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Rosalyn 'Rose' Uchiha
Rosalyn 'Rose' Uchiha
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Gaining Strength (IO, NK) Empty Gaining Strength (IO, NK)

Wed Oct 25, 2017 7:51 pm
Treize moved through the Hoshigakure Library, quietly making his way toward the back into a secluded corner where he hoped no one would disturb him. He had a few books in his hands on different subjects regarding the shinobi lifestyle such as training ideas, tips for getting through long term missions, trap arrangement, etc. Of course he was in a rather expensive looking, black, dress shirt with gold embroidery and black slacks. Of course he also wore a pair of dress shoes specifically modified for shinobi combat and movement. On his forehead, his protector with the Star etched into it stood proudly for all to see. He would sit down in a corner and begin to read through his books at a quick pace, absorbing the information rapidly before moving on. Should anyone come back here and join him he wouldn’t leave or anything. After all the library was meant to be used. Besides, everywhere else had too many people in it. Pretty ridiculous how popular the library was nowadays eh?

After a little while of reading he would start to get a little sidetracked mentally a she read about a particular shinobi discipline. The power of ‘Genjutsu’ Now, Treize himself had absolutely no interest in the ability to weave illusions, but he knew he would need to be prepared for those that did utilize them. He read up on the technique used to free oneself from illusions, the Genjutsu Release technique, and then couldn’t keep his mind on his books anymore. ‘All I gotta do is release my chakra in such a way that it disturbs the flow of it in my system huh? That shouldn’t be too hard at all.’ He would think as he stared absently at the page before him. He would move on in his reading to find another discipline of the shinobi arts, this one however he was far more interested in. The Taijutsu Specialty was truly a brutal way to fight, generally using bone crushing force to pummel foes into submission. Of course one needed great strength in order to utilize it effectively. “I wonder if I could find a way to get more strength quickly?..” He’d muse to himself out loud. Regardless of if anyone was around or not. “I’ll have to look into it later.” He’d decide before continuing on.

WC: 389
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Gaining Strength (IO, NK) Empty Re: Gaining Strength (IO, NK)

Thu Oct 26, 2017 4:14 pm
(Sorry, posting before I go to work, and just wanted to get it out to you quickly)

It was another day for the Chestnut haired Jounin. Hikari Namikaze was sitting alone in a secluded corner of the Kozai Yuki Archives. Usualy, the Hoshigakure ninja was reading up on Space time techniques, trying to figure out how to create her own reality, or prehaps learning more about Fuinjutsu, creating more seals that would support Hoshi ninja's as they were defending their country. However.... that wasn't what Hikari was doing right now.

She was reading a book called 'Twilight.'

Originaly, Hikari had been looking for something about space time, in order to help her with her own Dimension, but then, the girl saw this book, and it caught her attention as it had the same name as her Alternate dimension. However, it just turned out to be a fictional novel..... which at first looked like it had some promise..... but was going down hill and fast.....

'Hmmmm.... maybe I should change the name of the dimension...... ' Hikari would think to herself as she awkwardly shifted positions.

As she did, out of her pocket a small flier would fall out of her pocket. If someone so happened to read the flier, it would say something as follows.

Holy Seals: Prehaps some of the strongest Fuinjutu seal in the world. This is an S rank seal that can give the one placed will give them a boost to the body giving it the ability to preform feats far beyond what the user is usually able to accomplish. The upside of this is while using this seal, the user's body will be pushed to about the limit it of what it would be if they had an S rank boosting technique. However, there is a drawback to this. The user will slowly wear down the mussels of their body, possibly so badly. However, what is for sure, is after the seal is applied, the specimen with the seal placed on them will pass out due to the sudden increase of nature energy into their system..

Of these Holy Seals, there are six different types types of holy seals, They are named and described as follows.

Normal Seals

Holy seal of the War Caster: This is A seal that increases one's chakra and stamina, allowing them to cast more powerful jutsu for a longer period of time. It is recommended for Ninjutsu users that like to stay back and fire for a long period of time.

Holy seal of the the vanguard: A seal that increases the users strength and speed by a large amount, it is very much a seal that supports a blitzkrieg style
(Speed blitzing, But don't do that Plox). It is probably best used for those who like to use weapons.

Holy seal of the Blade Singer: A Seal that increases one's physical strength, and chakra levels. Best for one who likes to use a mixture of ninjutsu, and close range fighting, so probably weapon users again.

Holy Seal of the Brute: a Seal designed to increase the physical strength and durability of those who it is placed on. Is recommended for those who are larger and would like to physically dominate their opponents.

Advanced seals

Holy Seal of the Earth: One of the stronger jutsu, it focuses on increasing the barer's chakra level, and putting his or hers  durability through beyond what normal shinobi should be capable of. It should be noted however this jutsu does take a lot more of a toll on the body then any of the normal seals.

Holy seal of the Heavens: Perhaps the strongest of the seals, this jutsu gives a massive boost to speed, and a large boost to chakra. On top of that, those who have mastered this seal will have wings sprout from their back, giving them the ability to soar through the air. Similar to that of the earth seal, this seals drain on the person is a lot more than that of the other seals.

This would fall to the ground without Hikari noticing it, being distracted by the horror's of what was known as the twilight Saga.

WC: 709[/color]
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Gaining Strength (IO, NK) Empty Re: Gaining Strength (IO, NK)

Fri Oct 27, 2017 1:59 am
(also, because I am trying to learn a few jutsu so that I an do something with Kenshin, Going to make a midpost claim and get 709 WC towards ) With 25 % discount for max stats
Aryll Hyuuga
Aryll Hyuuga
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Gaining Strength (IO, NK) Empty Re: Gaining Strength (IO, NK)

Sat Oct 28, 2017 2:09 pm
Rosalyn 'Rose' Uchiha
Rosalyn 'Rose' Uchiha
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Gaining Strength (IO, NK) Empty Re: Gaining Strength (IO, NK)

Sun Oct 29, 2017 8:23 pm
Treize would notice the presence of a girl just a couple of years older than him. She had chestnut coloured hair that reached halfway down her back, hazel eyes and a white and red ensemble that finished with a miniskirt. She had a sword at her hip was reading a book that Treize himself had been forced to read before. Seeing the familiar binding almost made the blonde haired, blue eyed teen gag on sheer reflex. He luckily was passing by a bookshelf that had a personal favorite on his on it and he pulled it off and began to move over to say hello. Hey, a chick in the library, with a sword on her hip was more than likely a shinobi of their village and he was one as well. His forehead protector displayed proudly on his head as a challenge to any civilian to try anything to him. He began to move over toward the woman before noticing a slip of paper fall out of his pocket. Of course, Treize, being the curious individual that he was, couldn’t help himself. He reached down and picked up the sheet of paper and began to read.

‘Holy Seal?..’ He thought to himself as he read through them and found himself intrigued more and more. Particularly by one called “The Seal of The Brute” He raised a curious eyebrow at that and wondered if it would be rude to bug her about it. He thought about it for about five seconds before shrugging to himself deciding to say ‘Screw it’. He held the book he had pulled off the shelf in one hand and the note in the other before moving toward the lady. Clearing his throat politely he’d introduce himself. “Excuse me Miss..My name is Treize Acrija of the Acrija family here in Hoshigakure. I noticed a couple of things about you and, hopefully without gaining your ire, decided to intrude. First, I noticed you’re reading a book and I must say if you haven’t read before I can tell you now, it doesn’t get better. I’d like to recommend you another one if you’re interested in a good fictional read.” He’d say while holding out the book he had grabbed himself. It was titled ‘The Way of Shadows’ and was a thrilling good read. “Secondly, I believe you dropped this note and I’m afraid I let my curiosity get the better of me. I’m interested in one of those seals. Are you actually capable of applying them? If so, may I ask you to go through the trouble of applying The Seal of The Brute onto me?” He’d ask curiously. He’d hoped he hadn’t offended the girl in any way with his prying of course but a possible power boost like that wasn’t something one should ignore.

WC: 469
TWC: 858
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Gaining Strength (IO, NK) Empty Re: Gaining Strength (IO, NK)

Mon Oct 30, 2017 2:59 am
(Sorry, a lot of post tonight, going to make this quick,)

As Someone right next to Hikari called her name, the Jounin jumped and looked over at the young man who had snuck up behind her. He gave Hikari the note she had dropped introduced herself as Treize Acrija.... as Hikari heard the last name, she recognized it as one of the wealthy houses in Hoshi, Along with the Sato family. Following that, the Chestnut haired Jounin would listen to how that she should probably change series. "Yes, you are probably right. This one has already lost all intreast to me."

Continuing on... The Jounin would then here the man say he wanted a curse mark of the Brute. "Um... Yes... I am cappable of applying those seals. However.... I am not sure if you read that note all the way. These seals have a great deal of pain on the barer, it will cause a great toll on the body, and possibly kill them.

Tell me, Treize, what reason would you possibly want for such a dangerous weapon for?"
Rosalyn 'Rose' Uchiha
Rosalyn 'Rose' Uchiha
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Gaining Strength (IO, NK) Empty Re: Gaining Strength (IO, NK)

Mon Oct 30, 2017 4:29 am
(Shit post, but I'm tired af)

Treize would shrug his shoulders at her response. “We’re shinobi of Hoshi, what’s pain to gaining the strength to defend our families?” He’d ask curiously at the woman before him as he blinked at her in confusion. Wasn’t it second nature to want to defend those from your home? He thought so, and he was the only shinobi in his family so he had to set an example for any others. “I certainly don’t mind dealing with pain in order to get more strength my lovely unnamed friend.” He would ask with a small playful wink. The mild flirting would be fun, but it would mainly be to drive home the point that while him interrupting her would be considered rude. She had done something extremely rude right back. After all, wasn’t it common courtesy to give your name to someone who had just given you theirs?
Faith Akari
Faith Akari
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Gaining Strength (IO, NK) Empty Re: Gaining Strength (IO, NK)

Fri Nov 03, 2017 11:29 pm
The Jounin would nod hearing this. "I understand.... It is truly a noble thing to sacrifice yourself for the better of those you love."

As she spoke these words, she would activate Angelus Autem Lux and her hair would turn into a light shade of Blue. "Also... I am not your 'unnamed friend' My name is Hikari Namikaze. It is a pleasure to meet you! :)"

Saying that last thing with a smile Hikari would continue. "So... Where would you like to place the seal? Also, do you have any other questions regarding the seal?" Presuming he didn't, Hikari would go ahead and place the seal of the brute (Jirobo) wherever the young Kaguya wanted it.

Once it was placed, His body would collapse infront of Hikari after a few seconds. Once he did, this, The Jounin would pick up his body and start to carry it over to the hospital so he could rest there while he tried to wake up.

[Posible Exit]

Will make full claims as soon as I know this exit won't be interupted
-80 for
-50 for

Placing one Seal of Jirobo on Treize
Faith Akari
Faith Akari
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Gaining Strength (IO, NK) Empty Re: Gaining Strength (IO, NK)

Sun Nov 05, 2017 3:39 pm
(Since Val suicided his character, Exit confirmed, for story line, I am going to say that he died from the CM being placed on him, making Hikari a little bit more weary from now on to place CM's.)


TWC Unclaimed: 331, all towards
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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Gaining Strength (IO, NK) Empty Re: Gaining Strength (IO, NK)

Sun Nov 05, 2017 11:10 pm
Sure, approved
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