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Untrustworthy (Part 5) Empty Untrustworthy (Part 5)

Sat Dec 23, 2017 1:19 am
Today was the day, Kyson decided he was going to leave this place. Last nigh's gambling tourney was crazy.... Kyson lost all of his money. Which was a huge shame, but that was the way he plays. All or nothing and risking it everything on the line. But it was too bad he came up short. As he was sitting in his cell criss cross, he was just waiting for the right opportunity to unleash hell inside the prison. As he looked at the clock the time was 11:59. He just sat there patiently as he waited for 12:00 to hit. As he waited for the exact moment, Kyson was ready to execute his plan. After a few seconds went by, the clock finally changed to 12:00. "I think my time here is finally overdue." Kyson said as he began to stand up inside of his cell. Having a cocky smirk on his face, the prison didn't know what was about to happen. "I think its about time I break out of this pl-"

"Kyson Hozuki, your being released and you have a meeting to attend." The guard said as he cut Kyson off. Kyson had a bit of an embarrassed look on his face as he was caught off guard. And things were just getting good. The boy scratched his head as he look towards the guard. "B-but... I was just.. getting to the good part.." He said as the guard was opening up his cell and getting ready to escort him to his meeting.

"Look, I don't know what the hell your talking about man. All I know is, you have a meeting to attend and I'm here to escort so hurry up." The guard said to the boy. Kyson walked out with a sad face as he was very disappointed and what just happened. He had an entire plan ready to be executed. That meant, all that stuff Kira did to get the seal off him was for nothing. The Hozuki sighed as he was being escorted out of the village. But back to being serious, curious as to who wanted to start a meeting with him. Was it Maku? Has he finally returned to the village. As he was being taken to a meeting room, Kyson saw a single table inside and a very familiar face sitting there. Zayko, the person who put him in prison in the first place. "Well isn't this Ironic, the same person that said he wasn't going to help me out. Has finally decided to do so.." Kyson said as he walked towards the table and took a seat.

"Well its funny how life works. I hope prison wasn't too hard on you." Zayko said. Kyson just found prison boring with nothing to do. Didn't find it hard at all. Just very annoying. "Hard? Nah, just gave me a lot of sleep to be honest." Kyson responded. Though, he blames this man for ruining Kyson's plan to break out. He had it all planned out just to be messed up by him of all people. Sitting in the chair, it felt a lot more comfortable than the cell floor and bed. So that was a plus, but maybe him being set free would be better instead of forcefully leaving. "I see, but anyway. We heard the information that girl gave you. The red head who visited you. If her information is true, then we have no choice but to prepare and be ready. So as of right now, you will work under me and follow my orders from now on." The man said clear and strong. Kyson chuckled a bit as he heard his words. But that would be a no-go for Kyson. 

"Sorry, hate to break it to you. But I will have to decline your offer, there is only one person I work for. And even working under him isn't my style. Besides, I'm not too fond of working under people I'm stronger than." Kyson said as he used display of power to send out a small surge of chakra around the room. Zayko's eyes widened, he was surprised to see the Hozuki's chakra and even more surprised that the seal wasn't working. "B-but, how did you get the-".

"Oh you mean the seal, lets just say I have my ways. you see, I was planning on breaking out this place anyway. But since you so kindly decided to let me out. I decided to take the easy way out instead of causing a mess. You see Zayko, I don't plan on betraying Kumo. I'm here to take lead and do my part like I was ordered. Whether you are with or not, I don't really care. I'll fight along song this village, but one thing I won't ever do is take orders from you. So lets just make that clear. But like I said, I'm not looking to start a war within the village. There isn't the time for that. But I don't want no tensions between us. So you let me do my job and I'll let you do yours. Besides, Maku should be here soon. So you can deal with him if you have any problems." Kyson said to the man plain and simple. He didn't have the time to place cops and robbers with him because there was much to do.

"Very well.. we'll call this a truce in the meantime. It seems your not as dumb as you look. Maybe you can prove useful in the future. But don't get mistaken, I still like you nor do I trust you..." Zayko said as he got up and was escorted from the room. As Kyson sat there and watched, it seemed he was now a free man. Which felt good for a change, First thing he decided to do, was catch some damn sleep on a nice comfortable bed. Because the one in the jail cell was not cutting. The Hozuki got up from his chair, and left the Kumo's prison to do whatever he wanted to do.

(TWC- 1016)


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Untrustworthy (Part 5) Empty Re: Untrustworthy (Part 5)

Sat Dec 23, 2017 2:24 am
opening Christmas cracker

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Untrustworthy (Part 5) Empty Re: Untrustworthy (Part 5)

Sat Dec 23, 2017 2:24 am
The member 'Kyson <3' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

'20-sided dice' : 4
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Sat Dec 23, 2017 2:28 am
Claiming Sugar Plum too
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Sat Dec 23, 2017 2:30 am
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