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Niko Kazan
Niko Kazan
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The Grim has Reaped (Ft. Akihisa and Love) [P][io] Empty The Grim has Reaped (Ft. Akihisa and Love) [P][io]

Tue Jun 19, 2018 2:18 pm

  1. Akihisa had awoke from his slumber to see that his alarm clock said 7:00. Well time to train he adorned his tuxedo with a tie. He had his sword sheathed at his side and he wore black jeans. He would be prepared for anything he has met real strange people who knows the world is evil. No the world is not evil its those of us inside of it.

Akihisa on his way to the training section would buy some dango and eat it. Why it tasted good no other reason needed. He then threw the sticks at a guy looking up a womens skirt ¨Pervert¨. 

He would then arrive at the training grounds. And would have his puppets do circles around him in the tree as he would use his sword to slash at the tree.
He would stop but not before blacking out what he saw is deeply entwined with what he was thinking at this moment ´My severe mental injuries had healed and the sweet taste of blood coated my mouth. I kept walking, my goal vague...trying to dispel the building unease in my chest... Upon entering an open area was the scent of rotting flowers and in the middle of the flowerbed, he stood... Without anyone saying a thing, without his name given, like an unsolved puzzle falling into place by itself, just by seeing that figure, I--understood exactly who I faced. The Grim reaper. The undefeated enemy of mankind. A cold, vivid gaze. There, stood the God of Death. Why was it that I was seeing beauty in death rather than life? Strangely, I thought he was beautiful... Disoriented, I had failed to comprehend the scene before my eyes. It was not anything like flowers but a large amount of "Death". Had he done this alone?... It's a lie...´¨Grandmother are you there¨ he voiced but nobody called back. ´...After all that... No matter how I tried to rouse my will to fight with hatred, more than sorrow, more than rage, the emotion that arose within me was despair.´ Because no matter who it is or what the cause is death is the action of taking. The grim reaper raised his scythe with that lone thought i knew
Because 'my turn' was next.´ Akihisa awoke from the black out and found out he had been in a tree. He would continue to sit there thinking on what he saw. His puppets where gone when he checked his scroll he found them there he resealed them and sat thinking more on whether it was a mere dream or a vision. His sword sheathed he awaited for someone something to awake him from his thoughts.

Last edited by Grim on Tue Jun 19, 2018 8:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
Princess Love
Princess Love
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The Grim has Reaped (Ft. Akihisa and Love) [P][io] Empty Re: The Grim has Reaped (Ft. Akihisa and Love) [P][io]

Tue Jun 19, 2018 5:57 pm
Love would find herself back at the training grounds yet again. This time when she got there she saw a man-child and of course, like the first person she had met when coming here, he was a puppet user. Perhaps this kid had more skill than Kari given that he had actual puppets to train with? Either that or his family was wealthy enough to buy him multiple ones. Whatever the case it didn’t matter, Love would be like a ghost watching the boy slash at a tree with a sword. The look on her face said “what the hell?” as she did so. Unless he was trying to break the blade his actions made him look crazy. Though it wouldn’t last long for the boy randomly passed out after a short while.

The time he spent laying on the ground unconscious was greater than the time he spent idiotically swinging the sword. When he woke up he immediately sealed his puppets in a scroll and sat waiting. Had he been killing time until whomever he was waiting for showed up? Or was this kid simply mad? Love would find out if he decided to talk to her. The red head wasn’t doing any serious or important training, just practicing her gentle fist. So an intrusion on this wouldn’t cause a negative light to be shed on the intruder by the Hyuuga.

WC: 232
Niko Kazan
Niko Kazan
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The Grim has Reaped (Ft. Akihisa and Love) [P][io] Empty Re: The Grim has Reaped (Ft. Akihisa and Love) [P][io]

Sat Jun 23, 2018 8:41 pm
Akihisa would see the read head enter after he had woken up. 

[I so saw this coming] 

´You need to shut up for three seconds´

[okay sir]

Akihisa would then say "so are you here to mock me for swinging my sword"this was a guess.

"if so you may leave im still testing something"

To tell the truth recently Akihisa had recently had two swords though one was broke. By a fist a fist! So he decided to test the sharpness and how strong a sword was.

He would then say "So i see so your a hyuuga" seeing her eyes devoid of emotion. "So are you here for me" 
'I knew they would come but now, how did they get my info'
Akihisa's red eye would shine and he would seal his puppets away.
Princess Love
Princess Love
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The Grim has Reaped (Ft. Akihisa and Love) [P][io] Empty Re: The Grim has Reaped (Ft. Akihisa and Love) [P][io]

Tue Jun 26, 2018 9:49 pm
Love's initial response to the man-child was "Why should I give a crap about some nutcase creep?" but then the male commented on her being a Hyuuga and asked if she had come for him. Love kept her face emotionless as not to set him off and hopefully the blank stare would get him to talk more. She watched as his red eye shined when he sealed the puppets away. It was interesting that he had one red and one blue especially since he seemed to be of her clan. Not that having "normal" eyes wasn't common in the more recent years, it just seemed extraordinary that his normal eyes where heterochromatic. "Do you plan to run?" She would ask with bass, not unfeminine, and brass to let him know that she was not one to be fucked with. Though if he did try to escape she would follow as closely behind as she possibly could. And if he were to try to attack her then Love would fill her thrill fighting the male. Hyuuga or not she would not kill him per Risako's order but she would detain him and collect all information as to why he was here and how he got here.

It wasn't often that you found a Hyuuga outside of Konoha. They were a proud people and to not be in their place of origin and/or with their clan leader was very uncharacteristic. Of course, she wasn't going to demand that Hoshi return him but she definitely wouldn't let this go.

WC: 257
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