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Ayame Nezumichi
Ayame Nezumichi
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Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill] - Page 2 Empty Re: Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill]

Mon Apr 10, 2017 10:10 pm
"Oh, I see" Ayame would say softly as she sat beside him in the sand. "Hmmm... where to begin?" she would ponder staring off into the distance at seemingly nothing, the wheels in her brain grinding. "Well, It's kind of hard to learn water in the desert, but we'll see" she said as she stood up and brushed the sand from her clothes. "Follow me, please." she would say, remembering of a place she discovered while she was at the library with Love and Nanaki, looking at maps of Suna.

"There should be a training area that has water in it if I remember correctly, but it's an indoor arena so we have to take care not to damage anything." She would state heading off from the training grounds, de-summoning Izanagi so she could resummon him at the new place.

Aya would continue to lead the way, hoping the boy would attempt to make small talk as they entered the building that housed the training area. It was seemingly a medium sized pool surrounded by hard ground, and her and Ryou would be the only people there.

Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill] - Page 2 72rbb6

Ayame would kneel down and place her hands on the water, preforming her summoning jutsu. She would then slip her sandals off and walk out onto the little pond. The water was pretty warm compared to the rivers in the leaf, but it was still water nonetheless.

"Alright, come here." she would say gesturing to the spot across from him. "You need to get in touch with the element before you can really do anything with it." she would say standing there calmly. "You need to let your chakra flow smoothly and fluidly throughout your body and through your hands. It should make them slightly damp, but not with sweat, just condensation." she would state awaiting the boy to follow her instructions.

"Unfortunately, I'm not too good of a teacher, but I suggest you getting a mental image of what water means to you, and other natural sources of water." She would say. Then Ayamewould put the boy into a genjutsu, appearing with the change of surroundings she would enact.

The moment he stepped out onto the water, he would be at the valley of the end, walking on the water with her across from him. "This should help a bit. It is a genjutsu, but I don't think you'll want to break out of it until you have a feel for the element." she would state.

The pair would appear to be standing near the waterfall where the remains of the Uchiha and Senju statues stood, in the middle of the river. "I've been here before, actually," she would state. "It's actually quite peaceful there."

WC: 462
TWC: 1291
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill] - Page 2 Empty Re: Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill]

Tue Apr 11, 2017 10:38 pm
Once Ryou was able to stand, he followed Ayame to wherever she was taking him. Then Ryou and her entered a strange building that he had never seen before, which was surpirsing that Ayame knew about this palce. He even followed her onto the water. He had never seen a large body of water like this, which was saying a lot because it was only a small pool.

 Ayame started with ,"Unfortunately, I'm not too good of a teacher," which Ryou totally disagreed with, "but I suggest you getting a mental image of what water means to you, and other natural sources of water." Ryou nodded, tell her he understood. "I thought about it earlier, but wind isn't very different." Then, all a sudden, a waterfall appeared with two statues. Ryou didn't recognize the people but he then thought it was irreverent. "So, feeling the element huh?" Ryou sat down in the water, still hovering over it, he felt sitting helped him feel his chakra when learning something new. He thought on way he could maybe "feel for the element", was to absorb some of the senses. 

First he dragged his finger to get the touch of the water, it was wet but with the way he was feeling it was smooth, causing the water to ripple. Then he took a deep breath in, he smelt the water (If she did the genjutsu right) from the waterfall, it was an unknown smell to Ryou as he hadn't been raised in places with lots of water. He then looked at the water, he found it cool that water could be rough, like the waterfall, and smooth, like the pool he was sitting on. Sounds also was cool, all the noise he could hear was the waterfall rushing, he liked it  and it was oddly relaxing. On problem was getting taste, he has had water before and he knows that it doesn't really have a taste. 

Ryou then when on to the getting his hands moist. He held out his hand in front of him. Ryou closes his eyes to get the true feeling in his chakra. The touch,sound, taste,  smell and sight. Once he felt he had the the feeling of water chakra, he started to flow the chakra into his hand. A though he felt he did every thing right, noting happened to his hand. Ryou sighed but kept at it until Ayame would say something to help him.

WC: 410
TWC: 1263

410/1000 for Water Element 
852/3000 for Dust cloud
Ayame Nezumichi
Ayame Nezumichi
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Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill] - Page 2 Empty Re: Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill]

Thu Apr 13, 2017 3:14 pm
Aya smiled sweetly, walking forward and taking his hands in her own. "See, water comes so naturally to me thatI find it harder to teach people, but I suppose It would be similar to how I learned Lightning from a friend." the chuunin would say focusing her chakra into her hands. Within seconds, cool water would dampen his hands as she ran her chakra through his own network in an attempt to show him how.

Aya would then kneel down onto the surface of the water, still enthralled within the genjutsu world she had created, dragging his hands down with her, attempting to get him to kneel on the water's surface as well. "See it's a lot like this" she would say dipping his hands below the water's surface and cupping them to hold a small amount of water with her.

"Add more water to this amount" she would say releasing his hands and cupping her own to get water, showing him how the excess water would drip from his hands as she worked to produce more. "It won't happen fast or right away, but it should happen" she said noting the slight trickle of water leaving her hands, though the amount never seemed to change.

WC: 206
TWC: 1497

1000/1000 : Ninjutsu Spec.
0497/4000 : Wind Element
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill] - Page 2 Empty Re: Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill]

Thu Apr 13, 2017 10:02 pm
Ryou knelt with Ayame when she went to cup his hands with some water. Ryou next saw her add more water to her hand, as she explained. The water flowed from her hands, to commoners, it would have be amazing but for a ninja, like Ryou, you would have seen cooler. He smiles at her and nods, "Got it." 

Ryou looked at the water in his own hand. He saw his distorted reflection. Ryou was always had a pretty good self esteem when it came to his looks, he knew he looked cute. Then he went back to focusing on the water in his hand. Ryou went back to his earlier thinking process from before and started flowing his chakra. Nothing happened but he kept his cool and kept on pushing. 

It took Ryou while to figure out but then it hit him, like a crash from a waterfall. He remembered what he told himself about the water and how it was like wind in a way. Also he thought it would be more of a flowing action, like when he uses Flicker movement. Ryou closes his eyes and imagined the waterfall that she had put him in but slower. Ryou saw it was a beauty when slowed down in his head. Then, using this imagery, he put that into his chakra. Next thing he knew he felt the water rise, just a bit, in his hand. Ryou opens his eyes, it wasn't over flowing like Ayame's was in her demonstration but he knew it was progress. Although, in his excitement, he dropped the water. Ryou laughs it off though, "Hey, I'm almost there." Ryou cups his hands and dug into the water to get more water. He went over the process again and again. It took him every once and awhile to get it grown again, once he couldn't get it to keep going he would drop it and pick up some more water to refill. Although it seemed to be working a bit, it turns out he was just making a bubble at the bottom of his hand pool with his wind chakra. Once Ryou noticed he sighed, "Never mind." He sound a bit sad, but it was probably because he thought he had it and was getting so close.   


792/2000 for water element 
852/3000 for Dust cloud
Ayame Nezumichi
Ayame Nezumichi
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Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill] - Page 2 Empty Re: Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill]

Thu Apr 13, 2017 11:11 pm
"Oh don't worry about it" Ayame would state laughing and allowing the cool breeze of the genjutsu to blow down some tree leaves. "Wind is actually what element I would like to learn next. I've heard its somewhat of a rarity in the ninja world, but I honestly doubt that after meeting you."

Ayame would then assume a yoga pose, bringing one of her feet up into her inner thigh and holding both her arms above her body as she relaxed. "It's much harder to learn an element that opposes your own. For example, the second element I picked up was lightning. It was very hard to get it because it is strong against water." Ayame would sigh trying to relax. "I shocked myself many times trying to get the hang of it."

Ayamewould then stop and turn to the boy. "You're making progress at least, I noticed the water level in your hands rising a little. It's a slow process, but even though you are prodicing wind chakra you are also producing water chakra as well" she would state catching some leaes within the genjutsu that had blown down from the trees.

"Here, watch this" she would say holding three leaves in each hand between her fingers. The hand that was on ryou's right barred leaves that would shortly begin to drip, watter droplets froming on them, and soon dripping off given the waxy coating on the leaves. The hand on the right would bear leaves that would begin to quiver and shake as electricity began to run through them.

"See, If I can do this with two opposing elements" she would say still holding the leaves and running the two chakras at the same time, "I know you can too" Aya would them release the leaves into the water, save two... one for each hand.

"But don't become unbalanced" she would say holding a leaf in each palm. The one on Ryous right would become sopped in water as she explained, and the one on the left would spazz out a moment, rip and burn from the heat of the current running through it. "Too little chakra and you wont produce anything, but too much and you will become out of control"

Aya would then release the last two leaves into the water. "Why don't you catch some leaves and try it, while I work on trying to invoke some wind chakra" she would say feeling truly happy and being able to smell the grass. She missed home, her apple tree, all of it. The cool air hung on her skin and made her feel truly calm and happy for the first time since she came to Suna.

WC: 450
TWC: 1947

1000/1000 : Ninjutsu Spec.
0947/4000 : Wind Element
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill] - Page 2 Empty Re: Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill]

Fri Apr 14, 2017 11:29 am
Ryou watched as Ayame showed her skills in both lighting style and water style, it got him pretty excited to learn water style. Ryou surprised that Ayame didn't ask why he wanted to learn water style. The answer would be that for a kid that lived in the desert, water was a cool thing to have. Although, in his village it was easier to get water with all the ways of getting it with other villages. Ryou also liked just being able to learn all the jutsu that came with it. 

The next thing to do was for Ryou to use the leaves like Ayame did. Ryou grabbed the leaves as instructed, which was pretty hard at first as they would slip away in your fingers. Once he did get the two leaves, he sat like Ayame did. He held the leaves between his pointer finger and middle finger on each hand. On his right side, he chose to use wind chakra. Using wind chakra was easy and natural for the genin, so the leaf was cleanly spit in half. 

Next was the one on his left side, which he would try to put water chakra into. Ryou tried to not think about wind style this time, which was hard because once again, it was so natural to him. Next, he thought about the feeling of water like the times before. The Genin was at it for awhile, which got him wondering what time it was but he went back to thinking soon afterwards. During this time, he almost split the leaf in two with wind chakra, he stopped as soon as he started only leaving a small cut in the leaf. Ryou then felt the leaf moisten in his hand, he smiled and kept at it. It never got to the point where Ayame was, but he was getting there. He did get it to the point of a small droplet ran down the side of the leaf but that was the most he got.   

TWC: 1981

1128/2000 for the water element
852/3000 for Dust cloud
Ayame Nezumichi
Ayame Nezumichi
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Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill] - Page 2 Empty Re: Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill]

Fri Apr 14, 2017 8:07 pm
Ayame could see the boy's progress and clapped happily.  "Very good, Ryou!" She would say happily. "You're starting to get the hang of things!"

Aya would then take a deep breath. "Here, let me show you this jutsu" she would state, making the handsigns for snakes mouth jutsu, and straight from the pool of water beneath them came a water snake, charging Ryou (Speed and Power Scaled to 40)

Aya would watch and gauge his reaction. After the Jutsu would finish, the girl would pause and say "You've come really far, so far Ryou... how about we take a break... maybe would you be willing to teach me about wind?" she would say altering the genjutsu to show a field of grass on a cool and windy day, probably cool enough to give Ryou a slight chill.

The trees would sway in the breeze around them, as Ayame awaited an explanation from the boy.

WC: 154
TWC: 2101

1000/1000 : Ninjutsu Spec.
1101/4000 : Wind Element
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill] - Page 2 Empty Re: Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill]

Fri Apr 14, 2017 11:04 pm
Ryou would let the leaf go after he got his praise from Ayame. Then, Ayame showed him the snake mouth jutsu. Ryou was surprised at first, but let the jutsu hit him. His body absorbed the attack pretty well, only problem now what the he was dripping wet. Instead of getting upset about being wet, he laughed and shook off a bit, throwing some drops of water at the new chunin. 

 Ayame then advised "You've come really far, so far Ryou... how about we take a break... maybe would you be willing to teach me about wind?" Ryou nods, "Yeah ill can help you with that, but I'm a lot like you when it comes to teaching." That last part made him laugh, he had only taught another once. "Ok, ill show you some jutsu and tell you about wind chakra." Ryou first used Blade of Wind, at first glance it was really hard to see so Ryou had to hold up his hand to show the blade of wind, which was 3 feet from his tips of his fingers. "Wind can be sharp, and some jutsu show this ability, like what I'm using now called Blade of wind." He would then launch the blade of wind at a nearby tree, the three tiny blades were about two inches in size. If the genjutsu was done correctly, the tree would get cut with some fine cuts at it's sides, in reality, he just cut into the wall still leaving fine cuts. 

"Next jutsu is Gale palm," Ryou continued. "This jutsu shows the blowing ability that is found in nature, like her in the desert." He would then clap his hands to use the jutsu on her so she could feel the wind chakra, hopefully understanding it. A strong gust of wind blew at Ayame, not harming her in anyway, for it was only a simple gust. "These normally help with defection." He added.

"Next if chakra forming with wind chakra." Ryou said. He preformed two hand signs, and suddenly a bow of wind chakra appeared in his hand. "This is were you have wind chakra form objects." He drew back the draw string and then an arrow of wind chakra formed in his bow, in the correct position. "This is one of the easiest of the jutsu I have preformed for you, so i guess its a good starter." The bow and arrow of wind disappeared. 

Ryou felt a bit nervous because he didn't know if she understood what he was saying. "I guess we'll try with the leaves, like you did for me," he continued. He then catches a leaf, this time on his first try. He sat like they did before. With one leaf in his hand like before, between his pointer and middle finger. "Try making your chakra and sharp and thin as possible and bring it straight through the leaf, in turn, it should cut in two." He shows her as he explained, he made his chakra and sharp and thin and possible and brought it straight through the leaf, cutting it in two. Ryou smiles at her, "I hope I help with explaining it, I know you can do it." He meant what he said, she had two chakra styles already, so whats one more to her. 

Once she went off on her own thing, Ryou grabbed another leaf to try getting his water style down. He start he thinking process over, like he did briefly before. He knew that Ayame said that he should take a break but he really want to get this. After awhile, though much faster than before, he got it a little moisten. Then, he could see a build up of water at the top. Once it fell, it was followed by more drops, he was super happy but only showed it in a smile, he didn't want to break Ayame's concentration. He let go of the leaf to watch Ayame and her progress.  
TWC: 2645
1792/2000 for water release
852/3000 for Dust cloud
Ayame Nezumichi
Ayame Nezumichi
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 15900

Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill] - Page 2 Empty Re: Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill]

Sat Apr 15, 2017 1:15 am
As Ryou and Ayame shifted gears, Aya took a few deep breaths, listening intently and watching him for a wind blade and shortly thereafter a wind bow. It was amazing that Chakra could form such weapons, and have them be effective.; truly a site of awe and wonder.

Ayame smiled to herself as she watched him stumble over his words; It made her giggle softly to see him so befuddled. "Oh, it's sharp, like lightning, then!" she would hypothesize also taking in his earlier points from when she was teaching him, "But also, it flows, like water?" she would state slightly confused. "It reminds me of the storm element, but I can't seem to dig up any Jutsu about it." she would state trying not to get off track, quickly shaking off the idea.

Aya would jump up into the air, catching some leaves and holding then in her fingers, a breeze blowing cooly through the air as she sat in the grass again, focusing her thought and energy into trying to conjure up wind chakra. "Man... this is difficult..." she would state after a few minutes of her unsuccessfully flowing lightning chakra into the leaf if waves, making it quiver with the current.

She slowly grew a little more frustrated as she couldn't quite seem to get the hang of it. "You make it look so easy, Ry-chan" she would say sighing in slight annoyance as the leaf, yet again bent itself from the weak surge of electricity. Then, all too quickly it became singed as she lost control of the element.

With haste, Ayame grabbed another leaf, continuing to try again and again, determined to get it even if it took weeks on end of training, though she doubted that it would take that long.

Yet again, the chuunin focused, attempting to get the leaf to split as cleanly as it had for Ryou. Aya pictured the scene of a tornado in her mind... though she had never seen one in person, she knew what they looked like from illustrations and pictures in books she had read.

Her mental image of the tornado made a slightly significant impact on her learning and focus, cutting the leaf slightly and raggedly, less than 3 millimeters into the leaf as it bent itself with electric current. Perhaps thinking of a tornado was too stormy for her to focus on just wind. Perhaps focusing on a tree swaying in the breeze would help better.

WC: 413
TWC: 2514

1000/1000 : Ninjutsu Spec.
1514/4000 : Wind Element
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill] - Page 2 Empty Re: Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill]

Sat Apr 15, 2017 2:53 am
Ryou laugh as Ayame states that it was tough and that he made it look easy. "It's natural to me, it like you with water style." Ryou went over to his weapon pouch to find his jutsu book, he had set his weapon pouch over to the side of the pool so it wouldn't get wet. He looked through the book for an easy water style jutsu. Then he  stopped on one, Fish Spit. It was the lowest ranking water style so it would be a good first. He sat with Ayame again, still looking in the book. "Remember, make it thin and sharp, that's the key." 

Ryou would continue with jutsu, it only needed one hand sign, monkey. He used the hand sign. Next he thought about the droplet on the leaf, he used that knowledge in his mouth. After a while he still didn't feel anything form in his mouth that would have him spit out a stream of water. He signed and tried the leaf trick again, to see how he did it last time. He held the leaf from before like he did before. Then he begins to infuse the chakra that he remembered from last time he made it drip. It slowly began to build up water and then drip. Ryou put the leaf in his pocket and preformed the monkey hand sign once again. He swelled up his cheek to get the maximum water in, but nothing more happened, no water. Ryou was confused on how he wasn't getting this, so he kept trying. Finally after another half hour, he got some water build up in his mouth, but nothing good enough to launch at opponents like the jutsu was for. The water ran out of his mouth and on to his chin and onto the water surface. Then he gets a good idea. He releases the water walking technique and falls into the water. His plan of getting into the water and trying to use the jutsu under water failed because he forgot that he can't swim. He climbs back up to the surface of the water. Although his plan failed, he still had a mouth full of water. He thought about trying launching it at Ayame, but he didn't want to disturb her. Instead he launched it at the wall. He infused the chakra into his mouth, which worked. The jutsu hit the wall, of course not with a lot of force but it wasn't suppose to. Ryou smiles as he got half the jutsu down. He then checks on Ayame progress, yet again.  

TWC: 3077
2000/2000 for water release 
224/500 for Fish Spit
852/3000 for Dust cloud
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