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Sumire Furukawa
Sumire Furukawa
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 9100

Hidden Shadow Frog Hands (Open to first person, NK Empty Hidden Shadow Frog Hands (Open to first person, NK

Thu Mar 08, 2018 3:27 pm
The white haired student moved through the crowd of the citizens and shinobi with his usual trademark confident grin on his face. His blue and white trimmed clothing bringing out the sapphire eyes that were alight with excitement as he traveled through the early morning throng of activity. The air was crisp and cold, as was usual due to being so high in the air and the clouds hung around as the sun slowly began to peek over the horizon, bringing it’s warm, aetherial rays down to them to start their day. Malvus had plans that morning, indeed the young Khushrenada wanted nothing more than to progress further in his training today, to become a step or two closer to his goal of becoming a proud shinobi of Kumogakure no Sato. A small stack of books was tucked under his arm as he moved toward a training ground in order to peruse them and continue his education. It was the weekend so school was out, most kids deciding to be out playing and enjoying their weekend while he himself chose to continue his studies. This was of course by choice, but the decision was far easier given he had been getting bullied in school lately. ‘Sand-Scum’ he has been referred to as almost immediately upon his joining of the academy class. It was a degrading name that they did to try rile him up and hurt him. 

He didn’t really care though. In the end their decision to ostracize him in the classroom would merely lead to his expedited graduation. As he worked twice as hard as the rest of them in order to escape such ridicule. He was further along in the curriculum than any of them at this point and soon he’d be able to take his examination to graduate to become a genin. It was something he greatly looked forward to. It would allow him to start his journey toward becoming a respected shinobi. His mind flitted through the other things his classmates had said to him all of the time. He would use the phantom words to push himself onward to greatness. ‘Your whole village surrendered to just one of our shinobi, what kind of pathetic place are you from?’ the voice of one classmate would shoot through his head. He’d clench his fist in frustration, he would show them all. ‘Your parents were smart to send you here. It’s the only way some Sand-Scrub like you would ever have a chance.’ Another’s voice would strike through his thoughts. Funny, it was like that saw themselves as better than him. He himself was above them in all aspects of schooling. Grades, attendance, behavior, none of them came even close to his marks. 

He shouldn’t be surprised he supposed. He was different, and an outsider to them. They’d never accept him. Not without some kind of miracle act on his part. At this point the ashen haired teen would arrive at the training ground. Or at least one of them of course. The rocky, barren area that was closed off to civilians unless they were a student spread out for miles that was closed off. Further along and down the slope some trees could be found with a decent sized lake at the base of the mountain. Kumogakure was full of them, of course that would be expected given their general location in the world. Malvus would move toward the edge of the lake and set his books down far enough from the edge that he wasn’t worried about ruining them. It seemed it would be a good day and he always enjoyed being near the water. He would proceed to pick up the first book and begin to read. It was on the subject of the transformation and clone techniques and the uses for them in the shinobi world. The clone technique could be used to catch an opponent off guard for a moment, but due to the lack of physical structure and as such, a lack of chakra making up the ‘construct’ it was easily considered the weakest of the E rank technique available. The substitution however was exceedingly useful and veteran shinobi to this day utilized this technique day in and out. It replaced them with a nearby object was close enough in size to utilize for such uses. Preventing an otherwise lethal attack from killing them outright. 

The blue eyed student would read the book for a while before standing. “I suppose I should put what I’ve read into practice shouldn’t I?” He would say to no one in particular before flipping through a few simple hand seals. ‘Ram, Snake, Tiger’ He would think as he flipped through the seals as fast as he could. The speed would be abysmal to anyone else, but he was still learning and practicing, he had time to get them more fluent. Immediately two copies of himself would appear holding the same seal and he would nod his head in acceptance of this before they simply phased out of existence. He would look internally at his internal chakra levels and nod to himself ‘Not too bad on the chakra drain, I can keep going for quite a while longer’ He would think before moving toward the book again and opening it up toward the section about transformation. ‘I guess I will try this one next then neh?’ He would think to himself before rolling out his shoulders a bit while he mentally pictured what he would try to transform into. ‘Dog, Boar, Ram’ he would think as he performed this particular set of hand seals. He would feel the chakra he put into the technique form around him and a puff of smoke would cloud his vision as he felt the technique take hold. Slowly, he would move toward the edge of the lake to look at his reflection and see his father looking back at him. Nodding his head at the second technique he learned that day he would let the technique drop, allowing the smoke a moment to dissipate “Alright, so that one is down too. What’s next?” He would ask himself, moving toward the books and setting the one on Transformation and Clone jutsu aside. “What should I look into next I wonder?..” He would ask as he began to get into his books. 

WC: 1060
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Hidden Shadow Frog Hands (Open to first person, NK Empty Re: Hidden Shadow Frog Hands (Open to first person, NK

Thu Mar 08, 2018 9:15 pm
"Good my son soon you will be ready for more of our unique skills, but remember. To be a good ninja you must-," a voice rung from a tree near his father's right and smiled as it spoke," One must let the shadows be its bread and do not falter on your path," the mysterious male left from the shadows looking at his father with almost a stoic expression though the older male would not have seen it. The often quiet male bowed to his father before standing up and walking over to his side, looking out into the village from the mountain peaks. A village that was still foreign to him held such...disdain for itself that he was often glad his family took residence in the mountains away from it all. The red haired male turned his eyes to his father before giving him a look, a look the elder male felt and smiled to," Go on out and have some time to yourself to think and ponder about whatever it is that ails you my son," The male had stopped for a moment before simply nodding and moving down the mountain.

His movements weren't fast yet fluid in their motion as he traversed the rugged road of the mountains and upon him finally getting down? His descent to the training grounds were easy. Following his training he went into the shadows of the alleyways and nooks as if his father was watching him, he could have very well been after all. After only a few moments the male had popped out of the alley and into the full view of the training grounds, the red scarf on him flowing in the wind before softly stopping to rest against his back. From underneath his hair he began to scan his surrounding areas for anyone and when he did find someone practicing among the training grounds, he furrowed his brows quietly before walking over silently and looking at the male in greater detail. The white haired male had tilted his head quietly for a moment more before taking mental notes on the male.

No head band was seen then again his was not in plain view for all to see, hidden underneath his shirt and left it there because it was not needed. If the young male looked toward him, Takeha would only give a small wave or nod before sitting down and waiting for some sort of speech or something from the male. If not? Well people could easily speak without words couldn't they?

Sumire Furukawa
Sumire Furukawa
Stat Page : Here
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 9100

Hidden Shadow Frog Hands (Open to first person, NK Empty Re: Hidden Shadow Frog Hands (Open to first person, NK

Fri Mar 09, 2018 3:23 am
Malvus would be in the middle of reading the next book in the list, it would be detailing how to lock and unlock low level seals using the traits of fuinjutsu. The initial aspects of it seemed rather complicated, as fuinjutsu was an extremely complicated artform from he had read. Utilizing seals of varying designs for different purposes. Ones brushstrokes truly had to be perfect in order to become become skilled in the art. He had been just about to start practicing the ability to lock something on the book he had just finished using. The one Transformation and Clone, after all it would be silly to practice it on the book that told him how to do such things. Otherwise if he needed guidance he’d have backed him into a corner. He would have to track down someone who knew how to unlock the book and possibly get the person to teach him in the process. Actually, that didn’t sound like a bad idea. But he would rather figure it out for himself. ‘So you simply apply chakra to your index finger and draw this simple array on the surface. The array size doesn’t particularly matter so long as it is done to scale.’ He would go over in his head. At this point he would turn to reach for the book and stop suddenly. His eyes would catch the visage of a newcomer walking toward him.

The male was taller than him, significantly so, with black and white locks that curled over to hide his eyes from view. In the back his hair was long enough to fall to the back of his neck, where his shirt begins based on the ashen haired boys judgement. He had a pair of gauntlets on his hands that appeared to be padded or plated. He wore a gray jacket that was kept open with a shoulder plate visible to Malvus’ eyes. He used a pair of hakama to cover his lower portion, the bottoms of the legs being tied off and a black sash to hold it up. The most prominent feature of the man though was the pelt that he had on the side and back. Ash grey and black that went down toward his sandals.

Malvus would note that both of them were fairly eccentrically dressed. He himself wore his blue jacket with white trim, a couple of golden buttons on the collar. If he were to take it off he’d have a simple white tee shirt beneath it. On his own lower portion he’d have simple white pants on. He preferred boots to sandals however, they helped to keep his feet dry. His were blue and white trimmed as well, as they might as well match right?

The newly arrived male would sit near him after giving a small wave or a nod. Malvus himself would return the wave and nod in kind before momentarily turning back toward the book on the two basic fuinjutsu, memorizing his page and closing it. He would then proceed to turn toward the person who decided to share his training ground. “Good morning, I take it you are here because you wish to partake in this training ground?” He would say, his voice even and level. His sapphire eyes would scan the man looking for a headband that he could not see. Did he hide his? Was he even a shinobi? Most civilians weren’t in the kind of shape he was in unless he was used to hard labor and he had far too few visible scars for Malvus to believe that. “Are you a shinobi?” He would ask, reticent to give his name to someone whom for all he knew could be infiltrating the village.

WC: 624
TWC: 1648
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Hidden Shadow Frog Hands (Open to first person, NK Empty Re: Hidden Shadow Frog Hands (Open to first person, NK

Sun Mar 11, 2018 12:34 am
The male sat somewhat proper as he looked at the male through his red hair, a mistake that should have been rectified in his profile yet due to a fucking error on the players side he somehow had pepper hair...good going player! Anyways the fiery red haired male stared at the white haired male for a moment before trailing his eyes and eventually his head toward the book the other had. He was curious about the books though he was also thinking on what the male could have been studying in the training grounds. Then again...he wasn't going to ask about the contents of the book since it was A) not his property and B) Not something he'd do unless given permission. So with that he shrugged and continued to be silent for a moment or so.

After a moment or two of the silence the male had spoken, giving him a good morning and asking if he was there to train in which the male simply nodded, moving the scarf from behind him and forward a bit and moved the portion that had been resting against his neck upward toward its mouth before dropping back to his neck. A simple force of habit that had made its way into the males daily life, but this was the normal reaction. Even if the male could not see his eyes, they were fixated on the male as if he was studying his bodily reactions in every detail. The question of whether or not he was a shinobi came up he tilted his head which caused his hair to shift slightly to the left before moving his head back upright. A swift nod came from the male before he tapped an area under his scarf, a soft metallic "thunk" mixing into the air before he places his hands into his lap and smiles.

He didn't show the headband because it was a teaching of his father to keep it hidden for some reason, something about a ninja being loyal to his family and not a village. It wasn't what his father fought least in some sense of the word yet his father had been weird about a lot of things. That being said the male had been silent for far too long before he spoke a few words," Here to be among new people." He wasn't a chatty person and this was apparent in his moment of silence. At the moment the male would have responded to him, Takehaya would simply give him the silent treatment for a moment more before wondering if the male himself was a ninja of the village.

Sumire Furukawa
Sumire Furukawa
Stat Page : Here
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 9100

Hidden Shadow Frog Hands (Open to first person, NK Empty Re: Hidden Shadow Frog Hands (Open to first person, NK

Fri Mar 16, 2018 11:08 am
The red haired male, had he been hallucinating white and black? How odd. Would indeed be a shinobi it would seem. He merely preferred to keep his headband hidden. ‘Not a bad idea honestly.’ He would think as he listen to the male respond to his question ‘Here to be around new people? Well I guess I qualify.’ He would think before standing up and offering a hand toward the red haired male to help him stand should be take it. “Malvus Khushrenada” He would say, stating his name simply, he didn’t really care if a fellow Kumo shinobi knew his name. After all why would he? They’d probably be working together at some point in the future anyway and they’d know each other’s name then either way. “I’m a student, working to learn all of the basic techniques I can learn. I just finished clone and transformation before you arrived. I was about to start basic sealing and unsealing methods. Wanna join me?” He’d ask himself a curious look in his eyes if nothing else. If the male agreed it would give him access to a training partner. Which would make his training easier as he meant he had someone to practice with. They could both benefit from this so long as the red haired male needed or wanted to learn the stuff himself. 

‘I wonder if I could bribe him to help me as a practice partner for a while if he doesn’t want to learn this stuff? A good lunch or something would probably do the trick if he says no.’ He would think to himself as he began to consider what could occur. He would kneel down and pick up a nearby book at this point. “What I’m trying to learn should lock this book to prevent from just simply being opened.” He would say as he channeled some chakra into his free index finger and traced a simple fuinjutsu array onto the cover of the book. Immediately a blue seal would appear on the outter cover before disappearing entirely. Malvus would proceed to open it to find that he could not. “Interested?” He would ask with a small smile if the male was he would easily be able to show him the same thing and they could continue working together. “I hope to take my graduation test within the next day or two. Which will cause my time to be taken by missions and the like. If I can learn as much as possible today it would allow me to get ahead early on. So forgive me if I seem like I have a one track mind toward learning this stuff today. I promise, I’m usually more laid back.” He would say with small chuckle. 

WC: 460
TWC: 2108
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Hidden Shadow Frog Hands (Open to first person, NK Empty Re: Hidden Shadow Frog Hands (Open to first person, NK

Thu Mar 29, 2018 11:27 pm
The male had looked outward at the other ninja for a moment as he made the single seal. For the few moments that he saw the outward spark of chakra he smiled and further parked himself on the ground to observe. Such a simple use of a technique that it caused him to write something into the ground, a symbol of sorts that he had imagined in his mind for this technique that the book had covered. Why had he thought of something so intricate and unique was unknown to him (at least for the moment) that he had stopped before looking to his new friend. Malvus Khushrenada. A new name to match the face of the new comrade that made him outwardly smile. He had no intention of denying the male his name so with the same outstretched finger he wrote his name into the ground. "Yamato Takehaya."

The two names were now known as he smiled and moved the scarf from his mouth, mouthing words that looked to be," Nice to meet you." Though he didn't make any noise the words could easily be made out to the male. As he continued to study the males movements he made them almost as if he was mocking him, though the process of chakra control had still been a training method for the male. He had the same drive more or less when it came to achieving a goal or something that would push him to become stronger. His father even saw to it at some point or interval, but when that happened...oh boy that became a hassle. Moving back to what he had been doing he listened to the males explanation of the unsealing or sealing method whichever the younger male would have preferred to speak about first.

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