any kind of Taijutsu. Besides, this Chain Fist technique seemed like one he would use quite regularly. Watching the technique being demonstrated intently, Nano would make sure to remember the exact movements so as to be able to perform them perfectly. 

Once the demonstration was completed, Nano would swiftly begin copying the movements. Starting off with the closed fist variant, Nano would go through the movements 10 times before swapping to the open palm variant. Although sloppy to start with, Nano eventually got the hang of both of the technique's variants and could feel them empowering his strikes, making them both stronger and faster. Once he was finished he would look towards Akemi to symbolise his completion. When Akemi began to speak again, Nano would smile back at him before reciprocating his gratitude. He would then begin to slowly walk back to the city, parting ways with Akemi.

Today had been a great day in Nano's opinion. He had learnt his first two Taijutsu techniques, had completed a C ranked mission and most of all had made a new friend. At least, that's what he thought of Akemi to be. Nano had never really had too many friends, the reason being ninjas were shunned in Hoshigakure despite trying to protect it. Fortunately, he had recently made some new friends, all of them being Shinobi due to civilians hating him. While some may say it'd be good to have some 'normal' friends (AKA Civilian friends), Nano believed that all of his friends being shinobi was a great thing. For one, it meant that they would never slow him down but another good thing about it was that he could both teach and learn from them, as he had done today.

With that train of thought, Nano would arrive in the city, melding into the crowd with the generic clothing he chose to wear. 

Wc 466

2055 total


Claiming C rank mission/rewards, chain fist, inside to outside block and Akemi's Chakra signature
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