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You Should Have Picked the Swordsman Empty You Should Have Picked the Swordsman

Sun Oct 22, 2017 5:02 am
(This topic is a continuation of this topic)

The silver haired Chunin had to admit, he did not think it would be so easy to do what he had just done, after-all, he had essentially just gone and kidnapped a Genin of Hoshi and strolled right out of the villages front gates with said Genin slung over his shoulder. Not a single person in the village had inquired as to what he was going to do with the boy, nor had they tried to stop him from walking right out the main gates of the village...seriously, not even the gate guards had bothered to ask. He honestly found himself wondering if anyone within the walls of Hoshigakure actually cared for the safety and wellbeing of this kid, because if they did then they truly had a strange way of showing it. Would anyone even care if the stitched and scarred medic actually killed this unfortunate Genin...probably, but in the end who really knows with how easy it was to kidnap the child. 

Thankfully for said Genin though, Kenshin had absolutely no plans to kill him, in fact, if anything he was actually going through with this to help the child out. In a two on one fight he would have far less opportunity to show his true strength...especially against a shinobi like Hikari. So yes, he had actually kidnapped the young Genin so that he had a better chance of obtaining the rank of Chunin...but then again, perhaps that wasn't the case, because Hikari truly did seem the type to try and bestow rank ups upon people when they did nothing to deserve said rank up. So yeah, perhaps because his examiner was now Kenshin, who had much higher standards than the wannabe magical girl, the rank up itself would be a lot harder to obtain. 

Now, why had he left the safety of the villages walls with this paralysed Genin perched on his shoulder I hear you asking. Well, to put it simply, Kenshin wanted to fight the kid in private, so he had taken him to the one place in Haven Country that he knew they would be able to fight without being interrupted...the Tachibana Wildlife Reserve. The hand that Kenshin was using to keep the boy balanced on his back was still glowing blue, as Kenshin himself was still siphoning the boys chakra and using it to refill his own slightly diminished reserves. This was of course part of the test that Kenshin planned to put the boy through, to see if he truly had what it took to become a Chunin of Hoshigakure. 

When the silver haired Chunin reached a clearing deep within the heart of the Wildlife Reserve he would simply shrug the boys body off his shoulder. The body of the paralysed boy would hit the ground harshly, the rough landing no doubt hurting the boy...but honestly Kenshin cared little for the boys comfort or, he knew that the pain the boy just felt was a mere prelude to what he was about to experience. 

The silver haired Chunin would use one of his sandalled feet to roll the boy onto his back, and stare ominously down at the still paralysed youngster who was being forced to stare up at him and the canopy above. As the still immobile boy was forced to watch, Kenshin form the two hand seal required to perform the Mystical Palm technique, causing both of his hands to be coated in an aura of soothing green chakra...although if one were too look close enough at the technique, they would notice the slight purple tinge that the chakra possessed. This was due to a special skill that Kenshin had developed some time ago, that he took to calling Angel of it alllowed him to turn his normal medical ninjutsu...techniques designed to heal, into techniques that killed. It infused said techniques with one of the many poisons that he knew how to create, in this case it was his Antiaris Cocktail, and then once the healing technique was used, the person would have the poison absorbed into their body.

Kenshin would place both of his hands against the chest of the paralysed boy and allow his poisoned chakra to flow into his body, and due to the sheer difference between the techniques power and the boys immune system, said poison would begin it's nasty work and start shutting down his organs.

Or at least, that's what Kenshin would do if he was a complete and utter dick....and thankfully for Akemi, he wasn't. You see, everything past the point of Kenshin staring down at the boy was just an idle daydream of his, showing just how easy it truly would be for him to kill this boy

WC: 789

AP Usage:

Last edited by Kenshin Uzumaki <3 on Sat Nov 04, 2017 10:00 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Made a mistake with my AP, added in WC)
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You Should Have Picked the Swordsman Empty Re: You Should Have Picked the Swordsman

Sat Nov 04, 2017 1:58 pm
The fact that not a single person decided to help Akemi during his "Kidnapping" was quite detrimental to his mindset. You see, with his short stature and lack of any social skills, Akemi had developed a bit of a self-esteem issue. And the fact that no one, not even the person he deemed a friend, Hikari, had tried to help, was not comforting. At all. Not to mention all the other emotions he was feeling, as well! He was scared... No, he was down-right terrified, he was uncomfortable and if you added in his current predicament of being emotionally hurt... Yeah, he wasn't having a good day. 

Eventually, the man stopped and, from Akemi's limited perspective, it looked like they were in a forest. Perhaps it was the Tachibana Reserve, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was that Akemi was probably experiencing his last moments within this mortal plane. And there wasn't a darn thing he could do about it.

When Akemi was shoved onto the ground and forced to look up at the stranger's face, it was as if the person was imagining all the ways he could kill the boy, though Akemi shrugged it off as his imagination. All he could do now was wait and see.

TWC: 211

AP: 440 - 120 (60 from last topic) = 320 Remaining.

Also - 1 Heaven's Sorrow Ninjato as it was left in the other topic.

(Sorry for the super late reply xD)
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You Should Have Picked the Swordsman Empty Re: You Should Have Picked the Swordsman

Fri Nov 17, 2017 10:55 am
Kenshin would stare down at the paralysed young man in sheer curiosity. He wondered just how terrified the kid was right now, after-all, the fear was easy to spot in his wide doey eyes. But buried behind the fear was something else... was he hurting right now... perhaps he had landed upon a rock when Kenshin dropped him... or maybe he realised the very same thing that his silver haired captor had. That of course being that absolutely nobody had tried to stop him when he all but kidnapped the kid then walked through the village with his paralysed body on his shoulder.

Speaking of the paralysis... his pepsis poison should be wearing off relatively soon (3 more posts from Akemi), but until then, Kenshin would continue to drain the younger teens was part of his test after all. He supposed he may as well speak to the young man, to try and ease the worry that must no doubt be filling his mind...ugh

"Worry not child, I will not be harming you... actually no, that is incorrect... I will probably be hurting you. But that probably doesn't reassure you much huh... well, if it's any consolation, I won't be killing you " The chunin of Hoshigakure would say as he knelt down next to the smaller teen and placed his abnormally pale right hand upon the paralysed young man’s chest. Once more, Kenshin's hand would begin to glow blue as he siphoned more of the boy’s chakra from him... although this time he would increase the technique's power just a little, something that he had not been doing this entire time. (65 power rather than 60)

"Namikaze and the other one looked to be having fun, so as I said in the arena, I will be your opponent today." the scar faced young man would declare as he looked down at the terrified teen.

"My name is Kenshin Uzumaki, Chunin of Hoshigakure. I would ask for your name in return, but until my poison leaves your system you will be unable to even blink, let alone speak" he would say with amusement in his deep and smooth voice, and a small smirk splitting his unnaturally pale lips. Of course, he wouldn't mention just how much the boys eyes must be burning right now, after being unable to blink for such a long time, and that's not even getting into the fact that he may have gotten some dust in his eyes when Kenshin dropped him... damn, those eyes really must be burning right now.

"It is pretty obvious that you a Chunin hopeful, and I'm unsure if kidnapping you in the way that I did would result in you failing the mission... if so then I apologise, but there really isn't any use in crying over things that have already happened. Best to just grit your teeth and try again next time." the silver haired chunin would say, essentially mocking the downed teen in the case that he did accidently cause him to fail.

"And hey, if you weren't disqualified, then I guess that makes me your proctor rather than congrats I guess" he would then say with a relatively dark grin on his face. Yes... congrats indeed, he had just gained the hardest to impress Chunin in Hoshigakure as his Chunin Exam proctor.

He really should have picked the swordsman.

WC: 563

Nova Tsuba
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You Should Have Picked the Swordsman Empty Re: You Should Have Picked the Swordsman

Fri Nov 17, 2017 5:17 pm
If Akemi actually had any control over his facial muscles, his eyes would've likely widened to the size of saucers when his kidnapper told him that the midget would likely end up hurt after all this, with how much pain he would be in left to the imagination. At least he wasn't going to die... Well, there was certainly many things the man could do too Akemi that would be worse than death. Memories of the 13-year-old trying to completely obliterate his manhood flickered through his mind and, if he wasn't paralysed, he would've likely shuddered.

The man, who was now known as Kenshin, continued to speak to the 17-year-old. His tone and choice of wording gave off the vibe that he was deliberately looking down on Akemi, figuratively AND literally of course. Despite being incredibly naive when it came to social situations, Akemi had enough sense to know that Kenshin was mocking him, and it only made Akemi more afraid. It reminded him of that time when he had almost been beaten to death as a kid, how helpless he had been throughout it. That moment in his childhood had been a turning point for Akemi and it had been what gave him the motivation to train everyday. But alas, it seemed that all that training was for naught, as he seemed to be in the exact predicament despite his countless years of training.

Who knew what would happen next?

TWC: 462

AP: 320 - 65 = 255
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You Should Have Picked the Swordsman Empty Re: You Should Have Picked the Swordsman

Fri Nov 17, 2017 9:12 pm
Welp... really there isn't much else Kenshin could say or do at this point. So he would simply continue to drain as much of Akemi's chakra as he could (65) in silence as he waited for his pepsis poison to wear off (2 more posts from Akemi)

WC: 41

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You Should Have Picked the Swordsman Empty Re: You Should Have Picked the Swordsman

Fri Nov 17, 2017 9:36 pm
Indeed, nothing interesting of note happened during this posting order, so it was just filled with a tangible silence. Kenshin's gaze slowly boring through Akemi's soul.

TWC: 488

(Yo, so will paralysis end at the end of my next post, or the start of the one after that? Just checking :P)

AP: 255 - 65 = 190
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You Should Have Picked the Swordsman Empty Re: You Should Have Picked the Swordsman

Fri Nov 17, 2017 9:45 pm
As Kenshin continued to drain the other teens chakra he would resist the urge to sigh... he really wished he had a technique that he could just use to purge the poison within someones body.... oh, now that was an interesting idea. 

WC: 42

(The paralysis will end at the start of the post after next, sorry if I wasn't being clear about that lol)

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You Should Have Picked the Swordsman Empty Re: You Should Have Picked the Swordsman

Sat Nov 18, 2017 6:49 am
As Akemi continued to be drained he tried to sigh, but then he realised that he couldn't because of the paralysis poison circulating through his system. If only he had a technique to purge poison within his body... Oh, that was a good idea.

TWC: 532

AP: 190 - 65 = 125
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You Should Have Picked the Swordsman Empty Re: You Should Have Picked the Swordsman

Sat Nov 18, 2017 8:06 am
If the silver haired young man could read minds he would be very proud of the thought that just passed through the diminutive teens head... but unfortunately he wasn't able to, and as such his feling about the boy remained the same. His hand was of course still placed atop the boys chest, glowing blue as he continued to drain the younger looking teens chakra.

"The poison should be wearing off right around now" Kenshin would say in a bland and rather uninterested tone as he looked down at the young man, waiting for some sign that the poison had indeed worn off.

WC: 103

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You Should Have Picked the Swordsman Empty Re: You Should Have Picked the Swordsman

Sat Nov 18, 2017 9:12 am
Kenshin suddenly decided to break the silence by telling Akemi that the poison had worn off. This was followed by Akemi instantly activating the chakra storage seal on his person as he had no idea how much longer he could survive the drainage of his chakra. Now, from what he had seen, this stranger seemed to be quite... Volatile. Considering the fact that the man had just jumped behind him and paralysed him without a second thought. Inferring from this, Akemi deemed it unwise to just shove the man's hand of his chest, so Akemi did the next best thing.

"S-sir... Please can you let m-me up?" Akemi said, understandably nervous.

TWC: 646

AP: 120 - 65 + 120(CSS) = 185
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