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Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 35000

Entering the War Zone Empty Entering the War Zone

Sun Mar 26, 2017 5:40 pm
It was nightfall by the time they had arrived, and the sun was long gone making it hard to see, but as Komon and Sakana came out of the forest that stretched from the entirety of Lightning country to rain country he could clearly see the flames coming from the towering wooden walls of the Kumogakure war outpost. And his byakugan would catch sight of two jounin stationed on guard duty, no doubt necessary considering this was a war zone after all. Not wanting the ninja to perceive him as a threat in the dark of night he’d lift his hands above his head and signal for the gennin beside him too do the same.

“Hello! Were Kumo Shinobi sent to help!” He’d shout upwards and watch as the gates opened to reveal hundreds of war tents spread across the entirety of the camp, and could see medical ninja running back and forth with bloodstained scrubs. As he entered the outpost that seemed to be located a couple miles outside of the city in the distance he could hear the explosions even in the dead of night. Two guards would approach him as he stepped in and would check there headbands to make sure that they were who they said they were before directing them towards their tents.

While being escorted he’d take in more of the area, the walls seemed to stretch for about 100 meters in all directions and on each end there would be a towering wooden outpost, with two guards at the top of it. The walls weren't elegant, as this was wartime and they were no doubt put up in a hurry so that they could hold the area, it seemed to be made of several tree trunks placed upright, each one sawn off at about 20 meters high.

The tents seemed to house a single four man unit each and were square shaped with a pyramid like top, made with a green fabric, with the exception of the medical tents one being at the end of each row of the war tents. The medical tents where instead white, with a sown red cross on the top of each one and looked like they could each hold about ten patients, at least that was as much as komon could gather without actually stepping inside. Which he had no desire to do as he saw medics carrying in bloodied and battered bodies from the warzone.

His eyes would then drift in front of him as the two escorts had brought him and sakana to team purples tents, which consisted of two bunk beds. “This will be your station for now” They’d say as the walked away to leave the two members of team purple alone. The Hyuuga would take a brief pause before stepping inside to see the interior of his tent. It was a small 8x8 tent with two bunkbeds and a single nightstand with a candle in the middle of it. There was no matt on the floor, and it was simply grass turf.

Now taking the time to turn towards the gennin that accompanied him he’d say. “I suppose we should get some sleep, we traveled a long distance today and we will be no use to anyone tired”

Requesting: Entrance To Amegakure borders, waited 24 hours here Road to Ame
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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Entering the War Zone Empty Re: Entering the War Zone

Mon Mar 27, 2017 7:45 pm
There was no sun left when they arrived, Sakana was exhausted. It had taken just about a full day of nonstop travel to get to the rain village boarders. The outpost they had arrived at was a ways away from the rain village, all the gennin could make out was tall buildings towering over the village wall. The kumo ninja had also set up walls around their outpost. It grew warmer as Komon and Sakana neared the outpost wall, watching the fire.
While Komon introduced them to the jounin on guard, Sakana took in his surroundings, he did not know what he expected going in but this outpost had exceeded his expectations. There were hundreds of tents in the camp, all of them bearing the kumo village symbol, while the white medical tents had red crosses sown  into them.
The kumo ninja had accompanied them to the tent they would be staying in, it was nothing special really, it was meant to house four people at a time but nothing else. There was one table and two bunk beds, but as Komori and Hitori had not come along with them there would be more room for now.
Sakana was ready to go get to work when Komon stopped him and explained that they should prpbably get some rest. The gennin wanted to protest seeing as they were sent here on a mission but he realized that he couldn’t think straight from exhaustion, meaning that he would be no use to anyone in his condition. He took the bunk opposite of Komon giving them both more space for the time being, diifting asleep he wondered what would happen next in the rain village.

Requesting: Entrance To Amegakure borders, waited 24 hours here Road to Ame
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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Entering the War Zone Empty Re: Entering the War Zone

Sun Apr 23, 2017 7:06 pm
Both of your Exits Belatedly approved
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