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Nova Tsuba
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Babysitting w/ Komori - Page 2 Empty Re: Babysitting w/ Komori

Fri Mar 03, 2017 3:44 pm
Ayumu grinned happily as the boy dodged his attack and disappeared. While most people would be annoyed at the vast difference in strength, Ayumu only felt happy, this person was training him, why should he be mad?

"You're fast!" Ayumu Chuckled, shifting into stance he tried again. Rushing forward to the boy (4 speed) he considered using a Kunai, but was that allowed in a spar? Ayumu had never fought anyone before so he didn't know. Deciding against it he closed the gap between him and Komori. He attempted the same trick again. Tense his legs, aim for the jaw. But he did something different, this time he stopped his right fist before it hit Komori's jaw and proceeded to attempt to punch the boy in the stomach with his left hand (7 speed).

(Word Count: 134
Total Word Count: 965)
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Babysitting w/ Komori - Page 2 Empty Re: Babysitting w/ Komori

Fri Mar 03, 2017 3:57 pm
While Komori had insane reaction time compared to the boy (185 RT), he wanted to see if this boy could even harm him at all. Although he did dare him to tag him… Komori was not fond of losing any bets or dares whatsoever. When the boy rushed forward at a ridiculously slow speed compared to his own (base 125), Komori watched the boy’s movements. He telegraphed his punches too much for there to be much effect. He wanted to teach the boy some basic taijutsu moves, but based on how weak the boy was, he did not know whether or not he was even teachable. He would have to further his strength if he wished to even be capable of being taught. Komori easily saw the left handed punch coming, but instead of merely dodging, he turned his body into a puddle and dropped to the ground at a speed of 185. The boy would most likely try to follow through with his punch, only to not hit a target at all. Komori would then reform his body with his hands still in his pockets with his back to the boy, and his head looking over his shoulder, taunting him to try for a third time.

WC: 1942

(OoC: You need 10 strength and 5 speed to learn D rank tai techs. So whenever this post wraps up, put some stats into those areas and I’d be happy to teach you some moves in another thread.)

Last edited by Kōmori Hozuki <3 on Fri Mar 03, 2017 5:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
Nova Tsuba
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Babysitting w/ Komori - Page 2 Empty Re: Babysitting w/ Komori

Fri Mar 03, 2017 4:20 pm
Ayumu stood with his fist still in the air, mouth agape. Did Komori just turn into water? He turned around slowly, a twinkle in his eyes. That, was amazing. That's when he realised, in his travels throughout the elemental nations, he had heard of a clan named "Hozuki" He hadn't heard much, and he hadn't seen the need to ask any further, making his knowledge on the clan next to nothing.

If his memory was correct, the "Hozuki" clan was a clan that had the ability to turn into water, or was it something else? Ayumu was not sure, but what Komori did was amazing.

Perhaps he should try and focus more on his attacks this time, not get so distracted. He breathed in deeply, the crisp air filling his lungs. He shifted into a stance, a bit more professional looking this time, though, still not to par with most people his age. The breath of crisp air had allowed him to think more clearly, he realised that there was no way he was ever going to beat Komori, let alone tag him, no matter how hard he tried. Still, he would probably try to attack again anyway, he wanted to see more of the power gap that he and a professional ninja had.

He eyed his opponents stance, Komori was leaving loads of openings that Ayumu could exploit. However, Komori was just probably messing with him, he was leaving the openings because he was confident in his abilities against Ayumu. Ayumu charged forward (Speed: 4) once again, he realised he would probably have to come up with a different strategy, but at the moment, he was in a spar, thinking time was for later. His feet plodded against the grass, the tempo of the thuds increasing as he used his momentum to try and increase his speed. But he found he couldn't do it, unless he had more time to increase his speed, which he didn't. As he approached about 4 feet away from Komori he slid down onto the ground, sweeping his right leg underneath Komori's legs (7 Speed), hoping to knock him down.

(Word Count: 356
Total Word Count: 1321)

Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
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Babysitting w/ Komori - Page 2 Empty Re: Babysitting w/ Komori

Fri Mar 03, 2017 6:15 pm
Komon entered the training ground where his twin brother seemed to be testing the newfound village guest in the grass. The kid didn’t seem to be putting up much of a fight and Komon doubt he possessed the capability to bring any real harm to the village. But he was not exempt to Kumo’s rigorous entry process regardless, and his background would have to be cleared. He sighed as he realized his particular ability may have gotten him a new village job he hadn’t really been looking for.

“Alright spars over” He’d say as he he saw the kid try to sweep at his brother's leg. Komon’s voice would not come off as rude but stern, showing the newcomer that he was to be listened to.

“Long story short I have the ability to read minds, If you want to stay in kumogakure you will consent to have your mind searched for ill intent towards our village. If you wish to be thrown back outside our gates where my brother found you, you will obviously not consent. Now make your choice.”

Komon wasn’t particularly worried about coming off as harsh, he had places to be and things to do. “Well, whats it gonna be?”
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Babysitting w/ Komori - Page 2 Empty Re: Babysitting w/ Komori

Fri Mar 03, 2017 6:18 pm
Komori’s head was turned around, so he was able to observe everything that was going on. He noticed the boy charging at him, seemingly in slow motion, so he decided to test a move out that had once been used on him. Sorry, kid. As Ayumu was approaching, Komori’s body would appear to glow brighter as faint traces of lightning were seen dancing across his body. Lightning javelin would buff his speed up to 155, well past any sort of hope that Ayumu would hit him. He did not even notice Komon’s voice as Komori removed his hands from his pockets and jumped into the air, only bending his knees. He would remove his hands out of his pockets and land before stooping low to the ground placing a hand on the boy’s shirt and picking him off of the ground. He raised his free hand into the sky as he was struck by a powerful bolt of lightning which coursed through his body into his opponent’s. Not wanting to damage the boy too badly, Komori sent some of the lightning nature chakra out as a spark from his shoulder, thanks to his Kaminara no Jutsu skill, which allowed for him to deliver just a mild shock, in comparison to what it could have been. He would then set the boy down on the ground and wait for his response before turning to Komon. “Oh, hey.” He then looked back at the boy before him. “Might’ve gone a bit far, you know?” He then looked back towards Komon, “Anyways, did you bring me a sandwich?”

WC: 2207

Claims: Knowledge of Ayumu Tenkachu’s Chakra Signature (2000/2000), Lightning Release: Lightning Rod (2000/2000)

Last edited by Kōmori Hozuki <3 on Mon Mar 06, 2017 11:27 am; edited 1 time in total
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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Babysitting w/ Komori - Page 2 Empty Re: Babysitting w/ Komori

Fri Mar 03, 2017 6:26 pm
Senshi watched the spar dispassionately wishing that Komon would hurry up since he wasn’t particularly interested in watching this guy make a fool of himself for much longer. However, he also had to make sure the guy was not a threat to Kumo or its inhabitants. He could just be pretending to not be good at fighting just to make them underestimate them. Senshi crossed his arms as he watched the spar continue, it was several minutes later that he felt his chakra sensory return to him with Komon’s signature inbound. He was moving at a relaxed pace, which slightly annoyed Senshi since he wanted to get on with his day.

Finally Komon arrived in the training grounds and Senshi formed a single hand seal activating the body flicker and appearing next to the two Chuunin and the lone outsider. He hadn’t seen Komon or Komori since his promotion, but now the Jounin jacket he wore would scream his new rank to the twins. He didn’t bother mentioning it as he eyed the young man before him. He simply crossed his arms, waiting for the man to make his decision. His sic foot seven frame, burned facial features, scar across his face, and massive array of weapons would probably cut an intimidating figure of the Jounin jacket wasn’t enough to do so on its own.

WC: 225
TWC: 938
Nova Tsuba
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Babysitting w/ Komori - Page 2 Empty Re: Babysitting w/ Komori

Fri Mar 03, 2017 6:28 pm
Ayumu lay on the ground, shaking slightly. He tried to stand up but a muscle spasm later, and he was back on the floor again. He looked at the new arrival, still on the floor and listened to what he had to say. He didn't think he had anything to hide so he just jerkily nodded. Ayumu looked at Komori, a glisten of wonder and amazement in his eyes.

"You have got to teach me that technique." As he said this he turned and looked to the second boy. "Please don't tell me i have got to move for the memory check?" after saying this he closed his eyes and rested his head on the grass, waiting for the electricity to work it's way out of his system. Not noticing the third figure body flicker next to him. 

(Word Count: 128
Total Word Count: 1449)
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
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Babysitting w/ Komori - Page 2 Empty Re: Babysitting w/ Komori

Sat Mar 04, 2017 3:14 pm
Komon sighed as he went through the child's memories, seeing images of a struck down father with a hole in his chest. A wandering kid for years, passing country through country on his own. This stranger had been through tragedy that much at least was apparent, that was when he stumbled upon the kids plan.

With his eye opening wide he turned to senshi and signaled for him to come closer as he whispered in the newly made jounin’s ear “He has some naive plan to unite the major villages under one global ruler, and originally wanted to eradicate all kage, although he seems to want to do it peacefully now.. I think its your call on what to do from here, mr. jounin sir. All of us here could easily take him so he represents no immediate threat.”

OOC: somewhat lazy response but yah
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Ryo : 23750

Babysitting w/ Komori - Page 2 Empty Re: Babysitting w/ Komori

Sat Mar 04, 2017 5:14 pm
Komori turned his attention away from Komon to look down at the spastic boy. “I’ll teach you it another day, if you stick around. For now, I don’t think you’re ready for it yet.” This was directed both at the boy’s standard element, as well as the potency of his chakra. He looked towards his current superior and greeted him, “Greetings, Senshi. Nice of you to finally show yourself.” Komori almost immediately noticed the Jounin flak jacket that had replaced the chuunin one. “Already! Man, you work quickly!”

WC: 2295
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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Babysitting w/ Komori - Page 2 Empty Re: Babysitting w/ Komori

Mon Mar 06, 2017 1:15 pm
Senshi glared down at the unknown nin as he laid on the ground. His expression offered no mercy. Once Komon arrived, and acted oh so casual about his promotion, like he didn’t even notice it, Senshi just stared at him quietly. Once he had performed the technique Senshi raised an eyebrow at the young man before him before he politely offered his hand down to the young man to help him up. As he did so he spoke to Komon. “Thank you for your assistance Komon, sorry to pull you away from other duties. You’re free to go.” If Ayumu accepted his offer of help Senshi would pull him to his feet, if not he would just drop his arm to his side before looking at Komori.

Senshi gave a slightly awkward shrug at Komori’s words, as though he didn’t really know what to say. Which was in fact the truth, he didn’t know what to say. He was still slighty confounded by his own promotion, so how was he supposed to deal with someone elses? “Komori, since you’ve taken responsibility for him, take him to General Slaaanesh, the Makukage will need to decide what to do with him.” Senshi paused before turning to the kid cocking his head to the side slightly. “Or, you can stay the night in Kumo and leave in the morning. I will leave the choice up to you. We are currently preparing for some defense exercises so you’ll either have to leave or meet the Makukage.”

WC: 252
TWC:  1190
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